359 resultados para PHYTOSEIULUS-LONGIPES


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Question: How do interactions between the physical environment and biotic properties of vegetation influence the formation of small patterned-ground features along the Arctic bioclimate gradient? Location: At 68° to 78°N: six locations along the Dalton Highway in arctic Alaska and three in Canada (Banks Island, Prince Patrick Island and Ellef Ringnes Island). Methods: We analysed floristic and structural vegetation, biomass and abiotic data (soil chemical and physical parameters, the n-factor [a soil thermal index] and spectral information [NDVI, LAI]) on 147 microhabitat releves of zonalpatterned-ground features. Using mapping, table analysis (JUICE) and ordination techniques (NMDS). Results: Table analysis using JUICE and the phi-coefficient to identify diagnostic species revealed clear groups of diagnostic plant taxa in four of the five zonal vegetation complexes. Plant communities and zonal complexes were generally well separated in the NMDS ordination. The Alaska and Canada communities were spatially separated in the ordination because of different glacial histories and location in separate floristic provinces, but there was no single controlling environmental gradient. Vegetation structure, particularly that of bryophytes and total biomass, strongly affected thermal properties of the soils. Patterned-ground complexes with the largest thermal differential between the patterned-ground features and the surrounding vegetation exhibited the clearest patterned-ground morphologies.


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In 22 samples, 6 from Josephine Bank and 16 from the Great Meteor Bank, 14 halacarid species were found and described. Halacarus spiniger n. sp., Copidognathus magniporus n. sp., Arhodeoporus lineatus n. sp., A. brevocularis n. sp., Coloboceras karamani n. sp., Scaptognathus minutus n. sp., and Atelopsalis newelli were hithero unknown. Acaromantis squilla Trouessart & Neumann and Atelopsalis tricuspis Trouessart were redescribed. Four larvae, probably belonging to Copidognathus longips Bartsch, C. tricorneata (Lohmann), Lohmannella falcata (Hodge), and Atelopsalis newelli n. sp. were described, two Scaptognathus larvae could not be identifird. To date only three species, Copidognathus tricorneata, Lohmannella falcata, and Scaptognathus minutus, have been found on both seamounts.


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Presented are physical and biological data for the region extending from the Barents Sea to the Kara Sea during 158 scientific cruises for the period 1913-1999. Maps with the temporal distribution of physical and biological variables of the Barents and Kara Seas are presented, with proposed quality control criteria for phytoplankton and zooplankton data. Changes in the plankton community structure between the 1930s, 1950s, and 1990s are discussed. Multiple tables of Arctic Seas phytoplankton and zooplankton species are presented, containing ecological and geographic characteristics for each species, and images of live cells for the dominant phytoplankton species.


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The main emphasis of this study was to analyse the short-term development of abundance, population structure and vertical distribution of the dominant calanoid copepods during a phytoplankton bloom in the coastal area of the eastern Weddell Sea in December 2003. Microcalanus pygmaeus was by far the most abundant calanoid species. Metridia gerlachei, Ctenocalanus citer, Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and the ice-associated Stephos longipes were also present in considerable proportions. The observed changes in the population characteristics and parameters of these species are described in detail and discussed in the context of the spring phytoplankton bloom. A conspicuous event occurring during the final stage of the study was the development of a strong storm. While the results suggest that this storm did not have any considerable influence on the populations of all other investigated copepod species, it very likely caused pronounced changes in the S. longipes population present in the water column. Before the storm, S. longipes was found primarily in the upper 100 m of the water column, and its population was dominated by adults (mean proportion = 41%) and the copepodite stage I (mean proportion = 30%). After the storm, the abundance increased considerably, and the copepodite stage I contributed by far the largest proportion (53%) of the total population indicating that the early copepodite stages probably had been released from the sea ice into the under ice water layer due to ice break-up and ice melt processes caused by the storm.


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The marine ecosystem on the eastern shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula was surveyed 5 and 12 years after the climate-induced collapse of the Larsen A and B ice shelves. An impoverished benthic fauna was discovered, that included deep-sea species presumed to be remnants from ice-covered conditions. The current structure of various ecosystem components appears to result from extremely different response rates to the change from an oligotrophic sub-ice-shelf ecosystem to a productive shelf ecosystem. Meiobenthic communities remained impoverished only inside the embayments. On local scales, macro- and mega-epibenthic diversity was generally low, with pioneer species and typical Antarctic megabenthic shelf species interspersed. Antarctic Minke whales and seals utilised the Larsen A/B area to feed on presumably newly established krill and pelagic fish biomass. Ecosystem impacts also extended well beyond the zone of ice-shelf collapse, with areas of high benthic disturbance resulting from scour by icebergs discharged from the Larsen embayments.


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This study of Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in pack ice during late winter compares communities between the perennially ice-covered western Weddell Sea and the seasonally ice-covered southern Indian Ocean. Sympagic meiofauna (proto- and metazoans > 20 µm) and eggs > 20 µm were studied in terms of diversity, abundance and carbon biomass, and with respect to vertical distribution. Metazoan meiofauna had significantly higher abundance and biomass in the western Weddell Sea (medians: 31.1 * 10**3/m**2 and 6.53 mg/m**2, respectively) than in the southern Indian Ocean (medians: 1.0 * 10**3 /m**2 and 0.06 mg/m**2, respectively). Metazoan diversity was also significantly higher in the western Weddell Sea. Furthermore, the two regions differed significantly in terms of meiofauna community composition, as revealed through multivariate analyses. The overall diversity of sympagic meiofauna was high, and integrated abundance and biomass of total meiofauna were also high in both regions (0.6 - 178.6 * 10**3/m**2 and 0.02 - 89.70 mg/m**2, respectively), mostly exceeding values reported earlier from the western Weddell Sea in winter. We attribute the differences in meiofauna communities between the two regions to the older first-year ice and multi-year ice that is present in the western Weddell Sea, but not in the southern Indian Ocean. Our study indicates the significance of perennially ice-covered regions for the establishment of diverse and abundant meiofauna communities. Furthermore, it highlights the potential importance of sympagic meiofauna for the organic matter pool and trophic interactions in sea ice.


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The surface and sub-ice layer habitats and their metazoan fauna were studied on a drifting pack-ice floe in the western Weddell Sea from 29 November 2004 to 1 January 2005 during the "Ice Station POLarstern" (ISPOL). Flooding of the floe occurred at some places, and the establishment of surface layers with a brownish colour due to growing algae was observed at several sampling sites. The average surface-layer temperature, brine salinity and brine volume were -1.4 °C, 25.3 and 54%, respectively. The temperature-salinity relationship in the surface layer was seldom at equilibrium conditions. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in the brine varied between 1.0 and 53.5 µg /L. Surface-layer thickness, salinity, Chl a concentration and copepod abundances were generally higher at the edge of the floe than in the inner part. The sympagic copepod species Drescheriella glacialis/racovitzai and Stephos longipes, with abundances ranging between 0 and 3830 ind/L (median: 2 ind/L) and 0 and 1293 ind/L (median: 4 ind/L), respectively, were the dominant members of the surface-layer meiofauna. Their populations consisted mainly of adults and early naupliar stages, which points to an active reproduction of these species within the surface layer. Other taxa found in the surface layer were undetermined turbellarians, the gastropod Tergipes antarcticus, and, for the first time, the ctenophore Callianira antarctica, and the amphipods Eusirus antarcticus and Eusirus tridentatus. During the course of our study, slight melting at the ice underside took place, releasing sympagic organisms to the water column. Chl a concentrations in the sub-ice water layer were very low (0.1-0.5 µg /L), except for 25 December when the Chl a concentration at 0 m depth increased to 2.3 µg /L. The most dominant sympagic copepod species found in the sub-ice layer was Ectinosoma sp., with abundances ranging between 1 and 599 ind/m**3 (median: 25 ind/m**3). Other sympagic copepod species occurring regularly in this habitat were D. glacialis/racovitzai, Diarthrodes cf. lilacinus, Idomene antarctica and S. longipes. All of these sympagic species were generally found in higher abundances at 0 m depth underneath the ice than at 5 m depth, in contrast to pelagic copepod species that occurred more frequently at 5 m depth. Niche separation and probable life-cycle strategies of dominant sympagic metazoans are discussed.


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O desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis está diretamente ligado ao desenvolvimento econômico da sociedade moderna. A região amazônica brasileira é composta por uma grande biodiversidade de abelhas do gênero meliponini, no entanto, os estudos químicos sobre os produtos oriundos dessas abelhas ainda são escassos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alguns parâmetros físico-químicos como teor de cinzas, teor de cera e teor de umidade em três amostras de própolis e três amostras de geoprópolis de abelhas nativas sem ferrão. Para o teor de umidade, as amostras de própolis de Frieseomelitta flavicornis e Frieseomelitta longipes não se adequaram ao exigido pela legislação. Na análise de cinzas e teor de cera, todas as amostras de própolis apresentaram conformidade com a legislação


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O morango é de grande importância socioeconômica, pois gera muita mão de obra. O ácaro rajado é uma das principais pragas da cultura. Em alta população pode reduzir a produção em até 80% ou causar a morte da planta. O principal método de controle é o químico, porém em muitos casos este é ineficiente, principalmente devido ao desenvolvimento de populações do ácaro resistentes. O uso inadequado de acaricidas também contribui para o reaparecimento da praga, devido à eliminação dos inimigos naturais. Entre as alternativas de controle, destacam-se o uso de fungos entomopatogênicos, como Beuaveria bassiana e os ácaros predadores Neoseiulus californicus e Phytoseiulus macropilis. Objetivou-se avaliar a dinâmica populacional dos dois ácaros predadores na presença de T. urticae em morango e comparar a eficiência de controle dos predadores com acaricida e com um inseticida biológico a base de B. bassiana. Verificou-se diferença significativa (pLSD, 5%) nas áreas abaixo das curvas da flutuação populacional da fase móvel do ácaro rajado (AACP), nos tratamentos Pm (Phytoseiulus macropilis), Nc (Neoseiulus califrnicus) e acaricida. Os tratamentos Pm+Nc (P. macropilis + N. californicus) e Beauveria bassiana não diferiram da testemunha. Na fase de ovo não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Apesar de a população de T. urticae ter sido naturalmente reduzida observou-se que a presença dos ácaros predadores P. macropilis e N. californicus contribuíram para a redução fase móvel da praga nos primeiros 24 dias. O acaricida foi eficiente na redução inicial da população da praga, porém permitiu a reinfestação após 31 dias.


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Em janeiro de 1992 foi instalado no campo experimental do CNPDA, em Jaguariúna/SP, um experimento para testar a viabilidade técnica do controle biológico do ácaro rajado (Tetranychus urticae Koch) por ácaros predadores fitoseídeos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições e 5 tratamentos; T1= liberação de 10 ácaros rajados/planta + Malation (para eliminacao dos predadores nativos); T2= 10 ácaros rajados /planta; T3= 10 acaros rajados + 8 ácaros predadores Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks)/planta; T4= 10 ácaros rajados + 8 ácaros predadores Amblyseius idaeus (Denmark & Muma)/planta; T5= Avermectina-testemunha sem liberação de ácaros. Esses tratamentos foram aplicados em 20 plantas tomadas ao acaso na área útil de cada parcela. Antes da liberação dos predadores não havia diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, exceto em relação a testemunha T5. Após a liberação dos predadores, destacou-se o tratamento T4 que apresentou o número de ácaros rajados significativamente menor em relação aos tratamentos T1, T2, T3. Assim, o predador A. idaeus foi capaz de controlar a população do ácaro rajado, mantendo-a em niveis inferiores em relação aos demais tratamentos (exceto T5). Esse predador esteve presente nas plantas de pepino desde a sua liberação ate o término do experimento. Já a população de P. macropilis extingui-se 10 dias após a liberação.


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O ácaro rajado, Tetranychus urticae Koch, é considerado uma das principais pragas de hortaliças e varias outras culturas no Brasil, em áreas onde um considerável volume de acaricidas e anualmente empregado no seu controle. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a viabilidade técnica do empregado dos fitoseideos Amblyseius idaeus (Denmark & Muma) e Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks), comumente encontrados no Brasil, no controle de T. urticae em pepino e morangueiro em Jaguariúna, SP. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições e 4 tratamentos (T1-T4) para o pepino e 5 tratamentos para o morangueiro (T1-T5): T1, testemunha; T2 pulverização semanais de Malation para a exclusão de predadores nativos; T3, liberação periodicos de A. idaeus; T4, liberações periódicas de P.macropilis; T5, pulverizações semanais de avermectina para a exclusão de ácaros fitófagos e predadores nativos. Apenas A. idaeus se estabeleceu na cultura do pepino, reduzindo significativamente a população de T. urticae. Ambas espécies de predadores se estabeleceram na cultura do morango e reduziram significativamente a população de T. urticae.