846 resultados para RESOLUÇÃO DE CONFLITOS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The spatial resolution improvement of orbital sensors has broadened considerably the applicability of their images in solving urban areas problems. But as the spatial resolution improves, the shadows become even a more serious problem especially when detailed information (under the shadows) is required. Besides those shadows caused by buildings and houses, clouds projected shadows are likely to occur. In this case there is information occlusion by the cloud in association with low illumination and contrast areas caused by the cloud shadow on the ground. Thus, it's important to use efficient methods to detect shadows and clouds areas in digital images taking in count that these areas care for especial processing. This paper proposes the application of Mathematical Morphology (MM) in shadow and clouds detection. Two parts of a panchromatic QuickBird image of Cuiab-MT urban area were used. The proposed method takes advantage of the fact that shadows (low intensity - dark areas) and clouds (high intensity - bright areas) represent the bottom and top, respectively, of the image as it is thought to be a topographic surface. This characteristic allowed MM area opening and closing operations to be applied to reduce or eliminate the bottom and top of the topographic surface.


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This research presents a methodology for prediction of building shadows cast on urban roads existing on high-resolution aerial imagery. Shadow elements can be used in the modeling of contextual information, whose use has become more and more common in image analysis complex processes. The proposed methodology consists in three sequential steps. First, the building roof contours are manually extracted from an intensity image generated by the transformation of a digital elevation model (DEM) obtained from airborne laser scanning data. In similarly, the roadside contours are extracted, now from the radiometric information of the laser scanning data. Second, the roof contour polygons are projected onto the adjacent roads by using the parallel projection straight lines, whose directions are computed from the solar ephemeris, which depends on the aerial image acquisition time. Finally, parts of shadow polygons that are free from building perspective obstructions are determined, given rise to new shadow polygons. The results obtained in the experimental evaluation of the methodology showed that the method works properly, since it allowed the prediction of shadow in high-resolution imagery with high accuracy and reliability.


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A Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies of National Institute for Space Research (CPTEC/INPE) has provided to the Brazilian Geodetic community, since 2004, an alternative to correct the GNSS observables from the tropospheric refraction. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model is used to generate Zenital Tropospheric Delay (ZTD). For the version 1, it was developed a model with horizontal resolution of 100 km, which was updated with Eta model, with resolution of 20 km. This paper provides the most significative details of the current version, as well an evaluation of its quality, using for such ZTD estimates from GPS data collect at RBMC. Comparing to the old version, considerable improvement could be observed from the new model, mainly in Brasilia and Curitiba, reaching up to 55% improvement. When all stations were used in the quality control, almost null bias and RMS of about 4 to 5 cm could be observed.


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This research has the goal to analyze the urban setting of the Planalto neighborhood, in Natal /RN, seeking to unravel the processes, agents and contradictions associated with the production of the space. The choice of neighborhood is justified by the observation that changes in its urban setting have been growing in speedy way. We highlight the performance of the housing market, in partnership with the state, and the construction of condominiums and buildings closed by the housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. This has favored the reproduction of a new " urban reality in the neighborhood, setting an urban standard that differs from the original morphology, seen as peripheral within the urban dynamics of the city. The research is a qualitative study, through documents, interviews with stakeholders, and photographic documentation. In this perspective , we seek to understand the current phase (2000s) the production of space in the neighborhood process through the development of the housing market , as an extension of the urban development in central zone of Natal/RN, analyzing the performance of agents and their producers the "new " uses redefining the "old ". Thus, it can be seen that there is in the neighborhood, urban reality in a pluralistic constitution, from the existence of different social classes inhabiting the same space. On this way, the city is produced from the appropriation of space by different social classes, although due to the economic condition of each of them


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Mira and R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) variable stars are evolved objects surrounded by circumstellar envelopes (CSE) composed of the ejected stellar material. We present a detailed high-spatial resolution morfological study of the CSE of three stars: IRC+10216, the closest and more studied Carbon-Rich Mira; o Ceti, the prototype of the Mira class; and RY Sagitarii (RY Sgr), the brightest R CrB variable of the south hemisphere. JHKL near-infrared adaptive optics images of IRC+10216 with high dynamic range and Vband images with high angular resolution and high depth, collected with the VLT/NACO and VLT/FORS1 instruments, were analyzed. NACO images of o Ceti were also analyzed. Interferometric observations of RY Sgr collected with the VLTI/MIDI instrument allowed us to explore its CSE innermost regions (»20 40 mas). The CSE of IRC+10216 exhibit, in near-infrared, clumps with more complex relative displacements than proposed in previous studies. In V-band, the majority of the non-concentric shells, located in the outer CSE layers, seem to be composed of thinner elongated shells. In a global view, the morphological connection between the shells and the bipolar core of the nebulae, located in the outer layers, together with the clumps, located in the innermost regions, has a difficult interpretation. In the CSE of o Ceti, preliminar results would be indicating the presence of possible clumps. In the innermost regions (.110 UA) of the CSE of RY Sgr, two clouds were detected in different epochs, embedded in a variable gaussian envelope. Based on a rigorous verification, the first cloud was located at »100 R¤ (or »30 AU) from the centre, toward the east-north-east direction (modulo 180o) and the second one was almost at a perpendicular direction, having aproximately 2£ the distance of the first cloud. This study introduces new constraints to the mass-loss history of these kind of variables and to the morphology of their innermost CSE regions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we have elaborated a spline-based method of solution of inicial value problems involving ordinary differential equations, with emphasis on linear equations. The method can be seen as an alternative for the traditional solvers such as Runge-Kutta, and avoids root calculations in the linear time invariant case. The method is then applied on a central problem of control theory, namely, the step response problem for linear EDOs with possibly varying coefficients, where root calculations do not apply. We have implemented an efficient algorithm which uses exclusively matrix-vector operations. The working interval (till the settling time) was determined through a calculation of the least stable mode using a modified power method. Several variants of the method have been compared by simulation. For general linear problems with fine grid, the proposed method compares favorably with the Euler method. In the time invariant case, where the alternative is root calculation, we have indications that the proposed method is competitive for equations of sifficiently high order.


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De que forma a evolução da estrutura institucional do Mercosul, desde sua criação até sua atual conformação, facilita a transformação de conflitos econômico-comerciais, de menor e maior grau, em conflitos políticos. Acredita-se que uma parte significativa dos conflitos no Mercosul poderia ser solucionada tecnicamente, sem resvalar nas relações políticas globais dos Estados membros, como tem ocorrido regularmente.


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Este artigo é uma tentativa de delinear as principais características da pesquisa numa nova área de estudos a chamada Inteligência Artificial (AI). Os itens 1 e 2 constituem um rápido histórico da AI e seus pressupostos básicos. O item 3 trata da teoria de resolução de problemas, desenvolvida por A. Newell e H. Simon. O item 4 procura mostrar a relevância da AI para a Filosofia, em especial para a filosofia da Mente e para a Teoria do Conhecimento.


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Os conflitos médico-legais que ocorrem no exercício da Cirurgia e da Medicina são motivos de preocupação não só no meio médico, mas também na sociedade como um todo, pois se de um lado geram um maior desgaste emocional ao médico, por outro, os pacientes estão sendo rejeitados. As causas desses conflitos são muitas, envolvendo fatores não assistenciais, como o sistema de saúde distorcido e desorganizado, a falta de participação da sociedade e do médico na melhoria desse sistema, o aparelho formador que lança no mercado grande número de jovens médicos despreparados para o exercício dessa nobre profissão, além da falta do ensino continuado. A solução para esses conflitos não poderá ser por meio de simples criação de leis, e nem pela negativa da existência do erro médico, que ocorre numa freqüência até maior do que os próprios conflitos. Todavia, pode-se afirmar que é muito importante melhorar a relação médico-paciente. É necessário, ainda, que o médico conheça a fundo seus deveres de conduta e que, principalmente, se abstenha de praticar abusos do poder. A sociedade deve também entender que a saúde não é uma questão exclusiva dos médicos e que deve lutar pela melhoria das condições dos níveis de vida.


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Considerando o caráter multifacetado e socialmente heterogêneo da epidemia do HIV/AIDS, gostaria de refletir sobre as formas pragmáticas de apropriação, negociação e conflito de gênero em termos das disposições possíveis de masculinidade e feminilidade ou, ainda, suas amplas combinações entre homens e mulheres de diferentes identidades sexuais e diversos status sorológicos. Os contextos a serem explorados e descritos são aqueles particulares ao mundo social da AIDS, incluindo tanto o cotidiano de uma ONG AIDS específica, bem como os que se apresentam em situações tanto públicas como privadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Pretendo discutir como novas subjetividades podem se constituir a partir dos usos de categorias sexuais e sorológicas, valores morais e de expressões performativas de gênero.


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In this work we studied the method to solving linear equations system, presented in the book titled "The nine chapters on the mathematical art", which was written in the first century of this era. This work has the intent of showing how the mathematics history can be used to motivate the introduction of some topics in high school. Through observations of patterns which repeats itself in the presented method, we were able to introduce, in a very natural way, the concept of linear equations, linear equations system, solution of linear equations, determinants and matrices, besides the Laplacian development for determinants calculations of square matrices of order bigger than 3, then considering some of their general applications


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On the modern Continental Shelf to the north of Rio Grande do Norte state (NE Brazil) is located a paleo-valley, submerged during the last glacial sea-level lowstand, that marks continuation of the most important river of this area (Açu River). Despite the high level of exploration activity of oil industry, there is few information about shallow stratigraphy. Aiming to fill this gap, situated on the Neogene, was worked a marine seismic investigation, the development of a processing flow for high resolution data seismic, and the recognition of the main feature morphology of the study area: the incised valley of the River Açu. The acquisition of shallow seismic data was undertaken in conjunction with the laboratory of Marine Geology/Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, in SISPLAT project, where the geomorphological structure of the Rio paleovale Açu was the target of the investigation survey. The acquisition of geophysical data has been over the longitudinal and transverse sections, which were subsequently submitted to the processing, hitherto little-used and / or few addressed in the literature, which provided a much higher quality result with the raw data. Once proposed for the flow data was developed and applied to the data of X-Star (acoustic sensor), using available resources of the program ReflexW 4.5 A surface fluvial architecture has been constructed from the bathymetric data and remote sensing image fused and draped over Digital Elevation Models to create three-dimensional (3D) perspective views that are used to analyze the 3D geometry geological features and provide the mapping morphologically defined. The results are expressed in the analysis of seismic sections that extend over the region of the continental shelf and upper slope from mouth of the Açu River to the shelf edge, providing the identification / quantification of geometrical features such as depth, thickness, horizons and units seismic stratigraphyc area, with emphasis has been placed on the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of discordance limit and fill sediment of the incised valley, control by structural elements, and marked by the influence of changes in the sea level. The interpretation of the evolution of this river is worth can bring information to enable more precise descriptions and interpretations, which describes the palaeoenvironmental controls influencing incised valley evolution and preservation to provide a better comprehensive understanding of this reservoir analog system