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Primary objective: To examine emotional coping and support needs in children of persons with acquired brain injury, with a view to understanding what interventions would be helpful for these children. Design: The study was qualitative, using a thematic analysis approach. Methods and procedure: Six children between 9 and 18 years of age, six parents (three with ABI), and three support workers were interviewed either at home or at a support centre, using a semi-structured interview guide. Results: Children reported using a variety of adaptive and maladaptive emotional coping strategies, but were consistent in expressing a need for credible validation, i.e. sharing experiences with peers. The results are presented under four overarching themes: difficulties faced; emotions experienced; coping strategies; and reported support needs. Conclusions: The results reveal an interaction between the child’s experiences of complex loss that is difficult to acknowledge, emotional distancing between parent and child, and the children’s need for credible validation. All children expressed a desire for talking to peers in a similar situation to themselves, but had not had this opportunity. Interventions should set up such peer interaction to create credible validation for the specific distress suffered by this population.
The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions and experiences of secondary school staff with regard to adolescent self-harm. The research was conducted in a Local Authority where there were particular concerns about rising numbers of young people presenting with self-harm. While the majority of young people who self-harm are supported in the community and never access clinical services, surprisingly little research has considered the role of schools and their staff. The research that has been done suggests that school staff can feel underqualified and overwhelmed in their attempts to support young people who self-harm. Further, there is a growing evidence base that when young people experience negative attitudes towards self-harm it is distressing and reduces the chance of them seeking further help. To address this, qualitative exploratory research was conducted with thirteen members of staff working in secondary schools. Since the research was concerned not just with experiences, but also with perceptions of adolescent self-harm, the participants were from two groups: those with direct experience of supporting young people who have self-harmed and those without any direct experience. Data collection involved individual semi-structured interviews which were analysed using thematic analysis. The research indicated that secondary school staff are keen to help and understand young people who self-harm, but that they do not always feel skilled or confident enough to do so, often feeling that some kind of specialist is required and/or fearing that they might make a situation worse. Findings highlighted the emotional impact of this work and illustrated the importance of supporting staff, who expressed a desire for further training and other forms of professional support such as supervision.
Objectives: Care farms enable people who are in some way vulnerable to engage with agricultural places and farming activities. This study investigates how this impacts on the health and well-being of service users and explores associated processes and outcomes. Design: A mixed methods design was adopted that allowed for the integration of quantitative measurements of change with qualitative descriptions of this change. A pragmatic approach provided sufficient flexibility to support the investigation of complex contexts. Methods: A total of 216 service users completed an initial questionnaire, and 137 (63%) of this number provided comparative data in a follow-up questionnaire. Questionnaires contained multiple choice and open-ended questions alongside standardized health and well-being measures requiring Likert-format responses. Semi-structured interviews with 33 service users allowed personal experiences to be detailed. Results: Statistical analysis of well-being measure scores identified significant positive relationships with the length of time people had been attending the care farm. Questionnaire and interview data presented health benefits as being enabled by the farm environment, the positive experience as supporting personal development, and associated social interactions as becoming increasingly influential as time progressed. Conclusions: The health and well-being outcomes that result from participating at a care farm influence multiple elements of the human condition and apply amongst vulnerable people with a wide range of personal needs. Care farms have access to a potentially unique range of resources that can support many service users in becoming happier and healthier individuals.
A entrada e a adaptação ao Ensino Superior consistem num período muito emocional, causador de manifestações positivas, bem como de expressões negativas, como sejam a ansiedade e o stresse. Neste sentido, perspectiva-se que quanto mais os estudantes do ensino superior se sentem integrados e felizes mais irão evitar e minimizar as consequências associadas a afectos negativos, que podem, em grande parte dos casos, estar na origem ou contribuir para o insucesso académico e até mesmo para o abandono escolar. O presente estudo pretende investigar em que medida as variáveis afecto negativo e afecto positivo estão relacionadas com factores sociodemográficos idade, sexo, curso e saída de casa ou não aquando do ingresso no ensino superior, em estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino superior, assim como explorar a relação entre o afecto (positivo e negativo) e a percepção de saúde da amostra em estudo. Para o efeito foi utilizado o Questionário Sócio–Demográfico do Questionário de Vivências Académicas Reduzido (QVA-r) (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 2002), a Escala de Afecto Positivo e Negativo (PANAS), adaptado, por Galinha e Ribeiro (2005), e os itens 1 e 2 do Questionário de Estado de Saúde SF–36 (Ribeiro, 2005). Estes instrumentos foram administrados a uma amostra de 102 estudantes do 1º ano de ensino superior na região Norte de Portugal (26,5% do sexo masculino e 72,5% do sexo feminino). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, a amostra em estudo, o sexo e a percepção de saúde dos participantes são factores diferenciadores no que concerne ao afecto (negativo e positivo), sendo que o curso, a saída ou não de casa e a idade não o são. Estes resultados têm implicações ao nível de intervenção no afecto no âmbito da adaptação ao Ensino Superior.
To evaluate how individuals at different stages of infection with HIV perceive their health status and its association with mood states. With the introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in 1996, the quality of life of people living with HIV has improved. However, the literature emphasises the negative effects of the disease on the mental health of individuals suffering from this condition and the high incidence of depression among infected individuals. Although people diagnosed and living with HIV are overwhelmed by emotions, we found that various emotional manifestations are understudied within this group of patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted in an outpatient unit of a University Hospital (antiretroviral therapy clinic), with a consecutive sample composed of 152 patients. Data were collected through a questionnaire used to assess the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the Short Form (36) Health Survey, and the Profile of Mood States scale. The health status negatively affects the role at the emotional and mental health dimensions. The participants showing a worse health condition than in the previous year had higher levels of tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, fatigue/inertia and confusion/bewilderment. The stage of disease and the profile of mood state emerged as independent phenomena. The results of this study indicate that nurses worldwide should be aware of the emotional aspects (negative emotions strongly impact health) related to the subjective perception of a worsening health status, regardless of the stage of the disease.
O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar a experiência turística vivida nos destinos de montanha, nomeadamente no Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, com especial incidência sobre o papel que a dimensão sensorial possui nas restantes dimensões da experiência. A concretização deste objetivo obrigou a uma reflexão teórica acerca do marketing sensorial, da experiência turística multissensorial e do turismo praticado nos destinos de montanha. Com base nessas reflexões, apoiadas por uma extensa revisão da literatura, constatou-se que os destinos de montanha são propícios ao desenvolvimento de experiências multissensoriais, que permitem satisfazer as necessidades do novo tipo de turista – este é mais sensível a experiências emocionais e sensoriais, autênticas e únicas, que contribuam para um envolvimento mais intenso com o destino e para a construção da sua própria identidade. Contudo, apesar da relevância do turismo de montanha a nível global e da importância dos cinco sentidos na vida do indivíduo, a experiência turística multissensorial nos destinos de montanha constitui ainda uma área de investigação incipiente, sendo de grande interesse conhecer e avaliar a importância da dimensão sensorial nas restantes dimensões da experiência turística. Para este efeito, realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica, com inquérito dirigido a visitantes de montanha. A recolha dos dados primários foi realizada via inquérito por questionário, aplicado a 241 visitantes da Serra da Estrela, durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2015. Permitiu a descrição do perfil do visitante de montanha e ainda o estudo das relações entre a dimensão sensorial e as outras dimensões da experiência, bem como das relações existentes entre a dimensão sensorial e as consequências da experiência (satisfação e lealdade). Entre várias conclusões encontradas, sobressaiu a relação existente entre as características individuais, as motivações, o perfil comportamental e a dimensão sensorial, as relações maioritariamente positivas entre a dimensão sensorial e as restantes dimensões da experiência, e a relação positiva entre a dimensão sensorial e a satisfação e lealdade. As conclusões permitiram uma melhor compreensão das implicações que a dimensão sensorial da experiência tem para o desenvolvimento sustentável e competitivo dos destinos de montanha.
The coming out process has been conceptualized as a developmental imperative for those who will eventually accept their same-sex attractions. It is widely accepted that homophobia, heterosexism, and homonegativity are cultural realities that may complicate this developmental process for gay men. The current study views coming out as an extra-developmental life task that is at best a stressful event, and at worst traumatic when coming out results in the rupture of salient relationships with parents, siblings, and/or close friends. To date, the minority stress model (Meyer, 1995; 2003) has been utilized as an organizing framework for how to empirically examine external stressors and mental health disparities for lesbians, gay men, and bisexual individuals in the United States. The current study builds on this literature by focusing on the influence of how gay men make sense of and represent the coming out process in a semi-structured interview, more specifically, by examining the legacy of the coming out process on indicators of wellness. In a two-part process, this study first employs the framework well articulated in the adult attachment literature of coherence of narratives to explore both variation and implications of the coming out experience for a sample of gay men (n = 60) in romantic relationships (n = 30). In particular, this study employed constructs identified in the adult attachment literature, namely Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, to code a Coming Out Interview (COI). In the present study current state of mind refers to the degree of coherent discourse produced about coming out experiences as relayed during the COI. Multilevel analyses tested the extent to which these COI dimensions, as revealed through an analysis of coming out narratives in the COI, were associated with relationship quality, including self-reported satisfaction and observed emotional tone in a standard laboratory interaction task and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology. In addition, multilevel analyses also assessed the Acceptance by primary relationship figures at the time of disclosure, as well as the degree of Outness at the time of the study. Results revealed that participant’s narratives on the COI varied with regard to Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind, suggesting that the AAI coding system provides a viable organizing framework for extracting meaning from coming out narratives as related to attachment relevant constructs. Multilevel modeling revealed construct validity of the attachment dimensions assessed via the COI; attachment (i.e., Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind) as assessed via the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) was significantly correlated with the corresponding COI variables. These finding suggest both methodological and conceptual convergence between these two measures. However, with one exception, COI Preoccupied and Dismissing current state of mind did not predict relationship outcomes or self-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, further analyses revealed that the degree to which one is out to others moderated the relationship between COI Preoccupied and internalizing. Specifically, for those who were less out to others, there was a significant and positive relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind towards coming out and internalizing symptoms. In addition, the degree of perceived acceptance of sexual orientation by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure emerged as a predictor of mental health. In particular, Acceptance was significantly negatively related to internalizing symptoms. Overall, the results offer preliminary support that gay men’s narratives do reflect variation as assessed by attachment dimensions and highlights the role of Acceptance by salient relationship figures at the time of disclosure. Still, for the most part, current state of mind towards coming out in this study was not associated with relationship quality and self-reported indicators of mental health. This finding may be a function of low statistical power given the modest sample size. However, the relationship between Preoccupied current state of mind and mental health (i.e., internalizing) appears to depend on degree of Outness. In addition, the response of primary relationships figures to coming out may be a relevant factor in shaping mental health outcomes for gay men. Limitations and suggestions for future research and clinical intervention are offered.
Background: An extensive research literature has documented the impact of caring for an individual with acquired brain injury (ABI) on caregivers and family members, including role adjustment, psychological distress, social isolation, family tension and coping with the cognitive and behavioural difficulties of the injured person. Given these findings it is important this population have access to services and supports. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an intervention that helps individuals to accept difficult experiences and commit to behaviour that is consistent with their values. Research into the effectiveness of ACT to support caregivers is at a preliminary stage. Aim: To investigate the feasibility of using ACT to reduce psychological distress and increase psychological flexibility in ABI caregivers. A secondary aim was to gain an understanding of the experience of caregivers in this context and how this can inform the development and delivery of interventions for this population. Method: Phase one was a randomised controlled feasibility trial of an ACT intervention for use with ABI caregivers. The parameters of this study were formulated around the PICO (population, intervention, control, and outcome) framework. Eighteen carers were recruited and randomised to ACT or an enhanced treatment as usual (ETAU) group. ACT was implemented over 3 sessions; and ETAU was implemented over 2 sessions. The General Health Questionnaire, Valuing Questionnaire, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Experiential Avoidance of Caregiving Questionnaire and the Flexibility of Responses to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale were administered to both groups at baseline and following the final session. Phase two used a retrospective qualitative design that involved conducting semi-structured interviews with four participants from phase one. Results: ACT and control participants were successfully recruited. Positive feedback was obtained from ACT participants suggesting that the intervention was acceptable. There were no significant differences between the ACT and ETAU groups on outcome measures. However, there were challenges retaining participants and the overall attrition rate was high (44.44%). Therefore a number of participants did not complete the full complement of sessions, which may have impacted on this result. Qualitative results illustrated the challenges this population face including significant adjustments in their life, the emotional impact of having a loved one with a brain injury and trying to adapt to the changes in the injured person. In addition, findings elucidated the types of support that this population would find helpful and the barriers to accessing same. Conclusions: Findings from this study highlight factors that will help the development of this intervention further for a caring population. Recommendations for future implementation include completing some preparatory work with carers before beginning the intervention, consideration of a larger sample and wider recruitment strategy from local services, barriers to attending interventions and the possibility of holding groups in local venues.
Since the findings of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) in 2010, clinicians working in Scotland have been advised to discuss the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with patients immediately or soon after a diagnosis of epilepsy is made. A thematic analysis was used to describe the experiences discussing SUDEP of 10 clinicians (six Consultant Neurologists and four Neurology Registrars) working in Scotland. Five themes were found: Clinicians employ a ‘SUDEP protocol’, suggesting there is a standardised way of discussing SUDEP with patients and all clinicians routinely discuss SUDEP with newly diagnosed epilepsy patients; The FAI has diffused into practice through meetings and discussions with colleagues; ‘Breaking Good News’ refers to the ambivalence clinicians feel about discussing SUDEP; ‘Falsely anticipating anxiety’ refers to clinicians anticipating a distressed response from patients despite this very rarely occurring; Clinicians suggest that ‘pressure hinders effective communication’ to patients – suggesting that the pressure to discuss SUDEP early after diagnosis may have an emotional impact on patients and affect the amount of information they can take in. Implications for guideline development are discussed.
Objectives: In recent years, Internet access has grown markedly providing individuals with new opportunities for online information retrieval, psychological advice and support. The objectives of the present study were to explore the context through which dentally anxious individuals access an online support group and the nature of their online experiences. Methods: An online questionnaire was completed by 143 individuals who accessed the Dental Fear Central online support group bulletin board. Qualitative analysis was conducted on the responses. Results: Analysis revealed three emergent themes which reflected the motives and experiences of individuals: ‘Searching for help’, ‘Sharing fears’ and ‘I feel empowered’. Conclusion: This exploratory study suggests that for most individuals accessing this online support group was a positive and beneficial experience. Practice Implications: Online support groups may represent a convenient and beneficial tool that may assist certain individuals to confront their debilitating anxiety/phobia and successfully receive dental care.
Receiving personalised feedback on body mass index and other health risk indicators may prompt behaviour change. Few studies have investigated men’s reactions to receiving objective feedback on such measures and detailed information on physical activity and sedentary time. The aim of my research was to understand the meanings different forms of objective feedback have for overweight/obese men, and to explore whether these varied between groups. Participants took part in Football Fans in Training, a gender-sensitised, weight loss programme delivered via Scottish Professional Football Clubs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 men, purposively sampled from four clubs to investigate the experiences of men who achieved and did not achieve their 5% weight loss target. Data were analysed using the principles of thematic analysis and interpreted through Self-Determination Theory and sociological understandings of masculinity. Several factors were vital in supporting a ‘motivational climate’ in which men could feel ‘at ease’ and adopt self-regulation strategies: the ‘place’ was described as motivating, whereas the ‘people’ (other men ‘like them’; fieldwork staff; community coaches) provided supportive and facilitative roles. Men who achieved greater weight loss were more likely to describe being motivated as a consequence of receiving information on their objective health risk indicators. They continued using self-monitoring technologies after the programme as it was enjoyable; or they had redefined themselves by integrating new-found activities into their lives and no longer relied on external technologies/feedback. They were more likely to see post-programme feedback as confirmation of success, so long as they could fully interpret the information. Men who did not achieve their 5% weight loss reported no longer being motivated to continue their activity levels or self-monitor them with a pedometer. Social support within the programme appeared more important. These men were also less positive about objective post-programme feedback which confirmed their lack of success and had less utility as a motivational tool. Providing different forms of objective feedback to men within an environment that has intrinsic value (e.g. football club setting) and congruent with common cultural constructions of masculinity, appears more conducive to health behaviour change.
The paper reports some of the findings of an exploratory study which looks at foster fathers’ experiences of fostering and discusses their routes into foster care and their perspectives on their roles and tasks. The study collected quantitative and qualitative data by approaching all foster fathers registered with a single independent fostering agency based in southeast England. They were asked about their personal and professional attributes, and their experiences of and views concerning the role of foster father. The study discusses the foster fathers’ motivation to foster, and argues that what they see as its positives and drawbacks, and how it fits into their own family lives, are all relevant to improving service recruitment, delivery and retention. The study produced some evidence about the distinctive and positive contribution which foster fathers see themselves making to the lives of the children they foster. Further research is needed to refine our knowledge of what this contribution may be. Such knowledge could potentially develop our understanding of the roles of fathers in child development more generally as well as fine-tuning practice in matching what particular placements have to offer to the needs of individual children.
The treatments involved in cancers of the blood and bone marrow can be physically and psychologically challenging and be associated with adverse secondary effects, including cognitive impairment. The incidence and severity of treatment-related cognitive impairment varies widely, however it can significantly impact quality of life by interfering with patients’ activities of daily living, relationships and future plans. It can also pose challenges for the patients’ caregivers, an area which has received comparatively less research attention. The aim of this study was to investigate caregivers’ experiences of treatment-related cognitive impairment in patients who have undergone Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT); how they coped, both practically and emotionally, and what supports they believe could help them. Participants were caregivers to individuals who had undergone HSCT within the past 20 years and who had reported cognitive changes at the HSCT Late Effects Clinic, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. Five participants completed a single semi-structured interview. The data was then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results of this analysis illustrated four super-ordinate themes: noticing change; managing expectations, managing personal feelings and commitment. Findings from the current study highlighted the importance of caregiver education regarding post HSCT cognitive and behavioural changes and providing caregiver emotional support. Future research should explore the mutual needs of both care recipient and caregiver.
Nos últimos anos, um conjunto de mudanças de natureza tecnológica institucional, legal e cultural alteraram as funções, a responsabilidade social e a estrutura das organizações de saúde. Estas transformações estão na base do debate actual sobre supervisão clínica em enfermagem enquanto estratégia de promoção da satisfação profissional, segurança e qualidade dos cuidados. A emergência da supervisão clínica em enfermagem permitiu interrogar e dar visibilidade a novas modalidades de formação no contexto de trabalho. A supervisão clínica é um processo multidimensional que inclui encontros regulares entre supervisores e supervisados, com o objectivo de analisar experiências de trabalho e de formação. Dedica-se especial atenção às dimensões emocionais, qualidade de cuidados, relação terapêutica e desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. A presente pesquisa assume a forma de um estudo de caso realizado num hospital psiquiátrico (Hospital Magalhães Lemos). O objectivo principal do estudo consistiu em compreender o processo amplo e complexo de aprendizagens desenvolvidas em contexto clínico e a forma como estas condicionam as estratégias supervisivas. Recorrendo ao modelo bioecológico de Bronfenbrenner, o estudo interroga de forma sistemática a origem e as relações entre formação e supervisão. Os participantes do estudo foram 18 enfermeiros do referido hospital. Contamos, igualmente, com a colaboração de três peritos com profundo conhecimento da cultura e realidade hospitalar. A informação foi colhida com base em questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O questionário (Clinical Supervision Nursing Inventory – CSNI - V1) inclui três partes. A parte I e II foram relevantes para caracterizar os participantes e o contexto clínico. A parte III do instrumento inclui um inventário com 24 itens. O Alfa de Cronbach calculado pelo autor foi de 0,93 para os 24 itens da escala, indicando excelentes resultados psicométricos. A entrevista semi-estruturada foi usada para a recolha de dados junto dos três peritos. Os enfermeiros possuem uma atitude positiva perante a supervisão clínica. O desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos enfermeiros estava relacionado com as oportunidades de formação emergentes no contexto das práticas. Embora a expressão “supervisão clínica” seja por vezes utilizada de forma incorrecta nas organizações, concluímos que existiam no hospital boas práticas a nível da supervisão dos cuidados, relacionando desenvolvimento pessoal, qualidade de cuidados e competências profissionais. Tentámos problematizar as experiências supervisivas partindo de teorias sócio-culturais e bio-ecológicas. Os participantes do estudo referiram que há necessidade de formalizar o sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, evitando relacionálo com o sistema de supervisão de gestão. São apresentados e discutidos diversos subsídios para o desenvolvimento do sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, no hospital.
Although foster care is generally seen as providing a positive experience for the children and young people for whom it caters, it is rarely conceived of as a place where the children are helped to address their emotional difficulties and modify their often difficult behaviour. Yet research evidence suggests that some foster carers are consistently less likely to have placements which break down, and that foster carers who show particular skills in parenting can make a difference to successful outcomes. The paper draws on a large longitudinal study of foster care to argue that it is possible to learn from what these foster carers do in order to develop these skills in others. A model of successful foster care. developed from the main statistical part of the study is first described. Two cases from the qualitative, case studies component of the research are then analysed to demonstrate a quality of responsive parenting. The model is further developed within the framework of the dynamic of attachment and interest sharing proposed by Heard and Lake, to show how this can be used as a basis for future approaches to working with foster placements.