424 resultados para RFID,


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The search for more reliable security systems and information management of these systems is leading to a growing progress in new technologies investments that allow the implementation of equipment with a high level of reliability, but also have an agile and practical operation. This led people to turn increasingly looking for home automation systems, enterprise and industry for the automation and integration of their systems. The identification by radio frequency is very widespread today for ensuring both agility in handling records data, the reliability of their identification systems, which are increasingly advanced and less susceptible to fraud. Attached to this technology, the use of the database is always very important for the storage of information collected, the area where the MySQL platform is widely used. Using the open source Arduino platform for programming and manipulation of RFID module and LabVIEW software for the union of all these technologies and to develop a user-friendly interface, you can create a highly reliable access control and agility places a high turnover of people. This project aims to prove the advantages of using all these technologies working together, thus improving a flawed system effectively safety, cheaper and quicker


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Real Options Analysis (ROA) has become a complimentary tool for engineering economics. It has become popular due to the limitations of conventional engineering valuation methods; specifically, the assumptions of uncertainty. Industry is seeking to quantify the value of engineering investments with uncertainty. One problem with conventional tools are that they may assume that cash flows are certain, therefore minimizing the possibility of the uncertainty of future values. Real options analysis provides a solution to this problem, but has been used sparingly by practitioners. This paper seeks to provide a new model, referred to as the Beta Distribution Real Options Pricing Model (BDROP), which addresses these limitations and can be easily used by practitioners. The positive attributes of this new model include unconstrained market assumptions, robust representation of the underlying asset‟s uncertainty, and an uncomplicated methodology. This research demonstrates the use of the model to evaluate the use of automation for inventory control.


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This paper describes a CMOS implementation of a linear voltage regulator (LVR) used to power up implanted physiological signal systems, as it is the case of a wireless blood pressure biosensor. The topology is based on a classical structure of a linear low-dropout regulator. The circuit is powered up from an RF link, thus characterizing a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The LVR was designed to meet important features such as low power consumption and small silicon area, without the need for any external discrete components. The low power operation represents an essential condition to avoid a high-energy RF link, thus minimizing the transmitted power and therefore minimizing the thermal effects on the patient's tissues. The project was implemented in a 0.35-mu m CMOS process, and the prototypes were tested to validate the overall performance. The LVR output is regulated at 1 V and supplies a maximum load current of 0.5 mA at 37 degrees C. The load regulation is 13 mV/mA, and the line regulation is 39 mV/V. The LVR total power consumption is 1.2 mW.


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Máster Oficial en Gestión Costera


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[ES]Uno de los principales efectos de la subida del nivel del mar es el aumento de la erosión costera. Las Islas Canarias tienen una longitud de costa de 1554 km, de los cuales 10% corresponden a playas de cantos y mixtas. Debido a la inexistencia de trabajos en este tipo de sistemas en el archipiélago canario, el objetivo de esta tesis es realizar un seguimiento de los cantos en la playa de San Felipe, Gran Canaria, mediante la tecnología RFID. Además, se desarrollarán los modelos morfodinámicos de evolución lo que permitirá comprender los patrones de respuesta de las playas de cantos frente al clima marítimo y así tratar de proteger nuestras costas a corto y largo plazo.


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This thesis deals with Context Aware Services, Smart Environments, Context Management and solutions for Devices and Service Interoperability. Multi-vendor devices offer an increasing number of services and end-user applications that base their value on the ability to exploit the information originating from the surrounding environment by means of an increasing number of embedded sensors, e.g. GPS, compass, RFID readers, cameras and so on. However, usually such devices are not able to exchange information because of the lack of a shared data storage and common information exchange methods. A large number of standards and domain specific building blocks are available and are heavily used in today's products. However, the use of these solutions based on ready-to-use modules is not without problems. The integration and cooperation of different kinds of modules can be daunting because of growing complexity and dependency. In this scenarios it might be interesting to have an infrastructure that makes the coexistence of multi-vendor devices easy, while enabling low cost development and smooth access to services. This sort of technologies glue should reduce both software and hardware integration costs by removing the trouble of interoperability. The result should also lead to faster and simplified design, development and, deployment of cross-domain applications. This thesis is mainly focused on SW architectures supporting context aware service providers especially on the following subjects: - user preferences service adaptation - context management - content management - information interoperability - multivendor device interoperability - communication and connectivity interoperability Experimental activities were carried out in several domains including Cultural Heritage, indoor and personal smart spaces – all of which are considered significant test-beds in Context Aware Computing. The work evolved within european and national projects: on the europen side, I carried out my research activity within EPOCH, the FP6 Network of Excellence on “Processing Open Cultural Heritage” and within SOFIA, a project of the ARTEMIS JU on embedded systems. I worked in cooperation with several international establishments, including the University of Kent, VTT (the Technical Reserarch Center of Finland) and Eurotech. On the national side I contributed to a one-to-one research contract between ARCES and Telecom Italia. The first part of the thesis is focused on problem statement and related work and addresses interoperability issues and related architecture components. The second part is focused on specific architectures and frameworks: - MobiComp: a context management framework that I used in cultural heritage applications - CAB: a context, preference and profile based application broker which I designed within EPOCH Network of Excellence - M3: "Semantic Web based" information sharing infrastructure for smart spaces designed by Nokia within the European project SOFIA - NoTa: a service and transport independent connectivity framework - OSGi: the well known Java based service support framework The final section is dedicated to the middleware, the tools and, the SW agents developed during my Doctorate time to support context-aware services in smart environments.


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Il contesto generale nel quale è inserito tale elaborato di tesi è la tecnologia RFID; se ne fa una disamina completa, partendo dalla ricostruzione delle tappe storiche che hanno portato alla sua diffusione. Viene data particolare enfasi alle differenze esistenti tra le varie tipologie, alle frequenze a cui possono operare i dispositivi e agli standard legislativi vigenti. Vengono enunciati inoltre i costi dei dispositivi e le critiche verso la tecnologia. L'obiettivo della tesi è quello di valutare la possibilità di realizzare un meccanismo di monitoraggio a breve raggio di dispositivi dotati di rfid: per questo la visione che si da della tecnologia è il più completa possibile. La prerogativa di lunga durata richiesta dal sistema ha portato a valutare se potesse essere utile integrare un meccanismo di recupero energia; per questo si prosegue con una disamina dell'energy harvesting, fornendo dettagli su tutte le fonti da cui è possibile recuperare energia e casi pratici di meccanismi realizzati, sia che questi siano già presenti sul mercato, sia che siano solo risultati di ricerche e prototipi. Si conclude quindi il lavoro valutando le effettive possibilità di realizzazione del sistema, evidenziando le scelte consigliate per una migliore esecuzione.


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RTLS and RFID systems are becoming more and more important in several fields. When these systems meet the UWB technology, they can take advantage of each other strengths. Since nowadays a strong importance is given to the "green" technology, we chose to adopt a passive solution. In this case the backscattering modulation can be used to carry data. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the behavior of the antennas used as tags, when they are closed to dierent material objects. In particular, the antenna mode part has been deeply observed, as it is the crucial part of the signal regarding the backscatter modulation.


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Gli strumenti chirurgici sono importanti “devices” utilizzati come supporto indi-spensabile nella cura di pazienti negli ospedali. Essi sono caratterizzati da un intero ciclo di vita che inizia convenzionalmente nello “Store”, dove gli strumenti sterilizzati sono prelevati per essere utilizzati all’interno delle sale operatorie, e termina nuovamente nello “Store”, dove gli strumenti vengono immagazzinati per essere riutilizzati in un nuovo ciclo. Può accadere che le singole fasi del ciclo subiscano ritardi rispetto ai tempi previ-sti, non assicurando, pertanto, nelle sale operatorie, il corretto numero degli stru-menti secondo i tempi programmati. Il progetto che vado ad illustrare ha come obiettivo l’ottimizzazione del ciclo degli strumenti chirurgici all’interno di un nuovo ospedale, applicando i principi della Lean philosophy ed in particolare i metodi: “Poke Yoke, 5S e tracciabilità”. Per raggiungere tale scopo, il progetto è stato articolato come segue. In un primo momento si è osservato l’intero ciclo di vita degli strumenti nei due principali ospedali di Copenhagen (Hervel e Gentofte hospital). Ciò ha permesso di rilevare gli steps del ciclo, nonché di riscontrare sul campo i principali problemi relativi al ciclo stesso quali: bassa flessiblità, decentramento dei differenti reparti di cleaning e di store rispetto alle operation theatres ed un problema nel solleva-mento degli strumenti pesanti. Raccolte le dovute informazioni, si è passati alla fase sperimentale, in cui sono stati mappati due cicli di vita differenti, utilizzando tre strumenti di analisi: • Idef0 che consente di avere una visione gerarchica del ciclo; • Value stream Mapping che permette di evidenziare i principali sprechi del ciclo; • Simulator Tecnomatix che favorisce un punto di vista dinamico dell’analisi. Il primo ciclo mappato è stato creato con il solo scopo di mettere in risalto gli steps del ciclo e alcuni problemi rincontrati all’interno degli ospedali visitati. Il secondo ciclo, invece, è stato creato in ottica Lean al fine di risolvere alcuni tra i principali problemi riscontrati nei due ospedali e ottimizzare il primo ciclo. Si ricordi, infatti, che nel secondo ciclo le principali innovazioni introdotte sono state: l’utilizzo del Barcode e Rfid Tag per identificare e tracciare la posizione degli items, l’uso di un “Automatic and Retrievial Store” per minimizzare i tempi di inserimento e prelievo degli items e infine l’utilizzo di tre tipologie di carrello, per consentire un flessibile servizio di cura. Inoltre sono state proposte delle solu-zioni “Poke-Yoke” per risolvere alcuni problemi manuali degli ospedali. Per evidenziare il vantaggio del secondo ciclo di strumenti, è stato preso in consi-derazione il parametro “Lead time”e le due simulazioni, precedentemente create, sono state confrontate. Tale confronto ha evidenziato una radicale riduzione dei tempi (nonché dei costi associati) della nuova soluzione rispetto alla prima. Alla presente segue la trattazione in lingua inglese degli argomenti oggetto di ri-cerca. Buona lettura.


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In the last years, the importance of locating people and objects and communicating with them in real time has become a common occurrence in every day life. Nowadays, the state of the art of location systems for indoor environments has not a dominant technology as instead occurs in location systems for outdoor environments, where GPS is the dominant technology. In fact, each location technology for indoor environments presents a set of features that do not allow their use in the overall application scenarios, but due its characteristics, it can well coexist with other similar technologies, without being dominant and more adopted than the others indoor location systems. In this context, the European project SELECT studies the opportunity of collecting all these different features in an innovative system which can be used in a large number of application scenarios. The goal of this project is to realize a wireless system, where a network of fixed readers able to query one or more tags attached to objects to be located. The SELECT consortium is composed of European institutions and companies, including Datalogic S.p.A. and CNIT, which deal with software and firmware development of the baseband receiving section of the readers, whose function is to acquire and process the information received from generic tagged objects. Since the SELECT project has an highly innovative content, one of the key stages of the system design is represented by the debug phase. This work aims to study and develop tools and techniques that allow to perform the debug phase of the firmware of the baseband receiving section of the readers.