714 resultados para Stewart, Jerry


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BACKGROUND: The pharmacological treatment of migraine may be acute or preventive. Frequent, severe and long-lasting migraine attacks require prophylaxis. Multiple threads of research over the last 15 years have led to the concept that migraine is generated from a hyperexcitable brain. A variety of causes for hyperexcitability of the brain in migraine have been suggested. These causes include low cerebral magnesium levels, mitochondrial abnormalities, dysfunctions related to increased nitric oxide or the existence of a P/Q type calcium channelopathy. The better knowledge about migraine pathophisiology led us to discuss new treatment options. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to present an evidence-based review of some new drugs or some agents that even though available for a long time, are not frequently used. METHODS/RESULTS: We present a review of anticonvulsants with various mechanisms of action such as lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, tiagabine, levetiracetam and zonisamide. We also review natural products, like riboflavin and magnesium, botulinum toxin A, a specific CGRP antagonist and the anti-asthma medication montelukast, with pathophysiological discussion. CONCLUSIONS: We aimed to present an update of newer or less frequently used preventive migraine therapies, drugs that might reduce the burden and the costs of a disease that should be considered as a public health problem all around the world.


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A vista da discordância dos dados registrados na literatura (Cava, 1964, 1968 ; Jerry, 1963 e Matos, 1976) quanto aos alcalóides de Peschierra affinis, retomou-se seu estudo com o objetivo desta espécie. Foram analisados amostras das cascas e do lenho das raízes de material coletado em locais diferentes em altitude, longitude e latitude. Foram identificados além de substâncias de natureza alifática (sitosterol,β-amirina e lupenol). os seguintes alcalóides indólicos: coronaridina, voacangina, 20-epiheyneanina, voacristina, affinisina, vobasina, olivacina e uma mistura de 19-hidroxi-ibogamina e iboxigaína). Dentre estes, quatro são inéditos na espécie (voacangina, voacristina, 19-hidroxi-ibogaina e eboxigaína). Apenas pequenas diferenças foram observadas nos três materiais estudados, observando-se porém, acentuada diferença quando comparadas com os resultados obtidos no primeiro trabalho químico sobre os alcalóides desta espécie (Jerry, 1963).


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Purpose: Higher myopic refractive errors are associated with serious ocular complications that can put visual function at risk. There is respective interest in slowing and if possible stopping myopia progression before it reaches a level associated with increased risk of secondary pathology. The purpose of this report was to review our understanding of the rationale(s) and success of contact lenses (CLs) used to reduce myopia progression. Methods: A review commenced by searching the PubMed database. The inclusion criteria stipulated publications of clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of CLs in regulating myopia progression based on the primary endpoint of changes in axial length measurements and published in peerreviewed journals. Other publications from conference proceedings or patents were exceptionally considered when no peer-review articles were available. Results: The mechanisms that presently support myopia regulation with CLs are based on the change of relative peripheral defocus and changing the foveal image quality signal to potentially interfere with the accommodative system. Ten clinical trials addressing myopia regulation with CLs were reviewed, including corneal refractive therapy (orthokeratology), peripheral gradient lenses, and bifocal (dual-focus) and multifocal lenses. Conclusions: CLs were reported to be well accepted, consistent, and safe methods to address myopia regulation in children. Corneal refractive therapy (orthokeratology) is so far the method with the largest demonstrated efficacy in myopia regulation across different ethnic groups. However, factors such as patient convenience, the degree of initial myopia, and non-CL treatments may also be considered. The combination of different strategies (i.e., central defocus, peripheral defocus, spectral filters, pharmaceutical delivery, and active lens-borne illumination) in a single device will present further testable hypotheses exploring how different mechanisms can reinforce or compete with each other to improve or reduce myopia regulation with CLs.


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[Excerto] Na academia como no mercado mediático, a rádio goza de um estatuto relativamente modesto. Sem os exibicionismos próprios dos meios visuais, o meio radiofónico define-se por uma presença ao mesmo tempo popular e discreta, simples e elegante, na vida quotidiana. Tendo acompanhado o aparecimento de quase todas as formas de representação visual e tendo convivido “com todas as formas emergentes de imagem” no século XX (Oliveira & Pedro, 2011, p. 6), afirmou-se como um meio invisual, uma característica que muitas vezes o confundiu com um meio também invisível. Num livro de 1989, Peter Lewis e Jerry Booth falam desta invisibilidade como uma condição que se explica por uma certa tendência para subordinar a rádio à televisão em matéria de políticas públicas, subestimando-se o seu potencial como meio de comunicação e de difusão de conteúdos. Por outro lado, para os autores, a marginalização da rádio deve-se ao facto de os estudos de comunicação terem sempre considerado este meio num lugar menor da história dos média. A mesma ideia é retomada num texto do ano 2000, publicado por Peter Lewis no International Journal of Culture. Referindo-se ao estatuto cultural da rádio, o autor explica que ela tem sido um lugar de paixões privadas, mas ninguém o reconhece em público (Lewis, 2000).


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The various genetic systems (mitochondrial DNA, the Y-chromosome and the genome-wide autosomes) indicate that Africa is the most genetically diverse continent in the world and the most likely place of origin for anatomically modern humans. However, where in Africa modern humans arose and how the current genetic makeup within the continent was shaped is still open to debate. Here, we summarize the debate and focus especially on the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and a recently revised chronology for the African mtDNA tree. We discuss the possible origin of modern humans in southern, eastern or Central Africa; the possibility of a migration from southern to eastern Africa more than 100 ka, carrying lineages within mtDNA haplogroup L0; the evidence for a climate-change-mediated population expansion in eastern Africa involving mtDNA haplogroup L3, leading to the “out-of-Africa” migration around 70–60 ka; the re-population of North Africa from the Near East around 40–30 ka suggested by mtDNA haplogroups U6 and M1; the evidence for population expansions and dispersals across the continent at the onset of the Holocene ; and the impact of the Bantu dispersals in Central, eastern and southern Africa within the last few millennia.


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FUNDAMENTO: O polimorfismo T-786C do gene da sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial (eNOS) e a produção de ânion superóxido podem diminuir a produção e biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico, comprometendo o grau de vasodilatação, podendo este efeito ser revertido pelo exercício físico. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência do treinamento aeróbico e do polimorfismo T-786C nas concentrações dos metabólitos do óxido nítrico (NOx), no fluxo sanguíneo (FS) e na pressão arterial (PA). MÉTODOS: Trinta e duas idosas pré-hipertensas (59 ± 6 anos) foram separadas em dois grupos de acordo com o polimorfismo T-786C (TT e TC+CC). Foram analisadas as concentrações de NOx (plasma) e fluxo sanguíneo por pletismografia de oclusão venosa em repouso, 1, 2 e 3 minutos pós-oclusão (FS-0, FS-1, FS-2, FS-3, respectivamente). As avaliações foram realizadas antes e após 6 meses de um programa de exercício aeróbico. RESULTADOS: Nas avaliações pré-treinamento, os níveis de NOx foram menores no grupo TC+CC em relação ao grupo TT. O grupo TT apresentou correlações entre NOx e FS-0 (r = 0,6) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e FS-0 (r = -0,7), porém nenhuma correlação foi encontrada no grupo TC+CC. Nas avaliações pós-treinamento, ocorreram correlações entre NOx e FS-0 (r = 0,6) e nas mudanças do NOx e PAD (r = -0,6) no grupo TT. Também foram obtidas correlações entre PAD e FS-1 (r = -0,8), PAD e FS-2 (r = -0,6), PAD e FS-3 (r = -0,6), nas mudanças entre NOx e FS-1 (r = 0,8) e mudanças do NOx e PAD (r = -0,7) no grupo TC+CC. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que 6 meses de exercício aeróbico podem contribuir para aumentar as relações existentes entre NO, PA e FS em idosas portadores do alelo C.


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Trabalhando com 20 amostras de água de superfície coletadas quase sempre dentro da área pertencente à ESALQ, usando a técnica usual e o método de Winkler e a modificação introduzida por Rideal-Stewart, o A. fêz 29 determinações, sendo 23 de oxigênio dissolvido (D. O.) e 6 de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (B. O. D.); zero e 7,6 p. p. m. foram os limites encontrados para o D. O. e zero e 1,4, os limites para o B. O. D. Quando a mesma amostra era usada para a determinação feita pelos dois métodos, observava-se que os valores eram sempre maiores com o método de Winkler, não modificado; isto foi atribuído à presença de nitritos, sais de ferro e matéria orgânica, em quantidade significativa, na água das amostras. Releva considerar que as amostras foram colhidas em região onde o solo é de natureza argilosa e rico de elementos ferrosos, conhecido localmente como terra roxa. Das 17 dosagens feitas pelo método de Winkler, 6 mostraram valores inferiores a 4 para o D. O., o que indica, considerado o Código Sanitário do Estado de São Paulo, cujo projeto foi apresentado por ANDRADE et al. (1957), que as águas onde as amostras foram retiradas, têm o seu uso vedado para fins potáveis, agrícolas ou recreacionais. Das 6 determinações de D. O. feitas pelo método de Winkler, modificado por Rideal-Stewart, apenas uma (água-filtrada, não clorada, da Estação de Tratamento), apresentou valor acima de 4 p. p. m., a qual poderia ser usada para o consumo, mas, assim mesmo, com desinfecção prévia e não após a filtração, como vem sendo realizado naquela estação. Os resultados obtidos para o B. O. D., aliás muito poucos, usando-se em 50% dos casos, água clorada que interfere no crescimento e multiplicação das bactérias porventura ali presentes, são já favoráveis ao uso das águas analisadas.


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v.13:pt.5B:no.2 (1967) [Solanaceae]


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The photosensitizing properties of m-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) and polyethylene glycol-derivatized mTHPC (pegylated mTHPC) were compared in nude mice bearing human malignant mesothelioma, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma xenografts. Laser light (20 J/cm2) at 652 nm was delivered to the tumour (surface irradiance) and to an equal-sized area of the hind leg of the animals after i.p. administration of 0.1 mg/kg body weight mTHPC and an equimolar dose of pegylated mTHPC, respectively. The extent of tumour necrosis and normal tissue injury was assessed by histology. Both mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC catalyse photosensitized necrosis in mesothelioma xenografts at drug-light intervals of 1-4 days. The onset of action of pegylated mTHPC seemed slower but significantly exceeds that of mTHPC by days 3 and 4 with the greatest difference being noted at day 4. Pegylated mTHPC also induced significantly larger photonecrosis than mTHPC in squamous cell xenografts but not in adenocarcinoma at day 4, where mTHPC showed greatest activity. The degree of necrosis induced by pegylated mTHPC was the same for all three xenografts. mTHPC led to necrosis of skin and underlying muscle at a drug-light interval of 1 day but minor histological changes only at drug-light intervals from 2-4 days. In contrast, pegylated mTHPC did not result in histologically detectable changes in normal tissues under the same treatment conditions at any drug-light interval assessed. In this study, pegylated mTHPC had advantages as a photosensitizer compared to mTHPC. Tissue concentrations of mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in non-irradiated animals 4 days after administration. There was no significant difference in tumour uptake between the two sensitizers in mesothelioma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma xenografts. Tissue concentration measurements were of limited use for predicting photosensitization in this model.


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The present thesis is a contribution to the debate on the applicability of mathematics; it examines the interplay between mathematics and the world, using historical case studies. The first part of the thesis consists of four small case studies. In chapter 1, I criticize "ante rem structuralism", proposed by Stewart Shapiro, by showing that his so-called "finite cardinal structures" are in conflict with mathematical practice. In chapter 2, I discuss Leonhard Euler's solution to the Königsberg bridges problem. I propose interpreting Euler's solution both as an explanation within mathematics and as a scientific explanation. I put the insights from the historical case to work against recent philosophical accounts of the Königsberg case. In chapter 3, I analyze the predator-prey model, proposed by Lotka and Volterra. I extract some interesting philosophical lessons from Volterra's original account of the model, such as: Volterra's remarks on mathematical methodology; the relation between mathematics and idealization in the construction of the model; some relevant details in the derivation of the Third Law, and; notions of intervention that are motivated by one of Volterra's main mathematical tools, phase spaces. In chapter 4, I discuss scientific and mathematical attempts to explain the structure of the bee's honeycomb. In the first part, I discuss a candidate explanation, based on the mathematical Honeycomb Conjecture, presented in Lyon and Colyvan (2008). I argue that this explanation is not scientifically adequate. In the second part, I discuss other mathematical, physical and biological studies that could contribute to an explanation of the bee's honeycomb. The upshot is that most of the relevant mathematics is not yet sufficiently understood, and there is also an ongoing debate as to the biological details of the construction of the bee's honeycomb. The second part of the thesis is a bigger case study from physics: the genesis of GR. Chapter 5 is a short introduction to the history, physics and mathematics that is relevant to the genesis of general relativity (GR). Chapter 6 discusses the historical question as to what Marcel Grossmann contributed to the genesis of GR. I will examine the so-called "Entwurf" paper, an important joint publication by Einstein and Grossmann, containing the first tensorial formulation of GR. By comparing Grossmann's part with the mathematical theories he used, we can gain a better understanding of what is involved in the first steps of assimilating a mathematical theory to a physical question. In chapter 7, I introduce, and discuss, a recent account of the applicability of mathematics to the world, the Inferential Conception (IC), proposed by Bueno and Colyvan (2011). I give a short exposition of the IC, offer some critical remarks on the account, discuss potential philosophical objections, and I propose some extensions of the IC. In chapter 8, I put the Inferential Conception (IC) to work in the historical case study: the genesis of GR. I analyze three historical episodes, using the conceptual apparatus provided by the IC. In episode one, I investigate how the starting point of the application process, the "assumed structure", is chosen. Then I analyze two small application cycles that led to revisions of the initial assumed structure. In episode two, I examine how the application of "new" mathematics - the application of the Absolute Differential Calculus (ADC) to gravitational theory - meshes with the IC. In episode three, I take a closer look at two of Einstein's failed attempts to find a suitable differential operator for the field equations, and apply the conceptual tools provided by the IC so as to better understand why he erroneously rejected both the Ricci tensor and the November tensor in the Zurich Notebook.


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Pygmy Shrews in North America have variously been considered to be one species (Sorex hoyi) or two species (S. hoyi and S. thompsoni). Currently, only S. hoyi is recognized. In this study, we examine mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the cytochrome b gene to evaluate the level of differentiation and phylogeographic relationships among eleven samples of Pygmy Shrews from across Canada. Pygmy Shrews from eastern Canada (i.e., Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) are distinct from Pygmy Shrews from western Canada (Alberta, Yukon) and Alaska. The average level of sequence divergence between these clades (3.3%) falls within the range of values for other recognized pairs of sister species of shrews. A molecular clock based on third position transversion substitutions suggests that these two lineages diverged between 0.44 and 1.67 million years ago. These molecular phylogenetic data. combined with a reinterpretation of previously published morphological data, are suggestive of separate species status for S. hoyi and S. thompsoni as has been previously argued by others. Further analysis of specimens from geographically intermediate areas (e.g., Manitoba. northern Ontario) is required to determine if there is secondary contact and/or introgression between these two putative species.