457 resultados para PATELLAR TENDON


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The myotendinous junction (MTJ) is a major area for transmitting force from the skeletal muscle system and acts in joint position and stabilization. This study aimed to use transmission electron microscopy to describe the ultrastructural features of the MTJ of the sternomastoid muscle in Wistar rats from newborn to formation during adulthood and possible changes with aging. Ultrastructural features of the MTJ from the newborn group revealed pattern during development with interactions between muscle cells and extracellular matrix elements with thin folds in the sarcolemma and high cellular activity evidenced through numerous oval mitochondria groupings. The adult group had classical morphological features of the MTJ, with folds in the sarcolemma forming long projections called finger-like processes and sarcoplasmic invaginations. Sarcomeres were aligned in series, showing mitochondria near the Z line in groupings between collagen fiber bundles. The old group had altered finger-like processes, thickened in both levels of sarcoplasmic invaginations and in central connections with the lateral junctions. We conclude that the MTJ undergoes intense activity from newborn to its formation during adulthood. With increasing age, changes to the MTJ were observed in the shapes of the invaginations and finger-like processes due to hypoactivity, potentially compromising force transmission and joint stability. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12921296, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background: Patients with severe ptosis caused by poor or absent function of the levator muscle but with good frontalis muscle excursion usually benefit from a frontalis sling procedure. This is currently carried out using organic or inorganic material to connect the upper eyelid to the frontalis muscle. Methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate retrospectively 112 patients who underwent frontalis sling procedures between 1989 and 2011 using a preformed silicone implant suspensor to correct severe ptosis. Results: The results obtained using this technique were good or fair in 95.54 percent of the cases and poor in 4.46 percent of the cases. The authors discuss the results of the study and the cases in which the procedure should be indicated and highlight the advantages of the method. Conclusion: The availability of this low-cost sterile device, together with the fact that it is ready to use, requires less invasive surgery, saves time, and is sufficiently versatile to allow adjustments to be made at any time, makes the silicone eyelid sling an attractive choice for correcting ptosis. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 453e, 2012.)


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STUDY DESIGN: Clinical measurement. OBJECTIVE: To translate and culturally adapt the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) into a Brazilian Portuguese version, and to test the construct and content validity and reliability of this version in patients with knee injuries. BACKGROUND: There is no Brazilian Portuguese version of an instrument to assess the function of the lower extremity after orthopaedic injury. METHODS: The translation of the original English version of the LEFS into a Brazilian Portuguese version was accomplished using standard guidelines and tested in 31 patients with knee injuries. Subsequently, 87 patients with a variety of knee disorders completed the Brazilian Portuguese LEES, the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, and the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form and a visual analog scale for pain. All patients were retested within 2 days to determine reliability of these measures. Validation was assessed by determining the level of association between the Brazilian Portuguese LEFS and the other outcome measures. Reliability was documented by calculating internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and standard error of measurement. RESULTS: The Brazilian Portuguese LEES had a high level of association with the physical component of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (r = 0.82), the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (r = 0.87), the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form (r = 0.82), and the pain visual analog scale (r = -0.60) (all, P<.05). The Brazilian Portuguese LEES had a low level of association with the mental component of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (r = 0.38, P<.05). The internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = .952) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.957) of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the LEES were high. The standard error of measurement was low (3.6) and the agreement was considered high, demonstrated by the small differences between test and retest and the narrow limit of agreement, as observed in Bland-Altman and survival-agreement plots. CONCLUSION: The translation of the LEFS into a Brazilian Portuguese version was successful in preserving the semantic and measurement properties of the original version and was shown to be valid and reliable in a Brazilian population with knee injuries. J Ort hop Sports Phys Ther 2012;42(11):932-939, Epub 9 October 2012. doi:10.2519/jospt.2012.4101


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Analisou-se a distribuição do nervo fibular comum em 30 fetos de equinos, sem raça definida, provenientes do acervo do Laboratório de Anatomia Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, que foram injetados e conservados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. Contatou-se que o referido nervo deriva do isquiático, divide-se em nervos fibulares superficial e profundo, distribuindo-se para os músculos extensores lateral e longo do dedo, fibular terceiro e tibial cranial. Traçando-se uma linha imaginária na região médio-lateral da tuberosidade do osso tíbia, o nervo fibular comum pode ser bloqueado em sua parte proximal, no terço caudal, entre o tendão de inserção do músculo bíceps femoral e a face lateral do músculo gastrocnêmio lateral (terço médio); e o nervo fibular profundo, na parte proximal da tíbia, crânio-distalmente ao fibular comum. O bloqueio do nervo fibular superficial pode ser realizado em duas regiões da tíbia: na proximal, considerando-se a linha imaginária, distalmente ao ponto citado para o fibular comum e caudalmente ao descrito para o fibular profundo; e na distal, na face lateral da articulação tíbio-társica, entre os tendões de inserção dos músculos extensores lateral e longo do dedo.


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Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic implicated in matrix remodeling, on dermal and lung fibroblasts obtained from SSc patients. Dermal and lung fibroblasts from SSc patients and healthy subjects were treated with ciprofloxacin. Western blotting was used to analyze protein levels and RT-PCR was used to measure in RNA expression. The pharmacologic inhibitor UO126 was used to block Erk1/2 signaling. SSc dermal fibroblasts demonstrated a significant decrease in collagen type I mRNA and protein levels after antibiotic treatment, while healthy dermal fibroblasts were less sensitive to ciprofloxacin, downregulating collagen only at the protein levels. Connective tissue growth factor (CCN2) gene expression was significantly reduced and matrix metalloproteinase (MMPI) levels were enhanced after ciprofloxacin treatment to a similar extent in healthy and SSc fibroblasts. Ciprofloxacin induced Erk1/2 phosphorylation, and Erk1/2 blockade completely prevented MMP1 upregulation. However. Smad1 and Smad3 activation in response to TGF beta was not affected. The expression of friend leukemia integration factor 1 (Fli1). a transcriptional repressor of collagen, was increased after treatment with ciprofloxacin only in SSc fibroblasts, and this was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1). Similar effects were observed in SSc-interstitial lung disease (ILD) lung fibroblasts. In summary, our study demonstrates that ciprofloxacin has antifibrotic actions in SSc dermal and lung fibroblasts via the downregulation of Dnmt1, the upregulation of Fli1 and induction of MMPI gene expression via an Erk1/2-dependent mechanism. Thus, our data suggest that ciprofloxacin may he an attractive therapy for SSc skin and lung fibrosis.


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Mezzarane RA, Kohn AF, Couto-Roldan E, Martinez L, Flores A, Manjarrez E. Absence of effects of contralateral group I muscle afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. J Neurophysiol 108: 1176-1185, 2012. First published June 6, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00831.2011.-Crossed effects from group I afferents on reflex excitability and their mechanisms of action are not yet well understood. The current view is that the influence is weak and takes place indirectly via oligosynaptic pathways. We examined possible contralateral effects from group I afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. In resting and seated human subjects the soleus (SO) H-reflex was conditioned by an electrical stimulus to the ipsilateral common peroneal nerve (CPN) to assess the level of presynaptic inhibition (PSI_control). A brief conditioning vibratory stimulus was applied to the triceps surae tendon at the contralateral side (to activate preferentially Ia muscle afferents). The amplitude of the resulting H-reflex response (PSI_conditioned) was compared to the H-reflex under PSI_control, i.e., without the vibration. The interstimulus interval between the brief vibratory stimulus and the electrical shock to the CPN was -60 to 60 ms. The H-reflex conditioned by both stimuli did not differ from that conditioned exclusively by the ipsilateral CPN stimulation. In anesthetized cats, bilateral monosynaptic reflexes (MSRs) in the left and right L 7 ventral roots were recorded simultaneously. Conditioning stimulation applied to the contralateral group I posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) afferents at different time intervals (0-120 ms) did not have an effect on the ipsilateral gastrocnemius/soleus (GS) MSR. An additional experimental paradigm in the cat using contralateral tendon vibration, similar to that conducted in humans, was also performed. No significant differences between GS-MSRs conditioned by ipsilateral PBSt stimulus alone and those conditioned by both ipsilateral PBSt stimulus and contralateral tendon vibration were detected. The present results strongly suggest an absence of effects from contralateral group I fibers on the presynaptic mechanism of MSR modulation in relaxed humans and anesthetized cats.


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Motoneuron (MN) dendrites may be changed from a passive to an active state by increasing the levels of spinal cord neuromodulators, which activate persistent inward currents (PICs). These exert a powerful influence on MN behavior and modify the motor control both in normal and pathological conditions. Motoneuronal PICs are believed to induce nonlinear phenomena such as the genesis of extra torque and torque hysteresis in response to percutaneous electrical stimulation or tendon vibration in humans. An existing large-scale neuromuscular simulator was expanded to include MN models that have a capability to change their dynamic behaviors depending on the neuromodulation level. The simulation results indicated that the variability (standard deviation) of a maintained force depended on the level of neuromodulatory activity. A force with lower variability was obtained when the motoneuronal network was under a strong influence of PICs, suggesting a functional role in postural and precision tasks. In an additional set of simulations when PICs were active in the dendrites of the MN models, the results successfully reproduced experimental results reported from humans. Extra torque was evoked by the self-sustained discharge of spinal MNs, whereas differences in recruitment and de-recruitment levels of the MNs were the main reason behind torque and electromyogram (EMG) hysteresis. Finally, simulations were also used to study the influence of inhibitory inputs on a MN pool that was under the effect of PICs. The results showed that inhibition was of great importance in the production of a phasic force, requiring a reduced co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles. These results show the richness of functionally relevant behaviors that can arise from a MN pool under the action of PICs.


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This study aimed to evaluate the chemical interaction of collagen with some substances usually applied in dental treatments to increase the durability of adhesive restorations to dentin. Initially, the similarity between human dentin collagen and type I collagen obtained from commercial bovine membranes of Achilles deep tendon was compared by the Attenuated Total Reflectance technique of Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Finally, the effects of application of 35% phosphoric acid, 0.1M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2% chlorhexidine, and 6.5% proanthocyanidin solution on microstructure of collagen and in the integrity of its triple helix were also evaluated by ATR-FTIR. It was observed that the commercial type I collagen can be used as an efficient substitute for demineralized human dentin in studies that use spectroscopy analysis. The 35% phosphoric acid significantly altered the organic content of amides, proline and hydroxyproline of type I collagen. The surface treatment with 0.1M EDTA, 2% chlorhexidine, or 6.5% proanthocyanidin did not promote deleterious structural changes to the collagen triple helix. The application of 6.5% proanthocyanidin on collagen promoted hydrogen bond formation. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate extracellular matrix components in articular cartilage, ligaments and synovia in an experimental model of diabetes. Young Wistar rats were divided into a streptozotocin-induced (STZ; 35 mg/kg) diabetic group (DG; n=15) and a control group (CG; n=15). Weight, blood glucose and plasma anti-carboxymethyllysine were measured 70 days after STZ infusions. Knee joints, patellar ligaments, and lateral and medial collateral ligaments were isolated and stained with hematoxylineosin and Picrosirius. The total collagen content was determined by morphometry. Immunofluorescence was employed to evaluate types I, III, and V collagen in ligaments and synovial tissues and types II and XI collagen in cartilage. Results: Higher blood glucose levels and plasma anti-carboxymethyllysine were observed in DG rats when compared to those in CG rats. The final weight was significantly lower in the DG rats than in the CG rats. Histomorphometric evaluation depicted a small quantity of collagen fibers in ligaments and articular cartilage in DG rats, as well as increased collagen in synovial tissue. There was a decrease in cartilage proteoglycans in DG rats when compared with CG rats. Immunofluorescence staining revealed an increase of collagen III and V in ligaments, collagen XI in cartilage, and collagen I in synovial tissue of DG rats compared with CG rats. Conclusion: The ligaments, cartilage and synovia are highly affected following STZ-induced diabetes in rats, due the remodeling of collagen types in these tissues. This process may promote the degradation of the extracellular matrix, thus compromising joint function. Our data may help to better understand the pathogenesis of joint involvement related to diabetes.


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Abstract Background Recent reviews have indicated that low level level laser therapy (LLLT) is ineffective in lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET) without assessing validity of treatment procedures and doses or the influence of prior steroid injections. Methods Systematic review with meta-analysis, with primary outcome measures of pain relief and/or global improvement and subgroup analyses of methodological quality, wavelengths and treatment procedures. Results 18 randomised placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) were identified with 13 RCTs (730 patients) meeting the criteria for meta-analysis. 12 RCTs satisfied half or more of the methodological criteria. Publication bias was detected by Egger's graphical test, which showed a negative direction of bias. Ten of the trials included patients with poor prognosis caused by failed steroid injections or other treatment failures, or long symptom duration or severe baseline pain. The weighted mean difference (WMD) for pain relief was 10.2 mm [95% CI: 3.0 to 17.5] and the RR for global improvement was 1.36 [1.16 to 1.60]. Trials which targeted acupuncture points reported negative results, as did trials with wavelengths 820, 830 and 1064 nm. In a subgroup of five trials with 904 nm lasers and one trial with 632 nm wavelength where the lateral elbow tendon insertions were directly irradiated, WMD for pain relief was 17.2 mm [95% CI: 8.5 to 25.9] and 14.0 mm [95% CI: 7.4 to 20.6] respectively, while RR for global pain improvement was only reported for 904 nm at 1.53 [95% CI: 1.28 to 1.83]. LLLT doses in this subgroup ranged between 0.5 and 7.2 Joules. Secondary outcome measures of painfree grip strength, pain pressure threshold, sick leave and follow-up data from 3 to 8 weeks after the end of treatment, showed consistently significant results in favour of the same LLLT subgroup (p < 0.02). No serious side-effects were reported. Conclusion LLLT administered with optimal doses of 904 nm and possibly 632 nm wavelengths directly to the lateral elbow tendon insertions, seem to offer short-term pain relief and less disability in LET, both alone and in conjunction with an exercise regimen. This finding contradicts the conclusions of previous reviews which failed to assess treatment procedures, wavelengths and optimal doses.


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Skeletal muscle is the major deposit of protein molecules. As for any cell or tissue, total muscle protein reflects a dynamic turnover between net protein synthesis and degradation. Noninvasive and invasive techniques have been applied to determine amino acid catabolism and muscle protein building at rest, during exercise and during the recovery period after a single experiment or training sessions. Stable isotopic tracers (13C-lysine, 15N-glycine, ²H5-phenylalanine) and arteriovenous differences have been used in studies of skeletal muscle and collagen tissues under resting and exercise conditions. There are different fractional synthesis rates in skeletal muscle and tendon tissues, but there is no major difference between collagen and myofibrillar protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise provokes increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis, the opposite occurring during the recovery period. Individuals who exercise respond differently when resistance and endurance types of contractions are compared. Endurance exercise induces a greater oxidative capacity (enzymes) compared to resistance exercise, which induces fiber hypertrophy (myofibrils). Nitrogen balance (difference between protein intake and protein degradation) for athletes is usually balanced when the intake of protein reaches 1.2 g·kg-1·day-1 compared to 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 in resting individuals. Muscular activities promote a cascade of signals leading to the stimulation of eukaryotic initiation of myofibrillar protein synthesis. As suggested in several publications, a bolus of 15-20 g protein (from skimmed milk or whey proteins) and carbohydrate (± 30 g maltodextrine) drinks is needed immediately after stopping exercise to stimulate muscle protein and tendon collagen turnover within 1 h.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar um dispositivo biomecânico para o estudo da reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial (LPFM) e sua isometricidade. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido um sistema biomecânico acessível, que permite a aplicação de forças fisiológicas e não fisiológicas no joelho, através de um braço mecânico e aplicação de pesos e contrapesos, possibilitando a execução de diferentes estudos, além de ter um sistema de medidas bastante preciso de aferição de distâncias entre diferentes estruturas para análise dos experimentos. Este artigo descreve a montagem deste sistema, além de sugerir algumas aplicações práticas. Foram estudados seis joelhos de cadáveres. Os joelhos foram preparados em uma máquina de ensaios desenvolvida no Laboratório de Biomecânica do IOT HC FMUSP, que permitiu a avaliação dinâmica do comportamento patelar, quantificando a sua lateralização entre 0 e 120 graus. A diferença entre as distâncias encontradas, com e sem carga, aplicada na patela foram agrupadas segundo o ângulo de fixação do enxerto (0°, 30°, 60° e 90°) e situação do joelho (íntegro, reconstruído e lesado). RESULTADOS: Houve uma tendência em ocorrer menor desvio lateral em ângulos de fixação acima de 30 graus de flexão, principalmente entre os ângulos entre 45° e 60° graus de flexão, após a reconstrução. Para os demais ângulos não houve significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: O método desenvolvido é uma ferramenta útil para os estudos da articulação patelofemoral, além de ter um sistema de medidas bastante preciso de aferição de distâncias entre diferentes estruturas e permitir a sua utilização em instituições com menos recursos disponíveis.