946 resultados para Perturbação Secundária de Stress Traumático - Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder
Few organizational change studies identify the aspects of change that are salient to individuals and that influence well-being. The authors identified three distinct change characteristics: the frequency, impact and planning of change. R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkman's (1984) cognitive phenomenological model of stress and coping was used to propose ways that these change characteristics influence individuals' appraisal of the uncertainty associated with change, and, ultimately, job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Results of a repeated cross-sectional study that collected individuals' perceptions of change one month prior to employee attitudes in consecutive years indicated that while the three change perceptions were moderately to strongly intercorrelated, the change perceptions displayed differential relationships with outcomes. Discussion focuses on the importance of systematically considering individuals' subjective experience of change.
There were four principal sections to the work: 1. Investigation of ocular and systemic vascular risk factors in POAG. The principal findings of this work were: a). Glaucoma patients exhibit an anticipatory reaction to the physical stress, similar to subjects at risk for cardiovascular diseases; a blunted BP response and a reduction in ONH blood flow in response to cold provocation was also recorded. b). Silent myocardial ischaemic episodes occurred during peaks in systemic BP and HR. c). Independent of a positive history for cardiovascular diseases, patients suffering from POAG demonstrate a blunt circadian rhythm of the ANS. 2. Assessment of the relationship between vascular and systemic vascular risk factors in GON. The principal findings of this work were: a). POAG patients demonstrate a high sympathetic tonus over a 24-h period. b). POAG patients with lower OBF demonstrate both 24-h systemic BP and HRV abnormalities. c). OBF alterations observed in some glaucoma patients could be either primary or secondary to systemic haemodynamic disturbances and not a consequence of ONH damage. 3. Assessment of the level of systemic anti-oxidant defence in POAG patients. The principal finding of this work was: Patients suffering from POAG demonstrated significantly lower GSH and t-GSH levels than normal controls. 4. Investigation of the effect of treatment with latanoprost 0.005% on visual function and OBF. The findings of this work were: a). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant decrease in IOP and increase in OPP. VF damage progression has also been stopped. b). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant increase in the OBF parameters measured at the ONH and peripapillary retina levels. Finally, the importance of a clear protocol for managing new POAG cases is highlighted and a clinical conduit is proposed.
Purpose: Over half the HIV-infected persons in the Caribbean, the second most HIV-impacted region in the world, live in Haiti. Using secondary data from a parent study, this research assessed the effects of psychological and social factors on antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence among Haitian, HIV-positive, female alcohol users. Theoretical Foundation and Research Questions: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior/Reasoned Action and the Information, Motivation, Behavior skills model as guiding theoretical frameworks, the study examined the effectiveness of an adapted cognitive behavioral stress management (CBSM-A) intervention in improving ART adherence. The effect of psychological factors (depression, anxiety, beliefs about medicine, and social support), social factors (stigma, relationship status, and educational attainment), and alcohol on adherence to ART was assessed. Methods: The sample consisted of 116 female ART patients who were randomly assigned to the CBSM-A intervention or the wait-list control group. Participants completed intervention sessions as well as pre- and post-test assessments. Analyses of variance, t-tests, and point biserial correlations were used to test hypotheses. Results: Surprisingly, ART adherence rates significantly decreased for both groups combined [F (1, 108) = 8.79, p = .004]; there was no significant difference between the intervention and control groups with regard to the magnitude of change between baseline and post assessment. On average, depression decreased significantly among participants in the CBSM-A group only [(t (62) = 5.54, p < .001)]. For both groups combined, alcohol use significantly decreased between baseline and post-assessment [(F (1, 78) = 34.70, p < .001)]; there was no significant difference between the intervention and control groups with regard to the magnitude of change between baseline and post-assessment. None of the variables were significantly correlated with ART adherence. Discussion: Adherence to ART did not improve in this sample, nor were any of the variables significantly associated with adherence. The findings suggest that additional supportive and psychological services may be needed in order to promote higher adherence to ART among HIV-positive females. More research may be needed on this sample; a focus on mental health issues, partner conflict, family and sexual history may allow for better targeting and more successful interventions.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of multimodal supervised physiotherapy programs with the absence of treatment among women with persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four women with stress urinary incontinence were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of either multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 21), multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation with abdominal muscle training (n = 23), or control non–pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 20). The primary outcome measure consisted of a modified 20-minute pad test. The secondary outcome measures included a Visual Analog Scale describing the perceived burden of incontinence, the Urogenital Distress Inventory, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, and pelvic floor muscle function measurements. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out, leaving 62 for analysis. At follow-up, more than 70% of the women in the treatment groups (14/20 in the pelvic floor and 17/23 in the pelvic floor plus abdominal group) were continent on pad testing compared with 0% of women in the control group. Scores on the pad test, Visual Analog Scale, Urogenital Distress Inventory, and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire improved significantly in both treatment groups (all P < .002), whereas no changes were observed in the control group. Pelvic floor muscle function, however, did not improve significantly in either active group. CONCLUSION: Multimodal supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective treatment for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of multimodal supervised physiotherapy programs with the absence of treatment among women with persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four women with stress urinary incontinence were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of either multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 21), multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation with abdominal muscle training (n = 23), or control non–pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 20). The primary outcome measure consisted of a modified 20-minute pad test. The secondary outcome measures included a Visual Analog Scale describing the perceived burden of incontinence, the Urogenital Distress Inventory, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, and pelvic floor muscle function measurements. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out, leaving 62 for analysis. At follow-up, more than 70% of the women in the treatment groups (14/20 in the pelvic floor and 17/23 in the pelvic floor plus abdominal group) were continent on pad testing compared with 0% of women in the control group. Scores on the pad test, Visual Analog Scale, Urogenital Distress Inventory, and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire improved significantly in both treatment groups (all P < .002), whereas no changes were observed in the control group. Pelvic floor muscle function, however, did not improve significantly in either active group. CONCLUSION: Multimodal supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective treatment for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence.
Introdução: O stress condiciona o comportamento e desenvolvimento pessoal, podendo ter consequências preocupantes ao nível individual e organizacional. Os professores são uma classe reconhecida como estando sujeita a elevados níveis de stress, fator que prejudica a qualidade do ensino em geral. Objetivos: Avaliar a vulnerabilidade ao stress; identificar os principais fatores de stress e avaliar a correlação entre autoestima e stress, em professores do 1.º, 2.º e 3.º ciclos do ensino básico. Metodologia: Estudo correlacional, com uma amostra constituída por 60 professores do 1.º, 2.º e 3.º ciclos de escolaridade, de escolas do concelho de Leiria. Para a análise das variáveis em estudo foram aplicados: um questionário sociodemográfico; a Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES); o Questionário de stress nos professores: ensino básico e secundário (QSPEBS) e a Escala de vulnerabilidade ao stress (23 QVS). Resultados: O estudo revela que 65% dos professores percecionam a profissão como stressante e que 30% são vulneráveis ao stress. O principal fator de stress identificado foi comportamentos inadequados/indisciplina dos alunos. Verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre a autoestima e a vulnerabilidade ao stress dos professores. Conclusão: Conclui-se que, quanto mais elevada é a auto-estima, menor é a vulnerabilidade dos professores ao stress e que, apesar de não se registarem níveis significativos de vulnerabilidade ao stress na população docente, a maioria dos professores perceciona a sua atividade profissional como geradora de elevados níveis de stress, sendo os comportamentos inadequados/indisciplina dos alunos o fator que mais contribui para o stress nos docentes. / Introduction: Stress affects behavior and personal development, and may have severe consequences either at the individual or organizational level. Teachers are identified as a class exposed to high levels of stress, factor that affects the quality of education in general. Objectives: To assess stress vulnerability; identify key stressors and assess the correlation between self-esteem and stress in primary and secondary school teachers. Methodology: A sociodemographic questionnaire and three self-report measures were administered to a sample of 60 primary and secondary teachers from Leiria district: the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES); a teachers stress questionnaire for primary, secondary and high school (QSPEBS) and a scale to access stress vulnerability (23 QVS). Results: The study reveals that 65% of teachers perceive the profession as stressful and that 30% are vulnerable to stress. The main stressor identified is inappropriate/disruptive behavior of students. There is a negative correlation between self-esteem and vulnerability to stress of teachers. Conclusion: We conclude that a higher self-esteem leads to less stress vulnerability in teachers and that, despite the non-significant level of vulnerability determined in this study, most teachers perceive their activity as stressful, being inappropriate/disruptive behavior of students the factor that most contributes for that.
As situações indutoras de stress são uma constante imutável no dia-a-dia do ser humano e quando esta perturbação não é gerida de forma adequada, acarreta graves prejuízos na saúde dos indivíduos refletindo-se em diversas áreas das suas vidas nomeadamente no trabalho. O presente estudo tem como finalidade identificar a relação entre o stress e as estratégias de coping e perceber se os indivíduos com vulnerabilidade ao stress diferem dos indivíduos sem stress no que concerne às estratégias de coping utilizadas. A vulnerabilidade ao stress foi medida pela escala 23QVS, enquanto as estratégias de coping foram avaliadas pelo Inventário de Resolução de Problemas (IRP), tendo sido, ainda, utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico. A amostra foi composta por 62 trabalhadores de uma empresa de venda a retalho com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 44 anos (M=32,02 DP=5,770). Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a vulnerabilidade ao stress se correlaciona de forma negativa e altamente significativa com as estratégias de coping e que indivíduos com e sem vulnerabilidade ao stress não diferem quanto ao uso destas estratégias. / The stress-induction situations are a constant unchanging in human being life, and if this disturbance is not managed adequately can be harmful to the health of individuals and reflected in many areas of their lives including their work. The present study aims to analyze the relationship between stress and coping strategies, and understand if individuals with stress vulnerability differs from individuals without stress in respect to the use of coping strategies. Stress vulnerability was measured by the 23QVS scale and coping strategies by the Inventário de Resolução de Problemas – IRP (Inventory of Problem Solving), and we also used a sociodemographic questionnaire. The sample consisted of 62 workers of a retailing company with ages between 20 and 40 years old (M = 32,02; DP = 5,770). Our research studies reveal that stress vulnerability correlates negatively and highly with coping strategies, and individuals with and without stress vulnerability not differ in the use of these strategies.
A presente tese explora a hipótese de utilização dos genes da oxidase alternativa (AOX) e da oxidase terminal da plastoquinona (PTOX) como genes-alvo para o desenvolvimento de marcadores funcionais (MF) para avaliar a performance do crescimento em cenoura, fator determinante da produtividade. Para avaliar se os referidos genes estão associados com o crescimento da cenoura procedeu—se ao seu isolamento e posterior análise dos seus perfis de transcrição em diversos sistemas biológicos. O sistema in vitro selecionado, denominado sistema de culturas primárias, permitiu avaliar alterações na quantidade de transcritos desses genes durante os processos de reprogramação celular e crescimento. Ao nível da planta foi também estudado o efeito do frio na expressão precoce dos genes AOX. Ambos os genes DcAOX1 e DcAOX2a revelaram uma resposta rápida e um padrão semelhante apos stresse (inoculação in vitro e resposta ao frio). Foi igualmente verificado um incremento na expressão do gene DcPTOX durante a fase inicial do processo de reprogramação celular. Estudos de expressão dos genes AOX durante o desenvolvimento da raiz da cenoura revelaram que o gene DcAOX2a será potencialmente o gene mais envolvido neste processo. De modo a avaliar a hipótese de envolvimento do gene DcPTOX no crescimento da raíz procederam—se a estudos de expressão ao nível do tecido meristemático. Todavia, para um mais completo entendimento da ligação entre DcPTOX e o crescimento secundário e/ou acumulação de carotenos, a expressão do gene DcPTOX foi também avaliada em raízes de cenoura durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando cultivares caracterizadas por distintos conteúdos de carotenos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a associação do gene DcPTOX a ambos os processos. O envolvimento da PTOX no crescimento adaptativo da raiz foi analisado com um ensaio que permitiu identificar, no tecido meristemático, uma resposta precoce do gene DcPTOX face a uma diminuição da temperatura. Adicionalmente, foi efetuada a seleção de genes de referência para uma analise precisa da expressão génica por RT-qPCR em diversos sistemas biológicos de cenoura, e a importância do seu estudo ao nível do sistema biológico foi realçada. Os resultados desta tese são encorajadores para prosseguir os estudos de utilização dos genes AOX e PTOX como MF no melhoramento da performance do crescimento adaptativo em cenoura, fator determinante para a produtividade; ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the hypothesis of using the alternative oxidase (AOX) and theplastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) as target genes for functional marker (FM) development for yield-determining growth performance in carrot. To understand if these genes are associated to growth, different AOX gene family members and the single PTOX gene were isolated, and their expression patterns evaluated in diverse carrot plant systems. An in-vitro primary culture system was selected to study AOX and PTOX transcript changes during cell reprogramming and growth performance. At plant level, a putative early response of AOX to chilling was also evaluated. In fact, both DcAOXl and DcAOXZa were early responsive and showed similar patterns under stress conditions (in vitro inoculation and chilling). A role for DcPTOX during earliest events of cell reprogramming was also suggested. Next, the expression profiles of AOX gene family members during carrot tap root development were investigated. DcAOXZa was identified as the most responsive gene to root development. In order to evaluate if DcPTOX is associated with carrot tap root growth performance, DcPTOX transcript levels were measured in the central root meristem. To further understand whether DcPTOX is associated with secondary growth and/or carotenoids accumulation, DcPTOX expression was also studied in deveIOping carrot tap roots in cultivars with different carotenoids contents. The results indicated that DcPTOX associates to both carotenoid biosynthesis and secondary growth during storage root development. To obtain further insights into the involvement of PTOX on adaptive growth, the early effects of temperature decrease were explored in the root meristem, where a short—term early response in DcPTOX was found, probably associated with adaptive growth. Furthermore, a selection of the most suitable reference genes for accurate RT—qPCR analysis in several carrot experimental systems was performed and discussed. The present research provides the necessary toolbox for continuing studies in carrot AOX and PTOX genes as promising resources for FM candidates in order to assist breeding on yield—determining adaptive growth performance.
The hopelessness depression (HD) theory assumes a number of contributing factors to the development of hopelessness expectations and HD symptoms. Studies carried out to test HD theory have generally supported the prediction that a negative attributional style contributes to the development of hopelessness expectations and HD symptoms, although the evidence is less consistent for adolescents. Due to these inconsistent results, as well as the assumption advanced by HD theory that other factors aside from attributional style may contribute to the development of HD, in this study we examined the potential role of adolescents’ daily stress and coping styles as contributing factors to HD at these ages, and the effects of gender on these relationships. Seiffge-Krenke (1995) showed that stress in daily life plays a particularly relevant role during adolescence and described three coping styles used by adolescents to face daily stress: active and internal approach-oriented styles, which are considered functional and complementary, and avoidant style, considered dysfunctional. In this study, secondary students (N = 480; aged 13–17) completed the Hopelessness Scale (Beck, Weissman, Lester, & Trexler, 1974), the Hopelessness Depression Symptoms Questionnaire (Metalsky & Joiner, 1997), the Problem Questionnaire ((Seiffge-Krenke, 1995) and the Coping Across Situations Questionnaire (Seiffge-Krenke, 1995). To test the role of daily stress and coping styles in the prediction of hopelessness expectations and HD symptoms, two four-step hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. In these analyses, gender was introduced first, daily stress was introduced second, the three coping styles were entered in a third step, and the moderating effects of gender on the associations of the predictor variables (daily stress and each coping style) with the criterion variables (hopelessness expectations or HD symptoms) were introduced in a fourth step. Results showed a moderating effect of gender on the relationship between daily stress and hopelessness expectations, which revealed a significant effect for boys despite the fact that girls experienced more daily stress than boys, thus suggesting an inoculation effect in girls. It was also found a gender-dependent role of coping styles in the prediction of HD symptoms, revealing a protective effect for the active style in girls and for the internal style in boys. This suggests that girls would benefit from being more action-prone and boys more reflection-prone in order to prevent HD. These findings indicate that programmes aimed to promote coping skills in adolescents would benefit from being gender-adapted.
Introduction : Cet article présente un cas de psychothérapie de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur. Ce syndrome clinique est bien décrit dans la littérature, mais notre recherche ne nous a permis de trouver que 2 rapports de cas témoignant de son traitement en psychothérapie. Le traitement de cette population présente plusieurs défis. Un effort a dû être déployé pour réviser une littérature complexe. D’autres contraintes à notre démarche touchaient l’identification d’un sujet éligible, l’adaptation du protocole de psychothérapie à ce sujet et à au contexte de la pratique clinique, ainsi que l’administration du protocole en tenant compte de contraintes organisationnelles spécifiques. Méthode : Toutes les étapes du projet ont été dirigées par le premier auteur. Une revue de la littérature sur l’état de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur a été réalisée sous la supervision du deuxième auteur. Elle a été présentée au congrès annuel de l’Association des Médecins Psychiatres du Québec (AMPQ) de 2011. Cette expérience a permis une sensibilisation aux manifestations de ce syndrome clinique dans la pratique psychiatrique. Grâce à cela, un sujet hospitalisé a été identifié comme présentant des symptômes suggestifs d’état de stress post-traumatique chez l’agresseur. Une psychothérapie a été planifiée et administrée, à partir des connaissances acquises lors de la revue de la littérature, sous la supervision du troisième auteur. Le sujet a été sélectionné par échantillon de convenance. Les données colligées concernant l’évolution clinique du sujet sont de nature qualitative. La méthode d’intervention est une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale intensive, chez un patient hospitalisé. Une attention particulière a été portée au vécu subjectif de l’agresseur, tel que suggéré par la littérature. Un suivi a eu lieu en clinique externe par la suite, permettant de colliger des données supplémentaires. Résultats : L’évolution du sujet a été positive, se concluant par le désir de devenir un membre productif de la société. Conclusion : Un protocole de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale visant l’état de stress post-traumatique en général peut être adapté à la situation de l’agresseur. L’exercice d’être attentif à l’expérience subjective de l’agresseur permet de dépasser certains défis que présente son traitement. La psychothérapie peut être adaptée à la situation du patient hospitalisé en psychiatrie. L’ensemble de la démarche illustrée dans cet article représente un exemple concret d’application de principes scientifiques au traitement d’un sujet dont la présentation clinique ne correspond pas à un diagnostic pour lequel il existe un traitement bien établi. Nous invitons le lecteur clinicien à aborder les défis présentés par un cas clinique en formulant une question de recherche pertinente, qui pourra être mise à l’épreuve pendant la phase de traitement du patient. De plus, nous croyons que la rédaction d’une histoire de cas, organisée en fonction de ce principe, constitue un outil didactique précieux dans la formation en psychiatrie.
Although various abutment connections and materials have recently been introduced, insufficient data exist regarding the effect of stress distribution on their mechanical performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different abutment materials and platform connections on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations with the finite element method. Nine experimental groups were modeled from the combination of 3 platform connections (external hexagon, internal hexagon, and Morse tapered) and 3 abutment materials (titanium, zirconia, and hybrid) as follows: external hexagon-titanium, external hexagon-zirconia, external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, internal hexagon-zirconia, internal hexagon-hybrid, Morse tapered-titanium, Morse tapered-zirconia, and Morse tapered-hybrid. Finite element models consisted of a 4×13-mm implant, anatomic abutment, and lithium disilicate central incisor crown cemented over the abutment. The 49 N occlusal loading was applied in 6 steps to simulate the incisal guidance. Equivalent von Mises stress (σvM) was used for both the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the implant and abutment in all the groups and the maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses for the numerical comparison of the zirconia parts. The highest abutment σvM occurred in the Morse-tapered groups and the lowest in the external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, and internal hexagon-hybrid groups. The σmax and σmin values were lower in the hybrid groups than in the zirconia groups. The stress distribution concentrated in the abutment-implant interface in all the groups, regardless of the platform connection or abutment material. The platform connection influenced the stress on abutments more than the abutment material. The stress values for implants were similar among different platform connections, but greater stress concentrations were observed in internal connections.
Lutein (LT) is a carotenoid obtained by diet and despite its antioxidant activity had been biochemically reported, few studies are available concerning its influence on the expression of antioxidant genes. The expression of 84 genes implicated in antioxidant defense was quantified using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction array. DNA damage was measured by comet assay and glutathione (GSH) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were quantified as biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in mouse kidney and liver. cDDP treatment reduced concentration of GSH and increased TBARS, parameters that were ameliorated in treatment associated with LT. cDDP altered the expression of 32 genes, increasing the expression of GPx2, APC, Nqo1 and CCs. LT changed the expression of 37 genes with an induction of 13 mainly oxygen transporters. In treatments associating cDDP and LT, 30 genes had their expression changed with a increase of the same genes of the cDDP treatment alone. These results suggest that LT might act scavenging reactive species and also inducing the expression of genes related to a better antioxidant response, highlighting the improvement of oxygen transport. This improved redox state of the cell through LT treatment could be related to the antigenotoxic and antioxidant effects observed.
Uncoupling protein one (UCP1) is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein capable of uncoupling the electrochemical gradient from adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, dissipating energy as heat. UCP1 plays a central role in nonshivering thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) of hibernating animals and small rodents. A UCP1 ortholog also occurs in plants, and aside from its role in uncoupling respiration from ATP synthesis, thereby wasting energy, it plays a beneficial role in the plant response to several abiotic stresses, possibly by decreasing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and regulating cellular redox homeostasis. However, the molecular mechanisms by which UCP1 is associated with stress tolerance remain unknown. Here, we report that the overexpression of UCP1 increases mitochondrial biogenesis, increases the uncoupled respiration of isolated mitochondria, and decreases cellular ATP concentration. We observed that the overexpression of UCP1 alters mitochondrial bioenergetics and modulates mitochondrial-nuclear communication, inducing the upregulation of hundreds of nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Electron microscopy analysis showed that these metabolic changes were associated with alterations in mitochondrial number, area and morphology. Surprisingly, UCP1 overexpression also induces the upregulation of hundreds of stress-responsive genes, including some involved in the antioxidant defense system, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST). As a consequence of the increased UCP1 activity and increased expression of oxidative stress-responsive genes, the UCP1-overexpressing plants showed reduced ROS accumulation. These beneficial metabolic effects may be responsible for the better performance of UCP1-overexpressing lines in low pH, high salt, high osmolarity, low temperature, and oxidative stress conditions. Overexpression of UCP1 in the mitochondrial inner membrane induced increased uncoupling respiration, decreased ROS accumulation under abiotic stresses, and diminished cellular ATP content. These events may have triggered the expression of mitochondrial and stress-responsive genes in a coordinated manner. Because these metabolic alterations did not impair plant growth and development, UCP1 overexpression can potentially be used to create crops better adapted to abiotic stress conditions.
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that exerts protective effects on vascular function and structure in several models of cardiovascular diseases through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Early protein malnutrition reprograms the cardiovascular system and is linked to hypertension in adulthood. This study assessed the effects of taurine supplementation in vascular alterations induced by protein restriction in post-weaning rats. Weaned male Wistar rats were fed normal- (12%, NP) or low-protein (6%, LP) diets for 90 days. Half of the NP and LP rats concomitantly received 2.5% taurine supplementation in the drinking water (NPT and LPT, respectively). LP rats showed elevated systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure versus NP rats; taurine supplementation partially prevented this increase. There was a reduced relaxation response to acetylcholine in isolated thoracic aortic rings from the LP group that was reversed by superoxide dismutase (SOD) or apocynin incubation. Protein expression of p47phox NADPH oxidase subunit was enhanced, whereas extracellular (EC)-SOD and endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation at Ser 1177 (p-eNOS) were reduced in aortas from LP rats. Furthermore, ROS production was enhanced while acetylcholine-induced NO release was reduced in aortas from the LP group. Taurine supplementation improved the relaxation response to acetylcholine and eNOS-derived NO production, increased EC-SOD and p-eNOS protein expression, as well as reduced ROS generation and p47phox expression in the aortas from LPT rats. LP rats showed an increased aortic wall/lumen ratio and taurine prevented this remodeling through a reduction in wall media thickness. Our data indicate a protective role of taurine supplementation on the high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling induced by post-weaning protein restriction. The beneficial vascular effect of taurine was associated with restoration of vascular redox homeostasis and improvement of NO bioavailability.
Ki-1/57 (HABP4) and CGI-55 (SERBP1) are regulatory proteins and paralogs with 40.7% amino acid sequence identity and 67.4% similarity. Functionally, they have been implicated in the regulation of gene expression on both the transcriptional and mRNA metabolism levels. A link with tumorigenesis is suggested, since both paralogs show altered expression levels in tumor cells and the Ki-1/57 gene is found in a region of chromosome 9q that represents a haplotype for familiar colon cancer. However, the target genes regulated by Ki-1/57 and CGI-55 are unknown. Here, we analyzed the alterations of the global transcriptome profile after Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 overexpression in HEK293T cells by DNA microchip technology. We were able to identify 363 or 190 down-regulated and 50 or 27 up-regulated genes for Ki-1/57 and CGI-55, respectively, of which 20 were shared between both proteins. Expression levels of selected genes were confirmed by qRT-PCR both after protein overexpression and siRNA knockdown. The majority of the genes with altered expression were associated to proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle control processes, prompting us to further explore these contexts experimentally. We observed that overexpression of Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 results in reduced cell proliferation, mainly due to a G1 phase arrest, whereas siRNA knockdown of CGI-55 caused an increase in proliferation. In the case of Ki-1/57 overexpression, we found protection from apoptosis after treatment with the ER-stress inducer thapsigargin. Together, our data give important new insights that may help to explain these proteins putative involvement in tumorigenic events.