830 resultados para TAP MTO


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Este trabalho discute a liberalização do transporte aéreo no mercado Europeu, o sucesso do tráfego aéreo, e a importância da regulação de slots aeroportuários para uma concorrência leal. Presentemente, dado o crescimento e a expectativa que o tráfego aéreo cresça ainda mais, os aeroportos e as companhias aéreas debatem-se com um problema de grande dimensão, que passa pela gestão aeroportuária de slots, uma vez que a capacidade dos aeroportos é limitada, e a procura por estas estruturas tem aumentado drasticamente. Face aos vários aeroportos Europeus, estima-se que essa capacidade seja atingida brevemente, fazendo com que a congestão não se dê só apenas por um curto período diário, mas que aumente não só a sua frequência como também a sua duração. Esta congestão pode ter efeitos sobre a concorrência entre as companhias e entre os aeroportos, o que implica que haja um impacto negativo, tanto no ambiente como na segurança. O estudo terá em atenção a capacidade do Aeroporto de Lisboa, ao pedido de slots aeroportuários, a legislação nacional e internacional, outros meios de afectação de slots aeroportuários, a posição da TAP relativamente à regulamentação existente, e aos meios paralelos.


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Two experiments examined the learning of a set of Greek pronunciation rules through explicit and implicit modes of rule presentation. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of implicit and explicit modes of presentation in two modalities, visual and auditory. Subjects in the explicit or rule group were presented with the rule set, and those in the implicit or natural group were shown a set of Greek words, composed of letters from the rule set, linked to their pronunciations. Subjects learned the Greek words to criterion and were then given a series of tests which aimed to tap different types of knowledge. The results showed an advantage of explicit study of the rules. In addition, an interaction was found between mode of presentation and modality. Explicit instruction was more effective in the visual than in the auditory modality, whereas there was no modality effect for implicit instruction. Experiment 2 examined a possible reason for the advantage of the rule groups by comparing different combinations of explicit and implicit presentation in the study and learning phases. The results suggested that explicit presentation of the rules is only beneficial when it is followed by practice at applying them.


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Physical rehabilitation of brain injuries and strokes is a time consuming and costly process. Over the past decade several studies have emerged looking at the use of highly sophisticated technologies, such as robotics and virtual reality to tap into the needs of clinicians and patients. While such technologies can be a valuable tool to facilitate intensive movement practice in a motivating and engaging environment, success of therapy also depends on self-administered therapy beyond hospital stay. With the emergence of low-cost gaming consoles such as the Nintendo Wii, new opportunities arise for home-therapy paradigms centred on social interactions and values, which could reduce the sense of isolation and other depression related complications. In this paper we examine the potential, user acceptance and usability of an unmodified Nintendo Wii gaming console as a low-cost treatment alternative to complement current rehabilitation programmes.


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Several previous studies have attempted to assess the sublimation depth-scales of ice particles from clouds into clear air. Upon examining the sublimation depth-scales in the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM), it was found that the MetUM has evaporation depth-scales 2–3 times larger than radar observations. Similar results can be seen in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO) and Météo-France models. In this study, we use radar simulation (converting model variables into radar observations) and one-dimensional explicit microphysics numerical modelling to test and diagnose the cause of the deep sublimation depth-scales in the forecast model. The MetUM data and parametrization scheme are used to predict terminal velocity, which can be compared with the observed Doppler velocity. This can then be used to test the hypothesis as to why the sublimation depth-scale is too large within the MetUM. Turbulence could lead to dry air entrainment and higher evaporation rates; particle density may be wrong, particle capacitance may be too high and lead to incorrect evaporation rates or the humidity within the sublimating layer may be incorrectly represented. We show that the most likely cause of deep sublimation zones is an incorrect representation of model humidity in the layer. This is tested further by using a one-dimensional explicit microphysics model, which tests the sensitivity of ice sublimation to key atmospheric variables and is capable of including sonde and radar measurements to simulate real cases. Results suggest that the MetUM grid resolution at ice cloud altitudes is not sufficient enough to maintain the sharp drop in humidity that is observed in the sublimation zone.


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This work investigates the optimum decision delay and tap-length of the finite-length decision feedback equalizer. First we show that, if the feedback filter (FBF) length Nb is equal to or larger than the channel memory v and the decision delay Δ is smaller than the feedforward filter (FFF) length Nf, then only the first Δ+1 elements of the FFF can be nonzero. Based on this result we prove that the maximum effective FBF length is equal to the channel memory v, and if Nb ≥ v and Nf is long enough, the optimum decision delay that minimizes the MMSE is Nf-1.


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The tap-length, or the number of the taps, is an important structural parameter of the linear MMSE adaptive filter. Although the optimum tap-length that balances performance and complexity varies with scenarios, most current adaptive filters fix the tap-length at some compromise value, making them inefficient to implement especially in time-varying scenarios. A novel gradient search based variable tap-length algorithm is proposed, using the concept of the pseudo-fractional tap-length, and it is shown that the new algorithm can converge to the optimum tap-length in the mean. Results of computer simulations are also provided to verify the analysis.


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The Gram-Schmidt (GS) orthogonalisation procedure has been used to improve the convergence speed of least mean square (LMS) adaptive code-division multiple-access (CDMA) detectors. However, this algorithm updates two sets of parameters, namely the GS transform coefficients and the tap weights, simultaneously. Because of the additional adaptation noise introduced by the former, it is impossible to achieve the same performance as the ideal orthogonalised LMS filter, unlike the result implied in an earlier paper. The authors provide a lower bound on the minimum achievable mean squared error (MSE) as a function of the forgetting factor λ used in finding the GS transform coefficients, and propose a variable-λ algorithm to balance the conflicting requirements of good tracking and low misadjustment.


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The blind minimum output energy (MOE) adaptive detector for code division multiple access (CDMA) signals requires exact knowledge of the received spreading code of the desired user. This requirement can be relaxed by constraining the so-called surplus energy of the adaptive tap-weight vector, but the ideal constraint value is not easily obtained in practice. An algorithm is proposed to adaptively track this value and hence to approach the best possible performance for this class of CDMA detector.


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This paper analyzes the convergence behavior of the least mean square (LMS) filter when used in an adaptive code division multiple access (CDMA) detector consisting of a tapped delay line with adjustable tap weights. The sampling rate may be equal to or higher than the chip rate, and these correspond to chip-spaced (CS) and fractionally spaced (FS) detection, respectively. It is shown that CS and FS detectors with the same time-span exhibit identical convergence behavior if the baseband received signal is strictly bandlimited to half the chip rate. Even in the practical case when this condition is not met, deviations from this observation are imperceptible unless the initial tap-weight vector gives an extremely large mean squared error (MSE). This phenomenon is carefully explained with reference to the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix when the input signal is not perfectly bandlimited. The inadequacy of the eigenvalue spread of the tap-input correlation matrix as an indicator of the transient behavior and the influence of the initial tap weight vector on convergence speed are highlighted. Specifically, a initialization within the signal subspace or to the origin leads to very much faster convergence compared with initialization in the a noise subspace.


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The power of an adaptive equalizer is maximized when the structural parameters including the tap-length and decision delay can be optimally chosen. Although the method for adjusting either the tap-length or decision delay has been proposed, adjusting both simultaneously becomes much more involved as they interact with each other. In this paper, this problem is solved by putting a linear prewhitener before the equalizer, with which the equivalent channel becomes maximum-phase. This implies that the optimum decision delay can be simply ¯xed at the tap-length minus one, while the tap-length can then be chosen using a similar approach as that proposed in our previous work.


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This paper investigates how to choose the optimum tap-length and decision delay for the decision feedback equalizer (DFE). Although the feedback filter length can be set as the channel memory, there is no closed-form expression for the feedforward filter length and decision delay. In this paper, first we analytically show that the two dimensional search for the optimum feedforward filter length and decision delay can be simplified to a one dimensional search, and then describe a new adaptive DFE where the optimum structural parameters can be self-adapted.


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Two so-called “integrated” polarimetric rate estimation techniques, ZPHI (Testud et al., 2000) and ZZDR (Illingworth and Thompson, 2005), are evaluated using 12 episodes of the year 2005 observed by the French C-band operational Trappes radar, located near Paris. The term “integrated” means that the concentration parameter of the drop size distribution is assumed to be constant over some area and the algorithms retrieve it using the polarimetric variables in that area. The evaluation is carried out in ideal conditions (no partial beam blocking, no ground-clutter contamination, no bright band contamination, a posteriori calibration of the radar variables ZH and ZDR) using hourly rain gauges located at distances less than 60 km from the radar. Also included in the comparison, for the sake of benchmarking, is a conventional Z = 282R1.66 estimator, with and without attenuation correction and with and without adjustment by rain gauges as currently done operationally at Météo France. Under those ideal conditions, the two polarimetric algorithms, which rely solely on radar data, appear to perform as well if not better, pending on the measurements conditions (attenuation, rain rates, …), than the conventional algorithms, even when the latter take into account rain gauges through the adjustment scheme. ZZDR with attenuation correction is the best estimator for hourly rain gauge accumulations lower than 5 mm h−1 and ZPHI is the best one above that threshold. A perturbation analysis has been conducted to assess the sensitivity of the various estimators with respect to biases on ZH and ZDR, taking into account the typical accuracy and stability that can be reasonably achieved with modern operational radars these days (1 dB on ZH and 0.2 dB on ZDR). A +1 dB positive bias on ZH (radar too hot) results in a +14% overestimation of the rain rate with the conventional estimator used in this study (Z = 282R^1.66), a -19% underestimation with ZPHI and a +23% overestimation with ZZDR. Additionally, a +0.2 dB positive bias on ZDR results in a typical rain rate under- estimation of 15% by ZZDR.


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Bacterioferritin (BFR) from Escherichia coli is a member of the ferritin family of iron storage proteins and has the capacity to store very large amounts of iron as an Fe(3+) mineral inside its central cavity. The ability of organisms to tap into their cellular stores in times of iron deprivation requires that iron must be released from ferritin mineral stores. Currently, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which this occurs, particularly in prokaryotic ferritins. Here we show that the bis-Met-coordinated heme groups of E. coli BFR, which are not found in other members of the ferritin family, play an important role in iron release from the BFR iron biomineral: kinetic iron release experiments revealed that the transfer of electrons into the internal cavity is the rate-limiting step of the release reaction and that the rate and extent of iron release were significantly increased in the presence of heme. Despite previous reports that a high affinity Fe(2+) chelator is required for iron release, we show that a large proportion of BFR core iron is released in the absence of such a chelator and further that chelators are not passive participants in iron release reactions. Finally, we show that the catalytic ferroxidase center, which is central to the mechanism of mineralization, is not involved in iron release; thus, core mineralization and release processes utilize distinct pathways.


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The dynamics of inter-regional communication within the brain during cognitive processing – referred to as functional connectivity – are investigated as a control feature for a brain computer interface. EMDPL is used to map phase synchronization levels between all channel pair combinations in the EEG. This results in complex networks of channel connectivity at all time–frequency locations. The mean clustering coefficient is then used as a descriptive feature encapsulating information about inter-channel connectivity. Hidden Markov models are applied to characterize and classify dynamics of the resulting complex networks. Highly accurate levels of classification are achieved when this technique is applied to classify EEG recorded during real and imagined single finger taps. These results are compared to traditional features used in the classification of a finger tap BCI demonstrating that functional connectivity dynamics provide additional information and improved BCI control accuracies.


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Local, tacit and normally unspoken OHS (occupational health and safety) knowledge and practices can too easily be excluded from or remain below the industry horizon of notice, meaning that they remain unaccounted for in formal OHS policy and practice. In this article we stress the need to more systematically and routinely tap into these otherwise ‘hidden’ communication channels, which are central to how everyday safe working practices are achieved. To demonstrate this approach this paper will draw on our ethnographic research with a gang of migrant curtain wall installers on a large office development project in the north of England. In doing so we reflect on the practice-based nature of learning and sharing OHS knowledge through examples of how workers’ own patterns of successful communication help avoid health and safety problems. These understandings, we argue, can be advanced as a basis for the development of improved OHS measures, and of organizational knowing and learning.