380 resultados para Shires, Preston


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the role and relevance of external standards in demonstrating the value and impact of academic library services to their stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach – Two UK standards, Charter Mark and Customer Service Excellence, are evaluated via an exploratory case study, employing multiple data collection techniques. Methods and results of phases 1-2 of a three phase research project are outlined. Findings – Despite some limitations, standards may assist the manager in demonstrating the value, impact and quality of academic libraries in a recessional environment. Active engagement and partnership with customers is imperative if academic libraries are to be viewed as vital to their parent organisations and thus survive. Originality/value – This paper provides a systematic evaluation of the role of external accreditation standards in measuring academic library service value and impact.


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'I'he accurate rreasurement of bed shear stress has been extremely difficult due to its changing values until white propunded a theory which would give constant shear along the bed of a flume. In this investigation a flume has been designed according to White's theory and by two separate methods proven to give constant shearing force along the bed. The first method applied the Hydrogen Bubble Technique to obtain accurate values of velocity thus allowing the velocity profile to be plotted and the momentum at the various test sections to be calculated. The use of a 16 mm Beaulieu movie camera allowed the exact velocity profiles created by the hydrogen bubbles to be recorded whilst an analysing projector gave the means of calculating the exact velocities at the various test sections. Simultaneously Preston's technique of measuring skin friction using Pitot tubes was applied. Twc banks of open ended water manometer were used for recording the static and velocity head pressure drop along the flume. This tvpe of manometer eliminated air locks in the tubes and was found to be sufficiently accurate. Readings of pressure and velocity were taken for various types and diameters of bed material both natural sands and glass spheres and the results tabulated. Graphs of particle Reynolds Number against bed shear stress were plotted and gave a linear relationship which dropped off at high values of Reynolds number. It was found that bed movement occurred instantaneously along the bed of the flume once critical velocity had been reached. On completion of this test a roof curve inappropriate to the bed material was used and then the test repeated. The bed shearing stress was now no longer constant and yet bed movement started instantaneously along the bed of the flume, showing that there are more parameters than critical shear stress to bed movement. It is concluded from the two separate methods applied that the bed shear stress is constant along the bed of the flume.


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Kralijc’s (1983) purchasing portfolio approach holds that different types of purchases need different sourcing strategies, underpinned by distinct sets of resources and practices. The approach is widely deployed in business and extensively researched, and yet little research has been conducted on how knowledge and skills vary across a portfolio of purchases. This study extends the body of knowledge on purchasing portfolio management, and its application in the strategic development of purchasing in an organization, and on human resource management in the purchasing function. A novel approach to profiling purchasing skills is proposed, which is well suited to dynamic environments which require flexibility. In a survey, experienced purchasing personnel described a specific purchase and profiled the skills required for effective performance in purchasing that item. Purchases were categorized according to their importance to the organization (internally-oriented evaluation of cost and production factors) and to the supply market (externally-oriented evaluation of commercial risk and uncertainty). Through cluster analysis three key types of purchase situations were identified. The skills required for effective purchasing vary significantly across the three clusters (for 22 skills, p<0.01). Prior research shows that global organizations use the purchasing portfolio approach to develop sourcing strategies, but also aggregate analyses to inform the design of purchasing arrangements (local vs global) and to develop their improvement plans. Such organizations would also benefit from profiling skills by purchase type. We demonstrate how the survey can be adapted to provide a management tool for global firms seeking to improve procurement capability, flexibility and performance.


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The ageing response of 2124 Al-SiC particulate metal-matrix composite (MMC) and unreinforced alloy has been examined using hardness measurements and Arrhenius analysis. The formation of phases during precipitation has been studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The MMC exhibits accelerated ageing compared to unreinforced alloy, due to enhanced S′ formation. The activation energy for diffusion is lower in the MMC than in the unreinforced alloy. DSC scans show Guinier-Preston B (GPB) zone nucleation to occur at a lower temperature in the MMC, whilst the total volume of GPB zones formed is smaller than in the unreinforced alloy. A model has been proposed to explain the GPB zone formation behaviour, in which ease of GPB zone nucleation varies within the MMC, as a function of ageing time and of position within the matrix. S′ formation is enhanced in the MMC because of improved diffusion and a large increase in density of heterogeneous nucleation sites compared to the unreinforced alloy. © 1994 Chapman & Hall.


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In the discussion - Travel Marketing: Industry Relationships and Benefits - by Andrew Vladimir, Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, the author initially states: “A symbiotic relationship exists among the various segments of the travel and tourism industry. The author has solicited the thinking of 37experts and leaders in the field in a book dealing with these relationships and how they can be developed to benefit the industry. This article provides some salient points from those contributors.” This article could be considered a primer on networking for the hospitality industry. It has everything to do with marketing and the relationships between varied systems in the field of travel and tourism. Vladimir points to instances of success and failure in marketing for the industry at large. And there are points of view from thirty-seven contributing sources here. “Miami Beach remains a fitting example of a leisure product that has been unable to get its act together,” Vladimir shares a view. “There are some first class hotels, a few good restaurants, alluring beaches, and a splendid convention center, but there is no synergism between them, no real affinity, and so while visitors admire the Fontainebleau Hilton and enjoy the food at Joe's Stone Crabs, the reputation of Miami Beach as a resort remains sullied,” the author makes a point. In describing cohesiveness between exclusive systems, Vladimir says, “If each system can get a better understanding of the inner workings of neighboring related systems, each will ultimately be more successful in achieving its goals.” The article is suggesting that exclusive systems aren’t really exclusive at all; or at least they shouldn’t be. In a word – competition – drives the market, and in order for a property to stay afloat, aggressive marketing integrated with all attendant resources is crucial. “Tisch [Preston Robert Tisch, currently – at the time of this writing - the Postmaster General of the United States and formerly president of Lowe’s Hotels and the New York Visitors and Convention Bureau], in talking about the need for aggressive marketing says: “Never...ever...take anything for granted. Never...not for a moment...think that any product or any place will survive strictly on its own merits.” Vladimir not only sources several knowledgeable representatives in the field of hospitality and tourism, but he also links elements as disparate as real estate, car rental, cruise and airlines, travel agencies and traveler profiles to illustrate his points on marketing integration. In closing, Vladimir quotes the Honorable Donna Tuttle, Undersecretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism, “Uniting the components of this industry in an effective marketing coalition that can compete on an equal footing with often publicly-owned foreign tourism conglomerates and multi-national consortia must be a high priority as the United States struggles to maintain and expand its share of a rapidly changing global market.”


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The Church of Our Blessed Redeemer Who Walked Upon the Waters is a collection of short stories about Elwyn Parker, a devout pianist who becomes a worldly car salesman. "Thirty Fingers," "My Father's Business," and "Apostate" introduce Elwyn, a saint at church and a trouble-making evangelist at school, who nevertheless finds himself in a love affair with an older woman, Sister Morrisohn. In "Captivity," Elwyn, a college freshman, experiences worldliness, then grows to resent and ultimately reject Sister Morrisohn. In "The Leap," Elwyn is back at the piano, but unemployed and unhappily married. He finds comfort only in his decade-old affair. In "The Lord of Travel," Elwyn, a car salesman, appears bereft of his former morals until he hoodwinks Ida, who reminds him of the now deceased Sister Morrisohn. Elwyn repairs Ida's car, redeeming himself in the process.


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Saipan, situated about 15° N. and 146° E., is one of the larger and more southerly of the Mariana Islands. The 15 small islands of this chain are strung along an eastwardly convex ridge for more than 400 miles north to south, midway between Honshu and New Guinea and about 1,200 miles east of the Philippines. Paralleling this ridge 60 to 100 miles further east is a deep submarine trench, beyond which lies the Pacific Basin proper. To the west is the Philippine Sea, generally deeper than 2,000 fathoms. The trench coincides with a zone of negative gravity anomalies, earthquake foci occur at increasing depths westward from it, and silica- and alumina-rich volcanic rocks characterize the emergent island chain itself. The contrast between these features and those of the Pacific Basin proper to the east is held to favor the conclusion that the Mariana island arc and trench define the structural and petrographic front of Asia.


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La Transición española a la democracia ha sido objeto de uno de los más sólidos relatos construidos por el periodismo y refrendado por la sociedad civil. En su corazón tiene lugar un momento de violencia que se concentra en la llamada semana negra de enero de 1977, cuyo clímax está representado por la matanza de Atocha. El presente artículo analiza las distintas etapas de cristalización de ese relato: un capítulo de La Transición (Elías Andrés, Victoria Prego, 1995), Siete días de enero (J.A. Bardem, 1978), un reportaje de Interviú (febrero de 1977) y las crónicas periodísticas de El País, Diario16 y Mundo Obrero. Especial atención se presta a la figura de Santiago Carrillo, identificado con la estrategia del PCE, cuya consideración cambió radicalmente durante esa semana.


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El presente artículo aborda la relación entre los medios de comunicación y la Transición española. La prensa tuvo un gran protagonismo durante esa etapa, al hacerse eco e impulsar la acción política en pro de la democracia. Con posterioridad, los medios han intentado gestionar el discurso sobre su significación actual. Dentro de esta lógica, la fotografía ha alcanzado un estatus singular gracias a su papel de cronista y su circulación posterior, una suerte de “memoria gráfica” llamada a contener los momentos decisivos del periodo. En este sentido, la foto de Felipe González y Alfonso Guerra, saludando desde el balcón del Hotel Palace la noche del 28 de octubre de 1982, se ha convertido en un icono de la Transición.


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Las relaciones entre los gabinetes de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol y los periodistas deportivos se enmarcan en el modelo de Gieber y Johnson (1961) por el que el hecho de que ambos compartan objetivos comunes, donde los gabinetes de Comunicación necesitan que los medios publiquen determinadas informaciones y los periodistas precisan de noticias que publicar, provoca una pérdida de independencia por parte de los periodistas, ya que necesitan a esos departamentos como fuentes. En la actualidad, los departamentos de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol, como el del FC Barcelona, se han constituido en gatekeepers. Esto ha acentuado las históricas diferencias que existen entre los periodistas y los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa, incrementado por el control informativo de estos departamentos lo que provoca constantes tensiones entre ambos.


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Se trata de un análisis pormenorizado de los artículos publicados por Francisco Franco en el periódico Arriba entre los años 1945 y 1960 bajo los seudónimos de Jakim Boor, Hispanicus y Macaulay. Se lleva a cabo su disección en dos grandes categorías: enemigos del Régimen y política, economía y sociedad. Para ello, se toma como ejemplo el propio artículo de Hispanicus titulado “Lo político, lo económico y lo social”. En la primera de las dos grandes categorías se agrupan todos aquellos elementos abstractos -instituciones o ideologías- que Franco consideraba perjudiciales para la España que él gobernaba o que históricamente habían sido hostiles a este país; en la segunda se recogen el comentario sobre política en términos actuales o generales, las situaciones económicas y sociales así como los numerosos fragmentos de Historia de España que el dictador gustaba de incluir en sus colaboraciones periodísticas.