972 resultados para One cycle control


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The Myc oncoproteins belong to a family of transcription factors composed by Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc. The most studied components of this family are Myc and N-Myc because their expressions are frequently deregulated in a wide range of cancers. These oncoproteins can act both as activators or repressors of gene transcription. As activators, they heterodimerize with Max (Myc associated X-factor) and the heterodimer recognizes and binds a specific sequence elements (E-Box) onto gene promoters recruiting histone acetylase and inducing transcriptional activation. Myc-mediated transcriptional repression is a quite debated issue. One of the first mechanisms defined for the Myc-mediated transcriptional repression consisted in the interaction of Myc-Max complex Sp1 and/or Miz1 transcription factors already bound to gene promoters. This interaction may interfere with their activation functions by recruiting co-repressors such as Dnmt3 or HDACs. Moreover, in the absence of , Myc may interfere with the Sp1 activation function by direct interaction and subsequent recruitment of HDACs. More recently the Myc/Max complex was also shown to mediate transcriptional repression by direct binding to peculiar E-box. In this study we analyzed the role of Myc overexpression in Osteosarcoma and Neuroblastoma oncogenesis and the mechanisms underling to Myc function. Myc overexpression is known to correlate with chemoresistance in Osteosarcoma cells. We extended this study by demonstrating that c-Myc induces transcription of a panel of ABC drug transporter genes. ABCs are a large family trans-membrane transporter deeply involved in multi drug resistance. Furthermore expression levels of Myc, ABCC1, ABCC4 and ABCF1 were proved to be important prognostic tool to predict conventional therapy failure. N-Myc amplification/overexpression is the most important prognostic factor for Neuroblastoma. Cyclin G2 and Clusterin are two genes often down regulated in neuroblastoma cells. Cyclin G2 is an atypical member of Cyclin family and its expression is associated with terminal differentiation and apoptosis. Moreover it blocks cell cycle progression and induces cell growth arrest. Instead, CLU is a multifunctional protein involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Several lines of evidences support the view that CLU may act as a tumour suppressor in Neuroblastoma. In this thesis I showed that N-Myc represses CCNG2 and CLU transcription by different mechanisms. • N-Myc represses CCNG2 transcription by directly interacting with Sp1 bound in CCNG2 promoter and recruiting HDAC2. Importantly, reactivation of CCNG2 expression through epigenetic drugs partially reduces N-Myc and HDAC2 mediated cell proliferation. • N-Myc/Max complex represses CLU expression by direct binding to a peculiar E-box element on CLU promoter and by recruitment of HDACs and Polycomb Complexes, to the CLU promoter. Overall our findings strongly support the model in which Myc overexpression/amplification may contribute to some aspects of oncogenesis by a dual action: i) transcription activation of genes that confer a multidrug resistant phenotype to cancer cells; ii), transcription repression of genes involved in cell cycle inhibition and cellular differentiation.


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Carbonylsulfid (COS) ist eines der stabilsten reduzierten schwefelhaltigen Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In der gut durchmischten Troposphäre bewegt sich seine Konzentration um 500 ppt. COS spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktion von stratosphärischem Aerosol und im Ozon Zyklus. Dieses Spurengas hat eine Vielfalt an natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen, denen gleichstarke Senken, darunter die dominanten wie Vegetation und Boden, gegenüber stehen. Die Stärke der Senken ist trotz langjähriger Forschungen immer noch Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Daher ist es wichtig die kontrollierenden Parameter zu charakterisieren. Alle Austauschmessungen vor 1990 vermuteten Böden als Quelle von COS, was aber durch Castro and Galloway (1991) klar widerlegt wurde. Heute werden Böden in Ergänzung zur Vegetation grundsätzlich als Senke betrachtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Bodenproben auf den Austausch von Carbonylsulfid mit der Atmosphäre unter verschiedenen Umgebungsbedingungen untersucht. Drei Ackerböden aus Deutschland, China und Finnland und zwei Waldböden aus Sibirien und Surinam konnten parametrisiert werden in Relation zur atmosphärischen Umgebungskonzentration, Temperatur und Bodenfeuchte (WC). Neben Umgebungskonzentration und Bodenfeuchte, scheinen Bodenstruktur und enzymatische Aktivität die Richtung und Größe des Austauschflusses zu kontrollieren. Die übereinstimmenden Optima für boreale Böden in Relation zum wassergefüllten Porenvolumen des Bodens (WFPS) und die Linearität zwischen Depositionsgeschwindigkeit (Vd) und Bulk density lassen auf eine Dominanz der Abhängigkeit der COS-Aufnahme von der durch WFPS bestimmten Diffusionsfähigkeit schließen. WFPS ist abhängig von WC, Bodenstruktur und Bodenporosität. In Ergänzung zu diesen eher physikalischen Parametern konnte die Carboanhydrase (CA) als kontrollierendes Enzym in Böden identifiziert werden. Erste Versuche zur direkten Bestimmung der CA in den untersuchten Böden erlaubten eine erste, aber noch sehr ungenaue Abschätzung der Enzymaktivität.


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microRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are frequently involved in carcinogenesis. Although many miRNAs form part of integrated networks, little information is available how they interact with each other to control cellular processes. miR-34a and miR-15a/16 are functionally related; they share common targets and control similar processes including G1-S cell cycle progression and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined action of miR-34a and miR-15a/16 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells.


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Equivalence testing is growing in use in scientific research outside of its traditional role in the drug approval process. Largely due to its ease of use and recommendation from the United States Food and Drug Administration guidance, the most common statistical method for testing (bio)equivalence is the two one-sided tests procedure (TOST). Like classical point-null hypothesis testing, TOST is subject to multiplicity concerns as more comparisons are made. In this manuscript, a condition that bounds the family-wise error rate (FWER) using TOST is given. This condition then leads to a simple solution for controlling the FWER. Specifically, we demonstrate that if all pairwise comparisons of k independent groups are being evaluated for equivalence, then simply scaling the nominal Type I error rate down by (k - 1) is sufficient to maintain the family-wise error rate at the desired value or less. The resulting rule is much less conservative than the equally simple Bonferroni correction. An example of equivalence testing in a non drug-development setting is given.


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Changes in the levels of female sex hormones during the menstrual cycle may cause cyclic differences in subgingival bacterial colonization patterns. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle cause changes in the oral microbiota. METHODS: Bacterial plaque samples were collected in 20 systemically and periodontally healthy women using no hormonal contraceptives (test group) over a period of 6 weeks. Twenty age-matched systemically and periodontally healthy men were assigned to the control group. Samples were processed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization assay, and 74 species were analyzed. RESULTS: No cyclic pattern of bacterial colonization was identified for any of the 74 species studied in women not using hormonal contraceptives. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans) (Y4) was common at the beginning of menstruation (mean: 32%) and increased during the following 2 weeks (36%) in women (P <0.05). No cyclic differences in bacterial presence were found among the men (P values varied between 0.14 and 0.98). Men presented with significantly higher bacterial counts for 40 of 74 species (P <0.001), including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa but not Porphyromonas gingivalis (P = 0.15) or Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis) (P = 0.42). CONCLUSIONS: During a menstruation period, cyclic variation in the subgingival microbiota of periodontally healthy women of child-bearing age who were not using oral hormonal contraceptives could not be confirmed. Male control subjects presented with higher levels of many species but also without a cyclic pattern.


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BACKGROUND: Interaction refers to the situation in which the effect of 1 exposure on an outcome differs across strata of another exposure. We did a survey of epidemiologic studies published in leading journals to examine how interaction is assessed and reported. METHODS: We selected 150 case-control and 75 cohort studies published between May 2001 and May 2007 in leading general medicine, epidemiology, and clinical specialist journals. Two reviewers independently extracted data on study characteristics. RESULTS: Of the 225 studies, 138 (61%) addressed interaction. Among these, 25 (18%) presented no data or only a P value or a statement of statistical significance; 40 (29%) presented stratum-specific effect estimates but no meaningful comparison of these estimates; and 58 (42%) presented stratum-specific estimates and appropriate tests for interaction. Fifteen articles (11%) presented the individual effects of both exposures and also their joint effect or a product term, providing sufficient information to interpret interaction on an additive and multiplicative scale. Reporting was poorest in articles published in clinical specialist articles and most adequate in articles published in general medicine journals, with epidemiology journals in an intermediate position. CONCLUSIONS: A majority of articles reporting cohort and case-control studies address possible interactions between exposures. However, in about half of these, the information provided was unsatisfactory, and only 1 in 10 studies reported data that allowed readers to interpret interaction effects on an additive and multiplicative scale.


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The tropical montane forests of the E Andean cordillera in Ecuador receive episodic Sahara-dust inputs particularly increasing Ca deposition. We added CaCl2 to isolate the effect of Ca deposition by Sahara dust to tropical montane forest from the simultaneously occurring pH effect. We examined components of the Ca cycle at four control plots and four plots with added Ca (2 × 5 kg ha–1 Ca annually as CaCl2) in a random arrangement. Between August 2007 and December 2009 (four applications of Ca), we determined Ca concentrations and fluxes in litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfall, and fine litterfall and Al concentrations and speciation in soil solutions. After 1 y of Ca addition, we assessed fine-root biomass, leaf area, and tree growth. Only < 3% of the applied Ca leached below the acid organic layer (pH 3.5–4.8). The added CaCl2 did not change electrical conductivity in the root zone after 2 y. In the second year of fertilization, Ca retention in the canopy of the Ca treatment tended to decrease relative to the control. After 2 y, 21% of the applied Ca was recycled to soil with throughfall and litterfall. One year after the first Ca addition, fine-root biomass had decreased significantly. Decreasing fine-root biomass might be attributed to a direct or an indirect beneficial effect of Ca on the soil decomposer community. Because of almost complete association of Al with dissolved organic matter and high free Ca2+ : Al3+ activity ratios in solution of all plots, Al toxicity was unlikely. We conclude that the added Ca was retained in the system and had beneficial effects on some plants.


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Abstract Lake Ohrid is probably of Pliocene age, and the oldest extant lake in Europe. In this study climatic and environmental changes during the last glacial-interglacial cycle are reconstructed using lithological, sedimentological, geochemical and physical proxy analysis of a 15-m-long sediment succession from Lake Ohrid. A chronological framework is derived from tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating, which yields a basal age of ca. 136 ka. The succession is not continuous, however, with a hiatus between ca. 97.6 and 81.7 ka. Sediment accumulation in course of the last climatic cycle is controlled by the complex interaction of a variety of climate-controlled parameters and their impact on catchment dynamics, limnology, and hydrology of the lake. Warm interglacial and cold glacial climate conditions can be clearly distinguished from organic matter, calcite, clastic detritus and lithostratigraphic data. During interglacial periods, short-term fluctuations are recorded by abrupt variations in organic matter and calcite content, indicating climatically-induced changes in lake productivity and hydrology. During glacial periods, high variability in the contents of coarse silt to fine sand sized clastic matter is probably a function of climatically-induced changes in catchment dynamics and wind activity. In some instances tephra layers provide potential stratigraphic markers for short-lived climate perturbations. Given their widespread distribution in sites across the region, tephra analysis has the potential to provide insight into variation in the impact of climate and environmental change across the Mediterranean.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common and potentially debilitating lower airway disease in horses, which shares many similarities with human asthma. In susceptible horses RAO exacerbation is caused by environmental allergens and irritants present in hay dust. The objective of this study was the identification of genes and pathways involved in the pathology of RAO by global transcriptome analyses in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We performed RNA-seq on PBMCs derived from 40 RAO affected and 45 control horses belonging to three cohorts of Warmblood horses: two half-sib families and one group of unrelated horses. PBMCs were stimulated with hay dust extract, lipopolysaccharides, a recombinant parasite antigen, or left unstimulated. The total dataset consisted of 561 individual samples. We detected significant differences in the expression profiles between RAO and control horses. Differential expression (DE) was most marked upon stimulation with hay dust extract. An important novel finding was a strong upregulation of CXCL13 together with many genes involved in cell cycle regulation in stimulated samples from RAO affected horses, in addition to changes in the expression of several HIF-1 transcription factor target genes. The RAO condition alters systemic changes observed as differential expression profiles of PBMCs. Those changes also depended on the cohort and stimulation of the samples and were dominated by genes involved in immune cell trafficking, development, and cell cycle regulation. Our findings indicate an important role of CXCL13, likely macrophage or Th17 derived, and the cell cycle regulator CDC20 in the immune response in RAO.


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The levels of histone mRNA increase 35-fold as selectively detached mitotic CHO cells progress from mitosis through G1 and into S phase. Using an exogenous gene with a histone 3' end which is not sensitive to transcriptional or half-life regulation, we show that 3' processing is regulated as cells progress from G1 to S phase. The half-life of histone mRNA is similar in G1- and S-phase cells, as measured after inhibition of transcription by actinomycin D (dactinomycin) or indirectly after stabilization by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Taken together, these results suggest that the change in histone mRNA levels between G1- and S-phase cells must be due to an increase in the rate of biosynthesis, a combination of changes in transcription rate and processing efficiency. In G2 phase, there is a rapid 35-fold decrease in the histone mRNA concentration which our results suggest is due primarily to an altered stability of histone mRNA. These results are consistent with a model for cell cycle regulation of histone mRNA levels in which the effects on both RNA 3' processing and transcription, rather than alterations in mRNA stability, are the major mechanisms by which low histone mRNA levels are maintained during G1.


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Background Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the protozoan Besnoitia besnoiti, reduces productivity and fertility of affected herds. Besnoitiosis continues to expand in Europe and no effective control tools are currently available. Experimental models are urgently needed. Herein, we describe for the first time the kinetics of standardised in vitro models for the B. besnoiti lytic cycle. This will aid to study the pathogenesis of the disease, in the screening for vaccine targets and drugs potentially useful for the treatment of besnoitiosis. Methods We compared invasion and proliferation of one B. tarandi (from Finland) and seven B. besnoiti isolates (Bb-Spain1, Bb-Spain2, Bb-Israel, Bb-Evora03, Bb-Ger1, Bb-France, Bb-Italy2) in MARC-145 cell culture. Host cell invasion was studied at 4, 6, 8 and 24 h post infection (hpi), and proliferation characteristics were compared at 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 hpi. Results In Besnoitia spp., the key parameters that determine the sequential adhesion-invasion, proliferation and egress steps are clearly distinct from those in the related apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Besnoitia spp. host cell invasion is a rather slow process, since only 50 % of parasites were found intracellular after 3–6 h of exposure to host cells, and invasion still took place after 24 h. Invasion efficacy was significantly higher for Bb-France, Bb-Evora03 and Bb-Israel. In addition, the time span for endodyogeny to take place was as long as 18–35 h. Bb-Israel and B. tarandi isolates were most prolific, as determined by the tachyzoite yield at 72 hpi. The total tachyzoite yield could not be predicted neither by invasion-related parameters (velocity and half time invasion) nor by proliferation parameters (lag phase and doubling time (dT)). The lytic cycle of Besnoitia was asynchronous as evidenced by the presence of three different plaque-forming tachyzoite categories (lysis plaques, large and small parasitophorous vacuoles). Conclusions This study provides first insights into the lytic cycle of B. besnoiti isolates and a standardised in vitro model that allows screening of drug candidates for the treatment of besnoitiosis.


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A partir de la aceptación de la biblioteca como parte del ciclo de creación, organización y diseminación del conocimiento cambió el concepto de la misma de una entidad cerrada hacia un sistema dinámico en constante interacción con su entorno. Así se la reconoció como una institución social más que como una colección de documentos. Desde entonces se percibió a la biblioteca como una entidad en la que se podía aplicar los principios de gestión. Desde entonces se utilizaron distintas herramientas de gestión para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de las bibliotecas. Entre estas herramientas son de gran importancia en el control estadístico de procesos los gráficos de control, utilizados para medir la estabilidad de un proceso a través del tiempo. Han tenido amplia aplicación en el control estadístico de la calidad, comenzando en el ámbito industrial. Hoy su aplicación se ha extendido a una gran variedad de disciplinas incluyen empresas de servicios y unidades administrativas. Aquí se presentan a los gráficos de control como una importante herramienta de gestión aplicada a los procesos técnicos permitiendo su evaluación y el monitoreo de su desempeño a partir de la utilización de indicadores y otros datos de carácter diagnóstico


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A partir de la aceptación de la biblioteca como parte del ciclo de creación, organización y diseminación del conocimiento cambió el concepto de la misma de una entidad cerrada hacia un sistema dinámico en constante interacción con su entorno. Así se la reconoció como una institución social más que como una colección de documentos. Desde entonces se percibió a la biblioteca como una entidad en la que se podía aplicar los principios de gestión. Desde entonces se utilizaron distintas herramientas de gestión para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de las bibliotecas. Entre estas herramientas son de gran importancia en el control estadístico de procesos los gráficos de control, utilizados para medir la estabilidad de un proceso a través del tiempo. Han tenido amplia aplicación en el control estadístico de la calidad, comenzando en el ámbito industrial. Hoy su aplicación se ha extendido a una gran variedad de disciplinas incluyen empresas de servicios y unidades administrativas. Aquí se presentan a los gráficos de control como una importante herramienta de gestión aplicada a los procesos técnicos permitiendo su evaluación y el monitoreo de su desempeño a partir de la utilización de indicadores y otros datos de carácter diagnóstico


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A partir de la aceptación de la biblioteca como parte del ciclo de creación, organización y diseminación del conocimiento cambió el concepto de la misma de una entidad cerrada hacia un sistema dinámico en constante interacción con su entorno. Así se la reconoció como una institución social más que como una colección de documentos. Desde entonces se percibió a la biblioteca como una entidad en la que se podía aplicar los principios de gestión. Desde entonces se utilizaron distintas herramientas de gestión para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de las bibliotecas. Entre estas herramientas son de gran importancia en el control estadístico de procesos los gráficos de control, utilizados para medir la estabilidad de un proceso a través del tiempo. Han tenido amplia aplicación en el control estadístico de la calidad, comenzando en el ámbito industrial. Hoy su aplicación se ha extendido a una gran variedad de disciplinas incluyen empresas de servicios y unidades administrativas. Aquí se presentan a los gráficos de control como una importante herramienta de gestión aplicada a los procesos técnicos permitiendo su evaluación y el monitoreo de su desempeño a partir de la utilización de indicadores y otros datos de carácter diagnóstico


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Desde la aparición del turborreactor, el motor aeróbico con turbomaquinaria ha demostrado unas prestaciones excepcionales en los regímenes subsónico y supersónico bajo. No obstante, la operación a velocidades superiores requiere sistemas más complejos y pesados, lo cual ha imposibilitado la ejecución de estos conceptos. Los recientes avances tecnológicos, especialmente en materiales ligeros, han restablecido el interés por los motores de ciclo combinado. La simulación numérica de estos nuevos conceptos es esencial para estimar las prestaciones de la planta propulsiva, así como para abordar las dificultades de integración entre célula y motor durante las primeras etapas de diseño. Al mismo tiempo, la evaluación de estos extraordinarios motores requiere una metodología de análisis distinta. La tesis doctoral versa sobre el diseño y el análisis de los mencionados conceptos propulsivos mediante el modelado numérico y la simulación dinámica con herramientas de vanguardia. Las distintas arquitecturas presentadas por los ciclos combinados basados en sendos turborreactor y motor cohete, así como los diversos sistemas comprendidos en cada uno de ellos, hacen necesario establecer una referencia común para su evaluación. Es más, la tendencia actual hacia aeronaves "más eléctricas" requiere una nueva métrica para juzgar la aptitud de un proceso de generación de empuje en el que coexisten diversas formas de energía. A este respecto, la combinación del Primer y Segundo Principios define, en un marco de referencia absoluto, la calidad de la trasferencia de energía entre los diferentes sistemas. Esta idea, que se ha estado empleando desde hace mucho tiempo en el análisis de plantas de potencia terrestres, ha sido extendida para relacionar la misión de la aeronave con la ineficiencia de cada proceso involucrado en la generación de empuje. La metodología se ilustra mediante el estudio del motor de ciclo combinado variable de una aeronave para el crucero a Mach 5. El diseño de un acelerador de ciclo combinado basado en el turborreactor sirve para subrayar la importancia de la integración del motor y la célula. El diseño está limitado por la trayectoria ascensional y el espacio disponible en la aeronave de crucero supersónico. Posteriormente se calculan las prestaciones instaladas de la planta propulsiva en función de la velocidad y la altitud de vuelo y los parámetros de control del motor: relación de compresión, relación aire/combustible y área de garganta. ABSTRACT Since the advent of the turbojet, the air-breathing engine with rotating machinery has demonstrated exceptional performance in the subsonic and low supersonic regimes. However, the operation at higher speeds requires further system complexity and weight, which so far has impeded the realization of these concepts. Recent technology developments, especially in lightweight materials, have restored the interest towards combined-cycle engines. The numerical simulation of these new concepts is essential at the early design stages to compute a first estimate of the engine performance in addition to addressing airframe-engine integration issues. In parallel, a different analysis methodology is required to evaluate these unconventional engines. The doctoral thesis concerns the design and analysis of the aforementioned engine concepts by means of numerical modeling and dynamic simulation with state-of-the-art tools. A common reference is needed to evaluate the different architectures of the turbine and the rocket-based combined-cycle engines as well as the various systems within each one of them. Furthermore, the actual trend towards more electric aircraft necessitates a common metric to judge the suitability of a thrust generation process where different forms of energy coexist. In line with this, the combination of the First and the Second Laws yields the quality of the energy being transferred between the systems on an absolute reference frame. This idea, which has been since long applied to the analysis of on-ground power plants, was extended here to relate the aircraft mission with the inefficiency of every process related to the thrust generation. The methodology is illustrated with the study of a variable- combined-cycle engine for a Mach 5 cruise aircraft. The design of a turbine-based combined-cycle booster serves to highlight the importance of the engine-airframe integration. The design is constrained by the ascent trajectory and the allocated space in the supersonic cruise aircraft. The installed performance of the propulsive plant is then computed as a function of the flight speed and altitude and the engine control parameters: pressure ratio, air-to-fuel ratio and throat area.