443 resultados para Substratum


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The Golfe d'Arguin offshore of northern Mauritania hosts a rare modern analogue for heterozoan carbonate production in a tropical marine setting. Dominated by ocean upwelling and with additional fertilisation by iron-rich aeolian dust, this naturally eutrophic marine environment lacks typical photozoan communities. A highly productive, tropical cosmopolitan biota dominated by molluscs and suspension-feeders such as bryozoans and balanids characterises the carbonate-rich surface sediments. Overall biodiversity is relatively low and the species present are tolerant against the eutrophic and low-light conditions, the strong hydrodynamic regime governed by ocean upwelling, and the unstable, soft-bottom seafloor with few hard substrata. Here, we describe an ectosymbiosis between the hermit crab Pseudopagurus granulimanus (Miers, 1881) and monospecific assemblages of the encrusting cheilostome bryozoan Acanthodesia commensale (Kirkpatrick and Metzelaar, 1922) that cohabits vacant gastropod shells. Nucleating on an empty gastropod shell, the bryozoan colonies form multilamellar skeletal crusts that produce spherical encrustations and extend the living chamber of the hermit crab through helicospiral tubular growth. This non-obligate mutualistic symbiosis illustrates the adaptive capabilities and benefits from a close partnership in a complex marine environment, driven by trophic conditions, high water energies and instable substratum. Sectioned bryoliths show that between 49 and 97 % of the solid volume of the specimens consists of bryozoan skeleton.


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Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.


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The micro-scale spatial distribution patterns of a demersal fish and decapod crustacean assemblage were assessed in a hard-bottom kelp environment in the southern North Sea. Using quadrats along line transects, we assessed the in situ fish and crustacean abundance in relation to substratum types (rock, cobbles and large pebbles) and the density of algae. Six fish and four crustacean species were abundant, with Ctenolabrus rupestris clearly dominating the fish community and Galathea squamifera dominating the crustacean community. Differences in the substratum types had an even stronger effect on the micro-scale distribution than the density of the dominating algae species. Kelp had a negative effect on the fish abundances, with significantly lower average densities in kelp beds compared with adjacent open areas. Averaged over all of the substrata, the most attractive substratum for the fish was large pebbles. In contrast, crustaceans did not show a specific substratum affinity. The results clearly indicate that, similar to other complex systems, significant micro-scale species-habitat associations occur in northern hard-bottom environments. However, because of the frequently harsh environmental conditions, these habitats are mainly sampled from ships with sampling gear, and the resulting data cannot be used to resolve small-scale species-habitat associations. A detailed substratum classification and community assessment, often only possible using SCUBA diving, is therefore important to reach a better understanding of the functional relationships between species and their environment in northern temperate waters, knowledge that is very important with respect to the increasing environmental pressure caused by global climate change.


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Composition and abundance of modern benthic foraminifers in the littoral zone of the Kunashir Island (South Kuriles) were studied. This littoral zone was examined on the sides of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Pacific Ocean, and the Izmena Bay. In the littoral zone of the Izmena Bay benthic foraminifers were not found. The highest biodiversity and maximal density of foraminifers were observed at a bench among rocks and blocks, in depressions of various size and depth (baths), at places where algae and water plants were attached, on silty sands, and on sands with admixture of broken shells, silt, and clastic matter composing the coast. The lowest density and biodiversity were found in mouths of creeks and rivers, on rock plates free from sediments and attached algae and water plants, as well as in places not protected from wind and wave activity. It was established that on both sides of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Pacific Ocean foraminiferal complexes vary both in biodiversity and in density of their distribution in the littoral zone.


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Community metabolism and air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were investigated in July 1992 on a fringing reef at Moorea (French Polynesia). The benthic community was dominated by macroalgae (85% substratum cover) and comprised of Phaeophyceae Padina tenuis (Bory), Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh, and Hydroclathrus clathratus Bory (Howe); Chlorophyta Halimeda incrassata f. ovata J. Agardh (Howe); and Ventricaria ventricosa J. Agardh (Olsen et West), as well as several Rhodophyta (Actinotrichia fragilis Forskál (Børgesen) and several species of encrusting coralline algae). Algal biomass was 171 g dry weight/m**2. Community gross production (Pg), respiration (R), and net calcification (G) were measured in an open-top enclosure. Pg and R were respectively 248 and 240 mmol Co2/m**2/d, and there was a slight net dissolution of CaCO3 (0.8 mmol/m**2/d). This site was a sink for atmospheric CO2 (10 ± 4 mmol CO2/m**2/d), and the analysis of data from the literature suggests that this is a general feature of algal-dominated reefs. Measurement of air-sea CO2 fluxes in open water close to the enclosure demonstrated that changes in small-scale hydrodynamics can lead to misleading conclusions. Net CO2 evasion to the atmosphere was measured on the fringing reef due to changes in the current pattern that drove water from the barrier reef (a C02 source) to the study site.


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A manganese oxide encrustation (2.5 kg) was dredged, in an island arc setting, downslope of Bertrand bank, a seamount culminating at 70-m depth and located NNE of Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, and SE of Antigua, West Indies. A thorough texturai analysis indicated a rhythmic precipitation and growth polarity as well as mineralogical ( 10 A tektomanganate) and geochemical (low concentrations of Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Pb and REE) criteria, point to a submarine hydrothermal origin for most of the sample. The crust was coated with a fine ferromanganese oxide cortex deposited iii a "normal" oceanic environment; it also included micritic fillings, a main pyroclastic zone near the top of the crust, and a Mg-Al sulphate deposit. Planktonic foraminifera coeval with the precipitation of the manganese oxide indicate an age of ca. 3 m. y. (upper Pliocene); i.e., more than 20 m. y. after the cessation of the volcanic activity of the Lesser Antilles outer arc that was responsible for the buildup of the Bertrand seamount. Furthermore, the genesis of the crust is not linked to the activity of the contemporaneous inner arc (Miocene to Present), particularly of its nearmost segment (Basse Terre, Guadeloupe-Montserrat) located about 50 km to the West. The authors suggest that the manganese oxide is the result of convective circulation of sea water through a faulted system occurring in an area of intense seismic activity. The remobilization of chemical elements (Mn, S, etc.) within the seamount volcanic core bas probably affected a substratum that was still hydrothermally altered during the previous volcanic activity of the outer arc. The authors insist on the interest in using texturai analysis for Fe/Mn oxide investigations.


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Sulphur isotope analyses are an important tool for the study of the natural sulphur cycle. On the northern hemisphere such studies of the atmospheric part of the cycle are practically impossible due to the high emission rate of anthropogenic sulphur. Merely in remote areas of the world such as the Antarctic 34S analyses can be used to identify the various sulphur sources (sea spray, biogenic und volcanic sources). We report here results of 34S measurements on sulphates from recent atmospheric precipitations (snow), lake waters, and salt efflorescences sampled in the Schirmacher Oasis and the Gruber Mountains, central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. By plotting the delta 34S of precipitation versus % sea-spray sulphate the isotopic composition of the excess sulphate (which is probably of marine-biogenic origin) is extrapolated to be +4 per mil. Lake water sulphate and atmospheric precipitations have a comparable sulphur isotope composition (about +5 per mil). The analyzed secondary sulphates from the salt efflorescences, mainly gypsum and a few water-soluble sulphatcs (hexahydrite, epsomite, burkeite. and pickeringite), vary in their isotopic composition between about -12 and +8 per mil. This wide scatter is probably due to chemical weathering of primary sulphides having different delta 34S values in the substratum.


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Substratum of cobalt-manganese crusts penetrated by numerous deep-sea drill holes on the IOAN and Dalmorgeologiya Guyots of Magellan Seamounts in the Pacific Ocean has been studied. Rocks have been characterized, and ferromanganese manifestations developed in the substratum in different forms have been studied in detail. They are considered to be products of deposition of water fluids arising in the volcanic pedestal and unloading on the guyot's periphery when penetrating into top parts of rocks to different degree phosphatized mainly by replacement. It is demonstrated by numerous substratum relicts and remains of organisms in them.