810 resultados para Social and environmental accounting
The research described in this thesis examines the characteristics, the benefits and the challenges associated with the implementation of management accounting systems in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Applied to the CSR context, management accounting relates to the identification, elaboration and communication of information about an organization's interactions with the society and the environment. Based on this information, firms are able to make decisions to achieve social and environmental objectives and provide evidence justifying the benefits and the costs of such actions. The study begins by focusing on green management and exploring the characteristics of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) systems within firms. The first chapter informs the reader about the growing body of EMA research and reveals unexplored relevant aspects that need to be further investigated. The work also emphasizes the importance of developing new theoretical hypotheses and appropriate research designs to empirically tackle new aspects of EMA and gain understanding on the use of these practices. Subsequently, given the acknowledged importance of control systems in influencing the behaviour of individuals within organizations, the remaining two chapters of the dissertation focus on the functioning of CSR-linked incentives assigned to employees in the form of compensation plans. The second chapter examines the determinants influencing corporate provision of incentives for the attainment of environmental targets. Empirical analysis of a sample of international firms reveals that companies are likely to use green incentives as mechanisms to increase the efficacy in contracting with their employees as well as to respond to social influences. Finally, the third chapter investigates the effectiveness of contracting associated with the use of CSR-linked executive compensation. Empirical analysis of a sample of US-based companies shows that corporate choice to tie senior executives' pay to CSR targets promotes the firm's CSR performance. Cette thèse examine les caractéristiques, avantages et défis associés à l'utilisation des systèmes de contrôle de gestion dans le domaine de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE). Dans le contexte de la RSE, les activités du contrôle de gestion impliquent l'identification, l'élaboration et la communication d'informations qui concernent les interactions des organisations avec la société et l'environnement. Avec ces informations les entreprises sont en mesure de prendre des décisions visant à atteindre les objectifs sociaux et environnementaux de l'organisation et de documenter les bénéfices et coûts de ces actions. Dès le début, la thèse se concentre sur les caractéristiques des systèmes de contrôle de gestion environnementale au sein des entreprises. Le premier chapitre passe en revue la littérature existante et révèle des aspects inexplorés. Pour ce faire, le travail suggère le développement de nouvelles théories ainsi que l'utilisation de méthodes appropriées. Ces dernières doivent permettre d'aborder empiriquement de nouveaux aspects des systèmes de contrôle environnemental et faciliter la compréhension sur l'utilisation de ces pratiques. Considérant l'importance des systèmes de contrôle pour influencer le comportement des individus au sein des organisations, la suite du travail se concentre sur le fonctionnement des contrats de rémunération des employées liées aux résultats de la RSE. Plus particulièrement, le deuxième chapitre examine les facteurs qui influencent la décision des entreprises d'assigner des objectifs environnementaux aux employées. L'analyse empirique d'un échantillon d'entreprises internationales montre que les entreprises sont susceptibles d'utiliser des mécanismes incitatifs écologiques pour augmenter l'efficacité des contrats ainsi que pour répondre aux influences sociales. Finalement, le troisième chapitre analyse l'efficacité des contrats de rémunération des dirigeants liés aux résultats de la RSE. L'analyse empirique d'un échantillon de sociétés américaines indique que le choix de l'entreprise de lier la rémunération des dirigeants à des objectifs de la RSE favorise la performance RSE de l'organisation.
Madagascar is renowned for the loss of the forested habitat of lemurs and other species endemic to the island. Less well known is that in the highlands, a region often described as an environmental "basket-case" of fire-degraded, eroded grasslands, woody cover has been increasing for decades. Using information derived from publically available high- and medium-resolution satellites, this study characterizes tree cover dynamics in the highlands of Madagascar over the past two decades. Our results reveal heterogeneous patterns of increased tree cover on smallholder farms and village lands, spurred by a mix of endogenous and exogenous forces. The new trees play important roles in rural livelihoods, providing renewable supplies of firewood, charcoal, timber and other products and services, as well as defensible claims to land tenure in the context of a decline in the use of hillside commons for grazing. This study documents this nascent forest transition through Land Change Science techniques, and provides a prologue to political ecological analysis by setting these changes in their social and environmental context and interrogating the costs and benefits of the shift in rural livelihood strategies.
The objective of this research was to understand and describe what corpo-rate social and regional responsibility is in SMEs and define the meaning of these concepts to the community and region. Corporate social respon-sibility (CSR) creates a basis for regional responsibility. Regional respon-sibility is a new concept and this research examines it from SMEs’ view-point. This is a theoretical research and the aim is to create a theoretical framework of SMEs’ corporate social and regional responsibility. This framework supports the future research on the subject. The research results show that CSR of SMEs is practical, informal and dependent on the scarce resources of SMEs. CSR is a complex and deep concept and SMEs have their own way of interpreting it. It can be stated that CSR-practises in SMEs are closely connected to employment, envi-ronment, community and supply chain. The challenge is to find motivation to socially and regionally responsible behaviour in SMEs. Benefiting from responsible behaviour and the attitude of SME’s owner-manager are the key reasons for SMEs to involve in CSR and regional responsibility. The benefits of this involvement are for example improved image, reputation and market position. CSR can also be used in SMEs as risk management tool and in cost reduction. This study indicates also that creation of strate-gic partnerships, local government participation, a proper legal system and financial support are the basic issues which support CSR of SMEs. This research showed that regional responsibility of SMEs includes active participation in regional strategy processes, L&RED initiatives and regional philanthropy. For SMEs regional responsibility means good relationships with the community and other related stakeholders, involvement in L&RED initiatives and acting responsibly towards the operating environment. In SMEs’ case this means that they need to understand the benefits of this kind of involvement in order to take action and participate. As regional responsibility includes the relationships between firm and the community, it can be stated that regional responsibility extends CSR’s view of stakeholders and emphasises both, the regional stakeholders and public-private partnerships. Community engagement and responsible be-haviour towards community can be seen as a part of SMEs’ social and regional responsibility. This study indicates that social and regional re-sponsibility of SMEs have a significant influence on the community and region where they are located. Better local and regional relationships with regional and community actors are the positive impacts of social and re-gional responsibility of SMEs. Socially and regionally responsible behav-iour creates a more positive environment and deepens the involvement of SMEs to community and L&RED initiatives.
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether regional differences in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) existed along language boundaries within Switzerland and whether potential differences would be explained by socio-demographics or environmental characteristics. METHODS: We combined data of 611 children aged 4 to 7 years from four regional studies. PA and SB were assessed by accelerometers. Information about the socio-demographic background was obtained by questionnaires. Objective neighbourhood attributes could be linked to home addresses. Multivariate regression models were used to test associations between PA and SB and socio-demographic characteristics and neighbourhood attributes. RESULTS: Children from the German compared to the French-speaking region were more physically active and less sedentary (by 10-15 %, p < 0.01). Although German-speaking children lived in a more favourable environment and a higher socioeconomic neighbourhood (differences p < 0.001), these characteristics did not explain the differences in PA behaviour between French and German speaking. CONCLUSIONS: Factors related to the language region, which might be culturally rooted were among the strongest correlates of PA and SB among Swiss children, independent of individual, social and environmental factors.
This study examined the impact of social support and of temporal and social comparisons on well-being and selfreported health in four capital cities: Paris, Berlin, Moscow and Beijing. Based on the lifespan control theory, an integrative model investigating the influence of these coping strategies, especially on the psychological regulation of health losses, was tested on 1141 respondents aged 45 to 70 years by using structural equation modelling with multigroup comparisons. Results indicated a good fit of the model to participants' responses. In all contexts, physical weaknesses favoured the use of social and temporal comparison strategies rather than social support. Moreover, across the cities, coping strategies were oriented more toward protecting self-evaluation of health than toward enhancement of well-being. Social comparison decreased the impact of physical weaknesses on health evaluation and on well-being in the four cities, but to a lesser extent in China. Results are discussed regarding the normative cross-cultural aspects that intervene during ageing in the four urban contexts.
En este artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la utilización de métodos visuales en la investigación contribuye a potenciar la participación activa de las personas con TMG. Se utiliza como ejemplo un estudio de caso de corte cualitativo que incorpora tres actividades de componente visual (el dibujo “el río de la vida”, las fotografías y el dibujo de proyección de futuro) para favorecer la reflexión narrada que, sobre sus experiencias y vivencias, desarrollan cinco personas con TMG. El uso de las fotografías y dibujos en este estudio permite afirmar que estas estrategias se han mostrado válidas para acceder, en la medida que los participantes han querido, a esferas de vida personales en trayectorias vitales determinadas por la enfermedad mental
The government of Catalonia has developed a planning framework that seeks to establish the provision of cultural facilities throughout the country. The Cultural Facilities Plan of Catalonia (PECCAT) is based on an analysis of historical gaps and establishes a minimum spatial scheme. The plan responds to problems associated with the absence of a former similar instrument, which has led to an inconsistent and inappropriate cultural infrastructure that fails to fulfill its fundamental mission of securing the cultural rights of the population. The paper sets forth the aims of this policy and describes the objectives and basic characteristics of the plan and the expected outcomes. With the plan, the government of Catalonia seeks to rebalance the infrastructure within the territory and to ensure universal access to basic cultural services, while avoiding a logic of standardization and taking local communities into account. With the development of local plans in the municipalities, local governments encourage community participation processes to adapt and decide on priorities for action based on needs assessments and cultural opportunities for local sustainable development. The local plans focus on local cultural strengths, take advantage of opportunities, and aim to realize the cultural dynamics of a place through establishing an infrastructure that can best respond to the needs and cultural demands of the local communities, taking into account economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
This study is aimed to clarify the association between MDMA cumulative use and cognitive dysfunction, and the potential role of candidate genetic polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in the cognitive effects of MDMA. Gene polymorphisms related to reduced serotonin function, poor competency of executive control and memory consolidation systems, and high enzymatic activity linked to bioactivation of MDMA to neurotoxic metabolites may contribute to explain variations in the cognitive impact of MDMA across regular users of this drug. Sixty ecstasy polydrug users, 110 cannabis users and 93 non-drug users were assessed using cognitive measures of Verbal Memory (California Verbal Learning Test, CVLT), Visual Memory (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, ROCFT), Semantic Fluency, and Perceptual Attention (Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SDMT). Participants were also genotyped for polymorphisms within the 5HTT, 5HTR2A, COMT, CYP2D6, BDNF, and GRIN2B genes using polymerase chain reaction and TaqMan polymerase assays. Lifetime cumulative MDMA use was significantly associated with poorer performance on visuospatial memory and perceptual attention. Heavy MDMA users (>100 tablets lifetime use) interacted with candidate gene polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in cognitive performance between MDMA users and controls. MDMA users carrying COMT val/val and SERT s/s had poorer performance than paired controls on visuospatial attention and memory, and MDMA users with CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metabolizers performed worse than controls on semantic fluency. Both MDMA lifetime use and gene-related individual differences influence cognitive dysfunction in ecstasy users.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ikäihmisten kotona asumista sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyön näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli lisätä ymmärrystä iäkkäiden kotihoidon asiakkaiden voimavaroista arjesta selviytymisen näkökulmasta, ja tutkia miten asiakkaiden hoito sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyönä toteutuu. Tutkimus oli poikkileikkaustutkimus, jossa sovellettiin kuvailevaa ja vertailevaa tutkimusasetelmaa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yhden länsisuomalaisen kunnan kotihoidon asiakkailta (≥65 v.) ja heitä hoitavilta ammattihenkilöiltä. Kotihoidon 21 iäkästä asiakasta kuvasivat omia voimavarojaan arjesta selviytymisen näkökulmasta sekä kokemuksiaan hoidon toteutumisesta ammattihenkilöiden yhteistyönä. Aineisto kerättiin avoimella haastattelulla ja analysoitiin sisällön analyysillä. Lisäksi 25 kotihoidon ammattihenkilöä: 13 kotipalvelun työntekijää, 11 kotisairaanhoitajaa ja lääkäri kuvasivat kokemuksiaan iäkkään asiakkaan hoidon toteutumisesta ammattihenkilöiden yhteistyönä. Aineisto kerättiin fokusryhmähaastattelulla ja analysoitiin sisällön analyysillä. Näiden tulosten sekä aikaisemman kirjallisuuden perusteella laadittiin strukturoitu kyselylomake, jolla analysoitiin ja vertailtiin asiakkaiden ja ammattihenkilöiden näkemyksiä siitä, miten asiakkaiden hoito sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyönä toteutui. Esitestausten jälkeen kyselylomake lähetettiin 200 kotihoidon asiakkaalle ja 570 heitä hoitavalle kotihoidon työntekijälle: 485 kotipalvelun työntekijälle, 81 kotisairaanhoitajalle ja 4 lääkärille. Kyselyyn vastasi 120 asiakasta (60 %) ja 370 ammattihenkilöä (65 %). Ryhmien välisten erojen tarkastelussa käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, Pearsonin khin neliötestiä ja Fisherin tarkan todennäköisyyden testiä. Iäkkäiden asiakkaiden kuvauksissa voimavarat muodostuivat elämänhallinnan tunteesta ja toimintatahdon säilymisestä. Asiakkaat ammensivat arkeen voimaa harrastuksista ja sosiaalisesta verkostosta, mutta ulkopuolisten asettamat elämisen ehdot, terveydentilan heikkeneminen sekä yksinäisyys asettivat ikäihmisen ja hänen voimavaransa suurten haasteiden eteen. Tulokset osoittivat, että ammattihenkilöiden toiminta oli osittain ristiriidassa ikäihmisten omien odotusten kanssa, eikä se kaikilta osin tukenut asiakkaiden omia voimavaroja. Ammattihenkilöt tekivät hoitoon liittyviä päätöksiä ja toimintoja asiakkaiden puolesta, vaikka asiakkaille itselleen oli tärkeää elämänhallinnan tunne ja toimintatahdon säilyminen. Asiakkaiden voimavarojen tukemista moniammatillisena yhteistyönä vaikeuttivat ammattihenkilöiden vaikeus tunnistaa asiakkaiden omia voimavaroja sekä niitä uhkaavia tekijöitä, tiedon kulun ongelmat, tavoitteeton ja epäyhtenäinen tapa toimia sekä ammattihenkilöiden vastakkain asettuvat näkemyserot ja toimintatavat. Asiakkaiden ja ammattihenkilöiden näkemykset toteutetusta hoidosta erosivat toisistaan tilastollisesti merkitsevästi (p<0.05). Asiakkaat arvioivat sekä itsenäiseen toimintaan tukemisen että fyysisen, psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen tuen toteutuneen työntekijöitä huonommin. Yhteistyön kehittämishaasteita kotihoidossa ovat asiakkaan oman elämänsä asiantuntijuuden vahvistaminen, toimintakulttuurin muuttaminen asiakaslähtöiseksi tavoitteelliseksi toiminnaksi, ammattihenkilöiden roolien ja vastuun selkiyttäminen sekä tiedon kulun menetelmien kehittäminen. Tutkimus vahvistaa gerontologisen hoitotieteen tietoperustaa ja tuottaa uutta tietoa, jota voidaan soveltaa sosiaali- ja terveysalan koulutuksessa ja johtamisessa
Rob Kitchin, geógrafo muy activo y prolífico, mantiene una intensa actividad editorial, puesto que dirige colecciones de temas geográficos y forma parte de los comités asesores de varias revistas internacionales de primera línea, entre ellas, Social and Cultural Geography, que se publica bimensualmente desde el año 2000 y de la que es director. Precisamente, en esta revista dedicada a temas relacionados con la geografía cultural y social se halla el origen de este libro, uno de cuyos propósitos iniciales fue desafiar la hegemonía anglosajona que domina el panorama geográfico internacional.
A research about the quality of life of the older persons of a municipality starting from the analysis of the perceptions, evaluations and expectations related to concrete spheres of their lives (familiar characteristics, housing, health, nearby environment, activities, needs and dependencies and persons helping them to satisfy needs) is presented. Answers to 1988 questionnaires obtained from two representative samples of older per - sons living in private homes in the city have been analysed: persons over 65 years old and a specific one composed by a sub-sample of the general one, with persons over 75 years living alone. Data shaping contextual indicators related to housing have been analysed. The auto - nomy to drive and the evaluation of on’s health seem to be positive indicators to take in account while sutying quality of life at these ages. Sentinel indicators of the physical and relational conditions in the family and indicators of dependency are analysed as well. The evaluations of the older persons about their own life conditions are also analysed through psychosocial indicators connected to housing, nearby environmenent, their activities andincomes. The results obtained are applicable in order to improve the decision making process in social intervention programmes developed in the field of ageing aiming to take into account their perspectives
Las actividades escolares fuera del centro constituyen una marca de calidad del pasado y del presente educativo, y tienen que seguir siéndolo en el futuro. A partir de una investigación cualitativa se identifican las razones aducidas por enseñantes para salir del aula y, con ejemplos concretos, quedan plasmados algunos de los objetivos perseguidos, así como otros que se añaden a la propia actividad. Se identifican salidas vivenciales y otras más experimentales, se reconocen valores positivos, pero también se echa en falta un trabajo más coherente con los principios actuales de la educación ambiental. Precisamente esta educación es la propuesta como el camino a seguir para renovar objetivos, técnicas y procedimientos para salir del aula
A simple, sensitive and selective spectrophotometric method for the assessment of carbofuran in various formulations and in environmental water samples is described. The method is based on the coupling of hydrolyzed carbofuran with diazotized dapsone in alkaline medium at 0 4° C which gives orange red colored product having the absorption maximum at 480 nm. The product is stable for 48 h. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.1 4.0 µg ml-1. The molar absorptivity and Sandell's Sensitivity are 5.0 x 10(4) L mol-1 cm-1 and 4.4 ng cm-2 respectively. The method is highly reproducible and is confirmed by RSD values (1.144 %). From the recovery studies it is found that this method is accurate and it can be successfully employed for the determination of carbofuran.
Eucalypt plantation has high economical importance in Brazil; however, it has been attacked by various pathogens under different environmental stress conditions. Disease resistance and survival under unfavorable environmental conditions have revealed that the eucalypt has developed highly efficient defense systems. Here we show the results of the Eucalyptus ESTs Genome Project (FORESTs). Using the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) obtained by the Project, contigs of similar sequences from each cDNA library induced and not induced by stress agents were formed, and cDNA sequences similar to other already known molecules, such as plant-signaling molecules, phytoalexins, lignin biosynthesis pathways, PR-proteins and putative genes corresponding to enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species, were identified. We also present general considerations about the mechanisms of Eucalyptus defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. These data are of extreme importance for future eucalypt breeding programs aimed at developing plants with enhanced resistance against pathogens and environmental stresses.