955 resultados para Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA
In the past twenty years, there has been a significant increase of researches about teacher s professionalization. In that context, the investigations concerning teacher s knowledge represent an important contribution, as they aim to identify and to rescue the base of knowledge that sustains the teacher s profession. In particular, the reflections and propositions of Lee Shulman have been constitute a fundamental subsidy to the teacher s professionalization in the sense of harnessing the pedagogic knowledge to the content s knowledge, establishing the pedagogic knowledge of the content that characterizes and differentiates the teacher and the bachelor in a certain field of knowledge. Among the indispensable knowledge for the Chemistry teacher's professional practice, in this research we have pointed out the pertinence of the knowledge on the use of models in Chemistry classes in the middle and high school. Those knowledges regard the comprehension of students concerning the understanding and models elaborated in science and the models implemented in the Chemistry teaching, as well as the abilities to plan didactic situations that use models. In this research, we aimed to identify the contributions and barriers during the Chemistry teacher education, in UFRN, in relation to the construction of knowledge that subsidize training teachers in the elaboration of teaching activities that involve the use of models. The investigation was accomplished in UFRN, in the Course of Degree in Chemistry, along with 13 student teachers that studied the subject Practice of Chemistry Teaching. For this research, the following instruments were used: questionnaires with open and closed questions, elaboration of a plan of activities for the Chemistry teaching and an interview to answer the established study s questions. The data was analyzed in an established criteria, classified and tabled. The results showed that the student teachers representations regarding scientific knowledge contemplated, among other topics, the idea of a method for his/her construction. In some cases, the models role was emphasized in that construction, as well as the social dimension in the validation of that knowledge. The scientific models were highlighted by most of the student teachers, as a representation method to explain, understand and interpret the chemical phenomena. On the other hand, the didactic models stood out, in most of cases, as a method of aiding the Chemistry students of the Basic Education to understand the scientific models. The representations regarding those categories contemplated important aspects, although in a superficial way, reflecting the limitations of reflections during the formative process. In the elaboration of teaching activities that use models, difficulties were evidenced, in the process of plan construction, relative to the didactic structure and to the proposition of activities that contemplated models, although the student teachers have mobilized different elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content. Such verifications evidence the urge for the teacher development programs to promote changes in the teacher education in order to propitiate, during this process, reflections, discussions and propositions of activities regarding categories highlighted in this research, contributing to the construction of initial elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content that will be developed throughout teaching, therefore corroborating to the teacher s professionalization
Este estudio que busca para identificar como la formacin de un grupo de profesores experimentados ocurri, el tener como objetivo para saber el modelo formativo de curso de Pedagoga conveniado con el pasillo de cuidad municipal de Teresina pctico acentuar el educativo en la forma de perodo supervisado de entrenamiento, para saberlos que haban sido construidos y reconstruidos por medios de learnings continuos de estas noticias para saber que son decurrente del proceso formativo. Para lograr la investigacin adentro los dirigimos en la pregunta siguiente: a donde estar eficaz la medida el proceso formativo en la pregunta provoque los cambios cualitativos en el prctico de los profesores, objeto de estudio? Tomando para la base este preguntar, defendimos la tesis de eso que el proceso formativo debe promover cambios cualitativos en prctico el pedaggico y en desarrollo profesional de el colectivo de experimentado profesores. En nosotros todava los apoyamos, en las cuestiones siguientes de los norteadoras del estudio: 1- Cono el proyecto formativo del departamento de mtodos y las tcnicas de la tcnicas de la educacin del UFPI era considerado, en vista del perfil de profesores con el promedio de diez aos de experiencia? 2- Cono el proyecto citado contribuye a la cuenta de la elasticidad del necesidades profesionales de los profesores en quienes dice prctico respecto el educativo el perodo del entrenamiento supervis elevado a travs en servicio? 3- Que obstculos las dificultades pedaggicas emergen del proceso formativo? Uno esta sobre una investigacin que si los rellenos en os parmetros del investigacin cualitativa de la matriz del etnogrfica, soporte en el mtodo de autobiogfico, sin, sin embargo, asums el cono solamente referencia: valorizou desde el punto de vista terico conceptual y del perspectiva en el paradigma centrado en lo pensamiento de lo profesor. Varios autores fueran consultados para la composicin de lo referencial terico, opcin esta que expresa las orientaciones de la lnea de la pesquisa Formacin y profesionalizacin docente del Programa de Ps Graduacin de la UFRN. Dentre los autores podemos citar: Brzezinski; Freire; Garca; Gatti; Gauthier; Imbernn; Nvoa; Nuez; Perrenoud; Steves; Stenhouse; Schn; Ramalho; Tardif e Zeichner, entre otros. Tomando cono base es a perspectiva, consideramos que la prctica profesional debe ser iluminada por un teoria. Cuando lo profesor se apoya en una referencia su lado profesional gana una consistencia cualitativa e la aprendizaje de los alumnos consiguen niveis deseaveis. Asi, nos apoyamos nos aportes tericos metodolgicos encima citados, para iluminar nuestra relexin sobre nuestro objeto de estudio. La investigacin que desarrollada teniendo cono ciudadanos 8 formadoras e 8 profesores pupilas de practico la educativa periodo supervisado del entrenamiento del curso del conveniado Pedagoga. Cono campo de la coleccin de informacin, haban estado implicados 7 escuelas de la ciudad, sitio de trabajo de los profesores y la agencia de formadora el UFPI. Los datos recogidos que analizamos haban sido recogidos por medio de cuestionarios, entrevistas biograficas, documentos personales (proyecto de la intervencin prctica y diaria del el educativo), comentarios y proyecto del poltico pedaggico de la agencia formadora. Los resultados confirman que el modele formativo desarrollado prctico adentro el educativo el perodo supervisado del entrenamiento contribuyo de la manera significativa para avance del profissionalidade de los profesores. Los descubrimientos sugieren, la emergencia de un nuevo perfil de docente, siendo observado la parte de las caractersticas ligadas al sexo, edad, tiempo de ejercicio de la docencia, de la formacin y de los saberes profesionales adquiridos y construidos en longo del proceso formativo. Lo proceso formativo posibilit las docente la capacidad de transformacin y rompimiento con antiguas practicas tradicionales por uso de nuevas estrategias de accin pedaggica
Les proccupations gres par les changements de l ducation nationale pousss par les rformes mises en places par le gouvernement de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, notamment la politique nationale de formation de professeurs, et le besoin de connatre comment ces rformes ont t incorpores par l Universit Fdrale de Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, constituent les questions centrales dveloppes par cette thse. Cette tude propose montrer, partir d une approche socio-historique, la faon comment la lgislation ducationnelle brsilienne sur la formation de professeurs pour l ducation basique expresse la politique de l tat brsilien et, en mme temps, comment le PROBSICA signifie une rponse de l UFRN cette politique. En ce sens, cette recherche, selon sa perspective exploratoire, descriptive et analytique a privilgi plusieurs techniques et procds de collectes des donnes conforme au modle de la recherche participative, savoir : enqute semi- structure, observations directes, contacts formels et informels; enregistrement des opinions de professeurs, coordinateurs pdagogiques et tudiants; reprage, systmatisation et analyses de plusieurs documents. L analyse des donnes, qui a t faite d une faon fondamentalement qualitative, a rvl que le PROBSICA a sa gense l intrieur de l UFRN et reprsente, en mme temps, une rponse de cette universit la demande de la catgorie et la politique de formation de professeurs. Nous esprons que cette tude suscite d autres recherches qui dveloppent des discussions sur les relations entre l tat brsilien, ses politiques ducationnelles et les pratiques pdagogiques de formation de professeurs
La recherche ci-prsente consiste dans une narrative historique problematise par rapport la trajectoire de l cole Normale de Natal. Dans ce parcours, nous distingons sa transformation en Institut d ducation Prsident Kennedy, en envisageant la priode de 1950 jusqu 1965. L investigation a t procde ayant pour base les principes de l histoire des institutions ducatives, on a pris deux catgories d analyse historique : la culture scolaire, utile la comprhension des pratiques ducatives developpes dans l institution d enseignement ; et celle de genre, l cole Normale de Natal/Institut d ducation pour avoir t frquents principalement par des femmes qui voulaient travailler dans l enseignement primaire ; alors, une place de genre. Dans cette perspective, nous estimons sa multiplicit d acteurs et de leurs pratiques dans l institution. Nous mettons en vidence sa cration et les cycles de son dveloppement (matrialiss dans les plusieurs configurations), en les reliant aux faits locaux et nationaux. Nous distingons les conflits tout le long des annes en ce qui concerne l inexistence de l espace physique pour le fonctionnement adquat de l cole, et les changements du savoir apport moyennant la renovation du programme d enseigement et de la pratique pdagogique. Ainsi, de la tradictionnelle cole Normale de Natal l Institut d ducation Prsident Kennedy, cette institution ducative a gard, dans son identit, le caracter de modle et d innovation, quand elle a pu assimiler les changements didactico- pdagogique qui avaient eu lieu dans le scnario national se transformant en un centre de rfrence pour la formation des professeurs, particulirement des femmes, en diffrentes poques dans l enseignement potiguar. L cole Normale de Natal s est constitue surtout en un tablissement pour la conqute, un chemin pour l largissement de l univers du rle de ces femmes qui se dplacent de la sphre de l enseignement priv pour accder au domaine de l enseignement publique, acqurant ainsi un travail rmunr
The main focus of this thesis is the formation of a mathematical teacher at a college institution. The general aim is to describe and to analyze the formation process of a mathematical teacher which is an undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Instituto de Educao Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP, in Natal-RN. It is based on a qualitative ethnographic approach, and has its theoretical anchorage in the (auto)biographical narratives, the social representative theories, and the mathematical education. The number of participants in this investigation was 12 undergraduate students, which corresponds to 25% of the total number of students. The corpus utilized in our analysis included 48 (auto)biographical essays, 12 (auto)biographies (formation's memories), and 12 contextualization files, besides the research's diary. The sources were obtained from the whole program of studies, i.e. from November 2003 to December 2006. The analysis revealed that the reminiscences of the 12 students' academic trajectory influenced their professional formation, since their images of a mathematical teacher were intrinsically related to the one they had before. These representations were being either demolished or constructed in a network along the assertive image of their profession, changing afterwards the mathematical representation and the teaching way of this discipline. Our study also shows that the beginning of their teacher career was marked by mechanical practices influenced by their old teachers. The (trans)formation of themselves and their teaching practices happened in a smooth way as soon as they increased their knowledgements in Mathematics, and it reflected upon the way they learned mathematics. The writing of their (auto)biographies helped the set up of new knowledgements, leaving to a self-consciousness as well as a self-formation, and contributed for the construction of a new way to see and to live the profession. Therefore, a mathematical teacher, for the undergraduate students of the IFESP involved in this work, is made at the interface of the familiar, academic, and professional context, besides the reflexive writings about the formation path, the way of life and the relationships among them
The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire
For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoitico epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching
This thesis has the aim to comprehend the development of the superior graduation in life service and daily scholar of the history teachers in-land of Sergipe. The History Course graduation was realized through the second part of (Projeto de Qualificao Docente-PQD), the so-called, Teaching Qualification Project of the Federal University of Sergipe, first settled in 1998. Eight teachers were chosen for this research with more than (15) fifteen years of teaching in the Fundamental and Medium levels at public schools of our state (Sergipe). This empiric research priviledged oral testimony from them, which (ones) reveled about the memory tragetory of life. Since childhood until the History Course graduation, besides the evidence as Principal of schools as well as the following classes. All of them were interviewed from in-land and they are from very poor families with lack of social economical conditions. Those evidencies point out economic limitations in their different towns, that contributed to the continuous obstacle in the following studies, moreover in the common market. Therefore they still teach in order to believe in whos at the botton of this business. Their testimony about this history graduation through PQD , gave them new Professional horizons, modifying their pedagogic practice, choosing what is worth into the social space beyond life expectancy. Through the analyses from all the documents and evidence in loco, it was evident that this graduation is not sufficient to change all the acting of teaching. Consequently, the lack of scholar situation still happens because this qualification doesnt consider the knowledge of the teachers into their contexts. This research could also observe that besides the changing purposes in the suggested common-job by the globalization, the public politics education, is still underdeveloped in-land of Sergipe. According to the educational laws which obliges all tearches should be graduated, it could be observed that nothing changed into their acting. The old curricula dont give them new possibility in their acting. At last their salaries, poor conditions in their common-job as well as the difficult ways to get to their pos graduation course still contributes to the underdeveloped acting before theyd graduated from the period before of their graduation
This work studies the thematic of the politics of formation of teachers in the Program of Professional Qualification for Basic Education (PROBSICA) developed in the City of Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte. It has as its main objective to identify and to analyze the contribution of this politics of initial formation for the professional formation of teachers. To install the work, we will use the procedures of bibliographical research, documentary analysis, comment, structuralized interview, questionnaire-script and virtual research. In the analysis of the data, we trace a general view on PROBSICA while initial formation along with the continued formation, pedagogical research, collaborative research and the exercise of the teaching profession, identifying the possibilities and limits of the Program in the direction to reach the objective considered in this work. From the inquiry, we construct the institutional land scope of the program in question, also focusing, the organizational aspects of its functioning. We have to take care about the results, we evidence that PROBSICA is making the possible to access of the teachers in the educational service to the University, what the main aspect that consists, trying to prove eminent weak points in its systematic due to give to the organizational structure of this educational politics that does not count with curricular, institutional and financial the necessary conditions for the success of the professional formation of the teachers. The research will try to understand that the operationalization of the politics of formation in Parnamirim will be belong with it the main idea of the Educational Reformation in years of 1990, articulated to the neoliberal interests, that the responsibility for the problems of the public system of education attributed to the teachers, and that are not answered completely through the purpose of the professional formation, and ti seems that it does not define one global national politics that deals with seriousness to the questions the initial formation, permanent formation, pedagogical research, , career and conditions of work for the teachers
The acquiring process of morals on a person is one of the most important aspects of his Social Identity. The basis for his ethics and moral choices are built when he interacts with the world. A child that interacts with participants of Movimento Sem Terra (MST) movement that fights for the Land Reform and the transformation of the society may have the opportunities to acquire the culture, morals and ethics of this movement. Based on this understanding, this work intends to comprehend how children think and incorporate the rules that are the base of the values and principles of MST, considering the diversity of the situations, the limits and the possibilities to experience these values in their everyday life in the Movement. To understand how the process of cognitive construction of the rules takes place in a child, it is important to consider the theories of Jean Piaget. According to him, morals development follows a sequence: the anomie (0 to 2 years old), marked by the absence of rules; the heteronomy (2 to 6/7 years old), where takes place the adoption of rules due to exterior obedience, such as a relative, an institution or a movement; and the autonomy (from 6/7 years old on), in which rules are considered legitimate. All the children in this research have relatives working at MST. The research has two parts. We have first observed the behavior of three groups of children (beyond six years old) while they were involved on their normal activities (kindergarten) activities. On the second moment, we have interviewed 20 children (between 3 and 10 years old). We used flashcards containing scenes; we also told stories and asked moral questions involving the character s behavior. We have noticed the unilateral respect and extern coercion are between the definers of the moral decisions of a child. The empathy and the reduction of the egocentrism help seeing the situation of the point of view of other, although it doesn t mean that one is going to accept others point of view. In the taking decision of the child other factors are also considered such as the space of socialization (family, school). Though the children don t work or take part at MST activities, they have already opinions about involved people behaviors. The interaction with relatives and teachers is one of the most important aspects to encourage them elaborate moral understandings according to the ethics of this movement
The studies in the education area have been defending the importance of forming autonomous teachers that they look for to understand the context in that they act, for that movement to make possible educational interventions with better conditions of the students' learning. In the extent of the teachers' formation, it has been discussed the importance of formative actions that they have as focus the analysis of the needs in the educational formation, as alternative to turn such more significant actions. Concerned with those subjects and with the school failure in the Brazilian education, especially in the children's of the public school literacy, we accomplished this work that aims at to investigate the needs of teachers' of the Fundamental Teaching of the public school formation, in the extent of their students' orthographic difficulties, building with those teachers knowledge on the process of teaching/learning spelling. The study was accomplished at a municipal school of the city of Parnamirim-RN, that offers the Fundamental Teaching I. the approach investigativa is of qualitative nature, where the case study and the research-action were used as methodologies. They participated in the research 7 teachers and 1 coordinator of the institution. For the construction of the data the following instruments were used: glimpsed semi-directing collective and individual, documental analysis, questionnaire and observation, that made possible the triangulation of the data for the content analysis. The main results pointed that the teachers' of that school initial needs were addressed not only to the teaching of the spelling, but also to the formation type that they would receive. We verified although the formative process was favorecedor of sockets of the teachers' conscience: related to the orthographic mistakes, to the strategies used at classroom and to the planning addressed to the teaching of the spelling. Finally, we concluded that the teachers' reflection researched about their own formation needs contributed for (trans)formations of their conceptions and practices related to the teaching of the spelling, even before some found difficulties, so much in the formation as in practice pedagogic developed by the participants
The thesis: "autobiographical narrative as practical continuous training and updating of itself: the groups-reference and the reflexive group in the mediation of identity construction of teaching" begins in the founder matter: "What are the implications of groups-reference in the process of identity formation and the teaching role of teachers which is participating of the research? This object of study deals with the continuing education of teachers of Basic Education and the role of the reflective group as space-time of (re) construction of educational knowledge, for the recognition of yourself. The thesis defends that the autobiographical narrative, as a pedagogical tool and research, for the initial and continuous training, is presented as theoretical and methodological foundation necessary for identity formation of the teacher. The research is limited to the qualitative approach with a focus on the autobiographical narrative. The participants are six teachers, three teachers and three students-teachers. The corpus comprises six autobiographical narratives, six reports of successful experiences, two studies on the biographical work, and six individual testimonials about the impact in personal and professional life. The data analysis was to reference Dausien and Alheit (2006), Bruner (1997), Contreras (2002), Delory-Momberger (2007), Freire (2005), Giddens (2002), Josso (2004), new (1988, 2002), Passeggi (2001, 2002), Pineau (2004), Ricoeur (2004), Souza (2006), Tardif (2002) and Vygotsky (2005). The research revealed that the formation of identity as a teachers of the educators occurred in the reference group, involving the formal, non-formal and informal of the processes of knowledge , in a movement of alternation training that includes yourself, the other and the ambient. Also revealed that the pedagogical choices of the teachers studied aimed at minimizing educational gaps that were lived in both field personal and social; that the personal identity is configured as an identity narrative and the methodology of the biographical work, through the mimesis of continuing education, provided the passage from the group reflective to the group of reference
This work is an analysis about the teacher's formation starting from certain aspects of its culture. It is supposed that the teacher is constituted in an individual that acts starting from singular aspects, in an individual point of view, but at the same time it interacts with other individuals in an environment strongly marked by the culture. Those two dimensions are representatives of the socio-cultural characteristics and they can be seen in the perspective of the individual and collective identity. Based on those presuppositions we chose, as reference, four environment of formation: the family, the school, the work and the Movement of the Rural Workers Without-Soil/MST (MST: The without-soil-ones in Portuguese) observing as the teachers refers to those environment highlighting, mostly, the formative aspects stood out. The individuals researched are teachers involved in the education of settled communities, who are students of the Earth Pedagogy course of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/UFFRN. For our analyses, we used narrative texts, written by the teachers, as conclusion of the discipline History of the Brazilian Education in which they tell their life histories. The speeches show as the environments of reference influence in their world conceptions, attitudes and values that not just mix in an individual dimension, but also collective. The research make us reflect about the possibility to think on the educational action starting from that understanding of wide formation considering the present elements in the courses of teacher's life
La sparation entre les deux cultures (Snow, 1995) a battu la comprhension du monde, a influenc l'ducation tous les niveaux et a fragment les tres humains dans leur faon de penser et de produire des connaissances. L'accumulation des connaissances hrites ds la naissance de la science moderne au XVIIe sicle, n'a pas t suffisantes pour relever les nouveaux dfis du monde contemporain (Morin, 2000, 2001, 2002a). Maintenant c est le temps de chercher une nouvelle comprhension du monde et des nouveaux faon de comprendre et rsoudre les vnements et problmes de l'ge moderne. La Pdagogie de la fraternit cologique "est dfendue et construite partir d'un point de rfrence cosmologique nouvelle, base sur le grand rcit de l'univers, et inspirs par la vie fraternelle, l'amour, la posie et la sagesse de saint Franois d'Assise (Italie , sec. XII-XIII) et l'exprience des connaissances traditionnelles et la logique du sensible (Lvi-Strauss) de Francisco da Silva Lucas, un rsident de la communaut de Areia Branca, sur les rives du lac Piat dans la ville de Assu, Rio Grande do Norte. Une pistmologie fonde sur le grand rcit de l'Univers rachetera des relations fraternelles entre l'homme et la nature. partir de ces rfrences j ai elabor une nouvelle formation pour les ducateurs, formation interdisciplinaire pour enseigner de l'ducation, dans lequel je dveloppe ce que j'appelle Architecture transdisciplinaire de savoir pour la formation des enseignants, fond sur les principes de la complexit et de la transdisciplinarit. Nous comprenons que notre rle est plus large intgrant l'homme dans l'histoire de l'univers, car le bien de la terre et le bientre de la communaut humaine sur terre peut tre le point que rejoindra l'enseignement de l'avenir
The present study comes from inquietudes of an investigative posture assumed by a Physical Education Graduation Professor, before her educative action with undergraduate teachers. The research was done with 16 (sixteen) Kindergarten and Elementary School teachers, who teach at public schools. The referred teachers are undergraduate students of the Graduating Normal Course at Superior Educational Institute President Kennedy, in Natal/RN. The analysis and discussion of the intertwining of knowledge, within the four Pillars of Education, at the Fountain of Knowledge , is a metaphor, especially created for this study, as for its epistemological and methodological structure, guiding all the investigative process. It provided to show up the repercussion of bathing and drinking these humanizing waters of a pedagogical practice that values the Being, aiming his self-transcendence. The conclusions obtained were the following: 1) The professor, while bathing himself in the Fountain of Life Knowledge, reflects his personal and professional life, recalling feelings and emotions that through time were forgotten, but as they were remembered and lived again, impulse people towards humanity. 2) While bathing himself at the Fountain of Life Knowledge, the professor realizes he is awoken to humane knowledge, caring about his practices, which he develops in the classroom. Practices he considers the learning of knowing, of doing, of living together, and of learning how to be, having and integrated form on the Being. 3) When the worries about the developing of the Being exist coming from the undergraduate teacher there is a practice the shows up the web of corporeity knowledge knowing how to play, how to create, how to feel, how to think, and how to humanize. 4) The presence of the professional of Physical Education, with knowledge and experience of the budgets of corporeity, is essential in the process of graduating the Kindergarten and first years of Elementary School undergraduate teacher, for he, the former, has a huge responsibility as to the learning and developing of the educational process the humanizing developing of the Being In a proposal of education that occurs through the whole life. 5) The Professional of Physical Education has positions to conquer, for the existent gap in the educational process, as for the understanding of the body and of corporeity in the perspective of totality, urges to be modified in name of another mankind, with full humanity