932 resultados para Multilevel linear model
Conventional methods to solve the problem of blind source separation nonlinear, in general, using series of restrictions to obtain the solution, often leading to an imperfect separation of the original sources and high computational cost. In this paper, we propose an alternative measure of independence based on information theory and uses the tools of artificial intelligence to solve problems of blind source separation linear and nonlinear later. In the linear model applies genetic algorithms and Rényi of negentropy as a measure of independence to find a separation matrix from linear mixtures of signals using linear form of waves, audio and images. A comparison with two types of algorithms for Independent Component Analysis widespread in the literature. Subsequently, we use the same measure of independence, as the cost function in the genetic algorithm to recover source signals were mixed by nonlinear functions from an artificial neural network of radial base type. Genetic algorithms are powerful tools for global search, and therefore well suited for use in problems of blind source separation. Tests and analysis are through computer simulations
The pumping through progressing cavities system has been more and more employed in the petroleum industry. This occurs because of its capacity of elevation of highly viscous oils or fluids with great concentration of sand or other solid particles. A Progressing Cavity Pump (PCP) consists, basically, of a rotor - a metallic device similar to an eccentric screw, and a stator - a steel tube internally covered by a double helix, which may be rigid or deformable/elastomeric. In general, it is submitted to a combination of well pressure with the pressure generated by the pumping process itself. In elastomeric PCPs, this combined effort compresses the stator and generates, or enlarges, the clearance existing between the rotor and the stator, thus reducing the closing effect between their cavities. Such opening of the sealing region produces what is known as fluid slip or slippage, reducing the efficiency of the PCP pumping system. Therefore, this research aims to develop a transient three-dimensional computational model that, based on single-lobe PCP kinematics, is able to simulate the fluid-structure interaction that occurs in the interior of metallic and elastomeric PCPs. The main goal is to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of PCP s efficiency based on detailed and instantaneous information of velocity, pressure and deformation fields in their interior. To reach these goals (development and use of the model), it was also necessary the development of a methodology for generation of dynamic, mobile and deformable, computational meshes representing fluid and structural regions of a PCP. This additional intermediary step has been characterized as the biggest challenge for the elaboration and running of the computational model due to the complex kinematic and critical geometry of this type of pump (different helix angles between rotor and stator as well as large length scale aspect ratios). The processes of dynamic generation of meshes and of simultaneous evaluation of the deformations suffered by the elastomer are fulfilled through subroutines written in Fortan 90 language that dynamically interact with the CFX/ANSYS fluid dynamic software. Since a structural elastic linear model is employed to evaluate elastomer deformations, it is not necessary to use any CAE package for structural analysis. However, an initial proposal for dynamic simulation using hyperelastic models through ANSYS software is also presented in this research. Validation of the results produced with the present methodology (mesh generation, flow simulation in metallic PCPs and simulation of fluid-structure interaction in elastomeric PCPs) is obtained through comparison with experimental results reported by the literature. It is expected that the development and application of such a computational model may provide better details of the dynamics of the flow within metallic and elastomeric PCPs, so that better control systems may be implemented in the artificial elevation area by PCP
The waste in the industries of escargot processing is very big. This is composed basically of escargot meat out of the commercialization patterns and the visceras. In this context, there is a need to take advantage to the use of these sub-products. A possibility should be drying them and transforming them in a certain form to be reused. Than, the present work has the objective of studying the reutilization of the sub-products of the escargot industrialization for by means of drying process. The samples were transformed in pastes, through a domestic processor for approximately 1 minute and compacted in trays of aluminum without perforations with three different heights (5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm). The drying was accomplished in a tray dryer with air circulation and transverse flow at a speed of 0,2 m/s and three temperature levels (70°C, 80°C and 90ºC). A drying kinetics study was accomplished for the obtained curves and for the heat and mass transfer coefficients using experimental procedures based in an experimental planning of 22 factorial type. Microbiological and physiochemical analysis were also accomplished for the in nature and the dehydrated sub-products. In the drying process, it was observed the great importance of the external resistances to the mass transfer and heat in the period of constant tax influenced by the temperature. The evaporation taxes indicated a mixed control of the mass transfer for the case of the thickest layers. As already expected, the drying constant behavior was influenced by the temperature and thickness of the medium, increasing and decreasing. The statistical analysis of the results, in agreement with the factorial planning 22, showed that the fissures, the shrinking of the transfer area and the formation of a crust on the surface might have contributed to the differences between the practical results and the linear model proposed. The temperature and the thickness influenced significantly in the answers of the studied variables: evaporation tax and drying constant. They were obtained significant statistical models and predictive ones for evaporation tax for the meat as well as for the visceras
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome of unknown etiology, with symptoms of diffuse musculoskeletal pain and presence of specific anatomic sites called tender points. The symptoms are often associated with fatigue, sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, alterations in pain perception, anxiety and depression. Fibromyalgia exhibits a correlation between physical and behavioral symptoms, which have a negative influence on the quality of life of patients. Emotional skills are important factors since they are related to subjective well-being, personal productivity, social interaction and interpersonal relationships. We aim to describe the physical and psychosocial interactions in women with FM, showing the association between perceived social support and affect with symptoms of pain, functionality and mood. We will also describe a body representation of pain in women with FM. Data were collected over 3 years and the sample size ranged between studies. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with a convenience sample of 63 women with FM and 42 healthy women as a control group (CT), aged 20-76 years, recruited through spontaneous demand at Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and the Clinical School of Physiotherapy of Universidade Potiguar (UNP). The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Social Support Scale (MOS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), in addition to pressure algometry were used. For data analysis, we used parametric and non-parametric tests and a general linear model with adjustment variables and analysis of variance. A significant difference was found between pain threshold and tolerance, functionality, depression, anxiety, social support, and positive and negative affect between the groups. Affective states and social support were associated with anxiety, depression and functionality. A body was drawn representing pain with higher incidences in trapeze, supraspinatus and second ribs. The reason for studying sensory aspects, affective behavior and social support in FM patients opens perspectives for scientific and clinical research of this syndrome. Women with chronic pain such as FM appear to have altered mood states, less social support and affective dysfunctions, influencing the other symptoms of the syndrome
Neste trabalho é analisada a aplicação de algoritmos heurísticos para o Modelo Híbrido Linear - Hybrid Linear Model (HLM) - no problema de planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão. O HLM é um modelo relaxado que ainda não foi suficientemente explorado. Assim, é realizada uma análise das características do modelo matemático e das técnicas de solução que podem ser usadas para resolver este tipo de modelo. O trabalho analisa em detalhes um algoritmo heurístico construtivo para o HLM e faz uma extensão da modelagem e da técnica de solução para o planejamento multi-estágio da expansão de sistemas de transmissão. Dentro deste contexto, também é realizada uma avaliação da qualidade das soluções encontradas pelo HLM e as possibilidades de aplicação deste modelo em planejamento de sistemas de transmissão. Finalmente, são apresentados testes com sistemas conhecidos na literatura especializada.
Automotive turbochargers, which operate at very high speeds, exceeding 180,000 r/min, exhibit two strong sub-harmonic modes of vibrations due to oil-whirl instability. These are a conical mode and an in-phase whirl mode. The gyroscopic effects can be very important in such a rotor system. This article presents a theoretical investigation into these effects on the conical whirl instability of a turbocharger induced by the angular (tilting) motion of a rigid rotor. A simplified linear model is used to analyse the rotor-bearing system by investigating the effects of the gyroscopic moment on the internal moments. A gyroscopic coefficient, defined by the geometry of the rotor, is shown to govern the stability of the conical whirl motion. A threshold value of 1/2 is determined for this coefficient to suppress the conical whirl. This value remains unaffected if the rotor is asymmetric and is supported by floating ring bearings, which is the case in a practical turbocharger.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Partindo de apresentação da proposta de análise de acidentes baseada no modelo sistêmico e não linear de acidentes, dito de ressonância funcional, desenvolvido por Erik Hollnagel, este texto discute críticas às concepções deterministas de acidente e aos modelos lineares de representação desses eventos. Aspectos do modelo de ressonância funcional são usados como eixo definidor de proposta de agenda de discussões a ser desenvolvida pelos interessados no tema da análise de acidentes, destacando-se: a) a defesa do abandono da idéia de causas de acidentes e sua substituição pela de explicação desses eventos; b) apresentação dos conceitos de variabilidade de desempenhos e adaptações locais e a proposta de sua utilização como bases para a identificação de perfis ou aspectos típicos de acidentes. Por fim, discute-se a necessidade de incorporação dos conceitos apresentados no debate sobre novos caminhos para as práticas de análises e de prevenção de acidentes em nosso país.
The growth hormone receptor (GHR) is the cell surface receptor for growth hormone (GH) and is required for GH to carry out its effects on target tissues. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of the GHR/Alu I gene polymorphism located in the regulatory region in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups and to determine associations between this polymorphism and growth and carcass traits. Genotyping was performed on 384 animals, including 79 Nellore (Zebu), 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais+3/8 Zebu), 30 Simmental X Nellore crossbred and 245 Angus x Nellore crossbred cattle. Alleles Alu I(+), Alu I(-) and Alu I(N)-null allele-were evidenced for the GHR/Alu I polymorphism and the frequency of the Alu I(N) allele was significantly higher than the frequency of the Alu I(+) and Alu I(-) alleles in all genetic groups. Genotype Alu I(N/N) of the GHRIAlu I predominated in Nellore animals, while the Alu I(N/+) and Alu I(N/-) predominated in the other genetic groups. In the association studies, traits of interest were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of the SAS program and least squares means of the genotypes were compared by the Tukey test. Significant associations (P < 0.05) were observed between the Alu I(N/N) genotype of the GHRIAlu I polymorphism and lower weight gain and body weight at slaughter, although a confounding between genotypes and genetic groups may have occurred. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Restricted breeding seasons used in beef cattle produce censored data for reproduction traits measured in regard to these seasons. To analyze these data, adequate methods must be used. The objective of this paper was to compare three approaches aiming to evaluate sexual precocity in Nellore cattle. The final data set contained 6699 records of age at first conception (AFC14) (in days) and of heifer pregnancy (HP14) (binary) obtained from females exposed to the bulls for the first time at about 14 months of age. Records of females that did not calve in the following year after being exposed to a sire were considered censored (77.5% of total). The models used to obtain genetic parameters and expected progeny differences (EPDs) were a Weibull mixed and a censored linear model for AFC14 and threshold model for HP14. The mean heritabilities obtained were 0.76 and 0.44, respectively, for survival and censored linear models (for AFC14), and 0.58 for HP14. Ranking and Pearson correlations varied (in absolute values) from 0.54 to 0.99 (considering different percentages of sires selected), indicating moderate changes in the classification. Considering survival analysis as the best selection criterion (that would result in the best response to selection), it was observed that selection for HP14 would lead to a more significant decrease in selection response if compared with selection for AFC14 analysed by censored linear model, from which results were very similar to the survival analysis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se com esse trabalho comparar estimativas de componentes de variâncias obtidas por meio de modelos lineares mistos Gaussianos e Robustos, via Amostrador de Gibbs, em dados simulados. Foram simulados 50 arquivos de dados com 1.000 animais cada um, distribuídos em cinco gerações, em dois níveis de efeito fixo e três valores fenotípicos distintos para uma característica hipotética, com diferentes níveis de contaminação. Exceto para os dados sem contaminação, quando os modelos foram iguais, o modelo Robusto apresentou melhores estimativas da variância residual. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram semelhantes em todos os modelos, mas as análises de regressão mostraram que os valores genéticos preditos com uso do modelo Robusto foram mais próximos dos valores genéticos verdadeiros. Esses resultados sugerem que o modelo linear normal contaminado oferece uma alternativa flexível para estimação robusta em melhoramento genético animal.