702 resultados para Perceived exertion


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Background: This study examined three social factors (i.e., autonomy support, structure, and involvement) and their relationship with the motivational processes proposed by Vallerand ( 1 997). This study explored sources of support for exercise participation. -~ ' Methods: Participants (N = 425) completed self-reported instruments which assessed variables outlined within Vallerand's ( 1 997) HMIEM. Results: Structural equation modeling analyses predicting the cognitive/affective and exercise behaviour accounted for 23 percent of variance in positive affect, 10 percent of variance in negative affect, 38 percent of variance in physical self-concept, and 4 percent of variance in exercise behaviour. Exploratory analyses revealed that friends, romantic partners, and educators to be consistent sources for providing autonomy support, structure, and involvement, f !,< r - r* Summary: This study is among the first to examine perceived sources oi autonomy support, structure, and involvement from friends in the exercise context and suggest such perceptions may contribute to motivating exercise behaviour in post-secondary students.


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Evidence suggests that children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) have lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) compared to children without the condition. However, these studies were restricted to field-based methods in order to predict V02 peak in the determination of CRF. Such field tests have been criticised for their ability to provide a valid prediction of V02 peak and vulnerability to psychological aspects in children with DCD, such as low perceived adequacy toward physical activity. Moreover, the contribution of physical activity to the variance in V02 peak between the two groups is unknown. The purpose of our study was to determine the mediating role of physical activity and perceived adequacy towards physical activity on V02 peak in children with significant motor impairments. This prospective case-control design involved 122 (age 12-13 years) children with significant motor impairments (n=61) and healthy matched controls (n=61) based on age, gender and school location. Participants had been previously assessed for motor proficiency and classified as a probable DCD (p-DCD) or healthy control using the movement ABC test. V02 peak was measured by a progressive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Perceived adequacy was measured using a 7 -item subscale from Children's Selfperception of Adequacy and Predilection for Physical Activity scale. Physical activity was monitored for seven days with the Actical® accelerometer. Children with p-DCD had significantly lower V02 peak (48.76±7.2 ml/ffm/min; p:50.05) compared to controls (53.12±8.2 ml/ffm/min), even after correcting for fat free mass. Regression analysis demonstrated that perceived adequacy and physical activity were significant mediators in the relationship between p-DCD and V02 peak. In conclusion, using a stringent laboratory assessment, the results of the current study verify the findings of earlier studies, adding low CRF to the list of health consequences associated with DCD. It seems that when testing for CRF in this population, there is a need to consider the psychological barriers associated with their condition. Moreover, strategies to increase physical activity in children with DCD may result in improvement in their CRF.


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Parental monitoring has long been stressed as an important parenting practice in reducing adolescent susceptibility to depression. An extensive review by Stattin and Kerr (2000), however, , revealed that researchers had confounded perceptions of parental monitoring (i.e., parental solicitation and control) with parental knowledge, and neglected to consider the role of adolescent willingness to disclose. In the present study, adolescents (N = 1995; 51.3% female) were surveyed at two time points (grade 10 and 11). To disentangle the role of perceived parenting, three central issues were addressed. First, the present study examined whether parental knowledge, adolescent disclosure, and parental monitoring (i.e., parental solicitation and control) in grade 10 predicted adolescent depression in grade 11. Second, the predictive value of adolescent depression in grade lOon parental knowledge, adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation and parental control in grade 11 was considered. Lastly, associations among parental knowledge, adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation and parental control were examined over time. Findings indicated that higher levels of parental knowledge were associated with subsequent lower levels of depressive symptoms, and that depressive symptoms predicted lower levels of parental knowledge over time. Both adolescent willingness to disclose and parental control predicted higher parental knowledge. These findings underscore the role of adolescent and perceived parent contributions to parental knowledge, and highlight the importance of perceived parental knowledge in predicting reduced adolescent susceptibility to depression.


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Hom' s (2008) model of coaching effectiveness provides a framework that outlines the antecedent factors that influence coaches' behaviours as well as the way in which coaches' behaviours can influence the psychosocial development of athletes. Perceived coaches" behaviours have been shown to predict the self-reported unsportspersonlike behaviours of young athletes (Shields et aI., 2007). However, very few studies have examined actual coaches' sportspersonship behaviours (Arthur-Banning et aI., 2009; Cote et aI., 1993; Trudel e t aI., 1991). The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the relationships between coaches' and athletes' sportspersonship orientations and behaviours. Participants included competitive male basketball coaches (N = 5) and their male athletes aged 10 to 13 (N= 48). Two investigators systematically observed coaches' sportspersonship behaviours. Subsequently, coaches and athletes completed questionnaires based on the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale (MSOS; Vallerand et aI., 1997). The results showed that coaches' self-reported sportspersonship orientations and athletes' perceptions of their coaches behaviours were consistent with coaches' actual behaviours for respect for the rules and officials as well as for social conventions. A series of multiple regressions were conducted in order to determine whether or not athletes' perceptions of their coaches' sportspersonship behaviours predicted the sportspersonship orientations of athletes. The only significant regression model was for athletes' negative approach toward sport participation. The results also suggest that the MSOS has reliability and validity issues.


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Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an augmentative and alternative communicative system that improves communication and decreases problem behaviors in children with Developmental Disabilities and Autism. The mediator model is a validated approach that clinicians use to train parents to perform evidence-based interventions. Parental non-adherence to treatment recommendations is a documented problem. This qualitative study investigated clinician-perceived factors that influence parental adherence to PECS recommendations. Three focus groups (n=8) were conducted with Speech Language Pathologists and Behavior Therapists experienced in providing parents with PECS recommendations. Constant comparison analysis was used. In general, clinicians believed that PECS was complex to implement. Thirty-one bridges were identified to overcome complexity. Twenty-two barriers and 6 other factors also impacted parental adherence. Strategies to address these factors were proposed based on a review of the literature. Future research will be performed to validate these findings using parents and a larger sample size.


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Recent research suggests organizational factors should be considered in order to better understand the attrition of minor hockey. Consequently, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the extent to which minor hockey officials perceive organizational support (POS) from the minor hockey system, and to compare POS among minor hockey officials according to demographics. A total of 261 minor hockey officials were surveyed with the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS). Results indicated significant differences according minor hockey official experience, certification level and extra-role performance. The findings are discussed in relation to POS and human resource management literature, and recommendations are made as to how administrators can better support these officials.


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Limited academic attention has been given to the nexus between corruption in soccer and its impact on fandom. Consequently, the purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand the lived experiences of highly identified soccer fanatics living through this era of match fixing in the sport. Social networking site Twitter was utilized to recruit participants from three continents – Africa, Europe, and North America – based on submissions to the site in response to a perceived fix from a high-profile March, 2013 match. A total of 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted with highly identified soccer fans in accordance with Funk and James’ (2001) Psychological Continuum Model (PCM). Despite the majority of participants feeling skepticism about the purity of soccer today, half of the participants’ fandom remained unchanged in the face of perceived match fixing. Directions for future research and recommendations are considered and discussed.


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Despite general endorsement of universal human rights, people continue to tolerate specific human rights violations. I conducted a two-part study to investigate this issue. For Part I, I examined whether people tolerated torture (a human rights violation) based on the morality and deservingness of the target. Participants tolerated torture more when the target had committed a highly morally reprehensible transgression. This effect was mediated by the target’s perceived deservingness for harsh treatment, and held over and above participants’ abstract support for the right to humane treatment. For Part II, hypocrisy induction was used in an attempt to reduce participants’ toleration of the torture. Participants were assigned to either the hypocrisy induction or control condition. Unexpectedly, participants who tolerated the torture more in Part I reduced their toleration the most in the control condition, possibly because of consistency and floor effects. Limitations and implications of the findings are discussed.


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This thesis examined the impact of the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (2009) on the governance of national sport organizations (NSO). The impact of the legislation was explored through the perceptions of NSO executive leaders and by analyzing the by-laws in effect before the legislation. The legislation was perceived to have the greatest impact on enhancing accountability, specifically affecting membership categories and director selection. The interview data showed that the legislation was necessary to enhance accountability in many NSOs. The Respondents also demonstrated that they understood the goals sought through the legislation. The data also showed that the boards of NSOs were already in alignment with the goals of the legislation. With respect to governance, the data indicated that NSOs rely almost exclusively on their regional sport associations as voting stakeholders. An emerging issue that came out of the results was the role of athletes in the governance of sport organizations.


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Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) are often referred to as clumsy because of their compromised motor coordination. Clumsiness and slow movement performances while scripting in children with DCD often result in poor academic performance and a diminished sense of scholastic competence. This study purported to examine the mediating role of perceived scholastic competence in the relationship between motor coordination and academic performance in children in grade six. Children receive a great deal of comparative information on their academic performances, which influence a student's sense of scholastic competence and self-efficacy. The amount of perceived academic self-efficacy has significant impact on academic performance, their willingness to complete academic tasks, and their self-motivation to improve where necessary. Independent t-tests reveal a significant difference (p < .001) between DCD and non-DCD groups when compared against their overall grade six average with the DCD group performing significantly lower. Independent t-tests found no significant difference between DCD and non-DCD groups for perceived scholastic competence. However, multiple linear regression analysis revealed a significant mediating role of 15% by perceived scholastic competence when examining the relationship between motor coordination and academic performance. While children with probable DCD may not rate their perceived scholastic competence as less than their healthy peers, there is a significant mediating effect on their academic performance.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Psicología de la Salud) UANL, 2012.


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Affiliation: Mark Daniel : Département de médecine sociale et préventive, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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L’incontinence urinaire d’effort (IUE) est une condition fréquente en période postnatale pouvant affecter jusqu’à 77% des femmes. Neuf femmes sur dix souffrant d’IUE trois mois après l’accouchement, vont présenter une IUE cinq ans plus tard. Le traitement en physiothérapie de l’IUE par le biais d’un programme d’exercices de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien est reconnu comme étant un traitement de première ligne efficace. Les études ont prouvé l’efficacité de cette approche sur l’IUE persistante à court terme, mais les résultats de deux ECR à long terme n’ont pas démontré un maintien de l’effet de traitement. L’effet d’un programme en physiothérapie de renforcement du plancher pelvien intensif et étroitement supervisé sur l’IUE postnatale persistante avait été évalué lors d’un essai clinique randomisé il y a sept ans. Le but principal de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’effet de ce programme sept ans après la fin des interventions de l’ECR initial. Un objectif secondaire était de comparer l’effet de traitement à long terme entre un groupe ayant fait seulement des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien et un groupe ayant fait des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien et des abdominaux profonds. Un troisième objectif était d’explorer l’influence de quatre facteurs de risques sur les symptômes d’IUE et la qualité de vie à long terme. Les cinquante-sept femmes ayant complétées l’ECR initial ont été invitées à participer à l’évaluation du suivi sept ans. Vingt et une femmes ont participé à l’évaluation clinique et ont répondu à quatre questionnaires, tandis que dix femmes ont répondu aux questionnaires seulement. L’évaluation clinique incluait un pad test et la dynamométrie du plancher pelvien. La mesure d’effet primaire était un pad test modifié de 20 minutes. Les mesures d’effets secondaires étaient la dynamométrie du plancher pelvien, les symptômes d’IUE mesuré par le questionnaire Urogenital Distress Inventory, la qualité de vie mesurée par le questionnaire Incontinence Impact Questionnaire et la perception de la sévérité de l’IUE mesuré par l’Échelle Visuelle Analogue. De plus, un questionnaire portant sur quatre facteurs de risques soit, la présence de grossesses subséquentes, la v présence de constipation chronique, l’indice de masse corporel et la fréquence des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien de l’IUE, venait compléter l’évaluation. Quarante-huit pour-cent (10/21) des participantes étaient continentes selon de pad test. La moyenne d’amélioration entre le résultat pré-traitement et le suivi sept ans était de 26,9 g. (écart-type = 68,0 g.). Il n’y avait pas de différence significative des paramètres musculaires du plancher pelvien entre le pré-traitement, le post-traitement et le suivi sept ans. Les scores du IIQ et du VAS étaient significativement plus bas à sept ans qu’en prétraitement (IIQ : 23,4 vs 15,6, p = 0,007) et (VAS : 6,7 vs 5,1, p = 0,001). Les scores du UDI étaient plus élevés au suivi sept ans (15,6) qu’en pré-traitement (11,3, p = 0,041) et en post-traitement (5,7, p = 0,00). La poursuite des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien à domicile était associée à une diminution de 5,7 g. (p = 0,051) des fuites d’urine observées au pad test selon une analyse de régression linéaire. Les limites de cette étude sont ; la taille réduite de l’échantillon et un biais relié au désir de traitement pour les femmes toujours incontinentes. Cependant, les résultats semblent démontrer que l’effet du traitement à long terme d’un programme de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien qui est intensif et étroitement supervisé, est maintenu chez environ une femme sur deux. Bien que les symptômes d’IUE tel que mesuré par les pad test et le questionnaire UDI, semblent réapparaître avec le temps, la qualité de vie, telle que mesurée par des questionnaires, est toujours meilleure après sept qu’à l’évaluation initiale. Puisque la poursuite des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien est associée à une diminution de la quantité de fuite d’urine au pad test, les participantes devraient être encouragées à poursuivre leurs exercices après la fin d’un programme supervisé. Pour des raisons de logistique la collecte de donnée de ce projet de recherche s’est continuée après la rédaction de ce mémoire. Les résultats finaux sont disponibles auprès de Chantale Dumoulin pht, PhD., professeure agrée à l’Université de Montréal.