930 resultados para PARTNER CHROMOSOMES
This working report gives an overview of the Individual Project 12 “Vulnerability and growth. Developmental dynamics and differential effects of the loss of an intimate partner in the second half of life” of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES led by Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, University of Bern. This longitudinal and interdisciplinary project aims at examining vulnerability and personal growth after a critical life event, namely the break-up of a long-term intimate relationship in the second half of life, be it due to divorce or due to bereavement. In this report we present details about the rationale, the main research questions, the hypotheses and the methods of the study. Special attention is given to the methodological approach. The authors give a first sample description and report on the validity of the data by comparing the sample with Swiss Labour Force Survey and Swiss Health Survey data.
Ausgangslage und Fragestellung In der Forschung zum Selbstgespräch im Sport dominiert die Frage nach dessen Auswir-kungen auf die sprechende Person selber. Gemäss Diaz (1992) besitzt das offene Selbstgespräch aber neben der individuell-regulatorischen auch eine sozial-kommunikative Funktion. Diese sozial-kommunikative Funktion und der damit verbunde-ne Einfluss des Selbstgesprächs auf Beobachter wurden in der Sportwissenschaft bisher nur marginal untersucht (z.B. Gould & Weiss, 1981; Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius & Pe-titpas, 2006). Im angestrebten Forschungsvorhaben sollen zwei Fragen geklärt werden: Steht das of-fene, während dem Wettkampf geäusserte Selbstgespräch eines Athleten in Zusammen-hang mit dessen Selbstdarstellung? Beeinflusst das offene Selbstgespräch eines Athle-ten den Dyadenpartner und wie sie sich gegenseitig wahrnehmen? Methode Es werden Doppelpartien im Badminton per Videokamera aufgezeichnet. Mittels einer Korrelationsanalyse soll überprüft werden, ob die so erhobenen Selbstgesprächsaussa-gen mit dem Persönlichkeitsmerkmal „Selbstdarstellung“ der Probanden zusammenhän-gen. Nach Spielschluss werden die Probanden entsprechend eines video-stimulierten Fremdkonfrontationsinterviews mit Spielausschnitten konfrontiert, die offenes Selbstge-spräch ihres Dyadenpartners enthalten. Sie werden dabei nach ihren Kognitionen sowie Emotionen gefragt, die sie während der entsprechenden Spielsituation erlebten. Aktuelle Fragen Welcher Fragebogen zur Erhebung des Persönlichkeitsmerkmals „Selbstdarstellung“ soll Verwendung finden? Zur Auswahl steht ein noch zu übersetzender, validierter, engli-scher und sportspezifischer Fragebogen und die Verwendung eines deutschen Frage-bogens, der habituelle Selbstdarstellungstechniken im Allgemeinen erhebt. Wie soll beim video-stimulierten Fremdkonfrontationsinterview vorgegangen werden? Werden den Probanden z.B. das ganze Spiel oder nur ausgewählte Ausschnitte gezeigt, in denen offenes Selbstgespräch vorkommt? Wie zeitnah muss das Interview durchge-führt werden? Literatur Diaz, R. M. (1992). Methodological Concerns in the Study of Private Speech. In R. M. Diaz & L. E. Berk (Eds.), Private speech. From social interaction to self-regulation (pp. 55-81). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Gould, D. & Weiss, M. (1981). The effects of model similarity and model talk on self-efficacy and muscular endurance. Journal of Sport Psychology, 3, 17-29. Van Raalte, J. L., Brewer, B. W., Cornelius, A. E. & Petitpas, A. J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.
Trapped by their superordinate goal to maintain a grandiose self, narcissists navigate their relationships wishing to re-assure themselves of their specialness and superiority, using strategies bound to fail. Dyadic analyses of diary data (14 days, 83 couples) showed that narcissists focus on their partners’ shortcomings, becoming experts at detecting negative forms of support, while simultaneously minimizing their partner’s positive intentions. Partners of narcissists, in contrast, appear to have a positive bias in ongoing relationships and seem to compensate for some of the narcissists’ shortcomings. Narcissists’ focus on their own selfconstruction purposes also extends to their parenting roles. In a retrospective study, narcissistic mothers were found to demand superior performance, desiring to show-off their child, yet concurrently attributing their child’s success to themselves. They also exercise psychological control and role-reversal, requiring the child to cater to their needs, and to admire them, while simultaneously oblivious to their child’s needs and desires.
Background The mechanistic basis of speciation and in particular the contribution of behaviour to the completion of the speciation process is often contentious. Contact zones between related taxa provide a situation where selection against hybridization might reinforce separation by behavioural mechanisms, which could ultimately fully isolate the taxa. One of the most abundant European mammals, the common vole Microtus arvalis, forms multiple natural hybrid zones where rapidly diverging evolutionary lineages meet in secondary contact. Very narrow zones of hybridization spanning only a few kilometres and sex-specific gene flow patterns indicate reduced fitness of natural hybrids and incipient speciation between some of the evolutionary lineages. In this study, we examined the contribution of behavioural mechanisms to the speciation process in these rodents by fine-mapping allopatric and parapatric populations in the hybrid zone between the Western and Central lineages and experimental testing of the partner preferences of wild, pure-bred and hybrid female common voles. Results Genetic analysis based on microsatellite markers revealed the presence of multiple parapatric and largely non-admixed populations at distances of about 10 km at the edge of the area of natural hybridization between the Western and Central lineages. Wild females from Western parapatric populations and lab-born F1 hybrids preferred males from the Western lineage whereas wild females of Central parapatric origin showed no measurable preference. Furthermore, wild and lab-born females from allopatric populations of the Western or Central lineages showed no detectable preference for males from either lineage. Conclusions The detected partner preferences are consistent with asymmetrical reinforcement of pre-mating reproductive isolation mechanisms in the European common vole and with earlier results suggesting that hybridization is more detrimental to the Western lineage. As a consequence, these differences in behaviour might contribute to a further geographical stabilization of this moving hybrid zone. Such behavioural processes could also provide a mechanistic perspective for frequently-detected asymmetrical introgression patterns in the largely allopatrically diversifying Microtus genus and other rapidly speciating rodents.
Die Dissertation betrachtet herkömmliche Untersuchungen zum Thema Sprachloyalität bzw. Spracherhalt kritisch und eröffnet neue Perspektiven auf damit zusammenhängende Fragestellungen. Anstelle des meist gewählten, exklusiven Fokus auf die Beziehung zur (einzigen) Muttersprache und deren intergenerationellen Weitergabe, wird hier vorgeschlagen, Sprachbeziehungen und Sprachweitergabe als Formen von Mehrsprachigkeit zu untersuchen. Es soll dabei den theoretischen und methodologischen Herausforderungen begegnet werden, Sprachbeziehungen und Sprachweitergabe als Prozesse in ihren zeitlichen, räumlichen und sozialen Dimensionen anzugehen und im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher und individueller Vorstellungen und Praktiken einzubetten. In linguistisch-ethnographischer Herangehensweise werden dazu sprachbiografische Interviews und unterschiedliche Interaktionssituationen aus dem Alltag von binationalen, russisch-französischsprachigen Paaren und Familien in der französischsprachigen Schweiz im Hinblick auf Sprachideologien, narrative Identität und Sprachsozialisation analysiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Bedeutung der einzelnen Sprachen des individuellen Sprachenrepertoires für die russischsprachigen PartnerInnen (Sprachbeziehungen) und der Weitergabe des Russischen an die Kinder. Die Dissertation stellt somit auch eine der wenigen Arbeiten dar, welche das Thema des Spracherhalts in zweisprachig-binationalen Paaren/Familien in der Schweiz untersucht, und die erste, die sich dieser Frage in Bezug auf die Sprachkombination Russisch und Französisch annimmt.
Microcell-mediated chromosome transfer is a method of gene transfer which allows for the introduction of single or small groups of intact chromosomes into recipient host cells. Microcell transfer was first performed by Fournier and Ruddle using rodent microcells and various recipient cells. Expansion of this technology to include the transfer of normal human genetic material has been hindered because large micronucleate populations from diploid human cells have been unobtainable. This dissertation research describes, however, the methods for production of micronuclei in 40-60% of normal human fibroblasts. Once micronucleate cells were obtained, they were enucleated by centrifugation in the presence of Cytochalasin B; the microcells were then purified and fused to recipient mouse (LMTK('-)) cells using a new fusion protocol employing polyethylene glycol containing phytohemagglutinin. Microcell clones were isolated from the HAT selection system. Alkaline Giemsa staining performed on these hybrids indicated the presence of a single human chromosome in each of seven microcell clones from three separate experiments. That chromosome was further identified by G banding analysis to be human chromosome #17, which codes for thymidine kinase. The time course for production of these hybrids from fusion to karyotypic analysis was 6 weeks. The viability of the transferred human genetic material was assessed by electrophoretic isozyme analysis.^ Subsequent experiments were performed in an attempt to optimize the transfer frequency for the thymidine kinase gene using this system. Results indicated that the frequency could be increased from < 1 x 10('-6) in initial experiments to 2 x 10('-5) in the latest experiment. Analyses were also conducted to determine the number of chromosomes per isolated microcell as well as to investigate the stability of the transferred human chromosome in the mouse genome. ^
The phenomenon of premature chromosome condensation, resulting from fusion between mitotic and interphase cells, includes dissolution of the interphase nuclear framework, thus allowing a direct visualization of interphase chromosomes. Light microscope morphology of prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) from synchronized HeLa cells supports the model of an interphase "chromosome condensation cycle". PCC are increasingly attenuated as cells progress through G(,1). A maximum degree of decondensation is observed at active sites of DNA replication during S phase, and a condensed morphology is rapidly resumed following completion of replication of a chromosome segment.^ To permit ultrastructural and biochemical studies of PCC, a procedure was developed to induce premature chromosome condensation at high frequency. This was achieved by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated fusion of a dense monolayer of mitotic and interphase cells induced by centrifugation onto lectin-coated culture dishes. Using this method, PCC induction frequencies of 60-90% are routinely obtained.^ Scanning electron microscope analysis of PCC spreads revealed that the extension of PCC during progression through G(,1) is accompanied by a transition of the basic 30 nm chromatin fiber from tightly packed looping fibers to extended longitudinal fibers. Sites of active DNA replication is S-PCC were indicated to be organized a single longitudinal fibers. Following replication of a chromosome segment, a rapid reorganization from the extended longitudinal fiber to packed looping fibers occurs. The postreplication maturation process appears to include the assembly of a chromosome core consisting of multiple longitudinal fibers.^ The role of histone H1 phosphorylation in PCC formation was investigated by acidurea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total histone extracted from metaphase chromosomes and PCC following high frequency fusion. This investigation failed to demonstrate an extensive phosphorylation of H1 associated with PCC formation. However, significant dephosphorylation of superphosphorylated metaphase chromosome H1 was observed, indicating that interphase H1-phosphatase activity is dominant over metaphase H1 kinase activity. These observations provide evidence against models suggesting a role for H1 superphosphorylation in triggering mitotic condensation of chromosomes. ^
Molecular mechanisms that underlie preleukemic myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) are poorly understood. In MDS or AML with a refractory clinical course, more than 30% of patients have acquired interstitial or complete deletions of chromosome 5. The 5q13.3 chromosomal segment is commonly lost as the result of 5q deletion. Reciprocal and unbalanced translocations of 5q13.3 can also occur as sole anomalies associated with refractory AML or MDS. This study addresses the hypothesis that a critical gene at 5q13.3 functions either as a classical tumor suppressor or as a chromosomal translocation partner and contributes to leukemogenesis. ^ Previous studies from our laboratory delineated a critical region of loss to a 2.5–3.0Mb interval at 5q13.3 between microsatellite markers D5S672 and GATA-P18104. The critical region of loss was later resolved to an interval of approximately 2Mb between the markers D5S672 and D5S2029. I, then generated a long range physical map of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and developed novel sequence tagged sites (STS). To enhance the resolution of this map, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were used to construct a triply linked contig across a 1 Mb interval. These BACs were used as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on an AML cell line to define the 5q13.3 critical region. A 200kb BAC, 484a9, spans the translocation breakpoint in this cell line. A novel gene, SSDP2 (single stranded DNA binding protein), is disrupted at the breakpoint because its first four exons are encoded within 140kb of BAC 484a9. This finding suggests that SSDP2 is the critical gene at 5q13.3. ^ In addition, I made an observation that deletions of chromosome 5q13 co-segregate with loss of the chromosome 17p. In some cases the deletions result from unbalanced translocations between 5q13 and 17p13. It was confirmed that the TP53 gene is deleted in patients with 17p loss, and the remaining allele harbors somatic mutation. Thus, the genetic basis for the aggressive clinical course in AML and MDS may be caused by functional cooperation between deletion or disruption of the 5q13.3 critical gene and inactivation of TP53. ^
The public health advice to "either know your partner well, or use condoms" may have led to higher levels of risky sexual behaviour between well-acquainted individuals whose HIV status is unknown. This study assessed the extent to which college students believe that knowing their partner well eliminates the need to practice safer sex, and measured the relationship between such beliefs and the performance of necessary safer sexual practices, such as using condoms during sexual intercourse. Endorsement of beliefs that partner knowledge made safer sex unnecessary was common, and agreement with these beliefs correlated significantly and negatively with levels of AIDS preventive behaviours and behavioural intentions, especially among women. In conclusion, the public health dictum to "know your partner" has been widely internalized, and may be contributing to risky sexual behaviour. Consideration should be given to rejecting explicitly the "know your partner" advice, and to re-educating the public regarding the necessity of consistently practising safer sex with any individual whose HIV status is unknown.
The disparate burden of breast cancer-related morbidity and mortality experienced by African American women compared with women of other races is a topic of intense debate in the medical and public health arenas. The anomaly is consistently attributed to the fact that at diagnosis, a large proportion of African American women have advanced-stage disease. Extensive research has documented the impacts of cultural factors and of socioeconomic factors in shaping African American women's breast-health practices; however, there is another factor of a more subtle influence that might have some role in establishing these women's vulnerability to this disease: the lack of or perceived lack of partner support. Themes expressed in the research literature reflect that many African American breast cancer patients and survivors consider their male partners as being apathetic and nonsupportive. ^ The purpose of this study was to learn how African American couples' ethnographic paradigms and cultural explanatory model of breast cancer frame the male partners' responses to the women's diagnosis and to assess his ability to cope and willingness to adapt to the subsequent challenges. The goal of the study was to determine whether these men's coping and adaptation skills positively or negatively affect the women's self-care attitudes and behaviors. ^ This study involved 4 African American couples in which the woman was a breast cancer survivor. Participants were recruited through a community-based cancer support group and a church-based cancer support group. Recruitment sessions were held at regular meetings of these organizations. Accrual took 2 months. In separate sessions, each male partner and each survivor completed a demographic survey and a questionnaire and were interviewed. Additionally, the couples were asked to participate in a communications activity (Adinkra). This activity was not done to fulfill any part of the study purpose and was not included in the data analysis; rather, it was done to assess its potential use as an intervention to promote dialogue between African American partners about the experience of breast cancer. ^ The questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of a coding schema and the interview responses were analyzed on the principles of hermeneutic phenomenology. In both cases, the instruments were used to determine whether the partner's coping skills reflected a compassionate attitude (positive response) versus an apathetic attitude (negative response) and whether his adaptation skills reflected supportive behaviors (the positive response) versus nonsupportive behaviors (the negative response). Overall, the women's responses showed that they perceived of their partners as being compassionate, yet nonsupportive, and the partner's perceived of themselves likewise. Only half of the women said that their partners' coping and adaptation abilities enabled them to relinquish traditional concepts of control and focus on their own well-being. ^ The themes that emerged indicate that African American men's attitudes and behaviors regarding his female partner's diagnosis of breast cancer and his ability to cope and willingness to adapt are influenced by their ritualistic mantras, folk beliefs, religious teachings/spiritual values, existential ideologies, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors and by their established perceptions of what causes breast cancer, what the treatments and outcomes are, and how the disease affects the entire family, particularly him. These findings imply that a culturally specific intervention might be useful in educating African American men about breast cancer and their roles in supporting their female partners, physically and psychologically, during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. ^
The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of Mexican American women living with intimate partner abuse relevant to the process of disclosure of abuse. Limited research exists on the experiences of women who are of Mexican descent living with intimate partner abuse and their disclosure of abuse. Factors that influence disclosure for other populations are well articulated in the literature however, these factors have not been adequately verified in persons of Mexican descent. Data are reported from in-depth interviews with 26 clients at a shelter and an outreach agency in a south Texas-Mexico border community. Semi-structured interview guide was used to elicit information over an 11 month period. A grounded theory ethnography approach was used to analyze data. Verification strategies and constant comparison techniques (e.g. investigator responsiveness, methodological coherence, sampling adequacy, an active analytic stance, and saturation) enhanced rigor of analysis. Nineteen Mexican immigrant women and seven Mexican American women participated in the study. Several themes were discerned related to women's experiences in abuse: painful living, questioning endurance, and confronting reality. In almost every participant's account there was a description of repeated victimization by her intimate partner or partners, and again, by others within and outside her network. The participants discussed several cultural factors (e.g. embarrassment, concerns for family, avoidance of causing pain to family, protection of partner, avoidance of being judged) that hindered their decisions whether or not to disclose. Participants noted that healthcare workers rarely asked probing questions regarding abuse. The timing and process of disclosure took many turns for women in this study. Some of the factors hindering women from disclosing were found to be influenced by cultural practices. The consequences of disclosure for many of the women led them to re-victimization. Implications for practice to avoid missed opportunities with women living in abuse are to: ask questions routinely to encourage disclosure of abuse and offer community resource information for women living in abuse or both.^
Violence against women has been recognized as a significant worldwide human rights issue and public health problem. Women of reproductive age may be particularly at risk, and pregnancy may trigger or escalate violence. Using data available from Demographic and Health Surveys on 271,103 women of reproductive age (15-49) from Bolivia, Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Haiti, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, and Zambia, this study examined the nature of domestic violence during pregnancy in developing countries, including prevalence, demographic and risk factors, maternal and child health outcomes, perpetrators of violence, help-seeking behavior, and social support. In the majority of countries analyzed, violence during pregnancy consistently occurred at approximately one-third the rate at which domestic violence occurred overall. Younger women and women with more children were particularly at risk. Abuse during pregnancy was significantly associated with history of a terminated pregnancy and under-5 child mortality in most countries, and with neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in most Latin American countries. Women who were abused during pregnancy were most often abused by their current or former husband or boyfriend and most never attempted to seek help. In most countries that examined social support, women abused during pregnancy had significantly less contact with family and friends. Implications for practice and research are discussed. ^