786 resultados para Sumario (Proceso penal)


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This article examines why England and Wales have comparatively one of the most stringent systems for the governance of sexual offending within Western Europe. While England and Wales, like the USA, have adopted broadly exclusionary, managerialist penal policies based around incapacitation and targeted surveillance, many other Western European countries have opted for more inclusionary therapeutic interventions. Divergences in state approaches to sex offender risk, particularly in relation to notification and vetting schemes, are initially examined with reference to the respective theoretical frameworks of ‘policy transfer’ and differing political economies. Chiefly, however, differences in penal policies are attributed to the social and political construction of risk and its control. There may be multiple expressions of risk relating to expert, lay, moral or emotive aspects. It is argued, however, that it is the particular convergence and alignment of these dimensions on the part of the various stakeholders in the UK – government, media, public and professional – that leads to risk becoming institutionalized in the form of punitive regulatory policies for managing the dangerous.


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Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which provides that ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’, is considered to enshrine an absolute right. Yet it contains an under-explored element: inhuman and degrading punishment. While torture has been the subject of extensive academic commentary, and inhuman and degrading treatment has been examined to some extent, the prohibition of inhuman and degrading punishment has not been explored in significant depth, in spite of its considerable potential to alter the penal landscape.

This paper elucidates the key doctrinal elements of inhuman and degrading punishment ‘and treatment associated with it’, in the words of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). It addresses a number of ‘puzzles’ or problems which arise in applying the absolute right enshrined in Article 3 of the ECHR to sentencing and imprisonment, clarifies ECtHR doctrine and highlights some of its key implications. Bringing a theoretically informed understanding to bear on the application of Article 3 of the ECHR in a penal context, the paper provides clarity and coherence to a complex and crucial intersection between human rights and penology.


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El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el desarrollo de la autonomía educativa de los adolescentes en el Proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del 7mo año de Educación Básica de la Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Delta del Cantón Daule en el período lectivo 2014 – 2015


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El proceso de transición del familiar, a cuidador de la persona con depresión Método: diseño de la investigación es de naturaleza cualitativa y inductiva, usando la Teoría Fundamentada. Investigación tuvo lugar en 2 polos de las consultas externas del Departamento de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, Hospital de Évora, Portugal, en 2 ciudades diferentes, durante Febrero y Julio, 2009. La selección de participantes se hizo mediante la muestra no probabilística intencional de acuerdo con los criterios: adulto y/o anciano con un diagnóstico clínico de reacción depresiva breve o prolongada (CIE-9); vivir con familiares; capacidad cognitiva para permitir la recogida de datos; participación voluntaria del paciente y su familia. Se realizaron entrevistas narrativas semiestructuradas a 8 familias, correspondientes a 20 participantes. Resultados: la codificación axial nos permitió identificar 2 categorías: 1ª- narrativa de la enfermedad (inicio, causas, manifestaciones y la caracterización de la depresión). El inicio es identificado por la familia y el paciente, mientras que las causas se identifican sólo por el paciente. Para el familiar la depresión se manifiesta por comportamientos agresivos, aislamiento, desinversión y pasividad; para el paciente, se manifiesta por señales somáticas, pérdida de la voluntad, tristeza, miedo y aislamiento. Para el familiar es una cosa mala porque destruye las relaciones familiares y manipuladora porque es una manera de conseguir lo que el paciente quiere; para el paciente es una cosa de la cabeza, que no se ve, es inconstante y cambia a la persona. 2ª- estrategias de cuidado (escape, indiferencia, conflicto, chantaje).Como manera de cuidar, el familiar está menos tiempo en el hogar para evitar conflictos, aumenta el consumo de alcohol como vía de escape, ignora la conducta del paciente para no molestarlo, como una forma de estimular exige que el paciente haga actividades, y niega actividades sociales si el paciente no lo acompaña, para que él se aísle menos. A veces responsabiliza al paciente por la inestabilidad de la familia, intentando así ayudarle a ser consciente de su comportamiento. No participa en las consultas médicas para que el paciente se sienta más cómodo y rara vez participa en las tareas del hogar, también para que el paciente haga alguna actividad. Discusión: de alguna manera los familiares cambian, para atender a las necesidades del paciente y el papel de cuidador se construye cada día en la interacción entre las personas que cohabitan, de modo que el cuidado tendrá características particulares. Todo lo que el familiar hace, tiene la intención de ayudar al paciente a mejorar y superar su depresión a través de un modo diferente de cuidado. Algunas veces hay un sentimiento de culpa, como consecuencia no de haber cometido una mala acción, sino por haber tenido un comportamiento más duro con el paciente y no saber se eso es lo correcto. Así, es muy importante la intervención de enfermería para que los cuidadores reciban orientaciones y apoyo y la transición se haga armoniosamente.


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No primeiro capítulo exploro a noção de tentativa jurídico-penal no ordenamento jurídico português e a noção de acaso moral, recorrendo na primeira parte a legislação e a doutrina; na segunda a argumentos filosóficos e jurídicos. No segundo capítulo defendo a inaplicabilidade do acaso moral à tentativa jurídico-penal. Esta tese fundamenta-se em argumentos filosóficos e jurídicos, procurando espelhar uma ligação intrínseca entre eles. A conclusão pretende sustentar uma posição ancorada na teorização da tentativa.


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La cal es un material producido a partir de la calcinación de la roca caliza y tiene diversas utilidades en el mundo de la industria como la siderúrgica, papelera, alimentaria, en la construcción, entre otras. Es fundamental conocer todas las características de la caliza para poder determinar su grado de calcinación. Con el presente trabajo se pretende estudiar las propriedades de la caliza para su posterior calcinación y el dimensionamento de una planta de producción de cal desde que el mineral llega de la explotación hasta que sale al mercado.Para determinar los equipos se calularon sus dimensiones para una producción de 600 t/h de cal, sabiendo que la planta principal de machaquero solo trabajará 5 días de la semana en jornadas de 8 horas, mientras que a partir del horno de calcinación estará en funcionamento los 7 dias de la semana, 24 horas al día. A partir de esas consideraciones se obtienen las dimensiones de todos los equipos y se realiza un estudio para la elección de un horno, o un horno de eje vertical y un horno rotativo, así como el combustible empleado, ya que es una parte fundamental para determinar los costes para la producción de cal.Tmbién fue objeto de este trabajo, el estudio ambiental de la instalación de la planta, en función de la mezcla de combustible empleada y del impacto en el entorno de la lisma, así como un estudio de viabilidad de la planta, estimando unos costes de la misma y un precio de mercado "ex Works".


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Recordings and photographs obtained by private individuals can be two of the most relevant evidences in helping finding the truth; however, they can also conflict with fundamental rights such as privacy, spoken word or image of the targets. It is not enough that only the violation of the right to privacy is withdrawn because rights to spoken word or image, unattached from the first one, show up independently as the main violated rights and are criminally protected in article 199º of the criminal code. Its use as evidence is, on a first moment, dependent on the private's conduct lawfulness, as it is stated in article 167º of the criminal procedure code. In order to consider its lawfulness, and accept its use as evidence, portuguese higher courts have been defending constructions mostly based on legal causes of defense. Although agreeing with a more flexible position of weighing all the interests at stake instead of denying its use as evidence, we believe notwithstanding that some of these solutions are misleading and shall not be spared from critics. Lastly, even if we reach a positive conclusion about the lawfulness of obtaining and using recordings and photogtaphs carried out to court by private individuals, they must not be however automatically admitted as evidence, still being necessary to proceed to a separate weighting, within the criminal procedure and its own legal rules, about their real purposes in the case.


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In the present thesis, we examine the approach to the so-called “informal conversations”, especially between a suspect or defendant and criminal police authorities. Our goal is to understand if criminal police authorities are allowed to testify about the content of these conversations, revealing facts that the suspect or defendant may have shared with them, as well as about evidence that they may have acquired through these statements. Firstly, we briefly present the notion of “informal conversations” and the great variety of situations they may encompass: intra or extra-procedural; prior or subsequent to someone acquires the status of defendant. Secondly, we analyse some of the principles and rules that are involved in this controversial issue: principles concerning the procedural structure, organization and dynamic; principles concerning the production and assessment of evidence in the trial hearing; principles concerning the prosecution and the powers of criminal police authorities; the procedural status of the defendant; the rules concerning the reading of statements in the trial hearing; the rules concerning hearsay testimonies. Thirdly, we go through the great amount of case law on the so-called “informal conversations” and related matters, analysing the most relevant cases and the arguments that sustain them, as well as the legal literature. Our goal is to understand the evolution, throughout the last two decades, of the different opinions regarding the approach to the various situations in which “informal conversations” may occur and in which the admissibility of a testimony by criminal police authorities is questioned. Finally, we defend a different approach for testimonies by criminal police authorities prior and subsequent to someone acquiring the status of defendant. We see the moment when someone acquires the status of defendant as a border area in the admissibility of “informal conversations”, because from then on the statements have to be collected and assessed according to the law, so all the other conversations (or any other evidence) collected informally are irrelevant. As to the specific case of the testimony about the re-enactment of the crime, given the high degree of difficulty in separating the defendant’s contributions that may be considered essential and those that may be considered less useful, but still relevant, we support the qualification of the defendant’s contributions as inseparable from the re-enactment, allowing it to be replicated and assessed in the trial hearing with no restrictions.