874 resultados para Sight disablement.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the shadowed fading observed in off-body communications channels at 5.8 GHz. This is realized with the aid of the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model which assumes that the transmitted signal undergoes $\kappa-\mu$ fading which is subject to \emph{multiplicative} shadowing. Based on this, the total power of the multipath components, including both the dominant and scattered components, is subject to non-negligible variations that follow the gamma distribution. For this model, we present an integral form of the probability density function (PDF) as well as important analytic expressions for the PDF, cumulative distribution function, moments and moment generating function. In the case of indoor off-body communications, the corresponding measurements were carried out in the context of four explicit individual scenarios namely: line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) walking, rotational and random movements. The measurements were repeated within three different indoor environments and considered three different hypothetical body worn node locations. With the aid of these results, the parameters for the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model were estimated and analyzed extensively. Interestingly, for the majority of the indoor environments and movement scenarios, the parameter estimates suggested that dominant signal components existed even when the direct signal path was obscured by the test subject's body. Additionally, it is shown that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provides an adequate fit to the fading effects involved in off-body communications channels. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence, we have also compared our results with another recently proposed shadowed fading model, namely the $\kappa-\mu$ / lognormal LOS shadowed fading model. It was found that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provided a better fit for the majority of the scenarios considered in this study.


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Standard treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) is intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF drugs. Following multiple injections, nAMD lesions often become quiescent but there is a high risk of reactivation, and regular review by hospital ophthalmologists is the norm. The present trial examines the feasibility of community optometrists making lesion reactivation decisions.

The Effectiveness of Community vs Hospital Eye Service (ECHoES) trial is a virtual trial; lesion reactivation decisions were made about vignettes that comprised clinical data, colour fundus photographs, and optical coherence tomograms displayed on a web-based platform. Participants were either hospital ophthalmologists or community optometrists. All participants were provided with webinar training on the disease, its management, and assessment of the retinal imaging outputs. In a balanced design, 96 participants each assessed 42 vignettes; a total of 288 vignettes were assessed seven times by each professional group.The primary outcome is a participant's judgement of lesion reactivation compared with a reference standard. Secondary outcomes are the frequency of sight threatening errors; judgements about specific lesion components; participant-rated confidence in their decisions about the primary outcome; cost effectiveness of follow-up by optometrists rather than ophthalmologists.

This trial addresses an important question for the NHS, namely whether, with appropriate training, community optometrists can make retreatment decisions for patients with nAMD to the same standard as hospital ophthalmologists. The trial employed a novel approach as participation was entirely through a web-based application; the trial required very few resources compared with those that would have been needed for a conventional randomised controlled clinical trial.


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Este projeto de investigação foca a análise das diversas problemáticas no domínio da redução para piano suscitadas por linguagens e por obras emblemáticas do repertório musical contemporâneo. O estudo teve como principal objetivo compreender realizar uma redução para piano, tendo como base os estudos que se debruçam sobre questões de orquestração, transcrição, acompanhamento, bem como inúmeros exemplos de reduções existentes. São realizados estudos sobre as diferenças entre redução e transcrição para piano, sobre os critérios de escolha de material musical, sobre a reorquestração da conteúdo nas reduções, sobre a problemática de execução das reduções ao piano, sobre questões de leitura à primeira vista e, finalmente, sobre aspetos de apresentação. O conteúdo de investigação é dividido de acordo com três especificidades das reduções para piano. Como exemplo de cada uma delas foram realizadas novas reduções das seguintes obras: Concerto da Camera col Violoncello Obbligato de Lopes-Graça; Pli selon pli de Boulez e ópera Lady Sarashina de Eötvös. A génese destas obras e os procedimentos necessários à sua redução foram também objeto de estudo nesta dissertação. Todas as reduções foram apresentadas publicamente e preparadas para edição. O estudo aqui realizado pretende contribuir para a melhoria do conhecimento sobre as reduções para piano, procurando definir ou ajudar à compreensão das soluções viáveis pianisticamente e facilmente aplicáveis na prática. This research project focuses on the analysis of various problems in the field of piano reduction that are caused by languages and emblematic works of contemporary repertoire. This work aims to understand how to make a piano reduction and is based on studies that address various issues in orchestration, transcription, accompaniment and numerous examples of existing piano reductions. Studies were made on the difference between piano reduction and transcription, on the selection criteria of musical material, on re-orchestration of content in piano reduction, and on issues related with performance of reduction at the piano, sight-reading and aspects of score presentation. The content of this research is divided into three specifications of piano reductions. For each section an example was done of each of these works: Lopes-Graça´s Concerto da Camera col Violoncello Obbligato; Boulez´s Pli selon pli and Eötvös´s opera Lady Sarashina. The genesis of these works and their related process of reduction was also studied in this dissertation. All reductions were prepared for edition and presentation to the public. This study aims to contribute to the knowledge on piano reduction, seeking for viable pianistic solutions which can be easily applied in practice.


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O domínio científico da investigação é a Gestão da Inovação e a Gestão da Transferência de Conhecimento e de Tecnologia, tendo como tema central as relações entre empresas e agentes de inovação que fazem da Transferência de Tecnologia uma das suas actividades, pelo que se tenta caracterizar e validar uma Metodologia de análise subjectiva adequada ao estudo daqueles agentes, enquanto disseminadores de conhecimento, e as formas de maximizar a sua actuação quando tenta atender às necessidades das empresas, tais como a transferência de conhecimento e de tecnologias, ao mesmo tempo que valoriza o seu conhecimento. O trabalho proposto tem como objectivo principal contribuir para o fomento de estudos que permitam classificar as acções dos Agentes de Inovação na sua vertente de disseminador do conhecimento, requerendo assim entender as relações subjacentes aos processos de criação, transferência e difusão de conhecimento. Este contributo passa pelo estudo das formas de aplicação de mecanismos específicos na gestão das relações daqueles agentes, quando estes actuam em parceria com as empresas. Tem ainda em vista contribuir com este estudo para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que auxiliem as políticas governamentais no que diz respeito às questões de gestão da inovação e da transferência de conhecimento e de tecnologia. Os seguintes objectivos específicos são propostos: - Evidenciar as práticas actuais que promovem a interacção nas diversas fases do processo assim como a existência de práticas transversais àqueles; - Validar uma Metodologia que, utilizando os conhecimentos anteriores, possibilite a identificação de “bottlenecks” no processo e aponte um conceito de solução para a eliminação destes bottlenecks, apontando medidas para a melhoria dos processos e recursos existentes para valorização do conhecimento gerado pela I&D e atender às necessidades das empresas, sem causar prejuízo à própria investigação e outras actividades da Instituição de I&D. Propomos uma Metodologia de análise que, além de identificar facilitadores críticos (no sentido de serem os mais importantes) para aquele cenário no que toca ao relacionamento com Empresas, também pode descrever um conceito de solução baseado na reengenharia de processos e procedimentos e introdução e utilização de novos conceitos, como os de Gestão de Informação, para aquela Instituição. Para isso procuraremos validar, baseado no conhecimento disponível e aplicação em casos reais, um conjunto de regras de boas práticas que, agrupadas nos facilitadores actuais de TT, reflictam o estado da arte na Gestão da Transferência de Tecnologia e ajudem a caracterizar as Instituições de I&D no que toca ao relacionamento com a envolvente Empresarial.


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A formação em enfermagem tem acompanhado a evolução sociocultural e científico-tecnológica procurando dar resposta às exigências dos utentes e, sobretudo, à complexidade e à imprevisibilidade dos contextos de prestação de cuidados. Segundo os novos paradigmas de formação, pretende-se que os alunos desenvolvam competências que lhes permitam “agir em situação”. Neste estudo procurámos compreender de que forma os alunos desenvolvem as suas competências em contextos de ensino clínico e quais os factores que, à luz da perspectiva bioecológica de desenvolvimento humano (Bronfenbrenner e Morris, 1998) e do seu modelo PPCT (Pessoa, Processo, Contexto e Tempo), se constituem como facilitadores ou inibidores desse desenvolvimento. Optámos por uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso, referente ao 2º Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro (2002-2003 a 2005- 2006). Para além da análise documental para contextualização do ensino clínico no currículo do curso, foram recolhidas narrativas dos alunos e supervisores relativas às suas vivências em ensino clínico durante todo o percurso formativo. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo das narrativas, de natureza qualitativa, foram triangulados com as classificações dos alunos nas grelhas de avaliação de competências e respectivos relatórios e procuraram responder à primeira questão de investigação que visava analisar o desenvolvimento de competências e as perspectivas dos actores envolvidos nesse processo. A resposta à segunda questão, que incidia sobre os factores de desenvolvimento à luz do modelo PPCT, foi baseada essencialmente na análise das narrativas. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos concluir que o desenvolvimento de competências ocorre de forma integradora, combinando sinergeticamente diferentes dimensões (cognitiva, atitudinal, comunicacional e técnica) ao longo dos ensinos clínicos, num processo dinâmico, dialéctico e progressivo. E ainda que, à luz do modelo PPCT, sobressaem determinados factores influenciadores do desenvolvimento de competências. Assim, relativamente à Pessoa, emergem as características pessoais, os papéis desempenhados, a interpessoalidade, o contacto com a morte e com situações de sofrimento, sendo também significativa a emergência de uma componente afectivo-emocional. Quanto ao Processo, (que assume especial relevância), destacam-se as actividades e os processos proximais, as estratégias supervisivas, as dificuldades sentidas pelos supervisores, de entre as quais sobressai a falta de preparação para a tarefa. A análise dos Contextos revela que, no microsistema, o destaque vai para as especificidades de cada contexto e a atmosfera envolvente enquanto que, no mesosistema, a participação multicontextual e o conhecimento intercontextual se manifestam como relevantes. No exosistema, salienta-se a importância do relacionamento interinstitucional e dos modelos de parceria e, ao nível macrosistémico, emergem de forma subtil, indícios da influência das políticas de gestão hospitalar e da formação assim como da matriz conceptual de enfermagem. No que se refere ao Tempo, a importância da continuidade dos processos proximais (microtempo) e a periodicidade dos ensinos clínicos (mesotempo) mereceram referências significativas.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of a reliable centimeter-level indoor positioning system fully compatible with a conventional smartphone. The proposed system takes advantage of the smartphone audio I/O and processing capabilities to perform acoustic ranging in the audio band using non-invasive audio signals and it has been developed having in mind applications that require high accuracy, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, gaming and audio guides. The system works in a distributed operation mode, i.e. each smartphone is able to obtain its own position using only acoustic signals. To support the positioning system, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) of synchronized acoustic beacons is used. To keep the infrastructure in sync we have developed an Automatic Time Synchronization and Syntonization (ATSS) protocol with a standard deviation of the sync offset error below 1.25 μs. Using an improved Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) estimation approach (which takes advantage of the beacon signals’ periodicity) and by performing Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) mitigation, we were able to obtain very stable and accurate position estimates with an absolute mean error of less than 10 cm in 95% of the cases and a mean standard deviation of 2.2 cm for a position refresh period of 350 ms.


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This paper discusses the sustainable performance of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) which are popularly specified as “leachate retaining” or as “water proofing” membranes in the geo-environmental construction industry. Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are composite matting comprising of bentonite clay with two covering geosynthetics. These are innovative labour saving construction material, developed over the last three decades. The paper outlines the variety of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) can be classified essentially into two distinctly different forms viz; (a) air dry (< 8% m/c) with granular or powdered bentonite or (b) bentonite cake factory prehydrated to a moisture content (~40% m/c) beyond its shrinkage limit and vacuum extruded as a clay cake to enhance its sustainable performance. The dominant mineral in bentonite clay is the three-layered (2:1) clay mineral montmorillonite. High quality bentonites need to be used in the GCL manufacture. Sodium montmorillonite has the desired characteristic of high swelling capacity, high cation exchange capacity and the consequently very low hydraulic conductivity, providing the basis for the hydraulic sealing medium in GCLs. These encapsulate the active montmorillonite clay minerals which depend on the water and chemical balance between the sealing element and the surrounding geo environment. Quantitative mineralogical analyses and an assessment of the adsorbed cation regime, diffusion coefficients and clay leachate compatibility must necessarily be an integral part of the site appraisal to ensure acceptable long term sustainability and performance. Factors influencing the desired performance of bentonite in the GCLs placed in difficult construction and hostile chemical environments are discussed in this paper. Accordingly, the performance specifications for GCLs are identified and the appropriateness of enhancing the cation exchange capacity with polymer treatment and the need for factory prehydration of the untreated sodium bentonite is emphasised. The advantage of factory prehydrating the polymer treated bentonite to fluid content beyond its shrinkage limit and subsequently factory processing it to develop laminated clay is to develop a GCL that has enviable sealing characteristics with a greater resistance to geochemical attack and cracking. Since clay liners are buried in the ground as base liners, capping layer or as structural water proofing membrane, they can easily avoid strict quality and performance monitoring being “out of sight, out of mind!”. It is very necessary that barrier design for leachate containment must necessarily be in accordance with legislative requirement Assessment of long term hydraulic conductivities and clay-leachate compatibility assessment is deemed necessary. The derogatory factors affecting the sustainable performance of the bentonite in GCLs placed in difficult construction and hostile chemical environments are discussed. Sustainability concepts incorporated in waste management practice must aim to achieve 100% recycling and fully implement the handling of solid waste in developing countries with relatively lower labour costs.


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A moving image work co-commissioned by the Science Museum (London), with extensive unprecedented access to the Oramics archive at Goldsmiths College and the Science Museum. Conceived of as an Artist's film in homage to Daphne Oram, the pioneer of British Electronic Music and co-founder of the BBC Radiophonic workshop in 1958, the film features a close-up encounter with her unique invention, the Oramics Machine, housed at the Science Museum in London. Oram used drawn sound principles to compose ‘handwrought' electronic music, and yet the visual nature of her work remains largely unseen and unsung. Exhibitions: ‘Oramics to Electronica’ Science Museum (London 2011-14); solo exhibition as part of the International Rotterdam Film Festival (2013); group exhibition ‘The Sight of Sound’, Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Frieze Art Fair, NY (2012); ‘Samsung Art+ Prize’ BFI Southbank, London (2012). Screenings: mini-retrospective at the Lincoln Centre, NY, as part of the New York Film Festival (2013); Jarman Award Tour screenings (2012, venues included Whitechapel Gallery, London; FACT, Liverpool; CCA, Glasgow; The Northern Charter in partnership with CIRCA projects; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Watershed, Bristol; Duke of York Cinema, Brighton); Mini-retrospective screening and in conversation with Lis Rhodes, Tate Britain (London 2014); Mini-retrospective screening, DIM Cinema, The Cinematheque (Vancouver 2015); Mini-retrospective at Whitechapel Gallery (London 2016).


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A moving image work based on research with neurologists and audiologists, collectors and archivists. The film gives voice to the idea that every surface, in particular parts of our anatomy, is potentially inscribed with an unheard sound or echoes of voices from the past. The soundtrack’s musical composition is interlaced with a voice-over which draws on Rainer Maria Rilke’s text 'Primal Sound', where he reflects on the possibility of playing the coronal suture of a skull with a phonograph needle. The film uses microscopic photography, scanning electron microscopy, and sounds of otoacoustic emissions to uncover haunting aural bonescapes. The voiceovers too are recorded using old sound technology as a filter - writing and over-writing of wax cylinder to create unexpected scratches, glitches, loops and echoes. Exhibitions: shown as multi-channel sound/film installation AV festival (Newcastle 2010); solo exhibition at Wellcome Collection (London 2010-11); group exhibition ‘Samsung Art+ Prize’ BFI Southbank (London 2012); group exhibition ‘Transcendence’, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne (2014); solo exhibition as part of the International Rotterdam Film Festival (2013); group exhibition ‘The Sight of Sound’, Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Frieze Art Fair, NY (2012). Screenings: mini-retrospective at the Lincoln Centre, NY, as part of the New York Film Festival (2013); Jarman Award Tour screenings (2012, venues included Whitechapel Gallery, London; FACT, Liverpool; CCA, Glasgow; The Northern Charter in partnership with CIRCA projects; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Watershed, Bristol; Duke of York Cinema, Brighton), Whitechapel Gallery, London; FACT, Liverpool; CCA, Glasgow; The Northern Charter in partnership with CIRCA projects, Newcastle (special Q&A Aura Satz with Rebecca Shatwell, director of AV festival); Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Watershed, Bristol; Duke of York Cinema, Brighton; Mini-retrospective at Tate Britain (London 2014); Mini-retrospective screening, DIM Cinema, The Cinematheque (Vancouver 2015); Mini-retrospective at Whitechapel Gallery (London 2016). Publications: ‘Sound Seam’ booklet with contributions by Steven Connor and Tom McCarthy (2010).


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Teoria da Literatura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Introduction: Previous research has suggested that visual images are more easily generated, more vivid and more memorable than other sensory modalities. This research examined whether or not imagery is experienced in similar ways by people with and without sight. Specifically, the imabeability of visual, auditory and tactile cue words was compared. The degree to which images were multimodal or unimodal was also examined. Method: Twelve participants totally blind from early infancy and 12 sighted participants generated images in response to 53 sensory and non sensory words, rating imageability and the sensory modality, and describing images. From these 53 items, 4 subgroups of words, which stimulated images that were predominantly visual, tactile, auditory and low-imagery, respectively, were created. Results: T-tests comparing imageability ratings from blind and sighted participants found no differences for auditory and tactile words (both p>.1). Nevertheless, whilst participants without sight found auditory and tactile images equally imageable, sighted participants found images in response to tactile cue words harder to generate than visual cue words (mean difference: -0.51, p=.025). Participants with sight were also more likely to develop multisensory images than were participants without sight (both U≥15.0, N1=12, N2=12, p≤.008). Discussion: For both the blind and sighted, auditory and tactile images were rich and varied and similar language was used. Sighted participants were more likely to generate multimodal images. This was particularly the case for tactile words. Nevertheless, cue words that resulted in multisensory images were not necessarily rated as more imageable. The discussion considers whether or not multimodal imagery represent a method of compensating for impoverished unimodal imagery. Implications for Practitioners: Imagery is important not only as a mnemonic in memory rehabilitation, but also everyday uses for things such as autobiographical memory. This research emphasises both the importance of not only auditory and tactile sensory imagery, but also spatial imagery for people without sight.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Resumo I - O projecto “Piano e outros Instrumentos/orquestra” consiste na implementação do formato Piano e Orquestra em complemento às aulas individuais e aos ensaios de conjunto. O trabalho foi dirigido a um grupo de três alunos com idades de 9, 12 e 16 anos, do curso de Iniciação, Básico e Secundário da EMNSC (Escola de Música de Nossa Senhora do Cabo). Foram criados momentos distintos em cada fase. Estimulou-se o desenvolvimento de competências musicais e de estratégias metacognitivas visando a evolução dos alunos e a eficácia na realização do estudo individual. O Projecto foi criado com o objectivo de desenvolver as competências musicais, a motivação para realização do estudo individual e de grupo, o espírito e a audição crítica, o controlo dos factores psicológicos, a ansiedade, o aumento da autoconfiança, a aprendizagem, a melhoria da atitude positiva no momento da execução pública e o incremento do interesse pelas actividades relacionadas com a prática musical. A realização deste projecto visou analisar o grau de motivação, o desenvolvimento e a aquisição de competências musicais dos alunos de piano que frequentaram semanalmente aulas individuais, aulas extra de preparação, ensaios com Orquestra “Da Capo”, ensaios com a Orquestra Maior, duos com violoncelo e com canto. Um dos objectivos era comparar o grau de motivação e desenvolvimento dos alunos quando estudam obras nas aulas individuais que constituem o programa curricular e, por outro lado, quando o fazem em peças seleccionadas especificamente para este Projecto. Esta experiência visou proporcionar um conhecimento nos diversos domínios da música, uma visão diferente da funcionalidade do piano em conjunto com os outros instrumentos, a descoberta das sonoridades do piano contrastante e ao mesmo tempo, integrante com outros instrumentos, as formas de funcionamento dos instrumentos de corda, de sopro, dos assuntos relacionados com a afinação e pretendendo-se assim apurar o sentido de fazer parte integrante de um todo.