935 resultados para Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase


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Identification of immune modifiers of inherited cancer syndromes may provide a rationale for preventive therapy. Cowden disease (CD) is a genetically heterogeneous inherited cancer syndrome that arises predominantly from germline phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) mutation and increased phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K/mTOR) signalling. However, many patients with classic CD diagnostic features are mutation-negative for PTEN (PTEN M-Neg). Interferon (IFN)-gamma can modulate the PI3K/mTOR pathway, but its association with PTEN M-Neg CD remains unclear. This study assessed IFN-gamma secretion by multi-colour flow cytometry in a CD kindred that was mutation-negative for PTEN and other known susceptibility genes. Because IFN-gamma responses may be regulated by killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and respective human leucocyte antigen (HLA) ligands, KIR/HLA genotypes were also assessed. Activating treatments induced greater IFN-gamma secretion in PTEN M-Neg CD peripheral blood lymphocytes versus healthy controls. Increased frequency of activating KIR genes, potentially activating KIR/HLA compound genotypes and reduced frequency of inhibitory genotypes, were found in the PTEN M-Neg CD kindred. Differences of IFN-gamma secretion were observed among PTEN M-Neg CD patients with distinct KIR/HLA compound genotypes. Taken together, these findings show enhanced lymphocyte secretion of IFN-gamma that may influence the PI3K/mTOR CD causal molecular pathway in a PTEN mutation-negative CD kindred.


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The Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-AKT pathways are two downstream effectors of the small GTPase Ras. Although both pathways are positively regulated by Ras, the Raf-MAPK and PI3K-AKT pathways have been shown to control opposing functions within the cell, suggesting a need for cross-talk regulation. The PI3K -AKT pathway can inhibit the Raf-MAPK pathway directly during processes such as muscle differentiation. Here we describe the ability of the Raf-MAPK pathway to negatively regulate the PI3K-AKT pathway during cellular arrest. Constitutive activation of Raf or methyl ethyl ketone 1 (MEK1) leads to inhibition of AKT and cellular arrest. Furthermore, we show that activation of Raf-MEK1 signaling causes negative feedback inhibition of Ras through the ephrin receptor EphA(2). EphA(2)-mediated negative feedback inhibition is required for Raf-induced AKT inhibition and cell cycle arrest, therefore establishing the inhibition of the Ras-PI3K-AKT pathway as a necessary event for the Raf-MEK1-regulated cellular arrest.


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Neutrophils are activated by immunoglobulin G (IgG)-containing immune complexes through receptors that recognize the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma Rs). Here, we used genetic and pharmacological approaches to define a selective role for the beta isoform of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K beta) in Fc gamma R-dependent activation of mouse neutrophils by immune complexes of IgG and antigen immobilized on a plate surface. At low concentrations of immune complexes, loss of PI3K beta alone substantially inhibited the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutrophils, whereas at higher doses, similar suppression of ROS production was achieved only by targeting both PI3K beta and PI3K delta, suggesting that this pathway displays stimulus strength-dependent redundancy. Activation of PI3K beta by immune complexes involved cooperation between Fc gamma Rs and BLT1, the receptor for the endogenous proinflammatory lipid leukotriene B-4. Coincident activation by a tyrosine kinase-coupled receptor (Fc gamma R) and a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor (BLT1) may provide a rationale for the preferential activation of the beta isoform of PI3K. PI3K beta-deficient mice were highly protected in an Fc gamma R-dependent model of autoantibody-induced skin blistering and were partially protected in an Fc gamma R-dependent model of inflammatory arthritis, whereas combined deficiency of PI3K beta and PI3K delta resulted in near-complete protection in the latter case. These results define PI3K beta as a potential therapeutic target in inflammatory disease.


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Disruption of glandular architecture associates with poor clinical outcome in high-grade colorectal cancer (CRC). Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) regulates morphogenic growth of benign MDCK (Madin Darby Canine Kidney) cells through effects on the Rho-like GTPase cdc42 (cell division cycle 42). This study investigates PTEN-dependent morphogenesis in a CRC model. Stable short hairpin RNA knockdown of PTEN in Caco-2 cells influenced expression or localization of cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factors and inhibited cdc42 activation. Parental Caco-2 cells formed regular hollow gland-like structures (glands) with a single central lumen, in three-dimensional (3D) cultures. Conversely, PTEN-deficient Caco-2 ShPTEN cells formed irregular glands with multiple abnormal lumens as well as intra- and/or intercellular vacuoles evocative of the high-grade CRC phenotype. Effects of targeted treatment were investigated. Phosphatidinylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) modulating treatment did not affect gland morphogenesis but did influence gland number, gland size and/or cell size within glands. As PTEN may be regulated by the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? (PPAR?), cultures were treated with the PPAR? ligand rosiglitazone. This treatment enhanced PTEN expression, cdc42 activation and rescued dysmorphogenesis by restoring single lumen formation in Caco-2 ShPTEN glands. Rosiglitazone effects on cdc42 activation and Caco-2 ShPTEN gland development were attenuated by cotreatment with GW9662, a PPAR? antagonist. Taken together, these studies show PTEN-cdc42 regulation of lumen formation in a 3D model of human CRC glandular morphogenesis. Treatment by the PPAR? ligand rosiglitazone, but not PI3K modulators, rescued colorectal glandular dysmorphogenesis of PTEN deficiency.


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Purpose: Cancer cells have been shown to be more susceptible to Ran knockdown than normal cells. We nowinvestigate whether Ran is a potential therapeutic target of cancers with frequently found mutations that lead to higher Ras/MEK/ERK [mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK; MEK)] and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTORC1 activities.


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Strains of the Burkholderia cepacia complex can survive within macrophages by arresting the maturation of phagocytic vacuoles. The bacteria preclude fusion of the phagosome with lysosomes by a process that is poorly understood. Using murine macrophages, we investigated the stage at which maturation is arrested and analyzed the underlying mechanism. Vacuoles containing B. cenocepacia strain J2315, an isolate of the transmissible ET12 clone, recruited Rab5 and synthesized phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, indicating progression to the early phagosomal stage. Despite the fact that the B. cenocepacia-containing vacuoles rarely fused with lysosomes, they could nevertheless acquire the late phagosomal markers CD63 and Rab7. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and use of a probe that detects Rab7-guanosine triphosphate indicated that activation of Rab7 was impaired by B. cenocepacia, accounting at least in part for the inability of the vacuole to merge with lysosomes. The Rab7 defect was not due to excessive cholesterol accumulation and was confined to the infected vacuoles. Jointly, these experiments indicate that B. cenocepacia express virulence factors capable of interfering with Rab7 function and thereby with membrane traffic.


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Non-typable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a common commensal of the human nasopharynx, but causes opportunistic infection when the respiratory tract is compromised by infection or disease. The ability of NTHi to invade epithelial cells has been described, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly characterized. We previously determined that NTHi promotes phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase Akt in A549 human lung epithelial cells, and that Akt phosphorylation and NTHi cell invasion are prevented by inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). Because PI3K-Akt signalling is associated with several host cell networks, the purpose of the current study was to identify eukaryotic molecules important for NTHi epithelial invasion. We found that inhibition of Akt activity reduced NTHi internalization; differently, bacterial entry was increased by phospholipase C?1 inhibition but was not affected by protein kinase inhibition. We also found that a5 and ß1 integrins, and the tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase and Src, are important for NTHi A549 cell invasion. NTHi internalization was shown to be favoured by activation of Rac1 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), together with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 and the effector Pak1. Also, Pak1 might be associated with inactivation of the microtubule destabilizing agent Op18/stathmin, to facilitate microtubule polymerization and NTHi entry. Conversely, inhibition of RhoA GTPase and its effector ROCK increased the number of internalized bacteria. Src and Rac1 were found to be important for NTHi-triggered Akt phosphorylation. An increase in host cyclic AMP reduced bacterial entry, which was linked to protein kinase A. These findings suggest that NTHi finely manipulates host signalling molecules to invade respiratory epithelial cells.


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The analysis of clinical breast samples using biomarkers is integral to current breast cancer management. Currently, a limited number of targeted therapies are standard of care in breast cancer treatment. However, these targeted therapies are only suitable for a subset of patients and resistance may occur. Strategies to prevent the occurrence of invasive lesions are required to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with the development of cancer. In theory, application of targeted therapies to pre-invasive lesions will prevent their progression to invasive lesions with full malignant potential. The diagnostic challenge for pathologists is to make interpretative decisions on early detected pre-invasive lesions. Overall, only a small proportion of these pre-invasive lesions will progress to invasive carcinoma and morphological assessment is an imprecise and subjective means to differentiate histologically identical lesions with varying malignant potential. Therefore differential biomarker analysis in pre-invasive lesions may prevent overtreatment with surgery and provide a predictive indicator of response to therapy. There follows a review of established and emerging potential druggable targets in pre-invasive lesions and correlation with lesion morphology.


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Inhibition of the PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)/Akt/mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) and Ras/MEK [MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase]/ERK pathways for cancer therapy has been pursued for over a decade with limited success. Emerging data have indicated that only discrete subsets of cancer patients have favourable responses to these inhibitors. This is due to genetic mutations that confer drug insensitivity and compensatory mechanisms. Therefore understanding of the feedback mechanisms that occur with respect to specific genetic mutations may aid identification of novel biomarkers that predict patient response. In the present paper, we show that feedback between the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways is cell-line-specific and highly dependent on the activating mutation of K-Ras or overexpression c-Met. We found that cell lines exhibited differential signalling and apoptotic responses to PD184352, a specific MEK inhibitor, and PI103, a second-generation class I PI3K inhibitor. We reveal that feedback from the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 to the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway is present in cancer cells harbouring either K-Ras activating mutations or amplification of c-Met but not the wild-type counterparts. Moreover, we demonstrate that inhibition of protein phosphatase activity by OA (okadaic acid) restored PI103-mediated feedback in wild-type cells. Together, our results demonstrate a novel mechanism for feedback between the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and the Ras/MEK/ERK pathways that only occurs in K-Ras mutant and c-Met amplified cells but not the isogenic wild-type cells through a mechanism that may involve inhibition of a specific endogenous phosphatase(s) activity. We conclude that monitoring K-Ras and c-Met status are important biomarkers for determining the efficacy of PI103 and other PI3K/Akt inhibitors in cancer therapy.


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Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. Evidence indicates that Klebsiella might be able to persist intracellularly within a vacuolar compartment. This study was designed to investigate the interaction between Klebsiella and macrophages. Engulfment of K. pneumoniae was dependent on host cytoskeleton, cell plasma membrane lipid rafts and the activation of PI 3-kinase (PI3K). Microscopy studies revealed that K. pneumoniae resides within a vacuolar compartment, the Klebsiella containing vacuolae (KCV), which traffics within vacuoles associated with the endocytic pathway. In contrast to UV-killed bacteria, the majority of live bacteria did not colocalize with markers of the lysosomal compartment. Our data suggest that K. pneumoniae triggers a programmed cell death in macrophages displaying features of apoptosis. Our efforts to identify the mechanism(s) whereby K. pneumoniae prevents the fusion of the lysosomes to the KCV uncovered the central role of the PI3K-Akt-Rab14 axis to control the phagosome maturation. Our data revealed that the capsule is dispensable for Klebsiella intracellular survival if bacteria were not opsonized. Furthermore, the environment found by Klebsiella within the KCV triggered the downregulation of the expression of cps. Altogether, this study proves evidence that K. pneumoniae survives killing by macrophages by manipulating phagosome maturation which may contribute to Klebsiella pathogenesis.


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Homotypic fusion between early endosomes requires the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P)-binding protein, Early Endosomal Autoantigen 1 (EEA1). We have investigated the role of other proteins that interact with EEA1 in the fusion of early endosomes derived from Baby Hamster Kidney (BHK) cells. We confirm a requirement for syntaxin 13, but additionally show that the assay is equally sensitive to reagents specifically targeted against syntaxin 6. Binding of EEA1 to immobilised GST-syntaxin 6 and 13 was directly compared; only syntaxin 6 formed a stable complex with EEA1. Early endosome fusion requires the release of intravesicular calcium, and calmodulin plays a vital role in the fusion pathway, as judged by sensitivity to antagonists. We demonstrate that both EEA1 and syntaxin 13 interact with calmodulin. In the case of EEA1, binding to calmodulin requires an IQ domain, which is adjacent to a C-terminal FYVE domain that specifically binds to PI3P. We have assessed the influence of protein binding partners on EEA1 interaction with PI3P and find that both calmodulin and rab5-GTP are antagonistic to PI3P binding, whilst syntaxins 6 and 13 have no effect. These studies reveal a complex network of interactions between the proteins required for endosome fusion.


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As key molecules that drive progression and chemoresistance in gastrointestinal cancers, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and HER2 have become efficacious drug targets in this setting. Lapatinib is an EGFR/HER2 kinase inhibitor suppressing signaling through the RAS/RAF/MEK (MAP/ERK kinase)/MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) and PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)/AKT pathways. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a novel class of agents that induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis following the acetylation of histone and nonhistone proteins modulating gene expression and disrupting HSP90 function inducing the degradation of EGFR-pathway client proteins. This study sought to evaluate the therapeutic potential of combining lapatinib with the HDACi panobinostat in colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines with varying EGFR/HER2 expression and KRAS/BRAF/PIK3CA mutations. Lapatinib and panobinostat exerted concentration-dependent antiproliferative effects in vitro (panobinostat range 7.2-30 nmol/L; lapatinib range 7.6-25.8 μmol/L). Combined lapatinib and panobinostat treatment interacted synergistically to inhibit the proliferation and colony formation in all CRC cell lines tested. Combination treatment resulted in rapid induction of apoptosis that coincided with increased DNA double-strand breaks, caspase-8 activation, and PARP cleavage. This was paralleled by decreased signaling through both the PI3K and MAPK pathways and increased downregulation of transcriptional targets including NF-κB1, IRAK1, and CCND1. Panobinostat treatment induced downregulation of EGFR, HER2, and HER3 mRNA and protein through transcriptional and posttranslational mechanisms. In the LoVo KRAS mutant CRC xenograft model, the combination showed greater antitumor activity than either agent alone, with no apparent increase in toxicity. Our results offer preclinical rationale warranting further clinical investigation combining HDACi with EGFR and HER2-targeted therapies for CRC treatment.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurocirurgia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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L’apoptose des cellules endothéliales (CE) représente un évènement initial dans le développement de plusieurs pathologies fibrotiques telles que le rejet chronique d’allogreffe et la sclérose systémique. Nous avons démontré que les médiateurs issus des CE apoptotiques entraîne la différenciation myofibroblastique et la résistance à l’apoptose, deux mécanismes centraux à la fibrogénèse. L’activation de PI3K (phospatidylinositol-3 kinase) caractérise ces deux mécanismes. Un fragment C-terminal du perlécan (LG3) produit par les CE apoptotiques inhibe l’apoptose des fibroblastes. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de : 1. définir les récepteurs et la signalisation impliqués dans la réponse anti-apoptotique et 2. caractériser les médiateurs fibrogéniques responsables de la différenciation myofibroblastique. En ce qui a trait à la réponse anti-apoptotique, l’inhibition des intégrines 21 ou des kinases de la famille Src (SFK) chez les fibroblastes prévient la résistance à l’apoptose et la phosphorylation d’Akt normalement induites par le milieu conditionné par des CE apoptotiques (SSC) ou le LG3. Ces résultats suggèrent que le LG3 produit par les CE apoptotiques initie un état de résistance à l’apoptose chez les fibroblastes par des voies α2β1integrines/SFK/PI3K dépendantes. Le LG3 n’induit cependant pas la différenciation myofibroblastique. Nous avons donc caractérisé le milieu SSC de façon à identifier les médiateurs responsables de la différenciation myofibroblastique. Les milieux conditionnés par des CE apoptotiques et non-apoptotiques (respectivement SSC et SSC-ZVAD) ont été analysés comparativement par chromatographie liquide bi-dimensionnelle, immunobuvardage et spectrométrie de masse. Le connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) est le seul facteur fibrogénique connu augmenté dans le milieu SSC. L’inhibition de la caspase-3 chez les CE prévient la relâche de CTGF. Au niveau du fibroblaste, l’inhibition de SFK ou de Pyk2 (proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2) prévient la différenciation myofibroblastique induite par le SSC ou le CTGF in vitro. L’anticorps neutralisant contre le TGF- (Transforming growth factor beta) n’est pas en mesure de bloquer la différenciation myofibroblastique induite par le SSC ou le CTGF. Des injections quotidiennes sous-cutanées de SSC chez la souris C3H pour 3 semaines entraîne une augmentation de l’épaisseur de la peau et des niveaux protéiques d’SMA, de vimentine et de collagène I. Cette réponse fibrogénique est réduite chez les souris qui ont reçu le SSC-ZVAD ou le SSC immunodéplété de son CTGF. Ces résultats apportent de nouvelles issues mécanistiques au niveau de la réponse fibrogénique activée par la mort des CE. L’activation des caspases chez les CE apoptotiques entraîne la production de LG3 et de CTGF qui, à leur tour, activent des voies de signalisation pro-fibrotiques SFK/PI3K dépendantes chez les fibroblastes, et ce indépendamment du TGF-.


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Le diabète maternel est un facteur de risque majeur pour le développement de malformations congénitales. Dans le syndrome de l’embryopathie diabétique, l’exposition prolongée du fœtus à de hautes concentrations ambientes de glucose induit des dommages qui peuvent affecter plusieurs organes, dont les reins. Les malformations rénales sont la cause de près de 40 pourcent des cas d’insuffisance rénale infantile. L’hyperglycémie constitue un environnement utérin adverse qui nuit à la néphrogenèse et peut causer l’agenèse, la dysplasie (aplasie) ou l’hypoplasie rénale. Les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les hautes concentrations ambientes de glucose mènent à la dysmorphogenèse et aux malformations demeurent toutefois mal définis. Le diabète maternel prédispose aussi la progéniture au développement d’autres problèmes à l’âge adulte, tels l’hypertension, l’obésité et le diabète de type 2. Ce phénomène appelé ‘programmation périnatale’ a suscité l’intérêt au cours des dernières décennies, mais les mécanismes responsables demeurent mal compris. Mes études doctorales visaient à élucider les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels le diabète maternel ou un environnement in utero hyperglycémique affecte la néphrogenèse et programme par la suite la progéniture a développer de l’hypertension par des observations in vitro, ex vivo et in vivo. Nous avons utilisé les cellules MK4, des cellules embryonnaires du mésenchyme métanéphrique de souris, pour nos études in vitro et deux lignées de souris transgéniques (Tg) pour nos études ex vivo et in vivo, soient les souris HoxB7-GFP-Tg et Nephrin-CFP-Tg. Les souris HoxB7-GFP-Tg expriment la protéine fluorescente verte (GFP) dans le bourgeon urétérique (UB), sous le contrôle du promoteur HoxB7. Les souris Nephrin-CFP expriment la protéine fluorescente cyan (CFP) dans les glomérules, sous le contrôle du promoteur nephrin spécifique aux podocytes. Nos études in vitro visaient à déterminer si les hautes concentrations de glucose modulent l’expression du gène Pax2 dans les cellules MK4. Les cellules MK4 ont été traitées pendant 24h avec du milieu contenant soit 5mM D-glucose et 20mM D-mannitol ou 25mM D-glucose et avec ou sans antioxydants ou inhibiteurs de p38 MAPK, p44/42 MAPK, PKC et NF-kB. Nos résultats ont démontré que le D-glucose élevé (25mM) augmente la génération des espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) dans les cellules MK4 et induit spécifiquement l’expression du gène Pax2. Des analogues du glucose tels le D-mannitol, L-glucose ou le 2-Deoxy-D-glucose n’induisent pas cette augmentation dans les cellules MK4. La stimulation de l’expression du gène Pax2 par le D-glucose dans les cellules MK4 peut être bloquée par des inhibiteurs des ROS et de NF-kB, mais pas par des inhibiteurs de p38 MAPK, p44/42 MAPK ou PKC. Ces résultats indiquent que la stimulation de l’expression du gène Pax2 par les concentrations élevées de glucose est due, au moins en partie, à la génération des ROS et l’activation de la voie de signalisation NF-kB, et non pas via les voies PKC, p38 MAPK et p44/42 MAPK. Nos études ex vivo s’intéressaient aux effets d’un milieu hyperglycémique sur la morphogenèse de la ramification du bourgeon urétérique (UB). Des explants de reins embryonnaires (E12 à E18) ont été prélevés par micro-dissection de femelles HoxB7-GFP gestantes. Les explants ont ensuite été cultivés dans un milieu contenant soit 5mM D-glucose et 20mM D-mannitol ou 25mM D-glucose et avec ou sans antioxydants, catalase ou inhibiteur de PI3K/AKT pour diverses durées. Nos résultats ont démontré que le D-glucose stimule la ramification du UB de manière spécifique, et ce via l’expression du gène Pax2. Cette augmentation de la ramification et de l’expression du gène Pax2 peut être bloquée par des inhibiteurs des ROS et de PI3K/AKT. Ces études ont démontré que les hautes concentrations de glucose altèrent la morphogenèse de la ramification du UB via l’expression de Pax2. L’effet stimulant du glucose semble s’effectuer via la génération des ROS et l’activation de la voie de signalisation Akt. Nos études in vivo visaient à déterminer le rôle fondamental du diabète maternel sur les défauts de morphogenèse rénale chez la progéniture. Dans notre modèle animal, le diabète maternel est induit par le streptozotocin (STZ) chez des femelles HoxB7-GFP gestantes (E13). Les souriceaux ont été étudiés à différents âges (naissants et âgés de une, deux ou trois semaines). Nous avons examiné leurs morphologie rénale, nombre de néphrons, expression génique et les événements apoptotiques lors de cette étude à court terme. La progéniture des mères diabétiques avait un plus faible poids, taille et poids des reins, et possédait des glomérules plus petits et moins de néphrons par rapport à la progéniture des mères contrôles. La dysmorphogenèse rénale observée est peut-être causée par l’augmentation de l’apoptose des cellules dans la région du glomérule. Nos résultats ont montré que les souriceaux nés de mères diabétiques possèdent plus de podocytes apoptotiques et plus de marquage contre la caspase-3 active dans leurs tubules rénaux que la progéniture des mères contrôles. Les souriceaux des mères diabétiques montrent une augmentation de l’expression des composants du système rénine angiotensine (RAS) intrarénal comme l’angiotensinogène et la rénine, ainsi qu’une augmentation des isoformes p50 et p65 de NF-kB. Ces résultats indiquent que le diabète maternel active le RAS intrarénal et induit l’apoptose des glomérules, menant à une altération de la morphogenèse rénale de la progéniture. En conclusion, nos études ont permis de démontrer que le glucose élevé ou l’environnement in utero diabétique altère la morphogenèse du UB, qui résulte en un retard dans la néphrogenèse et produit des reins plus petits. Cet effet est dû, au moins en partie, à la génération des ROS, à l’activation du RAS intrarénal et à la voie NF-kB. Nos études futures se concentreront sur les mécanismes par lesquels le diabète maternel induit la programmation périnatale de l’hypertension chez la progéniture adulte. Cette étude à long terme porte sur trois types de progénitures : adultes nés de mères contrôles, diabétiques ou diabétiques traitées avec insuline pendant la gestation. Nous observerons la pression systolique, la morphologie rénale et l’expression de divers gènes et protéines. Nous voulons de plus déterminer si la présence d’un système antioxydant (catalase) peut protéger la progéniture des effets néfastes des ROS causés par l’environnement in utero hyperglycémique. Les souris Catalase-Tg expriment la catalase spécifiquement dans les tubules proximaux et nous permettrons d’explorer notre hypothèse sur le rôle des ROS dans notre modèle expérimental de diabète maternel.