980 resultados para OAK List
Die Funktionsweise der Laserionenquellenfalle LIST, sowie deren Implementierung bei der Forschungseinrichtung ISOLDE am CERN als neue Standard-Ionenquelle und die ermittelten Spezifikationen Effizienz und Selektivität werden vorgestellt.rnrnDurch die Implementierung der LIST bei ISOLDE konnte on-line mit Hilfe von Radionukliden ein Minimalwert zur Unterdrückung von Kontaminationen durch die LIST bestimmt werden. Die erfolgreiche Unterdrückung von Francium-Kontamination ermöglichte es, neue Messdaten für den mittleren Ladungsradius und die Hyperfeinstruktur für Po-217 zu erzeugen.rnrnUm die Funktionalität der LIST bei ISOLDE hinsichtlich der Ionisationseffizienz gegenüber anderen Ionenquellen einzuordnen, wurden in Mainz am RISIKO-Massenseparator mit der bereits existierenden Standard-Ionenquelle RILIS und der LIST die Effizienzen bestimmt und miteinander verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die LIST im Modus hoher Ionisationseffizienz eine vergleichbare Effizienz aufweist wie die RILIS. Im Modus zur Produktion eines hochreinen Ionenstrahls ist die Ionisationseffizienz gegenüber der RILIS reduziert.rnrnDa die Bestimmung der Selektivität im On-line-Betrieb aufwendig und zeitintensiv ist, wurde die Reinheit des Ionenstrahls am RISIKO-Massenseparator mittels Laufzeitmessungen der Ionen off-line bestimmt und analysiert. Die Zeitstrukturen der RILIS ermöglichen einerseits Rückschlüsse auf die Reinheit des Ionenstrahls zu ziehen, andererseits konnte auch die Ionisation außerhalb des Atomisators, in dem überwiegend die resonante Ionisation stattfindet, nachgewiesen werden. Durch diesen Nachweis kann der Effizienzverlust während der Produktion eines hochreinen Ionenstrahls erklärt werden. Zudem bietet er einen Ansatz für weitere Entwicklungsarbeiten der LIST zur Steigerung der Effizienz.rnrnEine Übertragung der Messergebnisse zur Zeitstruktur der RILIS auf die LIST eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung deren Selektivität im massenselektiven Mode. Dieser wurde anhand von Simulationen überprüft und mit Messungen an Kalium experimentell quantifiziert.
L’elaborato che segue vuole essere una guida che permetta al lettore di muoversi attraverso il campo intricato e appassionante della traduzione dei nomi parlanti nella letteratura per bambini e per ragazzi, utilizzando come spunto di riflessione la serie di Fairy Oak di Elisabetta Gnone. Il lettore viene guidato in un percorso che parte dalle origini dei nomi parlanti, le quali affondano nella vita quotidiana e nella letteratura del passato, e passa per una breve analisi di questa branca della teoria onomastica e di alcune teorie di traduzione, fino ad arrivare ad un esempio pratico. Lo spunto pratico per una riflessione in ambito traduttivo è tratto dai testi della saga di Fairy Oak, una serie di romanzi per ragazzi composta da una trilogia e da una quadrilogia (Il Segreto delle Gemelle, L'Incanto del Buio, Il Potere della Luce e Capitan Grisam e l'Amore, Gli Incantevoli Giorni di Shirley, Flox Sorride in Autunno). L’elaborato si concentrerà sulla trilogia e in particolare verrà messo in evidenza il ruolo dei nomi dei personaggi e dei luoghi. L’autrice italiana, Elisabetta Gnone, si è dedicata con grande cura alla creazione di antroponimi e toponimi, che descrivono e formano parte dei peronaggi e dei luoghi. Proprio questi nomi parlanti hanno presentato una sfida per i traduttori e rappresentano un esempio chiaro di come possano coesistere diversi approcci traduttivi o come, invece, a volte la strategia da adottare sia quasi obbligata dal contesto e dal destinatario della traduzione d’arrivo. Dagli esempi e dalle ricerche traduttologiche emerge che, nonostante sia impossibile definire una strategia univoca, è sempre possibile giungere a una soluzione, tramite un’attenta negoziazione.
Liver disorders are the most frequent somatic complications of alcoholism. As 10‑20% of alcoholic patients will develop liver cirrhosis, this is the most frequent reason for premature death in alcoholic patients. Liver transplantation is now an accepted therapy for alcoholic liver cirrhosis but psychiatric assessment is usually required for patients entering a waiting list for transplantation. Prognostic criteria are controversially discussed, especially the so-called 6-month rule. Numerous studies and recent meta-analyses have indicated that duration of alcoholism, family history, age, sex, comorbid substance use and psychiatric disorders, noncompliance and social instability are outcome predictors. The 6-month criterion is not well proven but some studies are indicative. Possible therapeutic interventions for alcoholic patients on a waiting list are discussed.
BACKGROUND: Accompanying the patient recruitment within the "Scleral buckling versus primary vitrectomy in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment multicentre trial (SPR)", all patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) had to be documented in a detailed recruitment list. The main goal of this analysis was to estimate the prevalence of "medium-severe" RRD (SPR Study eligible) as defined by the SPR Study inclusion criteria. In addition, the detailed anatomical situation of medium-severe RRD is investigated. METHODS: SPR Study recruitment was evaluated via a standardised questionnaire, which contained a coloured fundus drawing and information regarding possible reasons for exclusion from the SPR Study in each case. A team of three experienced vitreoretinal surgeons evaluated all fundus drawings from a 1-year period. The review led to a decision on SPR Study eligibility on the pure basis of anatomical assessment. The main outcome measures were assessment of feasible inclusion into the SPR Study by the evaluation team based on the fundus drawing and anatomical details. RESULTS: A total of 1,115 patients with RRD from 13 European centres were prospectively enrolled in the year 2000. The quality of the drawings sufficed for assessment in 1,107 cases (99.3%). Three hundred and twelve fundus drawings (28.2%) met the anatomic inclusion criteria of the SPR Study. RRD of medium severity is characterised by an average number of 2.6 (SD 2.4) retinal breaks, 5.8 (SD 2.8) clock hours of detached retina, unclear hole situation in 15.1% of cases (n=47), attached macula in 42.9% (n=134), bullous detachment in 15.1% (n=47) and vitreous haemorrhage/opacity in 7.7% (n=24). CONCLUSIONS: In the recruitment lists of the SPR Study of the year 2000, RRD of medium severity was present in nearly one third of the patients with primary RRD. These findings emphasise the clinical relevance of the SPR Study.
Impact of an exceptionally hot dry summer on photosynthetic traits in oak (Quercus pubescens) leaves
OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of false or misleading statements in messages posted by internet cancer support groups and whether these statements were identified as false or misleading and corrected by other participants in subsequent postings. DESIGN: Analysis of content of postings. SETTING: Internet cancer support group Breast Cancer Mailing List. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of false or misleading statements posted from 1 January to 23 April 2005 and whether these were identified and corrected by participants in subsequent postings. RESULTS: 10 of 4600 postings (0.22%) were found to be false or misleading. Of these, seven were identified as false or misleading by other participants and corrected within an average of four hours and 33 minutes (maximum, nine hours and nine minutes). CONCLUSIONS: Most posted information on breast cancer was accurate. Most false or misleading statements were rapidly corrected by participants in subsequent postings.