946 resultados para PARTNERS


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The goal this follow-up study was to relate the mother's marital satisfaction to family health status in a low SES. The random sample was made up of 30 families with children under 7 years old: 15 considered as sick (Group A) and 15 as healthy (Group B). Both group had similar demographic characteristics (age of father and mother, persons per family group and age of children) and SES. Results showed that mothers were those mainly in charge of their family groups. Mothers of Group A were significantly less understanding and more dissatisfied than those of Group B ( p < .05 and p < .01). Mothers of Group A had significantly more arguments with their partners than those of Group B (p < .006). Health care was learned less from the child's own mother in group A than in B (p < .05). Health was considered by mothers of Group A as something that "must be taken care of" more than by those of Group B (p < .01). The behaviours of mothers in choosing one of the health systems was similar in both groups. Dissatisfied mothers were associated more with sick family members during the 6 month follow-up. It is suggested that the satisfaction of the mother is a factor that needs further investigation because health is managed by mothers is the large majority of families.


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A EUCERD Joint Action (EJA) para as Doenças Raras (DR) integrou cinco domínios: planos nacionais e estratégias, nomenclatura internacional para DR, serviços sociais especializados, qualidade dos cuidados/centros de referência e integração de iniciativas em DR. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o enquadramento português nas DR. Em novembro de 2014 foi realizado um workshop em Portugal com oito países participantes. Foi descrita a situação europeia para as DR e comparada com a realidade portuguesa. Estiveram presentes: autoridades europeias, parceiros da EJA, especialistas, investigadores, profissionais de saúde e associações de doentes. Realizou-se uma análise qualitativa dos conteúdos das apresentações, posteriormente atualizada através de análise documental. No domínio dos planos e estratégias foi aprovada a Estratégia Integrada para as Doenças Raras 2015-2020 que assenta numa cooperação interministerial, intersectorial e interinstitucional. Em relação à nomenclatura, foi discutida e proposta a utilização do Orphanumber. Foram descritas várias iniciativas no âmbito das DR e observados exemplos de boas práticas na área dos serviços socias especializados. Recentemente, Portugal reconheceu oficialmente vários Centros de Referência Nacionais, onde se incluem alguns para as DR. Em conclusão, Portugal tem vindo a desenvolver diversas atividades no domínio das DR sendo necessário continuar com a integração das mesmas.


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Since collaborative networked organisations are usually formed by independent and heterogeneous entities, it is natural that each member holds his own set of values, and that conflicts among partners might emerge because of some misalignment of values. In contrast, it is often stated in literature that the alignment between the value systems of members involved in collaborative processes is a prerequisite for successful co-working. As a result, the issue of core value alignment in collaborative networks started to attract attention. However, methods to analyse such alignment are lacking mainly because the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill defined and shows a multifaceted nature. As a contribution to the area, this article introduces an approach based on causal models and graph theory for the analysis of core value alignment in collaborative networks. The potential application of the approach is then discussed in the virtual organisations' breeding environment context.


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Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare HIV seronegative (HIV-) and HIV seropositive (HIV+) males in terms of sexual behavior with female and male partners of different types. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. From August 1994 to February 1995, a sample of 236 respondents (150 HIV- and 86 HIV+) recruited from public health centers in the State of S. Paulo (Brazil), answered a questionnaire, including questions on demographic aspects, HIV and AIDS related knowledge, sexual orientation, use of alcohol and other drugs, sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners, and perceived risk of HIV infection. Sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners within the previous three months, was investigated. RESULTS: A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in sexual contact with regular female partners (p < .01) and in vaginal intercourse with this type of partner (p < .01). A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in overall sexual activity (p < .001) and reported lower frequency of penetrative sexual practices (p < .05). A high level of condom use with female and male partners was identified with no significant differences being found between the two serostatus groups. Some risky sexual behavior was identified, however, especially with regular partners, suggesting that some men were continuing to practice unsafe sex. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of condom use identified suggests that safer sex advice has been taken up. Condom use was not universal, however, and some men continue to place themselves at risk, especially with regular partners. Prevention programs should strive not only to encourage HIV- to practice safer sex, but also to encourage HIV+ to do so in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.


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INTRODUCTION: The evolution of virulence in host-parasite relationships has been the subject of several publications. In the case of HIV virulence, some authors suggest that the evolution of HIV virulence correlates with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. In contrast some other authors argue that the level of HIV virulence is independent of the sexual activity of the host population. METHODS: Provide a mathematical model for the study of the potential influence of human sexual behaviour on the evolution of virulence of HIV is provided. RESULTS: The results indicated that, when the probability of acquisition of infection is a function both of the sexual activity and of the virulence level of HIV strains, the evolution of HIV virulence correlates positively with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that in the case of a host population with a low (high) rate of exchange of sexual partners the evolution of HIV virulence is such that the less (more) virulent strain prevails.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Socio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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Globalisation has eliminated frontiers and in the case of Europe helped the crossing of borders and changed forever the concept of social (and I would also say individual) geography: the rest of the world is out there; we can pretend not to see it, but we cannot avoid it. Moreover, Europe is undergoing a serious crisis, also economic, and new markets and business partners are welcome. In this context, cultural bonds like a common language can open new investment paths and give rise to successful stories. In this paper we intend to present an example of how low linguistic distance can lead to good business, even if a) in the internationalization process of the companies’ language is often forgotten as a management element and b) consumers of language products (like User Guides) are also not stimulating investment in language by the companies. Through the results of 2 studies carried out in 2010 and 2011 we will show how a pluricentric language like Portuguese is managed in multinational companies (MC) and Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs). The second study is based on an online survey questioning the effectiveness, efficiency and general quality of User Guides and the reaction of consumers to language. Results show that although playing a role in the internationalization process of companies in the same linguistic space, language is opportunistically used. On the other hand, Portuguese and Brazilian consumers show a very functional perception of the Portuguese language...


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This paper presents ELECON - Electricity Consumption Analysis to Promote Energy Efficiency Considering Demand Response and Non-technical Losses, an international research project that involves European and Brazilian partners. ELECON focuses on energy efficiency increasing through consumer´s active participation which is a key area for Europe and Brazil cooperation. The project aims at significantly contributing towards the successful implementation of smart grids, focussing on the use of new methods that allow the efficient use of distributed energy resources, namely distributed generation, storage and demand response. ELECON puts together researchers from seven European and Brazilian partners, with consolidated research background and evidencing complementary competences. ELECON involves institutions of 3 European countries (Portugal, Germany, and France) and 4 Brazilian institutions. The complementary background and experience of the European and Brazilian partners is of main relevance to ensure the capacities required to achieve the proposed goals. In fact, the European Union (EU) and Brazil have very different resources and approaches in what concerns this area. Having huge hydro and fossil resources, Brazil has not been putting emphasis on distributed renewable based electricity generation. On the contrary, EU has been doing huge investments in this area, taking into account environmental concerns and also the economic EU external dependence dictated by huge requirements of energy related products imports. Sharing these different backgrounds allows the project team to propose new methodologies able to efficiently address the new challenges of smart grids.


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Em Portugal, no final da década de 90 do século XX, começaram a ser desenvolvidas estratégias de discriminação positiva visando garantir o cumprimento da escolaridade obrigatória e a luta contra a exclusão escolar e social, designadamente nas periferias das grandes cidades. É neste contexto que surgem as escolas e os Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária (TEIP) pelo Despacho nº147-B/ME/96, de 1 de Agosto de 1996. Este programa, inicialmente inspirado nas zonas de intervenção prioritárias francesas, visava a intervenção de vários parceiros locais (professores, alunos, pessoal não docente, associações de pais, autarquias locais, associações culturais e associações recreativas) na elaboração do Projeto Educativo. Com o XVII Governo Constitucional o programa foi redefinido passando a incluir novas vertentes: necessidade de existência de um projeto educativo próprio; consultadoria externa; avaliação periódica de resultados em diferentes domínios (taxas de insucesso e abandono escolar, assiduidade, comportamento, participação, inovações organizacionais, parcerias educativas estabelecidas no âmbito do Programa, etc.). Foi também alargado a todo o território nacional, envolvendo atualmente cento e cinco agrupamentos escolares. Com esta apresentação visamos analisar se as novas políticas e diretrizes, no domínio da educação prioritária, contribuíram para a emergência de novas estratégias pedagógicas, organizacionais e de envolvimento comunitário. Os elementos em que basearemos a nossa análise serão os seguintes: (i) relatório nacional do programa TEIP (2010-2011); (ii) relatórios do programa de avaliação externa das escolas; (iii) entrevistas realizadas aos atores locais, designadamente a coordenadores e consultores dos projetos TEIP. As conclusões da nossa comunicação centrar-se-ão no papel dos atores locais no desenvolvimento do Programa TEIP e no impacto deste programa na melhoria dos resultados académicos, na diminuição da indisciplina e violência escolar e na construção de percursos de vida que contrariem as tendências para a exclusão escolar e social.


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Devido ao facto de hoje em dia a informação que é processada numa rede informática empresarial, ser cada vez mais de ordem confidencial, torna-se necessário que essa informação esteja o mais protegida possível. Ao mesmo tempo, é necessário que esta a informação esteja disponível com a devida rapidez, para os parceiros certos, num mundo cada vez mais globalizado. Com este trabalho pretende-se efectuar o estudo e implementação da segurança, numa pequena e genérica rede de testes, que facilmente seja extrapolada, para uma rede da dimensão, de uma grande empresa com potenciais ramificações por diversos locais. Pretende-se implementar/monitorização segurança quer externamente, (Internet service provider ISP) quer internamente (activos de rede, postos de trabalho/utilizadores). Esta análise é baseada na localização (local, wireless ou remota), e, sempre que seja detectada qualquer anomalia, seja identificada a sua localização, sendo tomadas automaticamente acções de protecção. Estas anomalias poderão ser geridas recorrendo a ferramentas open source ou comerciais, que façam a recolha de toda a informação necessária, e tomem acções de correcção ou alerta mediante o tipo de anomalia.


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This paper is part of the results from the project "Implementation Strategies and Development of an Open and Distance Education System for the University of the Azores" funded by the European Social Fund. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/2327


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Nos últimos vinte e cinco anos o tema da autonomia e da administração e gestão escolar tem ocupado um lugar relevante na agenda política dos sucessivos Governos da República e na preocupação dos diferentes parceiros educativos. Rara tem sido a maioria política que resiste a dar o seu contributo sobre esta matéria, com o objetivo sempre confesso de outorgar maior autonomia às escolas. No enquadramento teórico da nossa investigação começamos por abordar a emergência do conceito de autonomia, nas suas diferentes dimensões e nos seus distintos significados. Não esquecemos também a analise das questões relacionadas com a problemática, cada vez mais atual da regulação múltipla. Analisamos de seguida a evolução da legislação portuguesa, operada a partir da publicação da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo com especial destaque às propostas de configuração dos órgãos de Direção e de Gestão das escolas e das competências atribuídas a cada um deles produzido pela CRSE e pelos decretos-leis 43/89, 172/91, 115-A/98 e 75/2008. A investigação empírica teve como objeto de análise dois agrupamentos localizados em concelhos distintos da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, e procurou determinar se o conselho geral de cada uma dessas unidades orgânicas, assume na totalidade as competências que lhe são conferidas pelo quadro legislativo em vigor, e nessa medida como se articula com os outros órgãos da direção no processo de tomada de decisão. Simultaneamente fizemos o contraponto com a imagem que os intervenientes na gestão intermédia de cada um dos agrupamentos construíram sobre o seu conselho geral e das relações de poder que se estabelecem no interior de cada uma das organizações. Para corresponder aos pressupostos da nossa investigação entrevistaram-se os diretores e os presidentes dos conselhos gerais e facultámos questionários aos docentes que desempenhavam cargos nos dois agrupamentos. Concluímos, em função do que pudemos analisar, que embora o conselho geral veja o seu papel na organização da escola formalmente reconhecido não consegue desempenhar na totalidade as funções que lhe são incumbidas, já que defronta o poder real do diretor e o poder oculto do conselho pedagógico, encontrando dificuldades em libertar-se do reino das sombras.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the core group for sexually transmitted infections (STI) among college students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in a convenience sample comprising 711 college students of the public university of Morelos, Mexico, between 2001 and 2003. Sociodemographic and sexual behavior information were collected using self-applied questionnaires. Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) infection was tested in the blood. The number of sexual partners in the last year and cocaine consumption were used as indicators to construct the dependent variable "level of STI risk" in three categories: low, medium and high risk (core group). A multinomial analysis was conducted to evaluate whether different sex behaviors were associated with the variable "level of STI risk". RESULTS: There was significant association between HSV-2 seroprevalence and the variable "level of STI risk": 13%, 5.6% and 3.8% were found in high (core group), medium and low categories, respectively. There were gender differences regarding the core group. Men started having sexual intercourse earlier, had more sex partners, higher alcohol and drug consumption, higher frequency of sex intercourse with sex workers, exchanging sex for money, occasional and concurrent partners compared to women. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest existing contextual characteristics in the study population that affect their sex behavior. In Mexico, the cultural conception of sexuality is determined mainly by gender differences where men engage in higher risky sexual behavior than women.