987 resultados para Platja d’Aro (Catalonia) -- Posters


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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London Wall is a physical manifestation of the invisible city all around us; a poetic snapshot of social networking traffic from within a three-mile radius of the Museum of London. Over a ten-day period, publicly available status updates from popular websites like twitter and facebook will be selected then published as a vast array of A3 posters pasted onto a wall in the museum's foyer, revealing the idle mutterings of ourselves to ourselves as a form of concrete poetry. This commission is in the foyer and is part of relaunch the museums new galleries.


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Trabalho de projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Porto Polytechnical Engineering School (ISEP), a Global Reporting Initiative training partner in Portugal, has just presented its Sustainable Development Action Plan (PASUS), which main objective is the formation of a new kind of engineers, with a Sustainable Development (SD) philosophy in the core of their academic curricula courses.


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Propaganda represented the sacrifice of soldiers in war and praised the power of the country. It has been around these images that all over the world entire populations were mobilized on the expectation of victory. Through the static image of printed posters or the newspaper news projected in cinemas all over the globe, governments sought to promote a patriotic spirit, encouraging the effort of individual sacrifice by sending a clear set of messages that directly appealed to the voluntary enlistment in the armies, messages that explained the important of rationing essential goods, of the intensification of food production or the purchase of war bonds, exacerbating feelings, arousing emotions and projecting an image divided between the notion of superiority and the idea of fear of the opponent. From press, in the First World War, to radio in World War II, to television and cinema from the 1950s onwards, propaganda proved to be a weapon as deadly as those managed by soldiers in the battlefield. That’s why it is essential to analyse and discuss the topic of War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. This conference is organized by the IHC and the CEIS20 and is part of the Centennial Program of the Great War, organized by the IHC, and the International Centennial Program coordinated by the Imperial War Museum in London.


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: A infeção por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) é considerada um grave problema de Saúde Pública. É causa de infeções sintomáticas tanto no homem como na mulher, bem como, de infeções assintomáticas que podem ter consequências muito graves a longo prazo. A presença de CT sem tratamento aumenta o risco de transmissão do vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Existem vários estudos publicados de prevalência da CT por todo o mundo, no entanto, estudos de prevalência da CT em populações assintomáticas, envolvendo homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) são raros na Europa. Assim, o presente estudo, ao estimar a prevalência e ao descrever as caraterísticas epidemiológicas e de conduta dos HSH, pretende contribuir para o plano de ação contra as IST´s e VIH na Catalunha, através de estratégias concretas para deteção e prevenção da CT. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal de prevalência da CT em HSH utentes de um serviço comunitário em Barcelona, com recurso a técnicas de diagnóstico de biologia molecular e a um questionário. Durante Março e Junho de 2015, foram recrutados 200 voluntários de um serviço comunitário em Barcelona que foram testados para CT e NG em três locais anatómicos através de uma PCR em tempo real utilizando o ensaio Anyplex™ CT/NG Real-time Detection. Resultados: O presente estudo permitiu uma caraterização da situação atual quanto á prevalência e aos fatores de risco associados á infeção por CT em HSH. A prevalência nesta população específica foi de 12,6% e os fatores risco associados foram o facto de serem VIH e praticarem sexo anal insertivo/recetivo com parceiro estável. Conclusões: Os resultados obtidos reforçam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias adequadas de controlo e prevenção da CT nesta população de risco, tais como: rastreios frequentes e tratamento dos casos positivos para quebrar a cadeia de transmissão, promoção da saúde, educação e notificação dos parceiros sexuais. Também demonstram a importância destes rastreios nos três locais anatómicos: uretra, reto e faringe.


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Tendo como ponto de partida os estudos da performance para a análise do terrorismo, a presente dissertação teve como resultado a possibilidade de reflectir sobre tácticas de incorporação, reperformance e meta-teatro, três conceitos que permitem compreender de que forma a arte assimila e se compreende em relação com o terrorismo. Apresenta, por um lado, documentos oficiais que demonstram a existência de um conflito quanto à definição de terrorismo, reflectindo sobre “terrorismo de estado” e “contra-estado”. Por outro lado, a partir da análise dos Surveillence Camera Players e da performance Three Posters, ou de artistas como Hasan Elahy e Alyson Wyper, esta dissertação defende que a arte reperforma “táticas de representação” e realização mediática do terrorismo, nomeadamente, o teatro panóptico, a tortura como performance e os vídeo-testemunhos de mártires como retratos e vídeo-performances.


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Contient : 1 Contrat de mariage entre Pierre le Cruel, roi de Castille, et Blanche de Bourbon, fille de Pierre Ier, duc de Bourbon. « Actum et datum in capitulo fratrum predicatorum Parisius, die secunda mensis julii anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo quinquagesimo secundo ». Suivi de la confirmation du roi Jean. « Actum in abbatia de Prulleyo, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo quinquagesimo secundo, die septima mensis julii ». En latin ; 2 « Instructions baillées à Moreau de Wissant, chambellan, Pierre Roger de Lyssac, maistre d'hostel du duc d'Anjou, et Thibaut Hocie, secretaire du roi, envoyez par Loys I, duc d'Anjou, à Henry II, roy de Castille, touchant les royaumes de Majorques et Minorques, comtez de Roussillon et de Cerdaigne, occupez par le roy d'Arragon, avec les responses du roy de Castille ». 1376 ; 3 « Relation de l'ambassade d'Arnaut d'Espagne, seigneur de Montespan, seneschal de Carcassonne, Raymond Bernard le Flamenc et Jehan Forest, envoyez par Loys, duc d'Anjou, à Henry, roy de Castille, et à Jehan I, roy de Portugal, touchant les royaumes de Maillorque et de Minorque, au mois de janvier 1377 ». En latin ; 4 Réponse de LOUIS Ier, duc d'Anjou, aux ambassadeurs de l'infant de Castille, au sujet des affaires de Majorque et Minorque. « 1378 ». En latin ; 5 « Hic continentur qui possunt facere guerram in Catalonia et in regno Majorico ». En provençal ; 6 « Relation de l'ambassade de Migon de Rochefort, seigneur de La Pomarede, et de Guillaume Gayan, conseillers du duc d'Anjou, envoyez en Sardaigne par Loys I, duc d'Anjou, à Hugues, juge d'Arborée, pour faire alliance avec ce prince contre le roy d'Arragon, au mois d'aoust 1378 ». En latin ; 7 « Relation de la mort de Richard [II], roy d'Angleterre, 1399 » ; 8 « Relation de l'ambassade de Loys de Bourbon, comte de Vendosme, Jacques Jouvenel des Ursins, archevesque de Rheims, Guy, comte de Layal, Bertrand de Beauveau, seigneur de Precigny, Guillaume Cousinot, seigneur de Monstreuil, maistre des requestes, et Estienne Chevalier, secretaire du roy, envoyez en Angleterre vers le roy Henry VI, et en leur compagnie les ambassadeurs de Henry IIII, roy d'Espagne, de René, roy de Sicile et de Naples, duc d'Anjou, et de Jehan II, duc d'Alençon, pour traiter la paix, au mois de juillet 1445 » ; 9 « Relation de l'ambassade de GUILLAUME COUSINOT, chevalier, seigneur de Montereuil, conseiller et chambellan du roy, gouverneur de Montpellier, au pape Paul II, touchant le proces de Jean Balue, dit le cardinal d'Angers, et Guillaume de Haraucourt, evesque de Verdun, accusez de crime de leze majesté, au mois d'aoust 1469 » ; 10 « Instructions baillées à Joachim de Velor, seigneur de La Chapelle, chambellan du roy, et Jehan de Nysveven, huissier d'armes, envoyez par le roy Louis XI à Adolphe, duc de Gueldres, comte de Zutphen, pour faire alliance avec ce prince contre Charles, duc de Bourgongne » ; 11 « Instruction de ce que le roy [LOUIS XI] a chargé et ordonné à messrs l'evesque duc de Langres, chancelier de l'ordre, de Crussol, seneschal de Poictou, Mrs Pierre d'Oriole, general, et Jehan Le Boulengier, president à Paris, ses conseillers, faire et besongner devers monseigneur le duc de Bretaigne, où il les envoye presentement... Fait à Amboise, le premier decembre, l'an 1470 » ; 12 « Instructions baillées à Jehan d'Arson, maistre d'hostel du roy, envoyé par le roy Loys XI à Ferdinand d'Arragon, roy de Sicille, touchant le mariage de Charles, dauphin, fils du dit roy Loys, et de Beatrix d'Arragon, fille du dit roy de Sicille » ; 13 « Instructions baillées à Helie de Bordeille, archevesque de Tours, Jehan de La Grolaye-Villiers, evesque de Lombez, depuis cardinal, Jehan de Popaincourt, president au parlement de Paris, Bernard Lauret, president au parlement de Tholose, et Pierre Gruel, president au parlement de Dauphiné, envoyez par le roy Loys XI à François II, duc de Bretagne, touchant le proces de frere Jourdain Faure, dit de Vecours, abbé de S. Jehan d'Angely, et Henry de La Roche, accusez de la mort de Charles de France, duc de Guyenne, frere du roy, 1473 » ; 14 « Instructions baillées à Perceval de Dreux, seigneur de Blancfossé, chambellan du roy, et Pierre Framberg, maistre des requestes, envoyez à Mets par le roy Loys XI, avec les ambassadeurs de Catherine de Gueldres, de l'evesque de Munster et des gens d'eglise, nobles et autres habitans des duché de Gueldres et comté de Zutphen, pour faire alliance contre Maximilian, archiduc d'Autriche, et Marie, duchesse de Bourgongne, sa femme, au mois de janvier 1479 » ; 15 « La Reprise de la Floride, faite par le capitaine Gourgues »


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One of the concrete walled stairwells in Thistle Complex adorned with art and production posters.


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One of the concrete walled stairwells in Thistle Complex adorned with art and production posters.


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Warren Hartman was born in 1942 in Toronto, Ontario. He received a B.A. in Fine Arts and Drama from Brock University in 1981 and a Masters of Arts in Humanities at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987. In the 1950s he did considerable work as a child-actor both in theatre and television. From 1953 to 1961 he was in the New Play Society under the direction of Dora Mavor Moore. His last two years there were spent as a scholarship student. From 1963 to 1966 he did an apprenticeship with Suzanne Mess, Head of Costume Design at The Canadian Opera Company in Toronto. In 1976 Warren attended a Master Class in Scenography at the Banff School of Fine Arts with Josef Svoboda. In the spring of 1970 Warren was a guest designer at Brock University and from 1970 to 1972 he remained at Brock as resident designer and special lecturer. During this time he was also an instructor and costume designer at Sheridan College in Oakville. It was in 1972 that he became the designer-in-residence at Brock University. From 1984 he held the position of Associate Professor at The Department of Fine Arts at Brock University until the fall of 1996. Some of the highlights of Warren’s career also include: stage managager with the Street Hat Players in Port Carling, Ontario, 1960-1961; a freelance designer for over 100 shows; costume coordinator(production manager) for the Canadian Opera Company, 1964 -1970; resident costume designer for The Canadian Opera Company, 1965- 1970; founder and artistic director of Dei Gelosi Campagnia, St.Catharines, Ontario, 1970-1973; freelance director of some thirty-five shows; co-producer for Quebec City Summer Stock Company, Quebec City, Quebec, 1975; a consultant with Alberta Culture for the Provincial Government of Alberta, 1986-1987 and associate artistic director at Theatre Network, Edmonton, Alberta, 1986-1987. Warren Hartman was the recipient of the Jean Chalmers Award for contributions to Canadian Theatre for persons 25 years of age or under, in 1965. He was a founding member of Associated Designers of Canada and was affiliated with Canadian Actors Equity. Warren Hartman died on Feb. 11, 1998 several days after suffering a massive stroke. A memorial service was held at Brock University in May of 1998 and a bursary fund was established in his name.


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In contemporary times, there is a compelling need to understand the nature of positive community relationships that value diverse others. This dissertation is a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry into the essence of what it means to feel a sense of community. Specifically, I explored this phenomenon from the perspective of middle school teachers and students through the following questions: What meanings do students and teachers ascribe to feeling, experiencing, and developing a sense of community in their classes? To what extent do students’ and teachers’ ideas about feeling a sense of community include the acceptance of individual differences? Together these questions contributed to the overarching question, what is the essence of feeling a sense of community? As the data pool for the research, I used 192 essays and 218 posters from students who had been asked to write or draw about their visions of a positive classroom community where they felt a sense of community. I conducted 9 teacher interviews on the topic as well. My findings revealed one overarching ontology, Being-in-Relation, which outlined a full integration between individuality and community as a “way of being.” I also found five attributes that are present when individuals feel a sense of community: Supporting Others, Dialogue, An Ethic of Respect and Care, Safety, and Healthy Conflict. Contributions from this research include extensions to the literature about community; clarity for those who wish to establish a strong foundation of community relationships within formal and non-formal educational programs; insight that may assist educators, leaders, and policy makers within formal educational systems; and an opportunity to consider the extent to which the findings may point toward broader implications.