838 resultados para Object Oriented
Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, es una herramienta didáctica la cual es utilizada en los laboratorios de la escuela para realizar prácticas de la asignatura Antenas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, esta herramienta da a los alumnos una visión gráfica de lo que se enseña en clase de teoría de lo que son los campos en las aperturas de los reflectores. El proyector pretende sustituir al primer Sabor , ya que se queda obsoleto debido al sistema operativo, ya que funciona solo para Windows XP y con ordenadores de 32 bits, y también realizar mejoras y corregir errores de la versión anterior. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en Matlab que es un software matemático con grandes ventajas en cuanto a cálculo, desarrollo gráfico, y a la creación de nuevos algoritmos en su propio lenguaje y además está disponible para las plataformas Unix, Windows, Mac OSX y GNU/Linux. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido implementar, al igual que las versiones anteriores, cinco tipos de reflectores, como son: Parabólico, Offset, Cassegrain y los dos Dobles Offset, Cassegrain y Gregorian, y han sido analizados con un alimentador ideal ,cos-q, y por último los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con las versiones anteriores de Sabor, como son Sabor 3.0 y el primer Sabor. El proyecto consta de partes muy bien diferencias como son : La interpretación correctas de las formulas que se han utilizado para la realización de este proyecto ,dichas formulas han sido las dadas por el proyecto fin de carrera titulado Sabor3.0 de Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, con el que se creó: GUI, graphical user interface, que es la parte de Matlab dedicada a crear interfaces de usuario , herramienta utilizada para crear nuestras distintas ventanas dedicadas para la obtención de datos para analizar los distintos reflectores y para mostrar por pantalla los distintos resultados. Programación Orientada a Objetos de Matlab y sus distintas propiedades como son la herencia lo cual es muy útil para ocupar menos memoria ya que con un único método podemos realizar distintos cálculos con los distintos reflectores, objetos, solo cambiando las propiedades de cada objeto Y por último ha sido la realización de validación de los resultados con la ayuda de las versiones anteriores de Sabor, que están detallados en el capítulo 5 y la unión con bocinas del proyecto fin de carrera Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab de Javier Montero. Por otra parte tenemos las mejoras realizadas a las antiguas versiones como son: realización de registros que el usuario puede guardar y cargar con las distintas variables, también se ha realizado un fichero .txt en el que consta la amplitud del campo con su respectiva theta para que el usuario pueda visualizarlo en cualquier plataforma gráfica de datos como por ejemplo exel. ABSTRACT. Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, is a teaching tool, which is used to do laboratory practice in the subject of Antennas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, this tool gives students a graphic view of the knowledge that are given in theory class in regard to aperture field of reflectors. This project intend to replace the first Sabor, because it is outdated, due to the operating system, because Sabor works only with Widows XP and computer with 32 bits, and to make improves and correct errors that were detected in the last version of Sabor too. This project has been carried out in Matlab, which is a mathematical software with high-level language for numerical computation, visualization and application development, and furthermore it is available to different platforms such as Unix, Windows ,Mac OSX and GNU/Linux This project has focused on implementing, the same as last versions, five kind of reflectors, such as : Parabolic, Offset, Cassegrain and two offset dual reflector Cassegrain y Gregorian ,and these were analysed with a cos-q ideal feed, and finally the results were checked with the versions of Sabor, as well as Sabor 3.0 and the first Sabor. This project consist of four parts: The correct interpretation of the formulas , which were used to do this project, from the final project Sabor3.0 by Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, tool that was used to create : GUI, graphical user interface, part of Matlab dedicated to create user interface. Object Oriented Programming of Matlab and different properties like inheritance, that is very useful for saving memory space because with only one method we can analyse different kind of reflectors, object, only change the properties of the object. At finally, the results were contrasted with the results from the previous versions and the link reflectors with horns from the final project Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab by Javier Montero. On the other hand, we have the improvements such as: registers and .txt file. The registers are used by user to save and load different variables and .txt file is useful because it allows to the user plotting in different platforms for example exel.
El objetivo de ésta tesis es estudiar cómo desarrollar una aplicación informática que implemente algoritmos numéricos de evaluación de características hidrodinámicas de modelos geométricos representativos de carenas de buques. Se trata de especificar los requisitos necesarios que debe cumplir un programa para informático orientado a dar solución a un determinado problema hidródinámico, como es simular el comportamiento en balance de un buque sometido a oleaje, de popa o proa. una vez especificada la aplicación se realizará un diseño del programa; se estudiarán alternativas para implementar la aplicación; se explicará el proceso que ha de seguirse para obtener la aplicación en funcionamiento y se contrastarán los resultados obtenidos en la medida que sea posible. Se pretende sistematizar y sintetizar todo el proceso de desarrollo de software, orientado a la simulación del comportamiento hidrodinámico de un buque, en una metodología que se pondrá a disposición de la comunidad académica y científica en la forma que se considere más adecuada. Se trata, por tanto, de proponer una metodología de desarrollo de software para obetener una aplicación que facilite la evaluación de diferentes alternativas de estudio variando parámetros relativos al problema en estudio y que sea capaz de proporcionar resultados para su análisis. Así mismo se incide en cómo ha de conducirse en el proceso para que dicha aplicación pueda crecer, incorporando soluciones existentes no implementadas o nuevas soluciones que aparezcan en este ámbito de conocimiento. Como aplicación concreta de la aplicación se ha elegido implementar los algoritmos necesarios para evaluar la aparición del balance paramétrico en un buque. En el análisis de éste problema se considera de interés la representación geométrica que se hace de la carena del buque. Además de la carena aparecen otros elementos que tienen influencia determinante en éste estudio, como son las situación de mar y las situaciones de carga. Idealmente, el problema sería resuelto si se consiguiera determinar el ángulo de balance que se produce al enfrentar un buque a las diferentes condiciones de mar. Se pretende preparar un programa utilizando el paradigma de la orientación a objetos. Considero que es la más adecuada forma de modularizar el programa para poder utilizar diferentes modelos de una misma carena y así comparar los resultados de la evaluación del balance paramétrico entre sí. En una etapa posterior se podrían comparar los resultados con otros obtenidos empíricamente. Hablo de una nueva metodología porque pretendo indicar cómo se ha de construir una aplicación de software que sea usable y sobre la que se pueda seguir desarrollando. Esto justifica la selección del lenguaje de programación C++. Se seleccionará un núcleo geométrico de software que permita acoplar de forma versátil los distintos componentes de software que van a construir el programa. Este trabajo pretende aplicar el desarrollo de software a un aspecto concreto del área de conocimiento de la hidrodinámica. No se pretende aportar nuevos algoritmos para resolver problemas de hidrodinámica, sino diseñar un conjunto de objetos de software que implementen soluciones existentes a conocidas soluciones numéricas a dichos problemas. Se trata fundamentalmente de un trabajo de software, más que de hidrodinámica. Lo que aporta de novedad es una nueva forma de realizar un programa aplicado a los cálculos hidrodinámicos relativos a la determinación del balance paramétrico, que pueda crecer e incorporar cualquier novedad que pueda surgir más adelante. Esto será posible por la programación modular utilizada y los objetos que representan cada uno de los elementos que intervienen en la determinación del balance paramétrico. La elección de aplicar la metodología a la predicción del balance paramétrico se debe a que este concepto es uno de los elementos que intervienen en la evaluación de criterios de estabilidad de segunda generación que estan en estudio para su futura aplicación en el ámbito de la construcción naval. Es por tanto un estudio que despierta interés por su próxima utilidad. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to study how to develop a computer application implementing numerical algorithms to assess hydrodynamic features of geometrical models of vessels. It is therefore to propose a methodology for software development applied to an hydrodynamic problem, in order to evaluate different study alternatives by varying different parameters related to the problem and to be capable of providing results for analysis. As a concrete application of the program it has been chosen to implement the algorithms necessary for evaluating the appearance of parametric rolling in a vessel. In the analysis of this problem it is considered of interest the geometrical representation of the hull of the ship and other elements which have decisive influence in this phenomena, such as the sea situation and the loading condition. Ideally, the application would determine the roll angle that occurs when a ship is on waves of different characteristics. It aims to prepare a program by using the paradigm of object oriented programming. I think it is the best methodology to modularize the program. My intention is to show how face the global process of developing an application from the initial specification until the final release of the program. The process will keep in mind the spefici objetives of usability and the possibility of growing in the scope of the software. This work intends to apply software development to a particular aspect the area of knowledge of hydrodynamics. It is not intended to provide new algorithms for solving problems of hydrodynamics, but designing a set of software objects that implement existing solutions to these problems. This is essentially a job software rather than hydrodynamic. The novelty of this thesis stands in this work focuses in describing how to apply the whole proccess of software engineering to hydrodinamics problems. The choice of the prediction of parametric balance as the main objetive to be applied to is because this concept is one of the elements involved in the evaluation of the intact stability criteria of second generation. Therefore, I consider this study as relevant usefull for the future application in the field of shipbuilding.
The Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN): a resource for genetic, genomic and developmental research
The Zebrafish Information Network, ZFIN, is a WWW community resource of zebrafish genetic, genomic and developmental research information (http://zfin.org). ZFIN provides an anatomical atlas and dictionary, developmental staging criteria, research methods, pathology information and a link to the ZFIN relational database (http://zfin.org/ZFIN/). The database, built on a relational, object-oriented model, provides integrated information about mutants, genes, genetic markers, mapping panels, publications and contact information for the zebrafish research community. The database is populated with curated published data, user submitted data and large dataset uploads. A broad range of data types including text, images, graphical representations and genetic maps supports the data. ZFIN incorporates links to other genomic resources that provide sequence and ortholog data. Zebrafish nomenclature guidelines and an automated registration mechanism for new names are provided. Extensive usability testing has resulted in an easy to learn and use forms interface with complex searching capabilities.
GOBASE (http://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca/gobase/) is a network-accessible biological database, which is unique in bringing together diverse biological data on organelles with taxonomically broad coverage, and in furnishing data that have been exhaustively verified and completed by experts. So far, we have focused on mitochondrial data: GOBASE contains all published nucleotide and protein sequences encoded by mitochondrial genomes, selected RNA secondary structures of mitochondria-encoded molecules, genetic maps of completely sequenced genomes, taxonomic information for all species whose sequences are present in the database and organismal descriptions of key protistan eukaryotes. All of these data have been integrated and organized in a formal database structure to allow sophisticated biological queries using terms that are inherent in biological concepts. Most importantly, data have been validated, completed, corrected and standardized, a prerequisite of meaningful analysis. In addition, where critical data are lacking, such as genetic maps and RNA secondary structures, they are generated by the GOBASE team and collaborators, and added to the database. The database is implemented in a relational database management system, but features an object-oriented view of the biological data through a Web/Genera-generated World Wide Web interface. Finally, we have developed software for database curation (i.e. data updates, validation and correction), which will be described in some detail in this paper.
Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pelos fabricantes de turbinas hidráulicas é prevenir o aparecimento de vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento nas travessas do pré-distribuidor e pás do rotor. Considerando apenas as travessas, e atribuídos a tais vibrações, foram relatados 28 casos de trincas ou ruídos anormais nas últimas décadas, que acarretaram enormes prejuízos associados a reparos, atrasos e perda de geração. O estado da arte na prevenção destes problemas baseia-se na utilização de sofisticados, e caros, programas comerciais de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional para o cálculo transiente do fenômeno. Este trabalho faz uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e levantamento de eventos de trincas ou ruídos ocorridos em travessas nos últimos 50 anos. Propõe, então, um enfoque alternativo, baseado exclusivamente em ferramentas de código aberto. A partir de hipóteses simplificadoras devidamente justificadas, o problema é formulado matematicamente de forma bidimensional, no plano da seção transversal da travessa, levando em conta a interação fluido-estrutura. Nesta estratégia, as equações de Navier-Stokes são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos por meio da biblioteca gratuita oomph-lib. Um código especial em C++ é desenvolvido para o problema de interação fluido-estrutura, no qual o fenômeno de turbulência é levado em consideração por meio de um algoritmo baseado no modelo de Baldwin-Lomax. O método proposto é validado por meio da comparação dos resultados obtidos com referências e medições disponíveis na literatura, que tratam de problemas de barras retangulares suportadas elasticamente. O trabalho finaliza com a aplicação do método a um estudo de caso envolvendo uma travessa particular.
Comunicación presentada en las V Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes Software (IDEAS’02), La Habana, Cuba, abril 2002.
Comunicación presentada en las VII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2002), dentro del II Taller sobre Ingeniería del Software Orientada al Web (Web Engineering) WebE'2002, El Escorial, Madrid, 19 noviembre 2002.
The consideration of personalization politics in the context of any web application modelling method obliges to the revision of its different modelling activities, which must be adapted to take into account the information regarding the user (usually gathered in a user model) to define aspects such as navigation or presentation. Additionally, they must provide a set of techniques to populate such user model. Finally, and because of the rapid pace at which personalization politics usually change, the modelling process should provide support not only for static personalization rules (known at design time) but also for the definition or change of these rules once the application has been deployed. This article presents, in the context of the Object Oriented Hypermedia Method (OO-H), a personalization framework that fulfils these requirements, and is organized around four main concepts: (1) a set of design activities that capture the personalization requirements known at design time, (2) a mechanism for the specification of personalization rules, defined by means of an XML template, that decouples the definition of the personalization model from the remaining models, (3) an execution architecture that supports the change at execution time of these rules and (4) an extensible repository that includes a set of register mechanisms for the user activity in the system. The possibility of extension of this repository facilitates its adaptation to the particular characteristics of any particular application.
We present new tools for the segmentation and analysis of musical scores in the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment. A modular object-oriented framework enables the creation of segmentations on score objects and the implementation of automatic or semi-automatic analysis processes. The analyses can be performed and displayed thanks to customizable classes and callbacks. Concrete examples are given, in particular with the implementation of a semi-automatic harmonic analysis system and a framework for rhythmic transcription.
Object inspectors are an essential category of tools that allow developers to comprehend the run-time of object-oriented systems. Traditional object inspectors favor a generic view that focuses on the low-level details of the state of single objects. Based on 16 interviews with software developers and a follow-up survey with 62 respondents we identified a need for object inspectors that support different high-level ways to visualize and explore objects, depending on both the object and the current developer need. We propose the Moldable Inspector, a novel inspector model that enables developers to adapt the inspection workflow to suit their immediate needs by making the inspection context explicit, providing multiple interchangeable domain-specific views for each object, and supporting a workflow that groups together multiple levels of connected objects. We show that the Moldable Inspector can address multiple kinds of development needs involving a wide range of objects.
Subtype polymorphism is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming. By hiding variability in behavior behind a uniform interface, polymorphism decouples clients from providers and thus enables genericity, modularity and extensi- bility. At the same time, however, it scatters the implementation of the behavior over multiple classes thus potentially hampering program comprehension. The extent to which polymorphism is used in real programs and the impact of polymorphism on program comprehension are not very well understood. We report on a preliminary study of the prevalence of polymorphism in several hundred open source software systems written in Smalltalk, one of the oldest object-oriented programming languages, and in Java, one of the most widespread ones. Although a large portion of the call sites in these systems are polymorphic, a majority have a small number of potential candidates. Smalltalk uses polymorphism to a much greater extent than Java. We discuss how these findings can be used as input for more detailed studies in program comprehension and for better developer support in the IDE.
Optimized structure of the educational program consisting of a set of the interconnected educational objects is offered by means of problem solution of optimum partition of the acyclic weighed graph. The condition of acyclicity preservation for subgraphs is formulated and the quantitative assessment of decision options is executed. The original algorithm of search of quasioptimum partition using the genetic algorithm scheme with coding chromosomes by permutation is offered. Object-oriented realization of algorithm in language C++ is described and results of numerical experiments are presented.
Projected air and ground temperatures are expected to be higher in Arctic and sub-Arcticlatitudes and with temperatures already close to the limit where permafrost can exist,resistance against degradation is low. With thawing permafrost, the landscape is modifiedwith depression in which thermokarst lakes emerge. In permafrost soils a considerableamount of soil organic carbon is stored, with the potential of altering climate even furtherif expansion and formation of new thermokarst lakes emerge, as decay releasesgreenhouse gases (C02 and CH4) to the atmosphere. Analyzing the spatial distribution andmorphometry over time of thermokarst lakes and other water bodies, is of importance inaccurately predict carbon budget and feedback mechanisms, as well as to assess futurelandscape layout and these features interaction. Different types of high-spatial resolutionaerial and satellite imageries from 1963, 1975, 2003, 2010 and 2015, were used in bothpre- and post-classification change detection analyses. Using object oriented segmentationin eCognition combined with manual adjustments, resulted in digitalized water bodies>28m2 from which direction of change and morphometric values were extracted. Thequantity of thermokarst lakes and other water bodies was in 1963 n=92, with succeedingyears as a trend decreased in numbers, until 2010-2015 when eleven water bodies wereadded in 2015 (n=74 to n=85). In 1963-2003, area of these water bodies decreased with50 651m2 (189 446-138 795m2) and continued to decrease in 2003-2015 ending at 129337m2. Limnicity decreased from 19.9% in 1963 to 14.6% in 2003 (-5.3%). In 2010 and2015 13.7-13.6%. The late increase in water bodies differs from an earlier hypothesis thatsporadic permafrost regions experience decrease in both area and quantity of thermokarstlakes and water bodies. During 1963-2015, land gain has been in dominance of the ratiobetween the two competing processes of expansion and drainage. In 1963-1975, 55/45%,followed by 90/10% in 1975-2003. After major drainage events, land loss increased to62/38% in 2010-2015. Drainage and infilling rates, calculated for 15 shorelines werevaried across both landscape and parts of shorelines, with in average 0.17/0.15/0.14m/yr.Except for 1963-1975 when rate of change in average was in opposite direction (-0.09m/yr.), likely due to evident expansion of a large thermokarst lake. Using a squaregrid, distribution of water bodies was determined, with an indistinct cluster located in NEand central parts. Especially for water bodies <250m2, which is the dominant area classthroughout 1963-2015 ranging from n=39-51. With a heterogeneous composition of bothsmall and large thermokarst lakes, and with both expansion and drainage altering thelandscape in Tavvavuoma, both positive and negative climate feedback mechanisms are inplay - given that sporadic permafrost still exist.
A parallel computing environment to support optimization of large-scale engineering systems is designed and implemented on Windows-based personal computer networks, using the master-worker model and the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). It is involved in decomposition of a large engineering system into a number of smaller subsystems optimized in parallel on worker nodes and coordination of subsystem optimization results on the master node. The environment consists of six functional modules, i.e. the master control, the optimization model generator, the optimizer, the data manager, the monitor, and the post processor. Object-oriented design of these modules is presented. The environment supports steps from the generation of optimization models to the solution and the visualization on networks of computers. User-friendly graphical interfaces make it easy to define the problem, and monitor and steer the optimization process. It has been verified by an example of a large space truss optimization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper highlights the importance of design expertise, for designing liquid retaining structures, including subjective judgments and professional experience. Design of liquid retaining structures has special features different from the others. Being more vulnerable to corrosion problem, they have stringent requirements against serviceability limit state of crack. It is the premise of the study to transferring expert knowledge in a computerized blackboard system. Hybrid knowledge representation schemes, including production rules, object-oriented programming, and procedural methods, are employed to express engineering heuristics and standard design knowledge during the development of the knowledge-based system (KBS) for design of liquid retaining structures. This approach renders it possible to take advantages of the characteristics of each method. The system can provide the user with advice on preliminary design, loading specification, optimized configuration selection and detailed design analysis of liquid retaining structure. It would be beneficial to the field of retaining structure design by focusing on the acquisition and organization of expert knowledge through the development of recent artificial intelligence technology. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.