1000 resultados para Simulação Histórica
Numerical modeling studies of urban atmospheres were performed with a photochemical box submodel which incorporates primary emission rates, temperature and solar irradiance rate coefficients. Actinic flux calculations were made for an appropriate latitude for Rio de Janeiro and initial concentrations and emission rates were taken from experimental data. The relative importance of individual reactions is discussed as well as the effect of enhanced aldehyde emissions from vehicles using ethanol and ethanol-containing fuel.
The Solvay Process is an important route for the industrial preparation of sodium carbonate from brine and CO2. However, experiments illustrating such process are performed only in a few chemistry courses, mainly because of the difficulties to precipitate out the intermediate product NaHCO3 within the 3 or 4 hours generally available for laboratory classes. In this article we describe a method that properly simulates the Solvay process using glass apparatus that can be found in any chemistry laboratory. The good yields and purity attainable, associated with the short time (~3 hours) required to get the sodium bicarbonate, account for the suitability of our method for chemistry or chemical engineering undergraduate students laboratory classes.
A photochemical reaction mechanism for the description of air quality in Brazilian urban regions is described and evaluated by comparison with chamber experiments. The mechanism was developed for use in ozone modeling and application of control strategies. The oxidation of ethanol and methyl-ter-butyl-ether is also considered. Using this chemical model, a trajectory simulation of Brazil Avenue, Rio de Janeiro, was performed. The model predicts that ozone should reach a maximum of 22.4 ppb at 14:57 h. This value is in good agreement with the experimental measurements of 22.5 ppb for 14:00 h and 22.3 ppb for 15:00 h.
La Costa Brava, situada en el noreste de la Península Ibérica, al sur de la frontera francesa, es uno de los territorios turísticos más destacados a nivel mundial. Actualmente está asociada a una fuerte imagen de turismo de sol y playa (desarrollada a partir de los años 1960), si bien cada vez más se la complementa con valores naturales y culturales, retornando en cierto modo al espíritu de la promoción que se realizaba a principios del s. XX. Esta dimensión histórica de la promoción turística ha sido, y sigue siendo, un aspecto ampliamente desconocido tanto por la población como por los mismos agentes turísticos, dado que la mayor parte de los materiales que se han editado en los últimos 100 años se han perdido o, en el caso que se hayan conservado, se desconoce su existencia y ubicación. Teniendo en cuenta esta situación, sumada a la importancia que diversos autores dan al estudio de la imagen turística (Miossec 1977; Urry, 1990; Kotler, Haider y Rein, 1994; Galí, 2005; o Camprubí y Prats, 2009), el proyecto “Imagen gráfica de la Costa Brava” se erige como el esfuerzo del Patronato de Turismo Costa Brava – Girona y la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de Girona por recuperar este fragmento de la memoria histórica, a partir de los documentos conservados en distintos archivos
A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitude of the free energy obtained from this simulation did not permit us to conclude that urea is non-planar in water.
Una atenta observació de les activitats aquàtiques de caire educatiu mostra que aquestes pràctiques es fonamenten, principalment, en constructes que no són propis de la pedagogia, ans provenen de l’antropologia i/o de les cultures establertes a l’entorn de l’aigua. Així, el present article es pregunta pels sentits que acompanyen aquests imaginaris que sorgeixen de la relació que s’estableix entre l’home i el medi aquàtic. Per a fer-ho, s’utilitza el recurs hermenèutic de comprendre quines han estat les pràctiques aquàtiques que han anat sorgint al llarg de la història, ja que la idea principal del treball sosté que l’activitat educativa en el medi aquàtic s’ha construït a partir dels imaginaris culturals, sorgits de les mateixes pràctiques aquàtiques que l’han precedit.
This work starts with a historical perspective of the social and scientific progress related to the understanding of the atmospheric aerosol. Its origin, physical, chemical and optical characteristics, as well as its environmental behaviour are described, retracing the evolution of the concepts related to this subject over the last centuries. The main sources that contribute to atmospheric particulate matter and the modern understanding of its formation processes and constitution, focusing on the chemical pathways leading to it and on its organic components are presented. This discussion is complemented with recent evaluations of the quantities emitted by primary, secondary, biogenic and anthropogenic sources and the effects due to accumulation or dispersion of aerosols, justifying the chemical and environmental interest they engender.
Complex ¹H NMR spectra multiplets that cannot be easily understood by simple inspection are rather frequent in the daily work of the organic chemistry analyst. The multiple and excellent new techniques available from modern instruments usually provide satisfactory solutions, but there are still many cases where a simulation is necessary, at least to obtain a final confirmation. It is extremely convincing to see that a graph, obtained by calculations with chemical-shift and coupling-constant values only, can be virtually identical to the experimental spectrum. This paper describes a computer program to make such calculations. The program is free and can be downloaded from http://artemis.ffclrp.usp.br/NMR.htm (click on SimEsp_NMR_Compil.zip). All routines are also available and may be used without any restrictions. The paper includes a fairly detailed discussion about how the calculations are made.
The aim of this paper is to present a simple way of treating the general equation for acid-base titrations based on the concept of degree of dissociation, and to propose a new spreadsheet approach for simulating the titration of mixtures of polyprotic compounds. The general expression, without any approximation, is calculated a simple iteration method, making number manipulation easy and painless. The user-friendly spreadsheet was developed by using MS-Excel and Visual-Basic-for-Excel. Several graphs are drawn for helping visualizing the titration behavior. A Monte Carlo function for error simulation was also implemented. Two examples for titration of alkalinity and McIlvaine buffer are presented.
Environmental concern is growing in the current days and there is global agreement to banish production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POP). The synthetic insecticides chlordecone and mirex, classified as POPs, have similar structures and they are potentially toxic. This work uses properties and physicochemical constants related to the pesticides and computational simulation to evaluate the leach phenomenon and persistency in soil. The largest tendency of persistence of the compound is found to be in the surface of soil, but even low concentration in water represents a high risk due to bioaccumulation in adipose tissue.
EPR users often face the problem of extracting information from frequently low-resolution and complex EPR spectra. Simulation programs that provide a series of parameters, characteristic of the investigated system, have been used to achieve this goal. This work describes the general aspects of one of those programs, the NLSL program, used to fit EPR spectra applying a nonlinear least squares method. Several motion regimes of the probes are included in this computational tool, covering a broad range of spectral changes. The meanings of the different parameters and rotational diffusion models are discussed. The anisotropic case is also treated by including an orienting potential and order parameters. Some examples are presented in order to show its applicability in different systems.
We make several simulations using the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain the chemical equilibrium for several first-order reactions and one second-order reaction. We study several direct, reverse and consecutive reactions. These simulations show the fluctuations and relaxation time and help to understand the solution of the corresponding differential equations of chemical kinetics. This work was done in an undergraduate physical chemistry course at UNIFIEO.