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El artículo analiza la producción historiográfica guayaquileña aparecida en el Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas. Primeramente, se realiza un acercamiento al contexto sociocultural de la ciudad-puerto entre 1930 y 1960. Seguidamente, se estudia la creación del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas y el aparecimiento del Boletín, la primera publicación especializada en su ámbito, su contenido y los temas que atrajeron la atención de sus colaboradores. Finalmente se explora la influencia de esta institución en las conmemoraciones locales.


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The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to colonize the human nares is a crucial prerequisite for disease. IsdA is a major S. aureus surface protein that is expressed during human infection and required for nasal colonization and survival on human skin. In this work, we show that IsdA binds to involucrin, loricrin, and cytokeratin K10, proteins that are present in the cornified envelope of human desquamated epithelial cells. To measure the forces and dynamics of the interaction between IsdA and loricrin (the most abundant protein of the cornified envelope), single-molecule force spectroscopy was used, demonstrating high-specificity binding. IsdA acts as a cellular adhesin to the human ligands, promoting whole-cell binding to immobilized proteins, even in the absence of other S. aureus components (as shown by heterologous expression in Lactococcus lactis). Inhibition experiments revealed the binding of the human ligands to the same IsdA region. This region was mapped to the NEAT domain of IsdA. The NEAT domain also was found to be required for S. aureus whole-cell binding to the ligands as well as to human nasal cells. Thus, IsdA is an important adhesin to human ligands, which predominate in its primary ecological niche.


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Resistance to human skin innate defenses is crucial for survival and carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, a common cutaneous pathogen and nasal colonizer. Free fatty acids extracted from human skin sebum possess potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. The mechanisms by which S. aureus overcomes this host defense during colonization remain unknown. Here, we show that S. aureus IsdA, a surface protein produced in response to the host, decreases bacterial cellular hydrophobicity rendering them resistant to bactericidal human skin fatty acids and peptides. IsdA is required for survival of S. aureus on live human skin. Reciprocally, skin fatty acids prevent the production of virulence determinants and the induction of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus and other Gram-positive pathogens. A purified human skin fatty acid was effective in treating systemic and topical infections of S. aureus suggesting that our natural defense mechanisms can be exploited to combat drug-resistant pathogens.


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The diterpene isopimaric acid was extracted from the immature cones of Pinus nigra (Arnold) using bioassay. guided fractionation of a crude hexane extract. Isopimaric acid was assayed against multidrug-resistant (MDR) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were 32-64 mu g/mL and compared with a commercially obtained resin acid, abietic acid, with MICs of 64 mu g/mL. Resin acids are known to have antibacterial activity and are valued in traditional medicine for their antiseptic properties: These results show that isopimaric acid is active against MDR an MRSA strains of S. aureus which are becoming, increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Both compounds were evaluated for modulation activity in combination with antibiotics, but did not potentiate the activity of the antibiotics tested. However, the compounds were also assayed in combination with the efflux pump inhibitor reserpine, to ice if inhibition of the TetK or NorA efflux pump increased their activity. Interestingly, rather than a potentiation of activity by a reduction in MIC, a two to four-fold increase in MIC was seen. It may he that isopimaric acid and abietic acid are not substrates for these efflux pumps, but it is also possible that an antagonistic interaction with reserpine may render the antibiotics inactive. H-1-NMR of abietic acid and reserpine taken individually and in combination, revealed a shift in resonance of some peaks for both compounds when mixed together compared with the spectra of the compounds on their own. It is proposed that this may he due to complex formation between abietic acid and reserpine and that this complex formation is responsible for a reduction in activity and elevation of MIC. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Epidemics of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus are caused by strains producing high concentrations of phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs). How neutrophils sense PSMs is revealed in this issue of Cell Host & Microbe. Such interactions are key to infection outcome and may be the basis for development of new treatment strategies.


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Virulence in Staphylococcus aureus is regulated via agr-dependent quorum sensing in which an autoinducing peptide (AIP) activates AgrC, a histidine protein kinase. AIPs are usually thiolactones containing seven to nine amino acid residues in which the thiol of the central cysteine is linked to the alpha-carboxyl of the C-terminal amino acid residue. The staphylococcal agr locus has diverged such that the AIPs of the four different S. aureus agr groups self-activate but cross-inhibit. Consequently, although the agr system is conserved among the staphylococci, it has undergone significant evolutionary divergence whereby to retain functionality, any changes in the AIP-encoding gene (agrD) that modifies AIP structure must be accompanied by corresponding changes in the AgrC receptor. Since AIP-1 and AIP-4 only differ by a single amino acid, we compared the transmembrane topology of AgrC1 and AgrC4 to identify amino acid residues involved in AIP recognition. As only two of the three predicted extracellular loops exhibited amino acid differences, site-specific mutagenesis was used to exchange the key AgrC1 and AgrC4 amino acid residues in each loop either singly or in combination. A novel lux-based agrP3 reporter gene fusion was constructed to evaluate the response of the mutated AgrC receptors. The data obtained revealed that while differential recognition of AIP-1 and AIP-4 depends primarily on three amino acid residues in loop 2, loop 1 is essential for receptor activation by the cognate AIP. Furthermore, a single mutation in the AgrC1 loop 2 resulted in conversion of (Ala5)AIP-1 from a potent antagonist to an activator, essentially resulting in the forced evolution of a new AIP group. Taken together, our data indicate that loop 2 constitutes the predicted hydrophobic pocket that binds the AIP thiolactone ring while the exocyclic amino acid tail interacts with loop 1 to facilitate receptor activation.


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An important facet of the Staphylococcus aureus host-pathogen interaction is the ability of the invading bacterium to evade host innate defenses, particularly the cocktail of host antimicrobial peptides. In this work, we showed that IsdA, a surface protein of S. aureus which is required for nasal colonization, binds to lactoferrin, the most abundant antistaphylococcal polypeptide in human nasal secretions. The presence of IsdA on the surface of S. aureus confers resistance to killing by lactoferrin. In addition, the bactericidal activity of lactoferrin was inhibited by addition of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, implicating the serine protease activity of lactoferrin in the killing of S. aureus. Recombinant IsdA was a competitive inhibitor of lactoferrin protease activity. Reciprocally, antibody reactive to IsdA enhanced killing of S. aureus. Thus, IsdA can protect S. aureus against lactoferrin and acts as a protease inhibitor.


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Following a pressure treatment of a clonal Staphylococcus aureus culture with 400 MPa for 30 min, piezotolerant variants were isolated. Among 21 randomly selected survivors, 9 were piezotolerant and all formed small colonies on several agar media. The majority of the isolates showed increased thermotolerance, impaired growth, and reduced antibiotic resistance compared to the wild type. However, several nonpiezotolerant isolates also demonstrated impaired growth and the small-colony phenotype. In agglutination tests for the detection of protein A and fibrinogen, the piezotolerant variants showed weaker agglutination reactions than the wild type and the other isolates. All variants also showed defective production of the typical S. aureus golden color, a characteristic which has previously been linked with virulence. They were also less able to invade intestinal epithelial cells than the wild type. These S. aureus variants showed phenotypic similarities to previously isolated Listeria monocytogenes piezotolerant mutants that contained mutations in ctsR. Because of these similarities, possible alterations in the ctsR hypermutable regions of the S. aureus variants were investigated through amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. No mutations were identified, and subsequently we sequenced the ctsR and hrcA genes of three representative variants, finding no mutations. This work demonstrates that S. aureus probably possesses a strategy resulting in an abundance of multiple-stressresistant variants within clonal populations. This strategy, however, seems to involve genes and regulatory mechanisms different from those previously reported for L. monocytogenes. We are in the process of identifying these mechanisms.