994 resultados para Standing Light-wave


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We report observations of the diffraction pattern resulting when a nematic liquid crystal is illuminated with two equal power, high intensity beams of light from an Ar+ laser. The time evolution of the pattern is followed from the initial production of higher diffraction orders to a final striking display arising as a result of the self-diffraction of the two incident beams. The experimental results are described with good approximation by a model assuming a phase distribution at the output plane of the liquid crystal in the form of the sum of a gaussian and a sinusoid.


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Chemical turbulence in the oscillatory catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) is suppressed by means of focused laser light. The laser locally heats the platinum surface which leads to a local increase of the oscillation frequency, and to the formation of a pacemaker which emits target waves. These waves slowly entrain the medium and suppress the spatiotemporal chaos present in the absence of laser light. Our experimental results are confirmed by a detailed numerical analysis of one- and two-dimensional media using the Krischer-Eiswirth-Ertl model for CO oxidation on Pt110. Different control regimes are identified and the dispersion relation of the system is determined using the pacemaker as an externally tunable wave source.


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We report observations of the diffraction pattern resulting when a nematic liquid crystal is illuminated with two equal power, high intensity beams of light from an Ar+ laser. The time evolution of the pattern is followed from the initial production of higher diffraction orders to a final striking display arising as a result of the self-diffraction of the two incident beams. The experimental results are described with good approximation by a model assuming a phase distribution at the output plane of the liquid crystal in the form of the sum of a gaussian and a sinusoid.


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A compact high-power yellow-green continuous wave (CW) laser source based on second-harmonic generation (SHG) in a 5% MgO doped periodically poled congruent lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide crystal pumped by a quantum-dot fiber Bragg grating (QD-FBG) laser diode is demonstrated. A frequency-doubled power of 90.11 mW at the wavelength of 560.68 nm with a conversion efficiency of 52.4% is reported. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest output power and conversion efficiency achieved to date in this spectral region from a diode-pumped PPLN waveguide crystal, which could prove extremely valuable for the deployment of such a source in a wide range of biomedical applications.


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Standing waves are studied as solutions of a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation subjected to local and global time-delay feedback terms. The onset is described as an instability of the uniform oscillations with respect to spatially periodic perturbations. The solution of the standing wave pattern is given analytically and studied through simulations. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Spectrum narrowing of CW light was observed experimentally in optical transmission fibers with normal dispersion. The effect's theoretical interpretation as an effective self-pumping parametric amplification of the spectrum's central part is confirmed by numerical modeling. OCIS codes: (060.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers; (190.4410) Nonlinear optics, parametric processes; (190.4380); Nonlinear optics, four-wave mixing. © OSA 2015.


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Statistical mechanics of two coupled vector fields is studied in the tight-binding model that describes propagation of polarized light in discrete waveguides in the presence of the four-wave mixing. The energy and power conservation laws enable the formulation of the equilibrium properties of the polarization state in terms of the Gibbs measure with positive temperature. The transition line T=∞ is established beyond which the discrete vector solitons are created. Also in the limit of the large nonlinearity an analytical expression for the distribution of Stokes parameters is obtained, which is found to be dependent only on the statistical properties of the initial polarization state and not on the strength of nonlinearity. The evolution of the system to the final equilibrium state is shown to pass through the intermediate stage when the energy exchange between the waveguides is still negligible. The distribution of the Stokes parameters in this regime has a complex multimodal structure strongly dependent on the nonlinear coupling coefficients and the initial conditions.


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Inscription: Verso: Sarabeth Levine, owner, Sarabeth's Kitchen, 412 Amsterdam Avenue, New York.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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A paradigma kifejezést Thomas Kuhn honosította meg a tudományfilozófiában: így nevezte el azt a sajátos szemléletmódot, ahogyan egy kutatási irányzat rátekint vizsgálata tárgyára. Azonos paradigmát használó kutatók hasonló kérdésekre keresik a választ, hasonló módszereket és fogalmakat alkalmaznak. A szerző 1999-ben publikált cikkében vezette be a "rendszerparadigma" kifejezést, amely a társadalomban működő rendszereket helyezi a vizsgálat középpontjába. A tanulmány a posztszocialista átalakulás során szerzett tapasztalatok alapján fejleszti tovább a korábbi cikkben kifejtett elméleti gondolatokat. Az első rész a szocialista és a kapitalista rendszert hasonlítja össze; leírja fő jellemzőiket, majd megállapítja, hogy Észak-Korea és Kuba kivételével az egykori szocialista országokban meghonosodott a kapitalista rendszer. A második rész a politikai-kormányzati formák szerint tipologizálja a kapitalizmus változatait. Három markáns típust különböztet meg: a demokráciát, az autokráciát és a diktatúrát. Huntington a demokratizálás harmadik hullámáról írt. A tanulmány arra a következtetésre jut, hogy ez a hullám elapadt, a 47 posztszocialista ország lakosságának mindössze egytizede él demokráciában, a többiben autokrácia vagy diktatúra uralkodik. A harmadik rész Magyarországra alkalmazza a kialakított fogalmi és elemzési apparátust: itt kapitalizmus van, a politikai-kormányzati forma autokrácia - lényeges közös jellemzők mutathatók ki más kapitalista országokkal, illetve más autokráciákkal. Ez összefér azzal a felismeréssel, hogy egyes - nem alapvető jelentőségű - vonások egyediek, "hungarikumok", különböznek minden más ország tulajdonságaitól. _____ The expression paradigm, introduced into the philosophy of science by Thomas Kuhn for the way a research trend views the subject examined, denotes a case where researchers pursue similar questions by similar methods with similar concepts. The author introduced the expression system paradigm" in a 1999 article centred on the systems operating in society. This paper takes those theoretical ideas further, based on experience in the post-socialist transformation. The first part compares the socialist and capitalist systems and their main features, establishing that all former socialist countries but North Korea and Cuba have embraced the capitalist system. The second adds a typology of the varieties of capitalism by politico-governmental form, marking three types: democracy, autocracy and dictatorship. Huntington writes of a third wave of democratization, which this study concludes has ceased. Democracy reigns in only 10 per cent of the 47 post-socialist countries, autocracy or dictatorship in the others. The third part applies this conceptual and analytical framework to Hungary, where capitalism prevails, with autocracy as its politico-governmental form. It shows strongly similar features to other capitalist countries and other autocracies. This is compatible with recognizing that some features of less than fundamental importance are specific to Hungary and differ from those elsewhere.