879 resultados para Public policy. Public policy evaluation. Implementation evaluation. Processes evaluation. Distance Education


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In the context of globalisation and the knowledge economy, universities worldwide are undertaking profound restructuring. Following these pressures for reform, the entity of the "enterprise university" has emerged internationally. Characteristics of this new form of educational institution can be summarised as deploying corporate styles of governance and management in order to enhance economic competitiveness and academic prestige. The higher education sector in China is no different, as it has undergone extensive reforms particularly since the "socialist market economy" was introduced in 1992. Hence, this study aims to investigate the emergence of the enterprise university in a Chinese context. The research question is: How have discourses of globalisation manifested and constituted new forms of social and educational governance within China's higher education sector during the period 1992 to 2010? Following this research question, the study uses a genealogical methodology to conduct a critical analysis of reforms in Chinese higher education (1992 -2010). At a national level, China's higher education policy is examined using the analytical framework of governmentality. This discloses the underlying rationalities and technologies of Chinese political authorities as they seek to refashion higher education policy and practice. At a local level, a case study of a particular university in China is conducted in order to facilitate understanding of reform at the national level. The aim is to uncover the kinds of educational subjects and spaces that have been constituted in the university's efforts to reconfigure itself within the context of national higher education reform. The study found that the concept of the enterprise university in China has features shared by the one that has emerged internationally. However, the analysis showed that the emergence of the enterprise university in China has specific social, economic, political, and cultural environments which impact on local educational practices. The study is significant because it is one of the few examples where the framework of governmentality.a research approach or perspective employed largely to examine Western society.is applied in a Chinese context, which is a non-Western and non-liberal democratic site.


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This article addresses the paucity of systematic data on graduate careers in the arts and humanities in the broader context of enduring public and policy debates about the benefits of education to society, the relation between public and private good that is derivable from education, and the specific disciplinary angle that can be brought to bear on these questions from media, cultural and communication studies. We report findings from a survey of ten years of graduates from Queensland University of Technology’s courses in media, cultural and communication studies which indicate very high employment levels and generally positive accounts of the relevance of courses to working life. A major insight that can be drawn from the research is that media, cultural and communication studies deliver capabilities, skills and orientations which are themselves strongly aligned with the kinds of transferable generic attributes which facilitate transition into the workplace.


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The availability of health information is rapidly increasing; its expansion and proliferation is inevitable. At the same time, breeding of health information silos is an unstoppable and relentless exercise. Information security and privacy concerns are therefore major barriers in the eHealth socio-eco system. We proposed Information Accountability as a measurable human factor that should eliminate and mitigate security concerns. Information accountability measures would be practicable and feasible if legislative requirements are also embedded. In this context, information accountability constitutes a key component for the development of effective information technology requirements for health information system. Our conceptual approach to measuring human factors related to information accountability in eHealth is presented in this paper with some limitations.


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In late 2007, newly elected Prime Minister Kevin Rudd placed education reform on centre stage as a key policy in the Labor Party's agenda for social reform in Australia. A major policy strategy within this 'Education Revolution' was the development of a national curriculum, the Australian Curriculum Within this political context, this study is an investigation into how social justice and equity have been used in political speeches to justify the need for, and the nature of, Australia's first official national curriculum. The aim is to provide understandings into what is said or not said; who is included or excluded, represented or misrepresented; for what purpose; and for whose benefit. The study investigates political speeches made by Education Ministers between 2008 and 201 0; that is, from the inception of the Australian Curriculum to the release of the Phase 1 F - 10 draft curriculum documents in English, mathematics, science and history. Curriculum development is defined here as an ongoing process of complex conversations. To contextualise the process of curriculum development within Australia, the thesis commences with an initial review of curriculum development in this nation over the past three decades. It then frames this review within contemporary curriculum theory; in particular it calls upon the work of William Pinar and the key notions of currere and reconceptualised curriculum. This contextualisation work is then used as a foundation to examine how social justice and equity have been represented in political speeches delivered by the respective Education Ministers Julia Gillard and Peter Garrett at key junctures of Australian Curriculum document releases. A critical thematic policy analysis is the approach used to examine selected official speech transcripts released by the ministerial media centre through the DEEWR website. This approach provides a way to enable insights and understandings of representations of social justice and equity issues in the policy agenda. Broader social implications are also discussed. The project develops an analytic framework that enables an investigation into the framing of social justice and equity issues such as inclusion, equality, quality education, sharing of resources and access to learning opportunities in political speeches aligned with the development of the Australian Curriculum Through this analysis, the study adopts a focus on constructions of educationally disadvantaged students and how the solutions of 'fixing' teachers and providing the 'right' curriculum are presented as resolutions to the perceived problem. In this way, it aims to work towards offering insights into political justifications for a national curriculum in Australia from a social justice perspective.


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Background A goal of the postgraduate clinical pharmacy programme (PGCPP) at the University of Queensland is to enhance clinical practice. Aims To evaluate student perceptions of the impact of the PGCPP on practice and the inclusion of a competency-based performance evaluation as a formative component of the curriculum. Method In 2010, students completed a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the PGCPP. In 2011, formative competency-based performance evaluations were conducted as a component of the course and the questionnaire was repeated. Responses, competency ratings and evaluation feedback were collated. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results 51/57 (89%) of students completed the questionnaire in 2010 and 2011. Over 90% of students agreed or strongly agreed that the PGCPP enhanced practice, knowledge, confidence and contribution to patient care. Responses were similarly positive after the inclusion of the performance evaluation. Conclusion This study demonstrated that the PGCPP is achieving the goal of enhancing the practice of pharmacists.


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Education in the 21st century demands a model for understanding a new culture of learning in the face of rapid change, open access data and geographical diversity. Teachers no longer need to provide the latest information because students themselves are taking an active role in peer collectives to help create it. This paper examines, through an Australian case study entitled ‘Design Minds’, the development of an online design education platform as a key initiative to enact a government priority for statewide cultural change through design-based curriculum. Utilising digital technology to create a supportive community, ‘Design Minds’ recognises that interdisciplinary learning fostered through engagement will empower future citizens to think, innovate, and discover. This paper details the participatory design process undertaken with multiple stakeholders to create the platform. It also outlines a proposed research agenda for future measurement of its value in creating a new learning culture, supporting regional and remote communities, and revitalising frontline services. It is anticipated this research will inform ongoing development of the online platform, and future design education and research programs in K-12 schools in Australia.


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In various parts of the world, Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples are actively working towards Reconciliation. In Australia, the context in which we each undertake our work as educationalists and researchers, the Reconciliation agenda has been pushed into schools and English teachers have been called on to share responsibility for facilitating the move towards a new national order. The recently introduced Australian Curriculum mandates that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures be embedded with “a strong” but “varying presence” into each learning area (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2013). In this paper we consider the tensions between policy and practice, when discourses external to education are recontextualised into the discipline of English. We do so by applying an analytical framework based on Bernstein’s (1990, 1996,2000) sociological theories about the structure of instructional and regulative discourses. Our findings suggest that the space to exert Reconciliatory agendas in the Australian Curriculum English is ambiguous and thus holds the potential to not only marginalise Indigenous knowledges but also to create tensions between policy and practice for non-Indigenous teachers of English.


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This paper investigates increases in the identification of special educational needs in the New South Wales (NSW) government school system over the last two decades, which are then discussed with senior public servants working within the NSW Department of Education and Communities (DEC). Participant narratives indicate deep structural barriers to inclusion that are perpetuated by the discourses and practices of regular and special education. Despite policies that speak of ‘working together’ for ‘every student’ and ‘every school’, students who experience difficulty in schools and with learning often remain peripheral to the main game, even though their number is said to be increasing. There is, however, some positive progress being made. Findings suggest that key policy figures within the NSW DEC are keenly aware of the barriers and have adopted alternative strategies to drive inclusion via a new discourse of ‘participation’ which is underpinned by the linking of student assessment and the resourcing of schools.


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This paper describes the design and implementation of a research writing workshop for postgraduate students. The workshop was developed to respond to two key issues currently on the agenda in Australia’s universities: a push to embed Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and a desire to develop creative works as quality research outputs. The workshop was carefully designed to provide opportunities for participants to practise and improve their writing; develop transferable writing skills; develop a culturally safe environment where Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians could work together; provide a place to practise collaborative writing and collaborative facilitating; and provide an opportunity to develop a publication-ready, creative writing piece that was co-developed by participants. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of the literature relevant to Indigenizing a workshop curriculum and reflect on the genre of Indigenous writing in Australia. They also discuss the literature relevant to their collaboration as both writers and facilitators. They conclude that the workshop processes contributed to building a relationship of collaboration and trust between the facilitators and participants, and that these processes directly contributed to the successful workshop outcomes.


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Higher education is a powerful tool for reducing social and economic disadvantage. But access to higher education can be difficult, particularly for Indigenous Australians who face multiple levels of social, economic and geographical isolation. While enabling programs can support Indigenous students to gain university entry, the experience at Central Queensland University (CQUniversity) suggests that their past success has been limited. In this paper, the authors describe the enabling program available to Indigenous students at CQUniversity. They suggest that the newly developed, flexible, online version of the program is helping to address geographical and social isolation and improve successful outcomes for Indigenous Australians.


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Purpose Social marketing benchmark criteria were used to understand the extent to which single-substance alcohol education programmes targeting adolescents in middle and high school settings sought to change behaviour, utilised theory, included audience research and applied the market segmentation process. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review retrieved a total of 1,495 identified articles; 565 duplicates were removed. The remaining 930 articles were then screened. Articles detailing formative research or programmes targeting multiple substances, parents, families and/or communities, as well as elementary schools and universities were excluded. A total of 31 articles, encompassing 16 qualifying programmes, were selected for detailed evaluation. Findings The majority of alcohol education programmes were developed on the basis of theory and achieved short- and medium-term behavioural effects. Importantly, most programmes were universal and did not apply the full market segmentation process. Limited audience research in the form of student involvement in programme design was identified. Research limitations/implications This systematic literature review focused on single-substance alcohol education programmes targeted at middle and high school student populations, retrieving studies back to the year 2000. Originality/value The results of this systematic literature review indicate that application of the social marketing benchmark criteria of market segmentation and audience research may represent an avenue for further extending alcohol education programme effectiveness in middle and high school settings.


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In the post-World War II era human rights have emerged as an enormous global phenomenon. In Finland human rights have particularly in the 1990s moved from the periphery to the center of public policy making and political rhetoric. Human rights education is commonly viewed as the decisive vehicle for emancipating individuals of oppressive societal structures and rendering them conscious of the equal value of others; both core ideals of the abstract discourse. Yet little empirical research has been conducted on how these goals are realized in practice. These factors provide the background for the present study which, by combining anthropological insights with critical legal theory, has analyzed the educational activities of a Scandinavian and Nordic network of human rights experts and PhD students in 2002-2005. This material has been complemented by data from the proceedings of UN human rights treaty bodies, hearings organized by the Finnish Foreign Ministry, the analysis of different human rights documents as well as the manner human rights are talked of in the Finnish media. As the human rights phenomenon has expanded, human rights experts have acquired widespread societal influence. The content of human rights remains, nevertheless, ambiguous: on the one hand they are law, on the other, part of a moral discourse. By educating laymen on what human rights are, experts act both as intermediaries and activists who expand the scope of rights and simultaneously exert increasing political influence. In the educational activities of the analyzed network these roles were visible in the rhetorics of legality and legitimacy . Among experts both of these rhetorics are subject to ongoing professional controversy, yet in the network they are presented as undisputable facts. This contributes to the impression that human rights knowledge is uncontested. This study demonstrates how the network s activities embody and strengthen a conception of expertise as located in specific, structurally determined individuals. Simultaneously its conception of learning emphasizes the adoption of knowledge by students, emphasizing the power of experts over them. The majority of the network s experts are Nordic males, whereas its students are predominantly Nordic females and males from East-European and developing countries. Contrary to the ideals of the discourse the network s activities do not create dialogue, but instead repeat power structures which are themselves problematic.


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Nowadays, national interest in lifelong learning is heightened, but more than a half of adults do not take part in any lifelong learning the past year on the grounds that one is too busy. Providing equal access for all people to lifelong learning, remains a challenge in Japan. This artcle proposes an idea “information education as lifelong learning”.According to a survey on policy, actual condition, and previous research of “information education as lifelong learning” in Japan, it found that Japan has less guidelines and practical case studies than Finland. In this article, Finnish educational model, resulted success in PISA, which has similar social backgrounds to Japan is argued, in particular, history of media education in Finland, policies on media education, and concrete examples in libraries. Based on the argument, this artcle proposes three ideas that are feasible in Japan, such as ⑴ multimedia-based information education using mobile phone and radio, ⑵ employability-aware information education, and ⑶ information education utilizing library.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar os significados e os sentidos de criança construídos no trabalho final do programa PROINFANTIL - os Projetos de Estudos. O PROINFANTIL é um Projeto do Ministério da Educação em parceria com a Secretaria de Educação Básica e a Secretaria de Educação a Distância. No Rio de Janeiro, foi operacionalizado pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e a Secretaria de Educação do Município (biênio 2010-2011). Este programa objetiva capacitar e qualificar os Agentes Auxiliares de Creche sem habilitação em magistério, atuantes nas creches da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Esta pesquisa analisou a concepção de criança presente em 60 Projetos de Estudos dos 165 Agentes Auxiliares de Creche da AGF 13 concluintes do curso. A escolha se deu a partir do maior número possível de Projetos que tivessem diferentes agrupamentos pesquisados (berçário I, berçário II, Maternal I e Maternal II). Foram escolhidos 60 projetos com 15 exemplares de cada agrupamento. Na primeira parte, o estudo apresenta a implantação do PROINFANTIL como uma política pública e sua contribuição para a prática. Delinea os estágios que percorreu, no Rio de Janeiro, até chegar ao alvo principal o cursista. Apoiada na abordagem do Ciclo de Políticas formulada por Stephen Ball e colaboradores, a pesquisa buscou investigar os embates e lutas presentes nos contextos de influência, produção de textos e prática. Na segunda parte, ao privilegiar Lev Vygotsky como interlocutor teórico para o delineamento metodológico desta pesquisa, foi necessário olhar o conhecimento como possibilidades, a partir das categorias sentido e significado e optar por uma metodologia na qual a própria pesquisa fosse um momento de arriscar novos olhares e novas vivências. A análise se deu nas concepções de criança encontradas nos Projetos de Estudos como narrativas escritas. Os dados foram analisados a partir da construção de seis Núcleos de Significação de Criança: formatada, em desenvolvimento; que brinca, cidadã de direitos, singular, ser social e histórico.


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Esta investigação teve como proposta a análise das ações de educação permanente desenvolvidas no âmbito do Programa de Prevenção e Detecção Precoce do Câncer do Colo de Útero pelo Ministério da Saúde e pelo Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) e objetivou discutir a viabilidade da introdução da modalidade de Educação à Distância (EAD) nas políticas de capacitação para a atenção do Câncer de colo de útero no Brasil. A base metodológica deste estudo incluiu a pesquisa documental das politicas e diretrizes publicadas pelos órgãos em comento, a análise de dados disponíveis no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES), os dados relativos à praticas de capacitação para os profissionais que atuam na detecção precoce do câncer pelo Ministério da Saúde e pelo INCA, as práticas de educação à distância na área da saúde e entrevistas com gestores dos dois órgãos citados. As fontes, a coleta, a elaboração e a análise dos dados, foram realizadas considerando as informações e publicações mais recentes, disponíveis até dezembro de 2013. Questionou-se a necessidade de capacitação dos profissionais para atender às necessidades e requisitos das políticas de atenção oncológica de colo de útero no país, se as estratégias de educação continuada para os profissionais que atuam nas diferentes atividades envolvidas neste atendimento são suficientes, como tem sido realizada a capacitação para as diversas regiões do país e que modelo de EAD seria adequado para a educação permanente destes profissionais. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa revelaram a fragmentação e falta de coordenação nas ações de educação permanente para o Programa de Detecção Precoce do Câncer de Colo de Útero ao passo que demonstrou que existem recursos e estruturas disponíveis para implantação de um modelo de EAD que atenda com plenitude esta política pública, sendo necessário a reorganização destes recursos