994 resultados para Shape context
Les representacions que els estudiants es fan sobre les tasques acadèmiques són cabdals per entendre com les desenvolupen. Creiem que això no és una excepció en estudiants de doctorat amb les seves tesis i és per això que en aquesta recerca estem interessats en investigar com els estudiants entenen els estudis de doctorat. La literatura revisada preocupada per l’experiència del doctorat, és a dir, com els doctorands perceben aquest procés, se centra en variables de benestar, context d’aprenentatge i escriptura. Amb el propòsit d’obtenir un quadre complert sobre com els doctorands entenen fer una tesi, 627 doctorands han completat El Qüestionari de l’Experiència Doctoral (Lonka i altres, 2007) que hem procedit a adaptar a la població espanyola. Aquest instrument mesura les tres variables esmentades (al llarg de 49 enunciats de resposta Likert) i de forma general algunes qüestions del procés doctoral (8 preguntes de resposta oberta) que complementen/donen llum a la interpretació de les dades quantitatives. A més, es demana informació del context del doctorand (18 preguntes) que ajuda a entendre millor el desenvolupament de la tesi en cada cas. Donat que algunes dificultats que els estudiants manifesten en el doctorat tenen a veure amb la percepció de no disposar d’estratègies suficients per regular el procés d’escriptura, ens hem plantejat recollir dades més específiques en relació a l’escriptura de la tesi entrevistant 10 doctorands per separat i posteriorment junts en un focus grup. Pensem que la nostra investigació pot contribuir en la reflexió de la qualitat dels programes de doctorat ja que creiem que els estudiants tenen molt a dir i que cal escoltar les seves veus. A més, si els tutors disposen d’informació sobre com els seus alumnes viuen els estudis de doctorat, segurament entendran millor com porten a terme les seves tesis i podran oferir-los ajudes més ajustades.
Descripció de l' evolució del llinatge dels senyors de Cervià i la fundació del monestir benedictí de Sta. Maria de Cervià l'any 1053 i de la canònica de Sta. Maria de Vilabertran l'any 1069 en el context de la societat catalana del segle XI
Influenza surveillance networks must detect early the viruses that will cause the forthcoming annual epidemics and isolate the strains for further characterization. We obtained the highest sensitivity (95.4%) with a diagnostic tool that combined a shell-vial assay and reverse transcription-PCR on cell culture supernatants at 48 h, and indeed, recovered the strain
Shape complexity has recently received attention from different fields, such as computer vision and psychology. In this paper, integral geometry and information theory tools are applied to quantify the shape complexity from two different perspectives: from the inside of the object, we evaluate its degree of structure or correlation between its surfaces (inner complexity), and from the outside, we compute its degree of interaction with the circumscribing sphere (outer complexity). Our shape complexity measures are based on the following two facts: uniformly distributed global lines crossing an object define a continuous information channel and the continuous mutual information of this channel is independent of the object discretisation and invariant to translations, rotations, and changes of scale. The measures introduced in this paper can be potentially used as shape descriptors for object recognition, image retrieval, object localisation, tumour analysis, and protein docking, among others
Different visual stimuli have been shown to recruit different mental imagery strategies. However the role of specific visual stimuli properties related to body context and posture in mental imagery is still under debate. Aiming to dissociate the behavioural correlates of mental processing of visual stimuli characterized by different body context, in the present study we investigated whether the mental rotation of stimuli showing either hands as attached to a body (hands-on-body) or not (hands-only), would be based on different mechanisms. We further examined the effects of postural changes on the mental rotation of both stimuli. Thirty healthy volunteers verbally judged the laterality of rotated hands-only and hands-on-body stimuli presented from the dorsum- or the palm-view, while positioning their hands on their knees (front postural condition) or behind their back (back postural condition). Mental rotation of hands-only, but not of hands-on-body, was modulated by the stimulus view and orientation. Additionally, only the hands-only stimuli were mentally rotated at different speeds according to the postural conditions. This indicates that different stimulus-related mechanisms are recruited in mental rotation by changing the bodily context in which a particular body part is presented. The present data suggest that, with respect to hands-only, mental rotation of hands-on-body is less dependent on biomechanical constraints and proprioceptive input. We interpret our results as evidence for preferential processing of visual- rather than kinesthetic-based mechanisms during mental transformation of hands-on-body and hands-only, respectively.
Despite advances in diagnosis, surgery, and antimicrobial therapy, mortality rates associated with complicated intra-abdominal infections remain exceedingly high. The World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) has designed the CIAOW study in order to describe the clinical, microbiological, and management-related profiles of both community- and healthcare-acquired complicated intra-abdominal infections in a worldwide context. The CIAOW study (Complicated Intra-Abdominal infection Observational Worldwide Study) is a multicenter observational study currently underway in 57 medical institutions worldwide. The study includes patients undergoing surgery or interventional drainage to address complicated intra-abdominal infections. This preliminary report includes all data from almost the first two months of the six-month study period. Patients who met inclusion criteria with either community-acquired or healthcare-associated complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) were included in the study. 702 patients with a mean age of 49.2 years (range 18-98) were enrolled in the study. 272 patients (38.7%) were women and 430 (62.3%) were men. Among these patients, 615 (87.6%) were affected by community-acquired IAIs while the remaining 87 (12.4%) suffered from healthcare-associated infections. Generalized peritonitis was observed in 304 patients (43.3%), whereas localized peritonitis or abscesses was registered in 398 (57.7%) patients.The overall mortality rate was 10.1% (71/702). The final results of the CIAOW Study will be published following the conclusion of the study period in March 2013.
BACKGROUND: Obesity is a contemporary epidemic that does not affect all age groups and sections of society equally. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine socioeconomic differences in trajectories of body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)) and obesity between the ages of 45 and 65 y. DESIGN: A total of 13,297 men and 4532 women from the French GAZEL (Gaz de France Electricité de France) cohort study reported their height in 1990 and their weight annually over the subsequent 18 y. Changes in BMI and obesity between ages 45 and 49 y, 50 and 54 y, 55 and 59 y, and 60 and 65 y as a function of education and occupational position (at age 35 y) were modeled by using linear mixed models and generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: BMI and obesity rates increased between the ages of 45 and 65 y. In men, BMI was higher in unskilled workers than in managers at age 45 y; this difference in BMI increased from 0.82 (95% CI: 0.66, 0.99) at 45 y to 1.06 (95% CI: 0.85, 1.27) at 65 y. Men with a primary school education compared with those with a high school degree at age 45 y had a 0.75 (95% CI: 0.51, 1.00) higher BMI, and this difference increased to 1.32 (95% CI: 1.03,1.62) at age 65 y. Obesity rates were 3.35% and 7.68% at age 45 y and 9.52% and 18.10% at age 65 y in managers and unskilled workers, respectively; the difference in obesity increased by 4.25% (95% CI: 1.87, 6.52). A similar trend was observed in women. Conclusions: Weight continues to increase in the transition between midlife and old age; this increase is greater in lower socioeconomic groups.
Redox-based mechanisms play critical roles in the regulation of multiple cellular functions. NF-kappaB, a master regulator of inflammation, is an inducible transcription factor generally considered to be redox-sensitive, but the modes of interactions between oxidant stress and NF-kappaB are incompletely defined. Here, we show that oxidants can either amplify or suppress NF-kappaB activation in vitro by interfering both with positive and negative signals in the NF-kappaB pathway. NF-kappaB activation was evaluated in lung A549 epithelial cells stimulated with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), either alone or in combination with various oxidant species, including hydrogen peroxide or peroxynitrite. Exposure to oxidants after TNFalpha stimulation produced a robust and long lasting hyperactivation of NF-kappaB by preventing resynthesis of the NF-kappaB inhibitor IkappaB, thereby abrogating the major negative feedback loop of NF-kappaB. This effect was related to continuous activation of inhibitor of kappaB kinase (IKK), due to persistent IKK phosphorylation consecutive to oxidant-mediated inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A. In contrast, exposure to oxidants before TNFalpha stimulation impaired IKK phosphorylation and activation, leading to complete prevention of NF-kappaB activation. Comparable effects were obtained when interleukin-1beta was used instead of TNFalpha as the NF-kappaB activator. This study demonstrates that the influence of oxidants on NF-kappaB is entirely context-dependent, and that the final outcome (activation versus inhibition) depends on a balanced inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A and IKK by oxidant species. Our findings provide a new conceptual framework to understand the role of oxidant stress during inflammatory processes.
Aquest document mostra els resultats d'una recerca basada en un cas d'estudi on s'avalua la fortalesa de dos comunitats de programari lliure. L'avaluació d'aquesta fortalesa es du a terme amb una exploració que té com a objectiu esbrinar si aquestes comunitats acompleixen una sèrie de procediments que les ajuden a protegir-se davant d'atacs.
Quantitative linguistics has provided us with a number of empirical laws that characterise the evolution of languages and competition amongst them. In terms of language usage, one of the most influential results is Zipf’s law of word frequencies. Zipf’s law appears to be universal, and may not even be unique to human language. However, there is ongoing controversy over whether Zipf’s law is a good indicator of complexity. Here we present an alternative approach that puts Zipf’s law in the context of critical phenomena (the cornerstone of complexity in physics) and establishes the presence of a large-scale “attraction” between successive repetitions of words. Moreover, this phenomenon is scale-invariant and universal – the pattern is independent of word frequency and is observed in texts by different authors and written in different languages. There is evidence, however, that the shape of the scaling relation changes for words that play a key role in the text, implying the existence of different “universality classes” in the repetition of words. These behaviours exhibit striking parallels with complex catastrophic phenomena.
How many times a given process p preempts, either voluntarily or involuntarily, is an important threat to computer's processes throughput. Whenever running cpu-bound processes on a multi-core system without an actual system grid engine as commonly found on Grid Clusters, their performance and stability are directly related to their accurate implementation and the system reliability which is, to an extend, an important caveat most of the times so difficult to detect. Context Switching is time-consuming. Thus, if we could develop a tool capable of detecting it and gather data from every single performed Context Switch, we would beable to study this data and present some results that should pin-point at whatever their main cause could be.
Hemodynamic imaging results have associated both gender and body weight to variation in brain responses to food-related information. However, the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of gender-related and weight-wise modulations in food discrimination still remain to be elucidated. We analyzed visual evoked potentials (VEPs) while normal-weighted men (n = 12) and women (n = 12) categorized photographs of energy-dense foods and non-food kitchen utensils. VEP analyses showed that food categorization is influenced by gender as early as 170 ms after image onset. Moreover, the female VEP pattern to food categorization co-varied with participants' body weight. Estimations of the neural generator activity over the time interval of VEP modulations (i.e. by means of a distributed linear inverse solution [LAURA]) revealed alterations in prefrontal and temporo-parietal source activity as a function of image category and participants' gender. However, only neural source activity for female responses during food viewing was negatively correlated with body-mass index (BMI) over the respective time interval. Women showed decreased neural source activity particularly in ventral prefrontal brain regions when viewing food, but not non-food objects, while no such associations were apparent in male responses to food and non-food viewing. Our study thus indicates that gender influences are already apparent during initial stages of food-related object categorization, with small variations in body weight modulating electrophysiological responses especially in women and in brain areas implicated in food reward valuation and intake control. These findings extend recent reports on prefrontal reward and control circuit responsiveness to food cues and the potential role of this reactivity pattern in the susceptibility to weight gain.
L'objecte del projecte és estudiar en profunditat els sistemes gestors de bases de dates en l'àmbit de la web semàntica. Aquests sistemes són gestors de bases de dades especialitzats en l'emmagatzematge i tractament de dades semàntiques, tot tenint en compte les peculiaritats d'aquestes. Per tal d'aprofundir en la matèria, el projecte es divideix en dues parts principals. En la primera es recerca l'estat de l'art, fent un estudi comparatiu entre els magatzems semàntics més coneguts en l'actualitat. En la segona part s'estudia en profunditat un d'aquests magatzems (Virtuoso Universal Server).