997 resultados para Sea Grant alumni


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La base genética de la osteoporosis primaria es compleja. Involucra a múltiples genes y factores ambientales que actúan de manera conjunta para determinar el riesgo. Actualmente disponemos de exploraciones genómicas, como el estudio de miRNA, que facilitan la identificación de los determinantes genéticos de las enfermedades poligénicas complejas. Presentamos un estudio prospectivo realizado en familias con genealogia extensa para estudiar e identificar la heredabilidad de las propiedades densitométricas, estructurales y de resistencia ósea con el fin de profundizar en el conocimiento de las bases genéticas de la osteoporosis.


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This report is Iowa’s Three-Year Plan, which serves as the application for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding (JJDP Act). The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote Iowa’s Three-Year Plan. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.


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Knowledge of the genetic structure of plant populations is necessary for the understanding of the dynamics of major ecological processes. It also has applications in conservation biology and risk assessment for genetically modified crops. This paper reports the genetic structure of a linear population of sea beet, Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (the wild relative of sugar beet), on Furzey Island, Poole Harbour. The relative spatial positions of the plants were accurately mapped and the plants were scored for variation at isozyme and RFLP loci. Structure was analysed by repeated subdivision of the population to find the average size of a randomly mating group. Estimates of F-ST between randomly mating units were then made, and gave patterns consistent with the structure of the population being determined largely by founder effects. The implications of these results for the monitoring of transgene spread in wild sea beet populations are discussed.


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This document contains two related, but separate reports. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is a summary of outcomes from services and activities funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund in FY2001. The Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary describes Iowa communities current prevention and sanction programs supported with funding from the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) during FY2002.


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This document contains two related, but separate reports. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is a summary of outcomes from services and activities funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund in FY 2001. The Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary describes Iowa communities’ current prevention and sanction programs supported with funding from the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) during FY 2002.


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The Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning, as a part of its duties to administer Iowa’s Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund, compiled the information contained in this report. Persons involved in the preparation of this report include Eric Sage, Sonya Wendell, and Richard Moore. Much of the report’s descriptions of community projects was adapted from narrative information contained in the applications and progress reports of agencies and units of government throughout the state that are participating in the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund.


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The following Outcome Reports are derived from the Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund 1999-2000 Report compiled by the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, Department of Human Rights. The report includes background information on the Community Grant Fund and more detailed information on the individual community programs (community collaboration, program overview, contact information, and budget).


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The issue of effectively holding juveniles accountable for criminal behavior is a topic of public concern and debate. Congress created the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program and appropriated new federal funds through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The goals of the program are to reduce juvenile delinquency, improve the juvenile justice system, and increase accountability for juvenile offenders.


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Els deserts constitueixen aproximadament un terç de la superfície terrestre i estan caracteritzats per la seva aridesa extrema. Els Sàhara, la zona àrida més gran del Nord d’Àfrica és, amb diferencia, el desert més gran del mon. Ocupa una extensió de més de 9 milions de kilòmetres quadrats, expandint-se 5500 km a través del nord d’Àfrica, des de l’oceà Atlàntic fins el mar Roig. El desert d’Aràbia es troba a l’est del Sàhara i és aproximadament una octava part més petit. Tot i el seu clima tan extrem, les flores i faunes dels deserts acostumen a ser relativament riques, el que fa que ens preguntem com aquestes biotes han estat adquirides i com es mantenen. En aquest projecte utilitzem els rèptils com a model d’estudi, un dels habitants més comuns dels deserts. El propòsit d’aquest projecte era utilitzar filogènies moleculars de diversos taxons de rèptils dels deserts del nord d’Àfrica i Aràbia per respondre Quan i Com els deserts han adquirit la seva fauna de rèptils endèmica (origen i diversificació), i de quina manera aquestes faunes s’han mantingut fins ara (adaptació). Però més enllà de les dades morfològiques i les eines de filogènia molecular, els paràsits representen una alternativa excitant i innovadora dins del camp de la biologia evolutiva. En aquest sentit, aquest projecte de beca proposava anar més lluny i utilitzar els paràsits com a eina (biological tags) per millor entendre l’historia evolutiva dels seus hostes en base a una aproximació biogeogràfica i co-evolutiva. Els objectius durant aquest primer any de projecte han sigut: 1) Estudiar l’origen i diversificació de la fauna de rèptils endèmica dels deserts del Sàhara i Aràbia, 2) caracteritzar la comunitat d’ecto- haemoparàsits de les espècies d’estudi, 3) posar a punt un estudi comparatiu de la filogeografia i estructuració genètica d’hostes i paràsits.


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Social and environmental accounting (SEA) is currently going through a period of critical selfanalysis.Challenging questions are being raised about how SEA should be defined, who should be doing the defining, and what the agenda should be. We attempt to engage and enrich these debates from both a process and content perspective by drawing on the political philosophy of agonistic pluralism and a set of debates within the environmental movement – “the death of environmentalism” debates. The contribution of the paper is twofold: to set forth the death of environmentalism debates in the accounting literature and, in doing so, to contextualize and theorize the contested nature of SEA using agonistic pluralism. In contrast to consensually oriented approaches to SEA, the desired outcome is not necessarily resolution of ideological differences but to imagine, develop, and support democratic processes wherein these differences can be recognized and engaged. We construe the “Death” debates as illustrative of the contestable practical and political issues facing both SEA and progressive social movements generally, demonstrating the context and content of the deliberations necessary in contemplating effective programs of engagement. The SEA community, and civil society groups, can benefit from the more overtly political perspective provided by agonistic pluralism. By surfacing and engaging with various antagonisms in this wider contested civic sphere, SEA can more effectively respond to, and move beyond, traditional politically conservative, managerialist approaches to sustainability.


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To date, state-of-the-art seismic material parameter estimates from multi-component sea-bed seismic data are based on the assumption that the sea-bed consists of a fully elastic half-space. In reality, however, the shallow sea-bed generally consists of soft, unconsolidated sediments that are characterized by strong to very strong seismic attenuation. To explore the potential implications, we apply a state-of-the-art elastic decomposition algorithm to synthetic data for a range of canonical sea-bed models consisting of a viscoelastic half-space of varying attenuation. We find that in the presence of strong seismic attenuation, as quantified by Q-values of 10 or less, significant errors arise in the conventional elastic estimation of seismic properties. Tests on synthetic data indicate that these errors can be largely avoided by accounting for the inherent attenuation of the seafloor when estimating the seismic parameters. This can be achieved by replacing the real-valued expressions for the elastic moduli in the governing equations in the parameter estimation by their complex-valued viscoelastic equivalents. The practical application of our parameter procedure yields realistic estimates of the elastic seismic material properties of the shallow sea-bed, while the corresponding Q-estimates seem to be biased towards too low values, particularly for S-waves. Given that the estimation of inelastic material parameters is notoriously difficult, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the sea-bed, this is expected to be of interest and importance for civil and ocean engineering purposes.


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Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, a Division of the State of Iowa Department of Education, in partnership with six other state agencies, applied for and was awarded funding for “Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities Through the Use of intermediaries.” This Innovative State Alignment Grant is funded by the Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy. For clarity and brevity, the Iowa team chose to use “Improving Transition Outcomes” as the project name, thus providing the acronym ITO. Grant funding began October 1, 2003 with the possibility of renewal for five years.