1000 resultados para Sanchez, Eduardo: Blair Witch Project


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Project Management involves onetime endeavors that demand for getting it right the first time. On the other hand, project scheduling, being one of the most modeled project management process stages, still faces a wide gap from theory to practice. Demanding computational models and their consequent call for simplification, divert the implementation of such models in project management tools from the actual day to day project management process. Special focus is being made to the robustness of the generated project schedules facing the omnipresence of uncertainty. An "easy" way out is to add, more or less cleverly calculated, time buffers that always result in project duration increase and correspondingly, in cost. A better approach to deal with uncertainty seems to be to explore slack that might be present in a given project schedule, a fortiori when a non-optimal schedule is used. The combination of such approach to recent advances in modeling resource allocation and scheduling techniques to cope with the increasing flexibility in resources, as can be expressed in "Flexible Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem" (FRCPSP) formulations, should be a promising line of research to generate more adequate project management tools. In reality, this approach has been frequently used, by project managers in an ad-hoc way.


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The authors propose a mathematical model to minimize the project total cost where there are multiple resources constrained by maximum availability. They assume the resources as renewable and the activities can use any subset of resources requiring any quantity from a limited real interval. The stochastic nature is inferred by means of a stochastic work content defined per resource within an activity and following a known distribution and the total cost is the sum of the resource allocation cost with the tardiness cost or earliness bonus in case the project finishes after or before the due date, respectively. The model was computationally implemented relying upon an interchange of two global optimization metaheuristics – the electromagnetism-like mechanism and the evolutionary strategies. Two experiments were conducted testing the implementation to projects with single and multiple resources, and with or without maximum availability constraints. The set of collected results shows good behavior in general and provide a tool to further assist project manager decision making in the planning phase.


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Increasing the maturity in Project Management (PM) has become a goal for many organizations, leading them to adopt maturity models to assess the current state of its PM practices and compare them with the best practices in the industry where the organization is inserted. One of the main PM maturity models is the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®), developed by the Project Management Institute. This paper presents the Information Systems and Technologies organizations outcome analysis, of the assesses made by the OPM3® Portugal Project, identifying the PM processes that are “best” implemented in this particular industry and those in which it is urgent to improve. Additionally, a comparison between the different organizations’ size analyzed is presented.


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[Excerpt] The idea of community is usually associated with radio today in the context of what Bart Cammaerts (2009,635) classifies as a "third type of broadcast, namely participatory radio, complementary to both commercial and public media". Following Ellie Rennie (2006, 3), community radio corresponds, as all other forms of community media, to non-profit media that provide "community members with an opportunity to participate in the production process". For the International Association for Media and Communication Research, which supports a research group on Community Communication, this area includes media that originate from, circulate and resonate with the sphere of civil society.


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Promoting environmental and health education is crucial to allow students to make conscious decisions based on scientific criteria. The study is based on the outcomes of an Educational Project implemented with Portuguese students and consisted of several activities, exploring pre-existent Scientific Gardens at the School, aiming to investigate the antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of plant extracts, with posterior incorporation in soaps and creams. A logo and a webpage were also created. The effectiveness of the project was assessed via the application of a questionnaire (pre- and post-test) and observations of the participants in terms of engagement and interaction with all individuals involved in the project. This project increased the knowledge about autochthonous plants and the potential medical properties of the corresponding plant extracts and increased the awareness about the correct design of scientific experiments and the importance of the use of experimental models of disease. The students regarded their experiences as exciting and valuable and believed that the project helped to improve their understanding and increase their interest in these subjects and in science in general. This study emphasizes the importance of raising students’ awareness on the valorization of autochthonous plants and exploitation of their medicinal properties.


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Marine microorganisms possess unique metabolic and physiological features and are an important source of new biomolecules, such as biosurfactants. Some of these surface-active compounds synthesized by marine microorganisms exhibit antimicrobial, anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm activity against a broad spectrum of human pathogens (including multi-drug resistant pathogens), and could be used instead of the existing drugs to treat infections caused by them. In other cases, these biosurfactants show anti-cancer activity, which could be envisaged as an alternative to conventional therapies. However, marine biosurfactants have not been widely explored, mainly due to the difficulties associated with the isolation and growth of their producing microorganisms. Culture-independent techniques (metagenomics) constitute a promising approach to study the genetic resources of otherwise inaccessible marine microorganisms without the requirement of culturing them, and can contribute to discover novel biosurfactants with significant biological activities. This paper reviews the most relevant biosurfactants produced by marine microorganisms with potential therapeutic applications and discusses future perspectives and opportunities to discover novel molecules from marine environments.


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Architectural (bad) smells are design decisions found in software architectures that degrade the ability of systems to evolve. This paper presents an approach to verify that a software architecture is smellfree using the Archery architectural description language. The language provides a core for modelling software architectures and an extension for specifying constraints. The approach consists in precisely specifying architectural smells as constraints, and then verifying that software architectures do not satisfy any of them. The constraint language is based on a propositional modal logic with recursion that includes: a converse operator for relations among architectural concepts, graded modalities for describing the cardinality in such relations, and nominals referencing architectural elements. Four architectural smells illustrate the approach.


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Bovine α-lactalbumin (α-La) and lysozyme (Lys), two globular proteins with highly homologous tertiary structures and opposite isoelectric points, were used to produce bio-based supramolecular structures under various pH values (3, 7 and 11), temperatures (25, 50 and 75 °C) and times (15, 25 and 35 min) of heating. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed protein interactions and demonstrated that structures were obtained from the mixture of α-La/Lys in molar ratio of 0.546. Structures were characterized in terms of morphology by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS), conformational structure by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy and stability by DLS. Results have shown that protein conformational structure and intermolecular interactions are controlled by the physicochemical conditions applied. The increase of heating temperature led to a significant decrease in size and polydispersity (PDI) of α-La–Lys supramolecular structures, while the increase of heating time, particularly at temperatures above 50 °C, promoted a significant increase in size and PDI. At pH 7 supramolecular structures were obtained at microscale – confirmed by optical microscopy – displaying also a high PDI (i.e. > 0.4). The minimum size and PDI (61 ± 2.3 nm and 0.14 ± 0.03, respectively) were produced at pH 11 for a heating treatment of 75 °C for 15 min, thus suggesting that these conditions could be considered as critical for supramolecular structure formation. Its size and morphology were confirmed by TEM showing a well-defined spherical form. Structures at these conditions showed to be stable at least for 30 or 90 days, when stored at 25 or 4 °C, respectively. Hence, α-La–Lys supramolecular structures showed properties that indicate that they are a promising delivery system for food and pharmaceutical applications.


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In this work, oil mill wastewater (OMW), a residue generated during olive oil extraction, was evaluated as an inducer of rhamnolipid production. Using a medium containing as sole ingredients corn steep liquor (10%, v/v), sugarcane molasses (10%, w/v) and OMW (25%, v/v), Pseudomonas aeruginosa #112 produced 4.5 and 5.1 g of rhamnolipid per liter in flasks and reactor, respectively, with critical micelle concentrations as low as 13 mg/l. Furthermore, in the medium supplemented with OMW, a higher proportion of more hydrophobic rhamnolipid congeners was observed comparing with the same medium without OMW. OMW is a hazardous waste which disposal represents a serious environmental problem; therefore, its valorization as a substrate for the production of added-value compounds such as rhamnolipids is of great interest. This is the first report of rhamnolipid production using a mixture of these three agro-industrial by-products, which can be useful for the sustainable production of rhamnolipids.


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The present work aims to contribute for the elucidation of the role of oxidative stress in the toxicity associated with the exposure of Pichia kudriavzevii to multi-metals (Cd, Pb and Zn). Cells of the non-conventional yeast P. kudriavzevii exposed for 6 h to the action of multi-metals accumulated intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), evaluated through the oxidation of the probe 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. A progressive loss of membrane integrity (monitored using propidium iodide) was observed in multi-metal-treated cells. The triggering of intracellular ROS accumulation preceded the loss of membrane integrity. These results suggest that the disruption of membrane integrity can be attributed to the oxidative stress. The exposure of yeast cells to single metal showed that, under the concentrations tested, Pb was the metal responsible for the induction of the oxidative stress. Yeast cells coexposed to an antioxidant (ascorbic acid) and multi-metals did not accumulate intracellular ROS, but loss proliferation capacity. Together, the data obtained indicated that intracellular ROS accumulation contributed to metal toxicity, namely for the disruption of membrane integrity of the yeast P. kudriavzevii. It was proposed that Pb toxicity (the metal responsible for the toxic symptoms under the conditions tested) result from the combination of an ionic mechanism and the intracellular ROS accumulation.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização de Cultura Arquitectónica)


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the coronary risk profile in adults and elderly in a community. METHODS: The study comprised a sample of adults (30-59 years, n=547) and the entire elderly population (60-74 years, n=1165) residing in Bambuí town, Brazil. The Framingham score based on sex, age, smoking, diabetes mellitus, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and HDL-C was used. The score based on age and sex was defined as "expected" and compared with the mean score obtained by the sum of all risk factors in each age group and sex (score "observed"). RESULTS: The difference between the scores "observed" and "expected" increased with aging in both sexes. Smoking increased the difference from 30 years of age onwards, in both sexes, and hypertension was important in men above the age of 30 years and in women above the age of 50 years. Diabetes and elevated total cholesterol increased the risk of the disease above the age of 50 years in both sexes. A higher level of HDL-C reduced the risk among men above the age of 30 years, with no significant difference among women. Less schooling (< 4 years versus ³ 4 years) was associated with a higher score in adults of both sexes, but not among the elderly. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, in the community studied, the risk of coronary artery disease may be reduced up to 44% in men and 38% in women.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Arquitetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura


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El objetivo general de este proyecto es dilucidar los mecanismos de acción a nivel molecular de enzimas y proteínas involucradas en el metabolismo de colina en Pseudomonas aeruginosa, con énfasis en la identificación de residuos aminoacídicos críticos y regulación de la expresión de los genes en estudio. Los objetivos específicos que se palntean involucran abordajes bioquímicos y moleculares y serán llevados a cabo mediante técnicas de biología molecular y bioquímica (mutación sitio-dirigida, deleción génica, expresión y purificación de proteínas, fusión transcripcional a genes reporteros, etc). Planteo de hipótesis: las proteínas que se inducen por colina (fosforilcolina fosfatasa (PchP), fosfolipasa C (PlcH), acetilcolinestera (AchE), proteínas periplásmicas unidoras de colina (PUch) podrían compartir: a) una organización génica y responder a la regulación por proteínas regulatorias o a factores ambientales de manera similar; b) residuos aminoacídicos conservados que intervengan en la unión o interacción con diferentes ligandos, principalmente, colina. Para ello, se plantean los siguientes Objetivos Específicos: 1) identificar las zonas promotoras de los genes que codifican para PchP, PlcH, AchE y PUch, a fin de localizar posibles sitios de unión a proteínas reguladoras y los factores ambientales que afectan la actividad promotora. 2) determinar en las proteínas mencionadas los residuos aminoacídicos de importancia involucrados en la catálisis y en la interacción con ligandos, principalmente en la unión a compuestos de alquilamonio; 3) Se iniciarán estudios que demuestren la relación entre la inducción por colina de varios factores de patogenicidad la virulencia del microorganismo, empleando mutantes simples o múltiples en estos factores y como modelo de patogenicidad el nematodo C. elegans. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pretende tener un conocimiento profundo sobre la regulación molecular y bioquímica de varias enzimas comprometidas en la patología que produce P. aeruginosa. Esto más el conocimiento de la fisiología de este microorganismo abre el camino para la búsqueda de posibles blancos de acción de drogas. Por otro lado, se espera tener un conocimiento integral sobre la regulación de la expresión de las actividades enzimáticas relacionadas con el metabolismo de colina y la respuesta de P. aeruginosa ante la presencia de compuestos de alquilamonio utilizados como nutrientes. Se espera conocer el papel que desempeña cada uno de los sitios de unión a los diferentes ligandos para el funcionamiento y control de las enzimas mencionadas y explicar el comportamiento diferencial de las enzimas frente a distintos sustratos y otros ligandos. El conocimiento de los sitios de unión a compuestos de alquilamonio permitirá encontrar esos dominios en diferentes proteínas del género Pseudomonas y otras bacterias Gram negativas. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo, se podrá comparar la similitud de los sitios de unión a colina entre proteínas de organismos eucariotas con procariotas (ej. PUch de bacterias Gram positivas, transportadores de colina, proteína C reactiva, AchE de eucariotas contra las encontradas en bacterias del género Pseudomonas, fosfolipasas A, C o D, etc.). Este proyecto permitirá concretar al menos dos tesis doctorales (Sanchez, Otero) más varios trabajos finales de grado (tesinas) que son y serán realizados por alumnos de la carrera de Microbiología en la UNRC. Les permitirá a los doctorandos y a los alumnos de grado adquirir una formación bastante integral ya que utilizarán herramientas de la fisiología general bacteriana, de la bioquímica clásica, de la biología molecular y de la bioinformática.