616 resultados para Stress au volant
AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) are key devices for the next generation of high-power, high-frequency and high-temperature electronics applications. Although significant progress has been recently achieved [1], stability and reliability are still some of the main issues under investigation, particularly at high temperatures [2-3]. Taking into account that the gate contact metallization is one of the weakest points in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, the reliability of Ni, Mo, Pt and refractory metal gates is crucial [4-6]. This work has been focused on the thermal stress and reliability assessment of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. After an unbiased storage at 350 o C for 2000 hours, devices with Ni/Au gates exhibited detrimental IDS-VDS degradation in pulsed mode. In contrast, devices with Mo/Au gates showed no degradation after similar storage conditions. Further capacitance-voltage characterization as a function of temperature and frequency revealed two distinct trap-related effects in both kinds of devices. At low frequency (< 1MHz), increased capacitance near the threshold voltage was present at high temperatures and more pronounced for the Ni/Au gate HEMT and as the frequency is lower. Such an anomalous “bump” has been previously related to H-related surface polar charges [7]. This anomalous behavior in the C-V characteristics was also observed in Mo/Au gate HEMTs after 1000 h at a calculated channel temperatures of around from 250 o C (T2) up to 320 ºC (T4), under a DC bias (VDS= 25 V, IDS= 420 mA/mm) (DC-life test). The devices showed a higher “bump” as the channel temperature is higher (Fig. 1). At 1 MHz, the higher C-V curve slope of the Ni/Au gated HEMTs indicated higher trap density than Mo/Au metallization (Fig. 2). These results highlight that temperature is an acceleration factor in the device degradation, in good agreement with [3]. Interface state density analysis is being performed in order to estimate the trap density and activation energy.
The first dark characterization of a thermometer fabricated with our Mo/Au bilayers to be used as a transition edge sensor is presented. High-quality, stress-free Mo layers, whose thickness is used to tune the critical temperature (TC ) down to 100 mK, are deposited by sputtering at room temperature (RT ) on Si3N4 bulk and membranes, and protected from degradation with a 15-nm sputtered Au layer. An extra layer of high-quality Au is deposited by ex situ e-beam to ensure low residual resistance. The thermometer is patterned on a membrane using standard photolithographic techniques and wet etching processes, and is contacted through Mo paths, displaying a sharp superconducting transition (α ≈ 600). Results show a good coupling between Mo and Au layers and excellent TC reproducibility, allowing to accurately correlate dM o and TC . Since dAu is bigger than ξM for all analyzed samples, bilayer residual resistance can be modified without affecting TC . Finally, first current to voltage measurements at different temperatures are measured and analyzed, obtaining the corresponding characterization parameters.
O câncer em crianças até cerca de duas décadas, era considerado uma doença crônica, com prognóstico desfavorável, resultando na maioria dos casos, em morte. Atualmente, tem-se apresentado como uma doença com melhores perspectivas, onde 70% das crianças acometidas por essa doença podem ser curadas, quando diagnosticadas precocemente, e tratadas em centros especializados¹. Este estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar a qualidade de vida e o stress de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em remissão e recidiva. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional, quali-quantitativo, transversal. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório de oncologia pediátrica da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, e na enfermaria do Hospital Mário Covas. Contou com a colaboração de 40 sujeitos, com idades entre 06 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos. Como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, foi utilizado o Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), que possui 15 conceitos em saúde, abrangendo aspectos físicos e psicossociais e para medir o stress, a Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI), que tem como objetivo, avaliar o stress da criança, através de reações físicas e psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que no domínio físico (PhS), as crianças em situação clínica de recidiva e remissão não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação às variáveis: qualidade de vida e stress, porém, no domínio psicossocial (PsS), houve diferença estatisticamente significante, indicando que os meninos apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e menor stress, se comparados com as meninas, mostrando que o emocional interfere nesse resultado.(AU)
O câncer em crianças até cerca de duas décadas, era considerado uma doença crônica, com prognóstico desfavorável, resultando na maioria dos casos, em morte. Atualmente, tem-se apresentado como uma doença com melhores perspectivas, onde 70% das crianças acometidas por essa doença podem ser curadas, quando diagnosticadas precocemente, e tratadas em centros especializados¹. Este estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar a qualidade de vida e o stress de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em remissão e recidiva. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional, quali-quantitativo, transversal. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório de oncologia pediátrica da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, e na enfermaria do Hospital Mário Covas. Contou com a colaboração de 40 sujeitos, com idades entre 06 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos. Como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, foi utilizado o Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), que possui 15 conceitos em saúde, abrangendo aspectos físicos e psicossociais e para medir o stress, a Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI), que tem como objetivo, avaliar o stress da criança, através de reações físicas e psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que no domínio físico (PhS), as crianças em situação clínica de recidiva e remissão não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação às variáveis: qualidade de vida e stress, porém, no domínio psicossocial (PsS), houve diferença estatisticamente significante, indicando que os meninos apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e menor stress, se comparados com as meninas, mostrando que o emocional interfere nesse resultado.(AU)
Le cancer de l’ovaire (COv) est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal chez la femme et les traitements existants, chirurgie et chimiothérapie, ont peu évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Nous proposons que la compréhension des différents destins cellulaires tels que la sénescence que peuvent choisir les cellules du cancer de l’ovaire en réponse à la chimiothérapie pourrait conduire à de nouvelles opportunités thérapeutiques. La sénescence cellulaire a été largement associée à l’activité de la protéine TP53, qui est mutée dans plus de 90% des cas de cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade (COv-SHG), la forme la plus commune de la maladie. Dans nos travaux, à partir d’échantillons dérivés de patientes, nous montrons que les cultures primaires du cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade exposées au stress ou à des drogues utilisées en chimiothérapie entrent en senescence grâce à l’activité d’un isoforme du gène CDKN2A (p16INK4A). Dans ces cellules, nous avons évalué les caractéristiques fondamentales de la sénescence cellulaire tels que les altérations morphologiques, l’activité béta galactosidase associée à la sénescence, les dommages à l’ADN, l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire et le phénotype sécrétoire associé à la sénescence. En utilisant des micromatrices tissulaires construites à partir d’échantillons humains de COv-SHG pré- et post-chimiothérapie, accompagnées de leurs données cliniques, nous avons quantifié des marqueurs de sénescence incluant une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire quelques semaines après chimiothérapie. De façon intéressante, l’expression de p16INK4A dans les échantillons de COv-SHG prétraitement corrèle avec une survie prolongée des patientes suite au traitement. Ceci suggère ainsi pour la première fois un impact biologique bénéfique pour la présence de cellules cancéreuses qui sont capable d’activer la sénescence, particulièrement pour le traitement du cancer de l’ovaire. Dans le but de complémenter les thérapies actuelles avec des approches de manipulation pharmacologique de la sénescence, nos résultats suggèrent qu’il serait important de déterminer l’impact positif ou négatif de la sénescence induite par la thérapie sur la progression de la maladie et la survie, pour chaque type de cancer de façon indépendante.
L’acceptabilité d’un décès lors d’une simulation médicale reste débattue mais il existe peu de données sur la perspective des apprenants. Des médecins résidents ont effectué une pratique de code et ont rempli un questionnaire pré et post-simulation. Ils ont été exposés à deux scénarios où un bébé naissait sans signe de vie: 1. Nouveau-né ne répondant pas aux manœuvres de réanimation (DCD); 2. Nouveau-né s’améliorant avec une réanimation adéquate (REA). Les performances étaient évaluées à l’aide de la grille standardisée du Programme de Réanimation Néonatale. Le stress objectif (cortisol salivaire) et subjectif a été mesuré après le code. La rétroaction («feedback»), individuelle et en groupe, fut analysée à l’aide de méthodologies qualitatives. 59/62 apprenants ont répondu au questionnaire et 42 ont participé à la simulation. Tous les résidents trouvent les simulations bénéfiques et souhaitent y être exposés davantage. Le type et l’ordre des scénarios n’ont pas eu d’impact sur la performance. Un seul résident a interrompu les manœuvres de réanimation après 10 minutes d’asystolie, tel que recommandé, et 31% ont poursuivi après 20 minutes. Les participants trouvaient le scénario DCD plus stressant. Les niveaux de cortisol salivaire ont augmenté après les simulations (p<0.001) et ce, pour les deux scénarios. Cette augmentation était indépendante du scénario (p=0.06) et n’était pas associée à la performance. Les réponses à la question « Comment a été votre expérience? », ont permis d’identifier deux thèmes: 1. Le mannequin ne meurt pas en simulation médicale; 2. Le décès lors de la simulation signifie une réanimation inadéquate. Le décès lors d’une pratique de code est stressant, mais n’interfère pas avec la performance des soignants. Les apprenants trouvent cet exercice acceptable et bénéfique à leur pratique future.
Le récepteur éboueur CD36 facilite l’internalisation des acides gras libres non estérifiés (AGNE) au niveau des tissus cardiaque et périphériques. Lors d’une ischémie-reperfusion du myocarde (MI/R), les dommages produits sont en partie liés à l’internalisation des AGNE et à la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, contrairement à ce qui est observé chez des souris déficientes en CD36 (CD36-/-). Nous avons émis l’hypothèse selon laquelle le CP-3(iv), un ligand synthétique du récepteur CD36, exercerait un effet cardioprotecteur en réduisant la taille de la zone myocardique infarcie lors d’une ischémie transitoire du myocarde. Nos objectifs étaient 1) de déterminer l’effet cardioprotecteur du CP-3(iv) et 2) de définir son mécanisme. Pour cela, des études in vivo et ex vivo ont été faites. Des souris de type sauvage ont été traitées avec le CP-3(iv) (289 nmol/kg) par voie sous-cutanée pendant 14 jours avant d’être soumises à 30 minutes d’ischémie suivant la ligature de l’artère coronaire gauche descendante et de sa reperfusion pendant une période de 6 ou 48 heures. De plus, des coeurs isolés de souris ont été perfusés 30 minutes, suivi de 40 minutes à faible débit (10%) et de 30 minutes de reperfusion pendant laquelle le coeur est perfusé avec le CP-3(iv) à une concentration de 10-6 M. Nos travaux ont montré que l’effet cardioprotecteur d’un traitement préventif par le CP-3(iv) permet de diminuer la taille de l’infarctus et préserve l’hémodynamie cardiaque de façon dépendante du CD36 puisque cet effet est non visible chez les souris CD36-/-. De plus, le CP-3(iv) exerce non seulement un effet systémique, mais aussi un effet cardioprotecteur direct sur le coeur isolé.
Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist that was recently licensed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, although sexual activity can be stressful, there has been little investigation into whether treatments for erectile dysfunction affect stress responses. We have examined whether a single dose of apomorphine, sufficient to produce penile erections (50 mug/kg, i.a.), can alter basal or stress-induced plasma ACTH levels, or activity of central pathways thought to control the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rats. An immune challenge (interleukin-1beta, 1 mug/kg, i.a.) was used as a physical stressor while sound stress (100 dB white noise, 30 min) was used as a psychological stressor. Intravascular administration of apomorphine had no effect on basal ACTH levels but did substantially increase the number of Fos-positive amygdala and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. Administration of apomorphine prior to immune challenge augmented the normal ACTH response to this stressor at 90 min and there was a corresponding increase in the number of Fos-positive paraventricular nucleus corticotropin-releasing factor cells, paraventricular nucleus oxytocin cells and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. However, apomorphine treatment did not alter ACTH or Fos responses to sound stress. These data suggest that erection-inducing levels of apomorphine interfere with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibitory feedback mechanisms in response to a physical stressor, but have no effect on the response to a psychological stressor. Consequently, it is likely that apomorphine acts on a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis control pathway that is unique to physical stressors. A candidate for this site of action is the nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cell population and, in particular, A2 noradrenergic neurons. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents an analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of hollow circular cylinders of functionally graded material (FGM). The solutions are obtained by a novel limiting process that employs the solutions of homogeneous hollow circular cylinders, with no recourse to the basic theory or the equations of non-homogeneous thermoclasticity. Several numerical cases are studied, and conclusions are drawn regarding the general properties of thermal stresses in the FGM cylinder. We conclude that thermal stresses necessarily occur in the FGM cylinder, except in the trivial case of zero temperature. While heat resistance may be improved by sagaciously designing the material composition, careful attention must be paid to the fact that thermal stresses in the FGM cylinder are governed by more factors than are its homogeneous counterparts. The results that are presented here will serve as benchmarks for future related work. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a stress and coping perspective is used to outline the processes that determine employee adaptation to organisational change. A theoretical framework that simultaneously considers the effects of event characteristics, situational appraisals, coping strategies, and coping resources is reviewed, Three empirical investigations of organisational change that have tested various components of the model are then presented. In the first study, there was evidence linking event characteristics, situational appraisals, coping strategies and coping resources to levels of employee adjustment in a sample of pilots employed in a newly merged airline company. In a more focused test of the model with a sample of employees experiencing a restructuring process in their Organisation it was found that the provision of change-related information enhanced levels of efficacy to deal with the change process which, in turn, predicted psychological wellbeing, client engagement, and job satisfaction. In a study of managers affected by a new remuneration scheme, there was evidence to suggest that managers who received change-specific information and opportunities to participate in the change process reported higher levels of change readiness. Managers who reported higher levels of readiness for change also reported higher levels of psychological wellbeing and job satisfaction. These studies highlight ways in which managers and change agents can help employees to cope during times of organisational change.
The present study explored the nature of benefit finding in HIV/AIDS caregiving, and examined relations among caregiver adjustment, benefit finding, and stress and coping variables. A total of 64 HIV/AIDS caregivers and 46 care recipients completed interviews and questionnaires. First, the study aimed to explore the types of benefits associated with HIV/AIDS caregiving. Content analyses of caregiver responses to an interview question inquiring about gains from caregiving revealed eight benefit themes. Second, the study aimed to examine relations between caregiver adjustment and both benefit finding and stress and coping variables. We hypothesized that number of caregiver reported benefits, social support, challenge and control appraisals, and problem focused coping would be inversely related to poorer adjustment, whereas care recipient reported global distress and illness, caregiver threat appraisal and passive-avoidant emotion-focused coping would be positively associated with poorer adjustment. Correlations indicated that poorer adjustment (measured by global distress, depression, caregiving impact, social adjustment and health status) was positively correlated with care-recipient distress, threat appraisals and passive avoidant coping and inversely correlated with social support, and number of reported benefits. Unexpectedly, problem-focused coping, controllability and challenge appraisals, and care recipient illness were unrelated to adjustment. Third, the study aimed to examine relations between benefit finding and stress and coping variables. Correlations indicated that benefit finding was related to social support use, seeking social support coping and problem-solving coping. Findings indicate that the benefit finding and stress/coping frameworks have utility in guiding research into adaptation to HIV/AIDS caregiving. Results also indicate targets for intervention in the provision of services for HIV/AIDS caregivers.
This study compared the stress induced in captive estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, by two different handling methods: manual restraint (noosing with ropes) and immobilization by electro-stunning. To stun, a short charge (approx. 6 s) at 110 V was delivered to the back of the necks of C. porosus using a custom-built device, which immobilized the animals for 5-10 min. Immobilized and restrained animals were measured and sexed, and the condition of the skin assessed. Blood samples were taken from some animals immediately after restraint or immobilization. Other animals were returned to their pens to recover for periods of 30 min, 1, 4, 12, 24 or 48 hours after which they were stunned and blood samples taken. Individual animals (mean body length 1.96 m, N=99) were bled only once. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations were measured and plasma samples were analysed for corticosterone, glucose and lactate levels. Following restraint, there were significant increases in haematocrit, haemoglobin, glucose, lactate and corticosterone concentrations in C. porosus. For restrained animals, recovery to baseline levels occurred after approximately 8 hours. The stress response of stunned animals was significantly reduced compared to manually captured and restrained crocodiles. Both groups showed a significant increase in haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and lactate levels, however the magnitude of change was significantly reduced, and recovery was faster in stunned animals. No increase in either glucose or corticosterone levels occurred with immobilisation. The results imply that immobilization by electro-stunning is much less stressful. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In this study we examined three aspects pertaining to adrenocortical responsiveness in free-ranging Australian freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni). First, we examined the ability of freshwater crocodiles to produce corticosterone in response to a typical capture-stress protocol. A second objective addressed the relationship between capture stress, plasma glucose and corticosterone. Next we examined if variation in basal and capture-stress-induced levels of plasma corticosterone was linked to ecological or demographic factors for individuals in this free-ranging population. Blood samples obtained on three field trips were taken from a cross-sectional sample of the population. Crocodiles were bled once during four time categories at 0, 0. 5, 6, and 10 h post-capture. Plasma corticosterone increased significantly with time post-capture. Plasma glucose also significantly increased with duration of capture-stress and exhibited a positive and significant relationship with plasma corticosterone. Significant variation in basal or stress induced levels of corticosterone in crocodiles was not associated with any ecological or demographic factors including sex, age class or the year of capture that the crocodiles were sampled from. However, three immature males had basal levels of plasma corticosterone greater than 2 standard deviations above the mean. While crocodiles exhibited a pronounced, adrenocortical and hyperglycaemic response to capture stress, limited variation in adrenocortical responsiveness due to ecological and demographic factors was not evident. This feature could arise in part because this population was sampled during a period of environmental benigness. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Both stimulation of purinergic receptors by ATP and activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) inhibit amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport and activate Cl-secretion. These changes in ion transport may well affect cell volume. We therefore examined whether cell shrinkage or cell swelling do affect amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport in epithelial tissues or Xenopus oocytes and whether osmotic stress interferes with regulation of Na+ transport by ATP or CFTR. Stimulation of purinergic receptors by ATP/UTP or activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin inhibited amiloride-sensitive transport in mouse trachea and colon, respectively, by a mechanism that was Cl- dependent. When exposed to a hypertonic but not hypotonic bath solution, amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport was inhibited in mouse trachea and colon, independent of the extracellular Cl- concentration. Both inhibition of Na+ transport by hypertonic bath solution and ATP were additive. When coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin inhibited the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in a Cl(-)dependent fashion. However, both hypertonic and hypotonic bath solutions showed only minor effects on amiloride-sensitive conductance, independent of the bath Cl- concentration. Moreover, CFTR-induced inhibition of ENaC could be detected in chocytes even after exposure to hypertonic or bypotonic bath solutions. We conclude that amiloride-sensitive Na+ absorption in mouse airways and colon is inhibited by cell shrinkage by a mechanism that does not interfere with purinergic and CFTR-mediated inhibition of ENaC.