918 resultados para Potential Role
La compréhension de processus biologiques complexes requiert des approches expérimentales et informatiques sophistiquées. Les récents progrès dans le domaine des stratégies génomiques fonctionnelles mettent dorénavant à notre disposition de puissants outils de collecte de données sur l’interconnectivité des gènes, des protéines et des petites molécules, dans le but d’étudier les principes organisationnels de leurs réseaux cellulaires. L’intégration de ces connaissances au sein d’un cadre de référence en biologie systémique permettrait la prédiction de nouvelles fonctions de gènes qui demeurent non caractérisées à ce jour. Afin de réaliser de telles prédictions à l’échelle génomique chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nous avons développé une stratégie innovatrice qui combine le criblage interactomique à haut débit des interactions protéines-protéines, la prédiction de la fonction des gènes in silico ainsi que la validation de ces prédictions avec la lipidomique à haut débit. D’abord, nous avons exécuté un dépistage à grande échelle des interactions protéines-protéines à l’aide de la complémentation de fragments protéiques. Cette méthode a permis de déceler des interactions in vivo entre les protéines exprimées par leurs promoteurs naturels. De plus, aucun biais lié aux interactions des membranes n’a pu être mis en évidence avec cette méthode, comparativement aux autres techniques existantes qui décèlent les interactions protéines-protéines. Conséquemment, nous avons découvert plusieurs nouvelles interactions et nous avons augmenté la couverture d’un interactome d’homéostasie lipidique dont la compréhension demeure encore incomplète à ce jour. Par la suite, nous avons appliqué un algorithme d’apprentissage afin d’identifier huit gènes non caractérisés ayant un rôle potentiel dans le métabolisme des lipides. Finalement, nous avons étudié si ces gènes et un groupe de régulateurs transcriptionnels distincts, non préalablement impliqués avec les lipides, avaient un rôle dans l’homéostasie des lipides. Dans ce but, nous avons analysé les lipidomes des délétions mutantes de gènes sélectionnés. Afin d’examiner une grande quantité de souches, nous avons développé une plateforme à haut débit pour le criblage lipidomique à contenu élevé des bibliothèques de levures mutantes. Cette plateforme consiste en la spectrométrie de masse à haute resolution Orbitrap et en un cadre de traitement des données dédié et supportant le phénotypage des lipides de centaines de mutations de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Les méthodes expérimentales en lipidomiques ont confirmé les prédictions fonctionnelles en démontrant certaines différences au sein des phénotypes métaboliques lipidiques des délétions mutantes ayant une absence des gènes YBR141C et YJR015W, connus pour leur implication dans le métabolisme des lipides. Une altération du phénotype lipidique a également été observé pour une délétion mutante du facteur de transcription KAR4 qui n’avait pas été auparavant lié au métabolisme lipidique. Tous ces résultats démontrent qu’un processus qui intègre l’acquisition de nouvelles interactions moléculaires, la prédiction informatique des fonctions des gènes et une plateforme lipidomique innovatrice à haut débit , constitue un ajout important aux méthodologies existantes en biologie systémique. Les développements en méthodologies génomiques fonctionnelles et en technologies lipidomiques fournissent donc de nouveaux moyens pour étudier les réseaux biologiques des eucaryotes supérieurs, incluant les mammifères. Par conséquent, le stratégie présenté ici détient un potentiel d’application au sein d’organismes plus complexes.
La pression artérielle est un déterminant potentiellement majeur de l’évolution de pathologies telles que la FA et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Pourtant, il demeure plusieurs incertitudes quant à la prise en charge optimale de la pression artérielle chez ces patients. Le rôle potentiel de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du maintien en rythme sinusal est inconnu. De plus, en présence d’insuffisance cardiaque, non seulement une pression artérielle élevée, mais aussi une pression artérielle basse pourrait augmenter la mortalité. Les travaux présentés ont pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du contrôle du rythme et la mortalité ainsi que d’évaluer le rôle potentiel de l’insuffisance cardiaque sur cette interaction. Une étude post-hoc utilisant une banque de données combinant les études AFFIRM et AF-CHF a été réalisée. Les patients ont d’abord été classés selon leur FEVG (>40%, ≤40%), puis nous avons évalué l’impact de la PAS (<120 mmHg, 120-140 mmHg, >140 mmHg) sur les issues. Premièrement, chez les 2715 patients randomisés au contrôle du rythme, nous avons évalué la survie sans récidive de FA. Deuxièmement, chez tous les 5436 patients inclus dans les 2 études sources, nous avons évalué la mortalité et la morbidité. Chez les patients avec FEVG >40%, aucune des issues n’a été affectée par la PAS dans des analyses de régression multivariées de Cox. Par contraste, chez les patients avec FEVG ≤40%, le taux de récidive de FA était plus élevé avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg, par rapport à une PAS de 120-140 mmHg [HR, 1.47; IC 95% (1.12-1.93)] et [HR 1.15; IC 95% (0.92-1.43)], respectivement. La mortalité s’est également avérée augmentée chez ces patients avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg [HR 1.75; IC 95% (1.41-2.17)] et [HR 1.40; IC 95% (1.04-1.90)], respectivement. En conclusion, le maintien en rythme sinusal et la survie sont influencés par la PAS chez les patients avec FA et FEVG diminuée, mais non chez les patients avec FEVG normale. Une courbe en forme de U a été identifiée, où les pression plus basses (<120 mmHg) et plus hautes (>140 mmHg) sont associées à un moins bon pronostic.
The thesis deals with the results of an investigation on the "BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS OF MUGIL CEPHALUS" from Cochin, Madras and Orissa. It is presented under the following major headings: Introduction, Review of Literature, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Recommendations, Summary and References.The introduction gives a brief account of historical and modern back ground on the stock concept in fisheries research and management, followed by the importance and potential role of biochemical genetics in the identification of natural units of fisheries management. In the review of literature published reports relevant to biochemical genetics with special reference to that of general proteins and enzyme systems of fish populations were considered. A detailed account of the source of experimental specimens, mode of collection, transportation, sample extraction, gel preparation/gel electrophoresis, buffer systems, staining procedures of proteins/enzymes, standardization of experiments, interpretation of electrophoretic data using basic formulae etc. are given in the materials and methods section. Four important conclusions were drawn on the basis of the results of the present investigation. Three recommendations were also made on the basis of evaluation of the results.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are humoral innate immune components of fishes that provide protection against pathogenic infections. Histone derived antimicrobial peptides are reported to actively participate in the immune defenses of fishes. Present study deals with identification of putative antimicrobial sequences from the histone H2A of sicklefin chimaera, Neoharriotta pinnata. A 52 amino acid residue termed Harriottin-1, a 40 amino acid Harriottin-2, and a 21 mer Harriottin-3 were identified to possess antimicrobial sequence motif. Physicochemical properties andmolecular structure ofHarriottins are in agreement with the characteristic features of antimicrobial peptides, indicating its potential role in innate immunity of sicklefin chimaera. The histone H2A sequence of sicklefin chimera was found to differ from previously reported histone H2A sequences. Phylogenetic analysis based on histone H2A and cytochrome oxidase subunit-1 (CO1) gene revealed N. pinnata to occupy an intermediate position with respect to invertebrates and vertebrates
The academic literature specialized on processes of conflict resolution has focused on how third party intervention and mediation can contribute to end violent conflict, however it has also ignored the potential role of the state in countries affected by internal war. This article calls for a better understanding of the state, not only as a source of contemporary conflict but as a potential advocate of conflict resolution processes. It suggests that it is necessary and possible to involve the state in more effective processes of conflict resolution through the implementation of a State Peace Policy. The central argument is that some of the critical elements that should guide the state action when confronting the destructive logic of war and violence can be effectively undertaken through a public policy focused on building peace. After suggesting a general definition of State Peace Policy and highlighting some of its main attributes, the article recognizes that this sort of policy can also orientate the unfinished process of state consolidation in Colombia and other countries affected by internal conflict. The role of the state in the process of conflict resolution is crucial; however there are some issues normally ignored within the policy-making process, they must be seriously taken into account in order to eliminate the underlying structures that perpetuate conflict and delay the consolidation of sustainable peace.-----La literatura académica especializada en procesos de resolución de conflictos se ha centrado en el estudio de cómo la intervención de terceras partes y la labor de mediación pueden contribuir a poner fin a los conflictos violentos, sin embargo, también ha ignorado el rol potencial del estado en aquellos países afectados por la guerra interna. Este artículo llama la atención sobre la necesidad de estudiar al estado no sólo como la fuente de los conflictos contemporáneos, sino como un colaborador potencial en procesos de resolución de conflictos. Se sugiere que es necesario y también posible involucrar al estado en este tipo de procesos de una manera más efectiva a través de la implementación de una Política de Estado centrada en la Paz. El argumento central es que algunos de los elementos claves que deben guiar la acción del estado cuando éste se enfrenta a la lógica destructiva de la guerra y la violencia, pueden ser efectivamente tratados a través de una política pública que de prioridad a la construcción de la paz. Luego de sugerir una definición general y destacar algunos de los principales atributos de ésta clase de Política de Estado, el artículo reconoce que ésta podría también orientar el proceso inacabado de consolidación del estado en Colombia y en otros países afectados por conflictos internos. El rol del estado en el proceso para resolver los conflictos es crucial, sin embargo hay algunos aspectos normalmente ignorados durante el proceso de formulación de políticas que deben ser tomados en cuenta seriamente para eliminar las estructuras que perpetúan el conflicto y que retrasan la consolidación de la paz sostenible.
Generalmente se asocia los Estados modernos con la separación entre política y religión, la objetivación del poder y la elección racional, dejando de lado lo simbólico y lo identitario. La existencia del Estado de Israel es un ejemplo paradójico de una democracia fundamentada en el judaísmo, que ignora el principio de las minorías que habitan en dicho territorio, producto de la historia de la colonización de Palestina lo que ha acarreado conflictos internos y con los países vecinos. Ante los constantes fracasos por dirimir el conflicto, esta disertación otorga una relevancia superior al papel que pueden desempeñar la religión, los símbolos y estudia las funciones que cumplen las instituciones religiosas con el objetivo de establecer si la construcción del Estado abrahámico puede poner fin a la disputa entre dos pueblos hermanos, motivada por controlar una Tierra Prometida.
El trastorno de hiperactividad y déficit de atención (THDA), es definido clínicamente como una alteración en el comportamiento, caracterizada por inatención, hiperactividad e impulsividad. Estos aspectos son clasificados en tres subtipos, que son: Inatento, hiperactivo impulsivo y mixto. Clínicamente se describe un espectro amplio que incluye desordenes académicos, trastornos de aprendizaje, déficit cognitivo, trastornos de conducta, personalidad antisocial, pobres relaciones interpersonales y aumento de la ansiedad, que pueden continuar hasta la adultez. A nivel global se ha estimado una prevalencia entre el 1% y el 22%, con amplias variaciones, dadas por la edad, procedencia y características sociales. En Colombia, se han realizado estudios en Bogotá y Antioquia, que han permitido establecer una prevalencia del 5% y 15%, respectivamente. La causa específica no ha sido totalmente esclarecida, sin embargo se ha calculado una heredabilidad cercana al 80% en algunas poblaciones, demostrando el papel fundamental de la genética en la etiología de la enfermedad. Los factores genéticos involucrados se relacionan con cambios neuroquímicos de los sistemas dopaminérgicos, serotoninérgicos y noradrenérgicos, particularmente en los sistemas frontales subcorticales, corteza cerebral prefrontal, en las regiones ventral, medial, dorsolateral y la porción anterior del cíngulo. Basados en los datos de estudios previos que sugieren una herencia poligénica multifactorial, se han realizado esfuerzos continuos en la búsqueda de genes candidatos, a través de diferentes estrategias. Particularmente los receptores Alfa 2 adrenérgicos, se encuentran en la corteza cerebral, cumpliendo funciones de asociación, memoria y es el sitio de acción de fármacos utilizados comúnmente en el tratamiento de este trastorno, siendo esta la principal evidencia de la asociación de este receptor con el desarrollo del THDA. Hasta la fecha se han descrito más de 80 polimorfismos en el gen (ADRA2A), algunos de los cuales se han asociado con la entidad. Sin embargo, los resultados son controversiales y varían según la metodología diagnóstica empleada y la población estudiada, antecedentes y comorbilidades. Este trabajo pretende establecer si las variaciones en la secuencia codificante del gen ADRA2A, podrían relacionarse con el fenotipo del Trastorno de Hiperactividad y el Déficit de Atención.
The stratospheric role in the European winter surface climate response to El Niño–Southern Oscillation sea surface temperature forcing is investigated using an intermediate general circulation model with a well-resolved stratosphere. Under El Niño conditions, both the modeled tropospheric and stratospheric mean-state circulation changes correspond well to the observed “canonical” responses of a late winter negative North Atlantic Oscillation and a strongly weakened polar vortex, respectively. The variability of the polar vortex is modulated by an increase in frequency of stratospheric sudden warming events throughout all winter months. The potential role of this stratospheric response in the tropical Pacific–European teleconnection is investigated by sensitivity experiments in which the mean state and variability of the stratosphere are degraded. As a result, the observed stratospheric response to El Niño is suppressed and the mean sea level pressure response fails to resemble the temporal and spatial evolution of the observations. The results suggest that the stratosphere plays an active role in the European response to El Niño. A saturation mechanism whereby for the strongest El Niño events tropospheric forcing dominates the European response is suggested. This is examined by means of a sensitivity test and it is shown that under large El Niño forcing the European response is insensitive to stratospheric representation.
The uptake and storage of anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic is investigated using different configurations of ocean general circulation/carbon cycle models. We investigate how different representations of the ocean physics in the models, which represent the range of models currently in use, affect the evolution of CO2 uptake in the North Atlantic. The buffer effect of the ocean carbon system would be expected to reduce ocean CO2 uptake as the ocean absorbs increasing amounts of CO2. We find that the strength of the buffer effect is very dependent on the model ocean state, as it affects both the magnitude and timing of the changes in uptake. The timescale over which uptake of CO2 in the North Atlantic drops to below preindustrial levels is particularly sensitive to the ocean state which sets the degree of buffering; it is less sensitive to the choice of atmospheric CO2 forcing scenario. Neglecting physical climate change effects, North Atlantic CO2 uptake drops below preindustrial levels between 50 and 300 years after stabilisation of atmospheric CO2 in different model configurations. Storage of anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic varies much less among the different model configurations, as differences in ocean transport of dissolved inorganic carbon and uptake of CO2 compensate each other. This supports the idea that measured inventories of anthropogenic carbon in the real ocean cannot be used to constrain the surface uptake. Including physical climate change effects reduces anthropogenic CO2 uptake and storage in the North Atlantic further, due to the combined effects of surface warming, increased freshwater input, and a slowdown of the meridional overturning circulation. The timescale over which North Atlantic CO2 uptake drops to below preindustrial levels is reduced by about one-third, leading to an estimate of this timescale for the real world of about 50 years after the stabilisation of atmospheric CO2. In the climate change experiment, a shallowing of the mixed layer depths in the North Atlantic results in a significant reduction in primary production, reducing the potential role for biology in drawing down anthropogenic CO2.
Pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) detect molecular signatures of microbes and initiate immune responses to infection. Prototypical PRRs such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) signal via a conserved pathway to induce innate response genes. In contrast, the signaling pathways engaged by other classes of putative PRRs remain ill defined. Here, we demonstrate that the β-glucan receptor Dectin-1, a yeast binding C type lectin known to synergize with TLR2 to induce TNFα and IL-12, can also promote synthesis of IL-2 and IL-10 through phosphorylation of the membrane proximal tyrosine in the cytoplasmic domain and recruitment of Syk kinase. syk−/− dendritic cells (DCs) do not make IL-10 or IL-2 upon yeast stimulation but produce IL-12, indicating that the Dectin-1/Syk and Dectin-1/TLR2 pathways can operate independently. These results identify a novel signaling pathway involved in pattern recognition by C type lectins and suggest a potential role for Syk kinase in regulation of innate immunity.
Aluminium salts are used as the active antiperspirant agent in underarm cosmetics, but the effects of widespread, long term and increasing use remain unknown, especially in relation to the breast, which is a local area of application. Clinical studies showing a disproportionately high incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast together with reports of genomic instability in outer quadrants of the breast provide supporting evidence for a role for locally applied cosmetic chemicals in the development of breast cancer. Aluminium is known to have a genotoxic profile, capable of causing both DNA alterations and epigenetic effects, and this would be consistent with a potential role in breast cancer if such effects occurred in breast cells. Oestrogen is a well established influence in breast cancer and its action, dependent on intracellular receptors which function as ligand-activated zinc finger transcription factors, suggests one possible point of interference from aluminium. Results reported here demonstrate that aluminium in the form of aluminium chloride or aluminium chlorhydrate can interfere with the function of oestrogen receptors of MCF7 human breast cancer cells both in terms of ligand binding and in terms of oestrogen-regulated reporter gene expression. This adds aluminium to the increasing list of metals capable of interfering with oestrogen action and termed metal I oestrogens. Further studies are now needed to identify the molecular basis of this action, the longer term effects of aluminium exposure and whether aluminium can cause aberrations to other signalling pathways in breast cells. Given the wide exposure of the human population to antiperspirants, it will be important to establish dermal absorption in the local area of the breast and whether long term low level absorption could play a role in the increasing incidence of breast cancer. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fatty acids have diverse roles in all cells. They are important as a source of energy, as structural components of cell membranes, as signalling molecules and as precursors for the synthesis of eicosanoids. Recent research has suggested that the organization of fatty acids into distinct cellular pools has a particularly important role in cells of the immune system and that forms of lipid trafficking exist, which are as yet poorly understood. This Review examines the nature and regulation of cellular lipid pools in the immune system, their delivery of fatty acids or fatty acid derivatives to specific locations and their potential role in health and disease.
Microbial biofilms were first described in 1936 and subsequent research has unveiled their ubiquity and physiological distinction from free-living (planktonic) microorganisms. In light of their emerging significance this review examines the bacterial biofilms within the human gastrointestinal tract. Attention is paid to the nature of these mucosally- associated populations, focusing on the protected environment afforded by the continual secretion of mucus by host epithelial cells. It also examines the attributes possessed by various bacterial species that facilitate habitation of this microenvironment. Additionally, contrasts are drawn between planktonic bacteria of the lumen and sessile (biofilm) bacteria growing in close association with host cells and food particles. In particular the different fermentation profiles exhibited by these two fractions are discussed. The potential role of these communities in host health and disease, as well as the stabilisation of the lumenal population, is also considered. Reference is made to the state of mutualism that exists between these little understood populations and the host epithelia, thus highlighting their ecological significance in terms of gastrointestinal health.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer incidence worldwide. Lifestyle factors, especially dietary intake, affect the risk of CRC development. Suitable risk biomarkers are required in order to assess the effect that specific dietary components have on CRC risk. The relationship between dietary intake and indicators of fecal water activity has been assessed using cell and animal models as well as human studies. This review summarizes the literature on fecal water and dietary components with a view to establishing further the potential role of fecal water as a source of CRC risk biomarkers. The literature indicates that fecal water activity markers are affected by specific dietary components linked with CRC risk: red meat, saturated fats, bile acids, and fatty acids are associated with an increase in fecal water toxicity, while the converse appears to be true for calcium, probiotics, and prebiotics. However, it must be acknowledged that the study of fecal water is still in its infancy and a number of issues need to be addressed before its usefulness can be truly gauged.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a common cause of chronic large bowel diarrhoea in cats. Although the aetiology of IBD is unknown, an immune-mediated response to a luminal antigen is thought to be involved. As knowledge concerning the colonic microflora of cats is limited and requires further investigation, the purpose of this study was to determine the presence of specific bacterial groups in normal and IBD cats, and the potential role they play in the health of the host. Total bacterial populations, Bacteroides spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Clostridium histolyticum subgp., Lactobacillus-Enterococcus subgp. and Desulfovibrio spp. were enumerated in 34 healthy cats and 11 IBD cats using fluorescence in situ hybridisation. The study is one of the first to show the presence of Desulfovibrio in cats. Total bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. counts were all significantly higher in healthy cats when compared with IBD cats, whereas Desulfovibrio spp. (producers of toxic sulphides) numbers were found to be significantly higher in colitic cats. The information obtained from this study suggests that modulation of bacterial flora by increasing bifidobacteria and decreasing Desulfovibrio spp. may be beneficial to cats with IBD. Dietary intervention may be an important aspect of their treatment.