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While for political, economic and social justice reasons, there is now an emphasis on ensuring that all children achieve educationally, including those whose ethnicity, 'race' or socio-economic status are different from the dominant culture, multiple and often contradictory discourses operate concerning how teachers should work with diversity. Within post-structural theories, 'race', socio-economic status, gender and ethnicity are theorised as fluid, dynamic and interconnected categories of identity. In this article, working with post-structuralist concepts including notions of 'discourse', 'subjectivities', and 'investments', I briefly review a number of discourses around identities and difference that play out within education, particularly in Australia, but with reference to research in North America, and the United Kingdom as well. I then draw on research data to present a case study of one teacher's perspective on diversity. Using his childhood experiences of being both an 'insider' and 'outsider' in mainstream culture, I speculate on how his subjectivities shape and are shaped by his professional identity and relations with students. I discuss his understanding of diversity and of socially just pedagogies in light of current discourses and consider some implications for how teacher education might develop richer, more complex understandings of diversity.


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This paper uses audience research data to examine the positioning of Indigenous theatre in the Australian theatre environment. Kooemba Jdarra is an Aboriginal theatre company in Brisbane, Australia, with a distinguished history of developing Aboriginal artists, writers and directors. However, it has struggled to maintain its positioning because of the perceived risks of participation by audiences who prefer to see Indigenous theatre within the program of the mainstream state theatre company. The paper concludes with strategies for decreasing risk for audiences and for greater advocacy by the company in positioning itself in the mainstream Australia theatre environment.


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This research was undertaken to explore the effectiveness of an already established community of practice among staff at a small rurally-based training organisation as a vehicle through which to develop innovative practice in online collaboration and learning. The research was situated within that ongoing innovation, and used interview and observational techniques to generate the research data from staff and management personnel. Substantial limitations to using an already existing community of practice to develop innovative practice were shown in the research. Development of new behaviours was substantially inhibited by the power of already established behaviours and practices. Additionally, lack of sufficient experience among community members in online technologies was a further barrier to effective and orderly development. The research indicates that the achievement of innovative practice through communities of practice within existing workplaces may best be served by the strategic development of members of those communities, focusing on change from already established behaviours, and by ensuring a mix of skill and experience to support and lead less experienced participants.


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In social science research, the demographic categories of ethnicity are linked to what the census bureau considers as a person’s ethnic heritage. However, these categories are based on the societal assumption that members of a given category share the same characteristics and life experiences, even though the heterogeneity between members within a category may be as diverse as between categories. The paper examines the 15 interview subjects of a research study drawn from 10 minority migrant groups, where seven of them indicated significant transcultural experiences before migrating to Australia. It argues that their lived experiences and subjectivity vary from others who migrated directly from their native countries. The formers’ diaspora consciousness and transcultural mixtures may introduce an artifact to a research study’s design, affecting the validity of the data collected. The paper examines other situations where this anomaly can occur and proposes precautions
to minimize its negative effects.


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The research considered the impact on the range of decision areas available to strategy setting for organisations internationalising part of their operations to reduce costs. The research utilised qualitative research data collected from interviews with 10 CEOs based on a structured interview guide formulated around the principal issues identified in the literature. Thematic analysis was used to extract evidence in relation to issues identified in the literature as well as new issues not currently identified .It found that internationalisation significantly reduced the range of decision areas available for strategic decision making. This affected the range of inputs to the formulation process, as well as the strategic choice options available. Organisations internationalising operations to reduce costs should increase levels of staff involvement through revolutionary strategy formulation processes, adopted more centralised corporate strategy processes and utilise a clearly differentiated and sequential relationship between corporate and business level strategies. The findings indicate that different strategy formulation processes are required for different levels of internationalisation of operations to reduce operating costs. Research into international strategy must recognize the change in the approach to strategy formulation that occurs as organisations increase their level of international operations. Future research to identify whether the currently generally adopted strategy formulation processes are adequate for all levels of internationalisation of operations should be pursued.


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Abstract - Parks Victoria manages Victoria's (Australia) national, state and urban parks. These parks make up approximately 17% of the state's area and annually receive 45.3 million visits. Parks Victoria has been dedicated to the development of scientifically sound methods for monitoring visitors and the community since 1994. The three main ongoing monitoring streams are: visit quantities, community perceptions of management and visitor experience (Visitor Satisfaction Monitor). Accumulated research data from the Visitor Satisfaction Monitor (VSM) has been used to profile and refine the organisation's understanding of its various park visitors. After 10 years that data has matured to produce a comprehensive visitor-product market segmentation. Over 11,000 interviews at 34 major parks (including 68 visitor sites) between 2000 and 2004 were used to group park visitors into seven segments. The segments are Nature Admirers, Urban Socials Trail Users, Passives and Other Users, Activity Centrics, Access Made Easy and Country Vacationers. Each park visitor segment, or group, had substantial differences from the other groups, while the individuals within each segment had much more in common; Nature Admirers visit in small groups for a short spectacular scenic experience whereas Urban Socials visit in large groups for half-day social interactions such as birthday parties and picnics. Further analyses have been conducted to identify individual sub-segments within each of the major segments. These sub-segments provide detailed information that can be used for the future development of parks and associated services. Subsequent analysis using Structural Equation Modelling provides evidence that the relationships between services and satisfaction are better understood when considering segments. Parks Victoria has been using segments in park management applications such as wild fire recovery plans, tourism strategy formulation, park management planning and visitor risk management. It has proved to be an efficient and effective systematic way of meeting visitor needs.


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Medium access control for wireless sensor networks has been an active
research area in the past decade. This chapter discusses a set of important medium access control (MAC) attributes and possible design trade-offs in protocol design, with an emphasis on energy efficiency. Then we categorize existing MAC protocols into five groups, outline the representative protocols, and compare their advantages and disadvantages in the context of wireless sensor network. Finally, thoughts for practitioners are presented and open research issues are also discussed.


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This case study explores what informs and organizes the assessment of patients, as undertaken by a nurse, a social worker and a psychiatrist in public, metropolitan, acute mental health service settings. The research data are the transcripts of in-depth interviews with three experienced practitioners, one from each of the three disciplines. The analysis draws on Foucauldian concepts: discourse as constructed through practices of discipline and the gaze. We explored examples of taken-for-granted assessment practices and their interplay with discourse. The findings suggest that participating practitioners use language in assessment in ways that support the powerful discourses of the professional disciplines. The competing discourse of management, associated with industry and economics, is evident in hospital admission processes, dictating the times and places of assessment. Professional and management discourses both effectively marginalize the perspective of another player in assessment, the patient.


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The ACTU amalgamation and rationalisation strategy was successful in reducing the number of unions. However Australian union membership has plunged. The empirical research data extends the existing Australian industrial relations research in several respects and may be used as a bench-mark for future longitudinal research into Australian member-union satisfaction.


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This paper reports on a small-scale research inquiry, designed to support teachers in a Melbourne primary school to bring together the arts, reading and writing in their classrooms in ways that create possibilities for "art-full" teaching and learning. The principal, concerned by underperformance on State literacy tests of the school’s largely working-class and NESB population, requested David Hornsby and other members of the project team from the Education Faculty at La Trobe University to offer whole-school professional development. The focus was on developing oral language as a foundation for literacy learning, enacting Britton’s claim that “reading and writing float on a sea of talk”. The project team introduced the teachers to a range of innovative classroom practices for using visual and performance arts, literature, music and crafts. Drawing on video, interviews and writing samples, a number of teachers worked collaboratively with the research team to develop case studies of individual students with a range of literacy aptitudes and social skills. A key research question was: "What do children take from their engagement in arts-based activities into reading of literary texts, and potentially into writing from the perspective of another character?" In this paper we ponder this from three vantage points: by outlining the informing principles in our research project; confirming insights from current interdisciplinary work about children learning to see, do, act and say in play; and analysing the research data from the initial phase.


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In Australian schools, "inclusion" is a term that is used to challenge a previously narrow focus on students with disabilities and their integration within and distribution amongst "mainstream" schools and classrooms. Nevertheless, this article argues that, as a concept, "inclusion" requires further broadening and deepening, particularly in arenas of practice, if it is to serve the interests of all students. Informed by notions of recognitive justice, the paper advocates rethinking inclusion to accommodate student differences in more socially just ways - emphasising students' contributions rather than their disabilities - and what this means for the organisation of classrooms and schools. Within the article, research data are focused primarily on students with learning disabilities and draw on twenty semi-structured interviews conducted with parents and teachers across six Australian state primary and secondary schools. Three sets of conditions are proposed as necessary for inclusive classroom and school processes: specifically, those that promote self-identity and respect, self expression and development and selfdetermination and decision-making.


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This article presents qualitative research data about the sexuality of men and teenage boys with moderate to profound intellectual disability. Research findings pointed to a conditional construct of sexuality based within a biopsychosocial framework. The notion Conditionally Sexual represents the perceived limitations, within a rights-based discourse, of these men and teenage boys’ sexuality. The limitations to person-centred service delivery from a policy vacuum in the area of sexuality and intellectual disability represents a major challenge for paid staff. We suggest that a move toward better understanding how to support such a conditional sexual construct will assist the development of a healthy masculine sexuality for men and boys with intellectual disability.


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Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to examine the extent to which there is shared meaning of the concept of auditor independence between the three major groups of parties on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market – auditors, financial report preparers and financial report users.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper utilises the measurement of meaning framework (semantic differential analysis) originally proposed by Osgood et al. in 1957. The framework is used to investigate the extent to which there is shared meaning (agreement in interpretations) of the independence concept, in response to alternative audit engagement case contexts, between key parties to the financial reporting communication process. The study's research data was collected in the period March 2004-May 2005.

Findings – Findings indicate a robust and stable single-factor cognitive structure within which the research participants interpret the connotative meaning of the auditor independence concept. An analysis of the experimental cases finds similarities in connotations (interpretations) of an audit firm's independence for the participant groups for most cases, with the exception of cases involving the joint provision of audit and non-audit (taxation) services.

Research limitations/implications – The usual external validity threat that applies to experimental research generally applies to the study. That is, the results may not be generalisable to settings beyond those examined in the study. An important implication of the study is that it emphasises the continuing problematic nature of the joint provision of audit and non-audit services, even in situations where the non-audit services comprise only traditional taxation services.

Originality/value – The study is the first to examine the concept of auditor independence by means of the Osgood et al. measurement of meaning research framework using, as research participants, the three major groups on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market.


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In this paper, qualitative results of a case study about the professional knowledge in the area of argumentation and proof of future teachers from universities in three countries are described. Based on results of open questionnaires, data about the competencies these future teachers have in the areas of mathematical knowledge and knowledge of mathematics pedagogy are presented. The study shows that the majority of the future teachers at the participating universities situated in Germany, Hong Kong and Australia, were not able to execute formal proofs, requiring only lower secondary mathematical content, in an adequate and mathematically correct way. In contrast, in all samples there was evidence of at least average competencies of pedagogical content reflection about formal and pre-formal proving in mathematics teaching. However, it appears that possessing a mathematical background as mandated for teaching and having a high affinity with proving in mathematics teaching at the lower secondary level are not a sufficient preparation for teaching proof.