837 resultados para Quantitative Research


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar o sentimento de solidão e a saúde mental de mulheres casadas, procurando comparar a maneira de compreender e vivenciar este sentimento em mulheres solteiras e casadas, bem como verificar em que medida este sentimento pode ser mitigado pela presença do outro no casamento (coabitação) e em que condições isto ocorria. Partiu-se da hipótese de que esse sentimento é compartilhado por todas as pessoas, já que o ser humano é uno e individual. Logo, a separação eterna do outro, que se inicia quando o bebê percebe que é diferente da mãe e, assim, um indivíduo único, está associado a uma sensação de solidão que acompanha o ser humano por toda a vida. Desta forma, é muito comum ver pessoas se envolver em relacionamentos para diminuir este sentimento, que se vê intensificado a cada dia em função da superficialidade dos vínculos emocionais. A presença de outrem pode ser aproveitada numa relação interpessoal quando se diminui a intensidade da hostilidade, associada ao sentimento de solidão. O antídoto contra tal sentimento vem do fortalecimento do auto-conhecimento, da autonomia, e da amizade por um companheiro que mostra aceitação incondicional pelo verdadeiro self. Para análise deste sentimento em mulheres casadas, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa com mulheres solteiras e universitárias. A escolha da amostra foi aleatória e por conglomerado, em três estágios. Participaram do estudo 184 mulheres, 38% casadas, 7,6% separadas e 52,7% solteiras. Da pesquisa quantitativa foi possível analisar que a percepção das mulheres sobre a solidão vem, em muitos aspectos, de encontro com a teoria psicanalítica. Pelas respostas encontradas percebeu-se que a grande maioria das participantes tem um baixo sentimento de solidão (58,7%) e 41,3% se classificaram com um escore de alto a médio sentimento de solidão, nestes dois grupos a maioria são de mulheres casadas e separadas, sendo que quanto mais nova a mulher maior a tendência a buscar um relacionamento para fugir da solidão, sendo entre as casadas também que isto ocorre com mais freqüência. A partir destes escores, 18 mulheres foram convidadas a participar de uma entrevista diagnóstica. Destas dezoito, seis mulheres apresentavam alto sentimento de solidão, sendo duas casadas, duas solteiras e duas separadas. Da mesma forma as mulheres com média e baixa solidão. Os resultados encontrados nestas entrevistas foram que todas as mulheres que apresentaram um alto sentimento de solidão demonstram uma adaptação ineficaz perante a vida, enquanto que aquelas que apresentaram médio ou baixo sentimento de solidão dificilmente apresentam adaptação ineficaz. Do grupo de médio sentimento de solidão, três mulheres apresentaram adaptação eficaz, e do grupo de baixo sentimento de solidão apenas uma participante apresentou adaptação ineficaz leve. Com isso concluímos que a solidão, quando em alta medida, além de dolorosa indica uma grande dificuldade do indivíduo em lidar com seus aspectos emocionais e produtivos, necessitando de ajuda psíquica.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar o sentimento de solidão e a saúde mental de mulheres casadas, procurando comparar a maneira de compreender e vivenciar este sentimento em mulheres solteiras e casadas, bem como verificar em que medida este sentimento pode ser mitigado pela presença do outro no casamento (coabitação) e em que condições isto ocorria. Partiu-se da hipótese de que esse sentimento é compartilhado por todas as pessoas, já que o ser humano é uno e individual. Logo, a separação eterna do outro, que se inicia quando o bebê percebe que é diferente da mãe e, assim, um indivíduo único, está associado a uma sensação de solidão que acompanha o ser humano por toda a vida. Desta forma, é muito comum ver pessoas se envolver em relacionamentos para diminuir este sentimento, que se vê intensificado a cada dia em função da superficialidade dos vínculos emocionais. A presença de outrem pode ser aproveitada numa relação interpessoal quando se diminui a intensidade da hostilidade, associada ao sentimento de solidão. O antídoto contra tal sentimento vem do fortalecimento do auto-conhecimento, da autonomia, e da amizade por um companheiro que mostra aceitação incondicional pelo verdadeiro self. Para análise deste sentimento em mulheres casadas, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa com mulheres solteiras e universitárias. A escolha da amostra foi aleatória e por conglomerado, em três estágios. Participaram do estudo 184 mulheres, 38% casadas, 7,6% separadas e 52,7% solteiras. Da pesquisa quantitativa foi possível analisar que a percepção das mulheres sobre a solidão vem, em muitos aspectos, de encontro com a teoria psicanalítica. Pelas respostas encontradas percebeu-se que a grande maioria das participantes tem um baixo sentimento de solidão (58,7%) e 41,3% se classificaram com um escore de alto a médio sentimento de solidão, nestes dois grupos a maioria são de mulheres casadas e separadas, sendo que quanto mais nova a mulher maior a tendência a buscar um relacionamento para fugir da solidão, sendo entre as casadas também que isto ocorre com mais freqüência. A partir destes escores, 18 mulheres foram convidadas a participar de uma entrevista diagnóstica. Destas dezoito, seis mulheres apresentavam alto sentimento de solidão, sendo duas casadas, duas solteiras e duas separadas. Da mesma forma as mulheres com média e baixa solidão. Os resultados encontrados nestas entrevistas foram que todas as mulheres que apresentaram um alto sentimento de solidão demonstram uma adaptação ineficaz perante a vida, enquanto que aquelas que apresentaram médio ou baixo sentimento de solidão dificilmente apresentam adaptação ineficaz. Do grupo de médio sentimento de solidão, três mulheres apresentaram adaptação eficaz, e do grupo de baixo sentimento de solidão apenas uma participante apresentou adaptação ineficaz leve. Com isso concluímos que a solidão, quando em alta medida, além de dolorosa indica uma grande dificuldade do indivíduo em lidar com seus aspectos emocionais e produtivos, necessitando de ajuda psíquica.


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A Internet está inserida no cotidiano do indivíduo, e torna-se cada vez mais acessível por meio de diferentes tipos de dispositivos. Com isto, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de avaliar os reflexos do seu uso excessivo na vida pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Esta dissertação buscou identificar se a perda de concentração e o isolamento social são alguns dos reflexos individuais que o uso pessoal e excessivo de aplicativos de comunicação instantânea podem resultar no ambiente de trabalho. Entre as variáveis selecionadas para avaliar os aspectos do uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos tem-se a distração digital, o controle reduzido de impulso, o conforto social e a solidão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, utilizaram-se escalas aplicadas a uma amostra de 283 pessoas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e para auferir a relação entre as variáveis, a Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que o uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos está positivamente relacionado com a perda de concentração, e a variável distração digital exerce uma influência maior do que o controle reduzido de impulso. De acordo com os resultados, não se podem afirmar que a solidão e o conforto social exercem relações com aumento do isolamento social, devido à ausência do relacionamento entre os construtos.


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This paper describes how modern machine learning techniques can be used in conjunction with statistical methods to forecast short term movements in exchange rates, producing models suitable for use in trading. It compares the results achieved by two different techniques, and shows how they can be used in a complementary fashion. The paper draws on experience of both inter- and intra-day forecasting taken from earlier studies conducted by Logica and Chemical Bank Quantitative Research and Trading (QRT) group's experience in developing trading models.


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While cross-cultural consumer behaviour and its impact on marketing strategies has received considerable interest within the marketing literature, differences between ethnic groups within countries have received significantly less attention. This study examines the effect of within-country ethnic differences on brand positioning, using the UK automobile industry as a context. Both qualitative and quantitative research is used to identify the perceptions of two sub-cultural groups: British of Indian extraction, and Caucasian British. It was found that these two groups display appreciably different values, and also place different levels of importance on different product attributes when evaluating brands. Furthermore, the two groups exhibited different perceptions of the same set of brands. The results suggest that, to position brands effectively, marketers should take account of cultural diversity within countries as well as between them.


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This book challenges the accepted notion that the transition from the command economy to market based systems is complete across the post-Soviet space. While it is noted that different political economies have developed in such states, such as Russia’s ‘managed democracy’, events such as Ukraine gaining ‘market economy status’ by the European Union and acceding to the World Trade Organisation in 2008 are taken as evidence that the reform period is over. Such thinking is based on numerous assumptions; specifically that economic transition has defined start and end points, that the formal economy now has primacy over other forms of economic practices and that national economic growth leads to the ‘trickle down’ of wealth to those marginalised by the transition process. Based on extensive ethnographic and quantitative research, conducted in Ukraine and Russia between 2004 - 2007, this book questions these assumptions by stating that the economies that operate across post-Soviet spaces are far from the textbook idea of a market economy. Through this the whole notion of ‘transition’ is problematised and the importance of informal economies to everyday life is demonstrated. Using case studies of various sectors, such as entrepreneurial behaviour and the higher education system, it is also shown how corruption has invaded almost all sectors of the post-Soviet every day.


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This thesis describes research on End-User Computing (EUC) in small business in an environment where no Information System (IS) support and expertise are available. The research aims to identify the factors that contribute to EUC Sophistication and understand the extent small firms are capable of developing their own applications. The intention is to assist small firms to adopt EUC, encourage better utilisation of their IT resources and gain the benefits associated with computerisation. The factors examined are derived inductively from previous studies where a model is developed to map these factors with the degree of sophistication associated with IT and EUC. This study attempts to combine the predictive power of quantitative research through surveys with the explanatory power of qualitative research through action-oriented case study. Following critical examination of the literature, a survey of IT Adoption and EUC was conducted. Instruments were then developed to measure EUC and IT Sophistication indexes based on sophistication constructs adapted from previous studies using data from the survey. This is followed by an in-depth action case study involving two small firms to investigate the EUC phenomenon in its real life context. The accumulated findings from these mixed research strategies are used to form the final model of EUC Sophistication in small business. Results of the study suggest both EUC Sophistication and the Presence of EUC in small business are affected by Management Support and Behaviour towards EUC. Additionally EUC Sophistication is also affected by the presence of an EUC Champion. Results are also consistent with respect to the independence between IT Sophistication and EUC Sophistication. The main research contributions include an accumulated knowledge of EUC in small business, the Model of EUC Sophistication, an instrument to measure EUC Sophistication Index for small firms, and a contribution to research methods in IS.


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This thesis considers four broad areas:(i) ANALYSIS OF THE STRESS FIELD.(a) research studies, relevant to the British Social Services considering the cultural setting, and the rigor with which they were conducted; (b) models of stress, specifically examining the theoretical soundness and practical application of the Medical, Engineering and Transactional models;(c) organisational models of stress relating specifically to human service organisations.(ii) QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.(a) the appropriate application of each respective methodology and the particular usefulness of qualitative research designs; (b) the relevance of understanding the language and terminology associated with the subject area prior to the implementation of survey methods; (iii) FIELDWORK.(a) Phase 1. By use of focus groups, in-depth interviews and diary keeping amongst a small range of teams and managers, the Researcher develops a basic conceptual framework of stress within a Social Services context. In addition a small scale personality inventory was administered to participants.(b) Phase 2. This consisted of three key elements: 6 case studies in which the Researcher implements and appraises the impact of a range of intervention strategies designed to assist teams and their managers in dealing more effectively with stress; the administration of a large scale survey to all the field social work teams within the Social Services Department; an analysis of the user role within the stress process by way of two focus groups.(iv) THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT.


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This doctoral thesis responds to the need for greater understanding of small businesses and their inherent unique problem-types. Integral to the investigation is the theme that for governments to effectively influence small business, a sound understanding of the factors they are seeking to influence is essential. Moreover, the study, in its recognition of the many shortcomings in management research and, in particular that the research methods and approaches adopted often fail to give adequate understanding of issues under study, attempts to develop an innovative and creative research approach. The aim thus being to produce, not only advances in small business management knowledge from the standpoints of government policy makers and `lq recipient small business, but also insights into future potential research method for the continued development of that knowledge. The origins of the methodology lay in the non-acceptance of traditional philosophical positions in epistemology and ontology, with a philosophical standpoint of internal realism underpinning the research. Internal realism presents the basis for the potential co-existence of qualitative and quantitative research strategy and underlines the crucial contributory role of research method in provision of ultimate factual status of the assertions of research findings. The concept of epistemological bootstrapping is thus used to develop a `lq partial research framework to foothold case study research, thereby avoiding limitations of objectivism and brute inductivism. The major insights and issues highlighted by the `lq bootstrap, guide the researcher around the participant case studies. A novel attempt at contextualist (linked multi-level and processual) analysis was attempted in the major in-depth case study, with two further cases playing a support role and contributing to a balanced emphasis of empirical research within the context of time constraints inherent within part-time research.


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This submission for a PhD by previously published work is based upon six publications in peer reviewed journals, reflecting a 9-year research programme. My research has shown, in a coherent and original way, the difficulty in treating people with dementia with safe and effective medication whilst providing research-founded guidance to develop mechanisms to optimise medication choice and minimise iatrogenic events. A wide range of methods, including systematic reviews, meta-analysis, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quantitative research and mixed methods were used to generate the data, which supported the exploration of three themes. The first theme, to understand the incidence and causes of medication errors in dementia services, identified that people with dementia may be more susceptible to medication-related iatrogenic disease partly due to inherent disease-related characteristics. One particular area of concern is the use of anti-psychotics to treat the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD). The second and third themes, respectively, investigated a novel pharmacological and health services intervention to limit anti-psychotic usage. The second phase found that whilst the glutamate receptor blocker memantine showed some promise, further research was clearly required. The third phase found that anti-psychotic usage in dementia may be higher than official figures suggest and that medication review linking primary and secondary care can limit such usage. My work has been widely cited, reflecting a substantial contribution to the field, in terms of our understanding of the causes of, and possible solutions to limit, medication-related adverse events in people with dementia. More importantly, this work has already informed clinical practice, patients, carers and policy makers by its demonstrable impact on health policy. In particular my research has identified key lines of enquiry for future work and for the development of my own personal research programme to reduce the risk associated with medication in this vulnerable population.


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Christianity has historically incorporated numerous strands of thinking on sexuality; in some cases, problematizing sexuality through the endorsement of celibacy and asceticism while at other historical and contextual moments, marriage and procreation become ideals (Price 2006). Contemporary Christians negotiate many sexual scripts (including ‘secular’ ones), but ‘appropriate’ Christian sexuality is still usually defined in terms of monogamy, the containment of sex within marriage, and heterosexuality. This chapter will explore the attitudes, beliefs and practices toward sexuality of young Christian women and men aged between 18 and 25 and living in the UK, based on a qualitative and quantitative research project entitled Religion, Youth and Sexuality: A Multi-faith Exploration, which utilized questionnaires, in-depth interviews and video diaries. The chapter will consider the variations in attitude between young people from different Christian denominations in relation to three themes: sex outside of marriage, celibacy and monogamy.


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Methods - Ethical approval for the study was granted by both the local National Health Service (NHS) Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Aston University’s REC. Seven focus groups were conducted between October and December 2011 in medical or community settings within inner-city Birmingham (UK). Discussions were guided by a theme plan which was developed from key themes identified by a literature review and piloted via a Patient Consultation Group. Each focus group had between 3 and 7 participants. The groups were digitally recorded and subsequently transcribed verbatim. The transcriptions were then subjected to thematic analysis via constant comparison in order to identify emerging themes. Results - Participants recognised the pharmacist as an expert source of advice about prescribed medicines, a source they frequently felt a need to consult as a result of the inadequate supply of medicines information from the prescriber. However, an emerging theme was a perception that pharmacists had an oblique profit motive relating to the supply of generic medicines with frequent changes to the ‘brand’ of generic supplied being attributed to profit-seeking by pharmacists. Such changes had a negative impact on the patient’s perceived efficacy of the therapy which may make non-adherence more likely. Conclusions - Whilst pharmacists were recognised as medicines experts, trust in the pharmacist was undermined by frequent changes to generic medicines. Such changes have the potential to adversely impact adherence levels. Further, quantitative research is recommended to examine if such views are generalisable to the wider population of Birmingham and to establish if such views impact on adherence levels.


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Purpose: This paper aims to examine the influence of the culture of the service firm on its interpretation of the role of the brand and on the development and implementation of its brand values. Design/methodology/approach: A grounded theory approach was used. Interviews were conducted with 20 managers within two leading banking firms in Ireland and two leading grocery retailers in Ireland. Findings: The development of the brand, and its role within the firm, is closely related to the firm's culture. The research shows obstacles and opportunities created by the cultural context of firms wishing to disseminate and embed a set of brand values. The paper presents an "involvement model" of brand values implementation and outlines changes required to implement brand values. Research limitations/implications: The study was bound by access to firms, and managers' availability. The authors sought an insight into the relationship between each firm's culture and its brands. They advocate quantitative research to further investigate the findings within these service sectors and to test proposed antecedents (transformational leadership, employee involvement) and outcomes (employee-based brand equity and consumer-based brand equity) of values adoption. Practical implications: The paper identifies aspects of retail and banking cultures which support or detract from brand development. In particular, it presents the learnings from successful brand values implementation in a clan culture, aspects of which are applicable across other cultures. Originality/value: The paper provides valuable insights into the role of the brand within the service firm and the positive and negative influence of context on brand values and their development and implementation. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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A kis- és közepes vállalkozások (KKV-k) kutatása viszonylag új, és emiatt meglehetősen feltáratlan terület, bár a megjelenő tudományos cikkek és eredmények száma és minősége évről évre jól érzékelhetően nő (Collinson – Shaw, 2001). A KKV-kutatások igen fontos sajátossága továbbá, hogy kifejezetten interdiszciplináris terület, megközelíthető a menedzsment, az innovációkutatás, a marketing, a szervezetszociológia, de akár a pszichológia felől is. Több kutatás is felveti a szociokulturális háttér jelentőségének kérdését KKV-k esetében. A szerzők kutatásuk során kvantitatív felmérést végeztek 200 vállalkozó körében a Hofstedeskála (Hofmeister et al., 2008) felhasználásával, melynek eredményeként kiderült, hogy a KKV-vezetők beállítódása jelentősen különbözik mind a hazai nagyvállalati vezetőktől, mind az általános lakosságtól. Jelen tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk azokat a Hofstede-dimenziókat, amelyek mentén karakteres különbségek jelentkeztek a vállalkozók és a nagyvállalati vezetők, valamint a társadalom összessége között. Az eredmények alapján határozottan kirajzolódnak olyan „vállalkozói” gondolkodásmódbeli sajátosságok, mint a nagyobb versenyszellem, a közvetlenebb, kevésbé hierarchikus működési stílus, a rendkívül erős, rövid távú orientáció, valamint a kockázatvállalás rendhagyóan alacsony foka. _____ Although there has been an increasing academic attention towards small and medium-sized enterprises, it is still a novel research area with a number of unanswered questions. It is also an especially interdisciplinary field as it can be approached from various viewpoints such as management, innovation, marketing, organization sociology or even psychology. Different academic disciplines have studied the influence of socio-cultural factors and concluded that they are relevant aspects of entrepreneurial activity. This paper presents the results of the authors’ quantitative research which aimed at finding patterns in the software of the minds of SME managers where they applied Hofstede’s cultural scale (Hofmeister et al., 2008). Drawing upon data from 200 Hungarian SMEs, the results indicate they have different attitude and way of thinking compared to large company managers and to the general Hungarian population. This paper points out the relevant Hofstede dimensions where significant differences have been revealed. The main finding of the study is that managers of small and medium businesses have a special mindset which can be characterized with higher level competitiveness, more direct and less hierarchic operation, extremely high level of short term orientation and low level of risk taking


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The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the impact of creative organizational climate on the innovation activity of medical devices manufacturing firms in Hungary. We applied a combined qualitative and quantitative research model, focusing on two firm’s case studies that are active in the above mentioned sector and differ to a substantial degree in their innovation activities. The connection between innovative climate and innovation was analyzed by comparing their organizational climate and perceptions of organizational members of innovation activities. Our findings revealed that classical models of creative organizational climate explain only partially the differences, although on the level of individual perceptions of climate and innovativeness we can find some connections. We found one factor that differentiated the two firms in terms of organizational climate in the predicted direction: the amount, quality, sincerity and depth of debates going on in the organization. The level of challenge (high involvement, commitment and challenging goals) and the time devoted to think about new ideas and innovative solutions (idea time) turned out to be contrary to the expectations based on previous research – although these results are less significant statistically. The results trigger further research into the sources of competitiveness in the Hungarian medical devices manufacturing sector.