369 resultados para Symbiosis.


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We investigated the effect of elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) on the photosynthesis and growth of four phylotypes (ITS2 types A1, A13, A2, and B1) from the genus Symbiodinium, a diverse dinoflagellate group that is important, both free-living and in symbiosis, for the viability of cnidarians and is thus a potentially important model dinoflagellate group. The response of Symbiodinium to an elevated pCO2 was phylotype-specific. Phylotypes A1 and B1 were largely unaffected by a doubling in pCO2 in contrast, the growth rate of A13 and the photosynthetic capacity of A2 both increased by ~ 60%. In no case was there an effect of ocean acidification (OA) upon respiration (dark- or light-dependent) for any of the phylotypes examined. Our observations suggest that OA might preferentially select among free-living populations of Symbiodinium, with implications for future symbioses that rely on algal acquisition from the environment (i.e., horizontal transmission). Furthermore, the carbon environment within the host could differentially affect the physiology of different Symbiodinium phylotypes. The range of responses we observed also highlights that the choice of species is an important consideration in OA research and that further investigation across phylogenetic diversity, for both the direction of effect and the underlying mechanism(s) involved, is warranted.


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Gracias al crecimiento, expansión y popularización de la World Wide Web, su desarrollo tecnológico tiene una creciente importancia en la sociedad. La simbiosis que protagonizan estos dos entornos ha propiciado una mayor influencia social en las innovaciones de la plataforma y un enfoque mucho más práctico. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es describir, caracterizar y analizar el surgimiento y difusión del nuevo estándar de hipertexto que rige la Web; HTML5. Al mismo tiempo exploramos este proceso a la luz de varias teorías que aúnan tecnología y sociedad. Dedicamos especial atención a los usuarios de la World Wide Web y al uso genérico que realizan de los Medios Sociales o "Social Media". Sugerimos que el desarrollo de los estándares web está influenciado por el uso cotidiano de este nuevo tipo de tecnologías y aplicaciones. 


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A sociedade está espontaneamente em constante transformação e isso reflete-se na cultura de um povo e no artesanato, sendo primordial o desenvolvimento de produtos que acompanhem essa mudança. O artesanato insere-se de forma natural em ambientes locais, absorvendo e caracterizando a cultura e identidade de uma região, contudo com o passar do tempo tem havido uma deterioração cultural, levando à desvalorização do artesanato e até ao desaparecimento de identidades culturais, de saberes e artes ancestrais. O presente projeto tem como objetivo a valorização e readaptação do Cobertor de Papa, um produto artesanal fabricado exclusivamente na Guarda, através da simbiose entre o design e o artesanato. O design tem vindo a afirmar-se com uma mais-valia, ou seja um instrumento imprescindível para a afirmação do artesanato. Esta ligação entre o design e o artesanato é vital para a preservação e revitalização das técnicas e saberes obsoletos, assim como para o desenvolvimento de produtos contemporâneos, impregnados de memórias e cultura, mas que respondem às necessidades da sociedade atual. É o saber e a técnica do artesão conexo com a criatividade e inovação do design, que diferencia estes produtos dos produtos industriais, massificados, sem identidade, tornandoos únicos, especiais e próprios. Pretende-se assim criar novos produtos, com base no Cobertor de Papa, salvaguardando a produção artesanal, as raízes culturais deste povo, através dos caminhos da inovação e criatividade. Evidenciando sempre a valorização, a preservação e revitalização das técnicas utilizadas nesta arte e transmitindo os conhecimentos para que estes não se percam no tempo. Há uma intensão de ajudar a posicionar o Cobertor de Papa no mercado atual, satisfazendo as necessidades da sociedade e do consumidor vigente, com o intuito de enaltecer esta arte, bem como as suas estirpes e essência.


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When Kate and Laura Mulleavy of Rodarte worked with MAC to create their Autumn/Winter 2010 makeup collection and based their ideas on the murdered women of Ciudad Juarez, there was a public and industry outcry which led to the withdrawal of cosmetics with names such as ‘Factory’ ‘Juarez’ and ‘Ghost Town’. Rodarte tapped into the borderland mythologies of Juarez and crated an illusory fantasy world which sought to simultaneously obliterate and venerate the dead women. One eyeshadow, ‘Bordertown’, appears to look like chunks of rotting flesh streaked with blood. The models for their catwalk show had hollow blackened eyes, green-white pallor and lips that had been bloodlessly ‘lip-erased’ with a product specifically designed for the purpose. In Spanish, maquillar is to make up, to assemble. The women in the factories are asked to repeat simple mechanical operations thousands of times a day to make up the products which will be sold by global corporations. At the same time their images are being assembled, made up and aestheticized to create a cosmetic erasure of the crimes which they are subject to. When two American women and a global company make profit from this dangerous cosmetic erasure in order to sell products, the borders between bodies, countries, art and crime become leaky through the act and the illusion of symbiosis between the women of Ciudad Juarez and the products they inspired is threatened by the haunting of exploitation. Since then, the situation has become more complex. Chris Brown got a neck tattoo, based, he says, on the promotional material produced by MAC for the Rodarte sisters campaign. The image, which is of a skull, bears a striking resemblance to the police photographs of his ex, and now current, girlfriend, superstar Rihanna. The controversy over gendered violence, race and exploitation, begun by Rodarte and MAC, came back, haunting, once again. This paper seeks to address these connections, and ask what happens when domestic violence collides with globalism, fashion and murder.


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Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a vital enzyme for the assimilation of ammonia into amino acids in higher plants. In legumes, GS plays a crucial role in the assimilation of the ammonium released by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules, constituting an important metabolic knob controlling the nitrogen (N) assimilatory pathways. To identify new regulators of nodule metabolism, we profiled the transcriptome of Medicago truncatula nodules impaired in N assimilation by specifically inhibiting GS activity using phosphinothricin (PPT). Global transcript expression of nodules collected before and after PPT addition (4, 8, and 24 h) was assessed using Affymetrix M. truncatula GeneChip arrays. Hundreds of genes were regulated at the three time points, illustrating the dramatic alterations in cell metabolism that are imposed on the nodules upon GS inhibition. The data indicate that GS inhibition triggers a fast plant defense response, induces premature nodule senescence, and promotes loss of root nodule identity. Consecutive metabolic changes were identified at the three time points analyzed. The results point to a fast repression of asparagine synthesis and of the glycolytic pathway and to the synthesis of glutamate via reactions alternative to the GS/GOGAT cycle. Several genes potentially involved in the molecular surveillance for internal organic N availability are identified and a number of transporters potentially important for nodule functioning are pinpointed. The data provided by this study contributes to the mapping of regulatory and metabolic networks involved in root nodule functioning and highlight candidate modulators for functional analysis.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään uusiutuvien energiateknologioiden soveltumista valmistavan teknologiateollisuuden toimintaan ja teollisuuspuistossa toimimisen tuottamia mahdollisia etuja yritysten energiankäytön osalta. Toimimalla teollisuuspuistossa yritykset voivat hyötyä alueen vahvasta infrastruktuurista ja vastata tulevaisuuden kiristyviin tehokkuus- tai vähähiilisyysvaatimuksiin. Teollisuuspuistot mahdollistavat teollisten symbioosien syntymisen sekä energianhankinnan ja -käytön huomattavat mittakaavahyödyt. Useissa teknologiayrityksissä energian kustannukset ovat olleet vähällä huomiolla, sillä ne eivät ole yritysten ydinliiketoimintaa tai vaikuta merkittävästi tuotantoprosessiin. Oikein mitoitettuna paikalliset energian tuotantotavat ja energiatehokkuustoimet voivat olla kannattavia investointeja jo tänään. Tulevaisuudessa teollisuuspuistot voivat osoittautua kiinnostaviksi sijaintikohteiksi energiavarastoille. Tuloksissa esitetään näkemys erilaisten paikallisten uusiutuvien energiantuotantomuotojen ja synteettisten polttoaineiden tuotannon soveltumisesta valmistavan teollisuuden keskittymään. Teollisuuspuiston yritykset voivat hyödyntää monia synteettisten polttoaineiden tuotannon sivuvirtoja vähentäen samalla nykyisiä kustannuksia sekä päästöjä. Uuden teollisuuspuiston ratkaisuja suunniteltaessa tulee ottaa huomioon tulevaisuuden vaatimukset ja uudenlaisten ratkaisujen kuten teollisuuden ylijäämälämpöjen hyödyntämisen mahdollisuudet.


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Composite plants consisting of a wild-type shoot and a transgenic root are frequently used for functional genomics in legume research. Although transformation of roots using Agrobacterium rhizogenes leads to morphologically normal roots, the question arises as to whether such roots interact with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the same way as wild-type roots. To address this question, roots transformed with a vector containing the fluorescence marker DsRed were used to analyse AM in terms of mycorrhization rate, morphology of fungal and plant subcellular structures, as well as transcript and secondary metabolite accumulations. Mycorrhization rate, appearance, and developmental stages of arbuscules were identical in both types of roots. Using Mt16kOLI1Plus microarrays, transcript profiling of mycorrhizal roots showed that 222 and 73 genes exhibited at least a 2-fold induction and less than half of the expression, respectively, most of them described as AM regulated in the same direction in wild-type roots. To verify this, typical AM marker genes were analysed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and revealed equal transcript accumulation in transgenic and wild-type roots. Regarding secondary metabolites, several isoflavonoids and apocarotenoids, all known to accumulate in mycorrhizal wild-type roots, have been found to be up-regulated in mycorrhizal in comparison with non-mycorrhizal transgenic roots. This set of data revealed a substantial similarity in mycorrhization of transgenic and wild-type roots of Medicago truncatula, validating the use of composite plants for studying AM-related effects.


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Relatório de Investigação apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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BACKGROUND: More than 80 % of all terrestrial plant species establish an arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis with Glomeromycota fungi. This plant-microbe interaction primarily improves phosphate uptake, but also supports nitrogen, mineral, and water aquisition. During the pre-contact stage, the AM symbiosis is controled by an exchange of diffusible factors from either partner. Amongst others, fungal signals were identified as a mix of sulfated and non-sulfated lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs), being structurally related to rhizobial nodulation (Nod)-factor LCOs that in legumes induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. LCO signals are transduced via a common symbiotic signaling pathway (CSSP) that activates a group of GRAS transcription factors (TFs). Using complex gene expression fingerprints as molecular phenotypes, this study primarily intended to shed light on the importance of the GRAS TFs NSP1 and RAM1 for LCO-activated gene expression during pre-symbiotic signaling. RESULTS: We investigated the genome-wide transcriptional responses in 5 days old primary roots of the Medicago truncatula wild type and four symbiotic mutants to a 6 h challenge with LCO signals supplied at 10(-7/-8) M. We were able to show that during the pre-symbiotic stage, sulfated Myc-, non-sulfated Myc-, and Nod-LCO-activated gene expression almost exclusively depends on the LysM receptor kinase NFP and is largely controled by the CSSP, although responses independent of this pathway exist. Our results show that downstream of the CSSP, gene expression activation by Myc-LCOs supplied at 10(-7/-8) M strictly required both the GRAS transcription factors RAM1 and NSP1, whereas those genes either co- or specifically activated by Nod-LCOs displayed a preferential NSP1-dependency. RAM1, a central regulator of root colonization by AM fungi, controled genes activated by non-sulfated Myc-LCOs during the pre-symbiotic stage that are also up-regulated in areas with early physical contact, e.g. hyphopodia and infecting hyphae; linking responses to externally applied LCOs with early root colonization. CONCLUSIONS: Since both RAM1 and NSP1 were essential for the pre-symbiotic transcriptional reprogramming by Myc-LCOs, we propose that downstream of the CSSP, these GRAS transcription factors act synergistically in the transduction of those diffusible signals that pre-announce the presence of symbiotic fungi.


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This thesis explores the efficacy of the dream poem as a narrative device and is the outcome of practice-led research. The creative component, a novella, includes significant dreams of the main characters in the form of lyric poetry. The author’s own dream reports are used as source material for the poetry, and are contextualised within a prose fiction framework. Caught in the Dance is an experiment in combining prose with dream poetry and in investigating the experiential power of dreams on the formation of character identity. The exegesis discusses dreaming as an experience and the place of that experience in the context of identity narratives. Central to this discussion is the continuity hypothesis regarding the symbiosis of waking and sleeping life. Fludernik’s theory of experiential narrative is applied to dreaming and to the composition of poetry. This theory moves the emphasis of narrativity from events and the action of telling to ‘grounding narrativity in the representation of experientiality’ (Fludernik 1996:20). Ricoeur’s theories on identity and narrative are also applied to the reading of dreams, and experiences in general. He calls the system through which we ‘read’ life the ‘semantics of action’ (Ricoeur 1991b:28). Fludernik’s and Ricoeur’s approaches build on each other and they are brought together in the context of theories of the self, consciousness, and the processing of experience. Lyric poetry, as a creative product of that same consciousness, is discussed as experienced narrative moment. Furthermore, those moments are identified as defining elements in the identity narratives of characters. By combining the experience of dreaming with the experience imparted through lyric poetry, this thesis argues that the continuity hypothesis serves effectively as a demonstration of the wider narratological importance of experiential narrative.


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Using the squid-vibrio association, we aimed to characterize the mechanism through which Vibrio fischeri cells signal morphogenesis of the symbiotic light-emitting organ. The symbiont releases two cell envelope molecules, peptidoglycan (PG) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that, within 12 h of light organ colonization, act in synergy to trigger normal tissue development. Recent work has shown that outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by V. fischeri are sufficient to induce PG-dependent morphogenesis; however, the mechanism(s) of OMV release by these bacteria has not been described. Like several genera of both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, V. fischeri cells elaborate polar flagella that are enclosed by an extension of the outer membrane, whose function remains unclear. Here, we present evidence that along with the well-recognized phenomenon of blebbing from the cell's surface, rotation of this sheathed flagellum also results in the release of OMVs. In addition, we demonstrate that most of the development-inducing LPS is associated with these OMVs and that the presence of the outer membrane protein OmpU but not the LPS O antigen on these OMVs is important in triggering normal host development. These results also present insights into a possible new mechanism of LPS release by pathogens with sheathed flagella. IMPORTANCE Determining the function(s) of sheathed flagella in bacteria has been challenging, because no known mutation results only in the loss of this outer membrane-derived casing. Nevertheless, the presence of a sheathed flagellum in such host-associated genera as Vibrio, Helicobacter, and Brucella has led to several proposed functions, including physical protection of the flagella and masking of their immunogenic flagellins. Using the squid-vibrio light organ symbiosis, we demonstrate another role, that of V. fischeri cells require rotating flagella to induce apoptotic cell death within surface epithelium, which is a normal step in the organ's development. Further, we present evidence that this rotation releases apoptosis-triggering lipopolysaccharide in the form of outer membrane vesicles. Such release may also occur by pathogens but with different outcomes for the host.


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the Community School of São Miguel de Machede exists since 1998. A model of Community Education has been developed in this decade of existence, which not being confined to the frequent profiles of the most common approaches in Adult Education, has been the result of a process of symbiosis between a practice that normally precedes the conceptualization and a thought which has always expressed the concern of interpreting and enrich that practice. Setting on a model of learning based on the PADéCA – Program of Helping the Development of the Capacity to Learn, proposed by Berbaum (1988), the Community School of São Miguel de Machede has been developing several activities centred on a fundamental concern: to create easy and qualified accesses, in this community (council of Evora), so that the respective members can learn to exercise their principal rights of citizenship, in the territory where they live and in a circumstance of equality of opportunities in relation to the remaining fellow countrymen. Being a project with a decade of life, it is now possible to speak of a history full of stories and learning experiences, which occurred as a result of a rich interaction between the initial thoughts and impulses of the theoretical approaches and a reality full of unexpectedness, mutability and humanity resulting from the complexity that a living community presents, with a history and a present, but not always with clear and positive idea about the respective future.


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O presente trabalho de investigação aplicado é subordinado à área de conhecimento de Gestão Estratégica e intitulado “O Hoshin Kanri como Instrumento de Alinhamento Estratégico. Estudo de Caso: Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana”. Apesar de se tratar de um modelo bastante recente, sem exploração académica ou exemplos de aplicação em outras instituições de natureza pública, identificamos de forma prévia o modo como o Hoshin Kanri, quando em complemento do Balanced Scorecard, pode contribuir para potenciar a gestão organizacional e, numa segunda fase, perspetivar a sua aplicação aos Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana. Na investigação que conduzimos, utilizámos o método hipotético-dedutivo e o método inquisitivo, tivemos em conta três fases distintas, embora complementares: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. Ao longo destas fases, recorreu-se à análise documental, entrevistas, inquéritos por questionários na recolha e análise de informação. Desta forma, verificou-se que as chefias de topo dos Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana vêm uma oportunidade na implementação do Hoshin Kanri, enquanto modelo com grandes potencialidades que permite o desdobramento da estratégia conceptualizada pelo Balanced Scorecard e, consequentemente, um alinhamento mais estreito entre os vários níveis de gestão, privilegiando o acompanhamento e controlo necessário à adoção atempada de medidas corretivas. O estudo realizado permitiu ainda perceber que a sua implementação depende essencialmente da dinâmica interna daquele Serviço e não de condicionantes externas, o que constitui um indicador bastante positivo se considerarmos a sua introdução prioritária. Resulta da simbiose entre o Balanced Scorecard e o Hoshin Kanri a definição da rota estratégica e a sua execução prática, o que permite perspetivar uma melhoria dos resultados alcançados. Desta interação e complementaridade poderá advir a necessidade de ajustamento ou revisão da estratégia organizacional alavancando a performance institucional. Nesse desiderato, construímos e apresentamos um modelo conceptual resultante da aplicação do Balanced Scorecard e do Hoshin Kanri à realidade da Instituição.


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The symbiotic lifestyle is widespread among porcellanid crabs, which maintain ecological and co-evolutionary associations with annelid polychaetes, poriferans, cnidarians, echinoderms, gastropod. mollusks, and other crustaceans such as shrimps and hermit crabs, among others. We investigated the ecological association between the hermit crab Dardanus insignis and the porcellanid Porcellana sayana, in southeastern Brazil. Porcellanid crabs, hermit crabs, and available shells were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a shrimp boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets. The majority of P. sayana specimens were collected in shells occupied by D. insignis (96.6%); a few were found in empty shells (3.4%). The catch of both symbionts and hosts increased with increasing depth, with the highest occurrence at 35 m. The F. sayana crabs of various sizes could be found solitary or forming aggregations of up to 14 individuals per host, showing no sex or size segregation. In spite of the high diversity of shell species occupied by the hermit crabs and also available in the field, only a few of them were also utilized by P. sayana. The majority (93%) of shells utilized by P. sayana also hosted other symbiont species, constituting the basis of extensive symbiotic complexes. Thus, the ecological relationship between D. insignis and P. sayana may be classified as a non-obligate and non-specific symbiosis that may also involve other facultative organisms such as sea anemones. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.