920 resultados para New Keynesian model, Bayesian methods, Monetary policy, Great Inflation
Dynamic supply chain alignment: a new business model for peak performance in enterprise supply chains across all geographies John Gattorna and friends, Farnham, Gower Publishing, 2009, 440pp., £60, ISBN 978-0-566-08822-3.
We estimate the central bank policy preferences for the European Monetary Union and for the UK. In doing so, we extend the theoretical framework suggested by Cecchetti etal. (TheManchesterSchool, Vol. 70 (2002), pp. 596-618), by assuming that policy preferences change across different regimes. Our empirical results suggest that the weight that policy makers put on inflation is typically profound. Furthermore, it appears that volatility shifts of the economic disturbances are the main factor, which generates variation in policy preferences.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013
We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.
A közgazdaságtan, szűkebben a monetáris politika előtt két elméleti és gyakorlati kihívást látok: a globális egyensúlytalanságoknak nevezett jelenséget és az eszközár problematikát. Előbbi a világgazdaságban koncentráltan fölhalmozódó adósságokat és követelésállományokat jelenti, utóbbi a banki és nem banki pénzügyi piacok folyamatainak lehetséges pénzügypolitikai vonatkozásaira utal. Mondandómat két cikkben fogalmazom meg. Ez az írás először a monetáris stabilitás és instabilitás kérdéskörét mutatja be történeti keretben, ami tekinthető mindkét aktuális témakör földolgozásához szükséges elméleti fölvezetőnek is. Ezt követi a monetáris politika és az eszközárak kapcsolatának vizsgálata. A következő cikk foglalkozik a globális egyensúlytalanságokkal. Azért választottam e sorrendet, mert a két téma szorosan összefügg, az itt leírt magyarázatok segíthetik a későbbiek megértését. Az írásban többször megfogalmazok saját véleményt, a hangsúly mégis a szakirodalom bemutatásán van. / === / Global imbalances and asset price booms and busts are the two main practical and theoretical challenges in economics, especially in monetary policy. The first of them concerns the accumulative tendencies of debts and claims in the world economy, the second challenge deals with the processes of bank and non bank money markets. These topics are dealt with in two articles. The first one presents the issue of monetary stability and instability from a historical perspective. With that the connections between monetary policy and asset prices will be studied. The next article will deal with global imbalances. The topics are closely related and this order helps better understanding. The articles are mainly based on the current literature although I insert my own views as well.
A monetáris integráció központi szereplője a Közösség jegybankja. A közös valuta értékállóságának közvetlenül fő meghatározója a jegybank. Mozgásterét azonban több tényező alakítja. E tanulmány az intézményi és stratégiai, a tagállami (decentralizált fiskális) és a pénzpiaci környezet függvényében vizsgálja az Európai Központi Bank (ECB) lehetőségeit és monetáris politikájának hatásosságát. / === / The efficiency of the European Economic and Monetary Union is a big dilemma of European applied economics. The first part introduces the monetary policy made by ECB. Rates and objectives are the framework of efficiency analysis. The second part details the common pool resource problem in the community of EMU countries, and describes the prisoner's dilemma of indebting in a currency community. The EMU practice shows free riding behavior of many member states what generally causes higher default risks. The increasing indebtedness shows dysfunction too, as the ECB must adjust the interest rate to the higher default risk which means cost premiums for fiscally disciplined countries as well. The third part analyses the efficiency of the ECB through the standards of monetary transmission. The updated criteria can explain any success or failure of the ECB in a not perfectly homogeneous community. The measures of transmission used in the study are the way of financing (banks vs. market), terms of financing, structure of the banking sector, private sector indebtedness, structure of savings and wealth, price elasticity, interest rate elasticity, wage elasticity. They show that the single monetary policy can create tension in the community not only because of the fiscal differences but also due to money market discrepancies.
A szerzők cikke az etnocentrikus érzelmek hatását mutatja be a hazai és a külföldi termékek megítélésére. Empirikus kutatásaikra és regressziós modelljeikre támaszkodva felvázolják azt a hatásmechanizmust, amely a szakirodalomba a fogyasztói etnocentrizmus néven vonult be. Megállapítják, hogy másképp hatnak a patrióta és a nacionalista érzelmek a hazai és a külföldi termékek iránti attitűdökre. Míg a hazai termékeknél egy karakterisztikus, többdimenziós kép tárul elénk, addig a cseh, kanadai és német termékek megítéléséből általánosított, külföldi termékek esetében csak a termékkel való azonosulást tudták kiemelni. A megkérdezettek demográfiai jellemzői közül egyedül a férfiak mutattak statisztikailag azonos irányú és erősségű kapcsolatot a hazai és a külföldi termékek megítélésénél. _______________________ The authors’ article presents effects of the ethnocentric emotion of the appreciation of the domestic and foreign goods. Based on their empirical and regressive models they feature that effectmechanism, which is named consumer ethnocentrism in the special literature. They set that the patriot and the nationalist emotions acting differently on attitudes of the domestic and the foreign goods.
Meier (2012) gave a "mathematical logic foundation" of the purely measurable universal type space (Heifetz and Samet, 1998). The mathematical logic foundation, however, discloses an inconsistency in the type space literature: a finitary language is used for the belief hierarchies and an infinitary language is used for the beliefs. In this paper we propose an epistemic model to fix the inconsistency above. We show that in this new model the universal knowledgebelief space exists, is complete and encompasses all belief hierarchies. Moreover, by examples we demonstrate that in this model the players can agree to disagree Aumann (1976)'s result does not hold, and Aumann and Brandenburger (1995)'s conditions are not sufficient for Nash equilibrium. However, we show that if we substitute selfevidence (Osborne and Rubinstein, 1994) for common knowledge, then we get at that both Aumann (1976)'s and Aumann and Brandenburger (1995)'s results hold.
In 2013-15 there was a new type of post graduate training elaborated and piloted in Hungary at the Institute of Executive Training and Continuing Education (VTKI) within the National University of Public Service (NKE). Although the pilot financed by the State Administration Reform Operative Program (ÁROP) had not lacked the previously established attempts to include interactivity in the training, it was the first to observe and apply the actual principles of the European Union 2020 expressed in the threefold criteria of economic growth: smartness, sustainability and inclusiveness. All of them are represented by a pillar of the program like e-learning, class training and field training with the inclusion of local society. According to the objectives of the program there were at least 10 thousand attendees from the civil service sphere set as project indicators, so it has been a large scale training program that took place in 2014 in Hungary. The following article shows the innovations included in this new approach model of post graduate training civil servants.
The purpose of this study was to document and critically analyze the lived experience of selected nursing staff developers in the process of moving toward a new model for hospital nursing education. Eleven respondents were drawn from a nation-wide population of about two hundred individuals involved in nursing staff development. These subjects were responsible for the implementation of the Performance Based Development System (PBDS) in their institutions.^ A purposive, criterion-based sampling technique was used with respondents being selected according to size of hospital, primary responsibility for orchestration of the change, influence over budgetary factors and managerial responsibility for PBDS. Data were gathered by the researcher through both in-person and telephone interviews. A semi-structured interview guide, designed by the researcher was used, and respondents were encouraged to amplify on their recollections as desired. Audiotapes were transcribed and resulting computer files were analyzed using the program "Martin". Answers to interview questions were compiled and reported across cases. The data was then reviewed a second time and interpreted for emerging themes and patterns.^ Two types of verification were used in the study. Internal verification was done through interview transcript review and feedback by respondents. External verification was done through review and feedback on data analysis by readers who were experienced in management of staff development departments.^ All respondents were female, so Gilligan's concept of the "ethic of care" was examined as a decision making strategy. Three levels of caring which influenced decision making were found. They were caring: (a) for the organization, (b) for the employee, and (c) for the patient. The four existentials of the lived experience, relationality, corporeality, temporality and spatiality were also examined to reveal the everydayness of making change. ^
This paper explores the connection between leadership behaviors and employee engagement to build a proposed conceptual model. A conceptual link between employee needs (Herzberg, 1959; Maslow, 1970), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998), and transformational leadership (Bass, 1985) is discussed.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Here we characterize a new animal model that spontaneously develops chronic inflammation and fibrosis in multiple organs, the non-obese diabetic inflammation and fibrosis (N-IF) mouse. In the liver, the N-IF mouse displays inflammation and fibrosis particularly evident around portal tracts and central veins and accompanied with evidence of abnormal intrahepatic bile ducts. The extensive cellular infiltration consists mainly of macrophages, granulocytes, particularly eosinophils, and mast cells. This inflammatory syndrome is mediated by a transgenic population of natural killer T cells (NKT) induced in an immunodeficient NOD genetic background. The disease is transferrable to immunodeficient recipients, while polyclonal T cells from unaffected syngeneic donors can inhibit the disease phenotype. Because of the fibrotic component, early on-set, spontaneous nature and reproducibility, this novel mouse model provides a unique tool to gain further insight into the underlying mechanisms mediating transformation of chronic inflammation into fibrosis and to evaluate intervention protocols for treating conditions of fibrotic disorders.