364 resultados para Missense


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L’atrofia ottica dominante (ADOA) è una malattia mitocondriale caratterizzata da difetti visivi, che si manifestano durante l’infanzia, causati da progressiva degenerazione delle cellule gangliari della retina (RGC). ADOA è una malattia genetica associata, nella maggior parte dei casi, a mutazioni nel gene OPA1 che codifica per la GTPasi mitocondriale OPA1, appartenente alla famiglia delle dinamine, principalmente coinvolta nel processo di fusione mitocondriale e nel mantenimento del mtDNA. Finora sono state identificate più di 300 mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1. Circa il 50% di queste sono mutazioni missenso, localizzate nel dominio GTPasico, che si pensa agiscano come dominanti negative. Questa classe di mutazioni è associata ad una sindrome più grave nota come “ADOA-plus”. Nel lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae MGM1 è l’ortologo del gene OPA1: nonostante i due geni abbiano domini funzionali identici le sequenze amminoacidiche sono scarsamente conservate. Questo costituisce una limitazione all’uso del lievito per lo studio e la validazione di mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1, infatti solo poche sostituzioni possono essere introdotte e studiate nelle corrispettive posizioni del gene di lievito. Per superare questo ostacolo è stato pertanto costruito un nuovo modello di S. cerevisiae, contenente il gene chimerico MGM1/OPA1, in grado di complementare i difetti OXPHOS del mutante mgm1Δ. Questo gene di fusione contiene una larga parte di sequenza corrispondente al gene OPA1, nella quale è stato inserito un set di nuove mutazioni trovate in pazienti affetti da ADOA e ADOA-plus. La patogenicità di queste mutazioni è stata validata sia caratterizzando i difetti fenotipici associati agli alleli mutati, sia la loro dominanza/recessività nel modello di lievito. A tutt’oggi non è stato identificato alcun trattamento farmacologico per la cura di ADOA e ADOA-plus. Per questa ragione abbiamo utilizzato il nostro modello di lievito per la ricerca di molecole che agiscono come soppressori chimici, ossia composti in grado di ripristinare i difetti fenotipici indotti da mutazioni nel gene OPA1. Attraverso uno screening fenotipico high throughput sono state testate due differenti librerie di composti chimici. Questo approccio, noto con il nome di drug discovery, ha permesso l’identificazione di 23 potenziali molecole attive.


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Gli organismi vegetali mostrano una notevole capacità di adattamento alle condizioni di stress e lo studio delle componenti molecolari alla base dell'adattamento in colture cerealicole di interesse alimentare, come il frumento, è di particolare interesse per lo studio di varietà che consentano una buona produzione con basso input anche in condizioni ambientali non ottimali. L'esposizione delle colture cerealicole a stress termico durante determinate fasi del ciclo vitale influisce negativamente sulla resa e sulla qualità, a questo fine è necessario chiarire le basi genetiche e molecolari della termotolleranza per identificare geni e alleli vantaggiosi da impiegare in programmi di incrocio volti al miglioramento genetico. Numerosi studi dimostrano il coinvolgimento delle sHSP a localizzazione cloroplastica (in frumento sHSP26) nel meccanismo di acquisizione della termotolleranza e la loro interazione con diverse componenti del fotosistema II (PSII) che determinerebbe un’azione protettiva in condizioni di stress termico e altri tipi di stress. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di caratterizzare in frumento duro nuove varianti alleliche correlate alla tolleranza a stress termico mediate l'utilizzo del TILLING (Target Induced Local Lesion In Genome), un approccio di genetica inversa che prevede la mutagenesi e l'identificazione delle mutazioni indotte in siti di interesse. Durante la tesi sono state isolate e caratterizzate 3 sequenze geniche complete per smallHsp26 denominate TdHsp26-A1; TdHsp26-A2; TdHsp26-B1 e un putativo pseudogene denominato TdHsp26-A3. I geni isolati sono stati usati come target in analisi di TILLING in due popolazioni di frumento duro mutagenizzate con EMS (EtilMetanoSulfonato). Nel nostro studio sono stati impiegati due differenti approcci di TILLING: un approccio di TILLING classico mediante screening con High Resolution Melting (HRM) e un approccio innovativo che sfrutta un database di TILLING recentemente sviluppato. La popolazione di mutanti cv. Kronos è stata analizzata per la presenza di mutazioni in tutti e tre i geni individuati mediante ricerca online nel database di TILLING, il quale sfrutta la tecnica dell’exome capture sulla popolazione di TILLING seguito da sequenziamento ad alta processività. Attraverso questa tecnica sono state individuate, nella popolazione mutagenizzata di frumento duro cv. Kronos, 36 linee recanti mutazioni missenso. Contemporaneamente lo screening con HRM, effettuato su 960 genotipi della libreria di TILLING di frumento duro cv. Cham1 ha consentito di individuare mutazioni in una regione di 211bp di interesse funzionale del gene TdHsp26-B1, tra le quali 3 linee mutanti recanti mutazioni missenso in omozigosi. Alcune mutazioni missenso individuate sui due geni TdHsp26-A1 e TdHsp26-B1 sono state confermate in vivo nelle piante delle rispettive linee mutanti generando marcatori codominanti KASP (Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR) con cui è stato possibile verificare anche il grado di zigosità di tali mutazioni. Al fine di ridurre il numero di mutazioni non desiderate nelle linee risultate più interessanti, è stato eseguito il re-incrocio dei mutanti con i relativi parentali wild type ed inoltre sono stati generati alcuni doppi mutanti che consentiranno di comprendere meglio i meccanismi molecolari presieduti da questa classe genica. Gli individui F1 degli incroci sono stati poi genotipizzati con i medesimi marcatori KASP specifici per la mutazione di interesse per verificare la buona riuscita dell’incrocio. Questo approccio ha permesso di individuare ed implementare risorse genetiche utili ad intraprendere studi funzionali relativi al ruolo di smallHSP plastidiche implicate nella acquisizione di termotolleranza in frumento duro e di generare marcatori potenzialmente utili in futuri programmi di breeding.


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Purpose: SCN1A is the most clinically relevant epilepsy gene, most mutations lead to severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+). We studied 132 patients with epilepsy syndromes with seizures precipitated by fever, and performed phenotype-genotype correlations with SCN1A alterations. Methods: We included patients with SMEI including borderline SMEI (SMEB), GEFS+, febrile seizures (FS), or other seizure types precipitated by fever. We performed a clinical and genetic study focusing on SCN1A, using dHPLC, gene sequencing, and MLPA to detect genomic deletions/duplications on SMEI/SMEB patients. Results: We classified patients as: SMEI/SMEB = 55; GEFS+ = 26; and other phenotypes = 51. SCN1A analysis by dHPLC/sequencing revealed 40 mutations in 37 SMEI/SMEB (67%) and 3 GEFS+ (11.5%) probands. MLPA showed genomic deletions in 2 of 18 SMEI/SMEB. Most mutations were de novo (82%). SMEB patients carrying mutations (8) were more likely to have missense mutations (62.5%), conversely SMEI patients (31) had more truncating, splice site or genomic alterations (64.5%). SMEI/SMEB with truncating, splice site or genomic alterations had a significantly earlier age of onset of FS compared to those with missense mutations and without mutations (p = 0.00007, ANOVA test). None of the remaining patients with seizures precipitated by fever carried SCN1A mutations. Conclusion: We obtained a frequency of 71% SCN1A abnormalities in SMEI/SMEB and of 11.5% in GEFS+ probands. MLPA complements DNA sequencing of SCN1A increasing the mutation detection rate. SMEI/SMEB with truncating, splice site or genomic alterations had a significantly earlier age of onset of FS. This study confirms the high sensitivity of SCN1A for SMEI/SMEB phenotypes. © 2007 International League Against Epilepsy.


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Background - Specific language impairment (SLI) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder, observed in 5–10 % of children. Family and twin studies suggest a strong genetic component, but relatively few candidate genes have been reported to date. A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) described the first statistically significant association specifically for a SLI cohort between a missense variant (rs4280164) in the NOP9 gene and language-related phenotypes under a parent-of-origin model. Replications of these findings are particularly challenging because the availability of parental DNA is required. Methods - We used two independent family-based cohorts characterised with reading- and language-related traits: a longitudinal cohort (n = 106 informative families) including children with language and reading difficulties and a nuclear family cohort (n = 264 families) selected for dyslexia. Results - We observed association with language-related measures when modelling for parent-of-origin effects at the NOP9 locus in both cohorts: minimum P = 0.001 for phonological awareness with a paternal effect in the first cohort and minimum P = 0.0004 for irregular word reading with a maternal effect in the second cohort. Allelic and parental trends were not consistent when compared to the original study. Conclusions - A parent-of-origin effect at this locus was detected in both cohorts, albeit with different trends. These findings contribute in interpreting the original GWAS report and support further investigations of the NOP9 locus and its role in language-related traits. A systematic evaluation of parent-of-origin effects in genetic association studies has the potential to reveal novel mechanisms underlying complex traits.


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Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a devastating diabetes complication, with known heritability not fully revealed by previous genetics studies. We performed the largest genome-wide association study of type 1 DKD to date, in a 13-cohort consortium of 15,590 individuals of European ancestry genotyped on the Illumina HumanCoreExome Beadchip, which allows exploration of coding variation in addition to genomic markers.

As prior work has shown that different characterizations of the DKD phenotype highlight distinct genetic associations, we investigated a spectrum of DKD definitions based on proteinuria and renal function criteria. Controls were DKD-free after a minimum of 15 years diabetes duration; cases had diabetes for at least 10 years prior to DKD diagnosis. We also performed a quantitative trait analysis of estimated glomerular filtration rate in all participants.

Our top finding was a missense mutation in COL4A3, rs55703767 (Asp326Tyr); the minor allele is common in Europeans (20%) and East Asians (13%) but not Africans (2%). This SNP had a genome-wide significant association with traditionally defined DKD (macroalbuminuria or end-stage renal disease [ESRD], (OR= 0.79, P=1.9×10-9), and a suggestive association with macroalbuminuria (OR= 0.79, P=1.6×10-6) and ESRD (OR= 0.79, P=4.5×10-5) individually. Though its PolyPhen score is 0.3 (benign), this SNP has been implicated as a splice site disruptor.

The COL4A3 gene encodes the alpha 3 subunit of Type IV collagen, the major structural component of basement membranes. Pathogenic mutations in COL4A3 have been identified in thin basement membrane nephropathy, familial focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and Alport syndrome. A proxy (r2=0.6) for rs55703767 had no significant associations in the CKDGen consortium, suggesting its pathogenicity occurs solely in the setting of hyperglycemia.

By significantly increasing sample size we have discovered a novel locus underlying DKD risk, paving the way for better understanding of pathology, prevention, and treatment.


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INTRODUCTION: EGFR screening requires good quality tissue, sensitivity and turn-around time (TAT). We report our experience of routine screening, describing sample type, TAT, specimen quality (cellularity and DNA yield), histopathological description, mutation result and clinical outcome. METHODS: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) sections were screened for EGFR mutations (M+) in exons 18-21. Clinical, pathological and screening outcome data were collected for year 1 of testing. Screening outcome alone was collected for year 2. RESULTS: In year 1, 152 samples were tested, most (72%) were diagnostic. TAT was 4.9 days (95%confidence interval (CI)=4.5-5.5). EGFR-M+ prevalence was 11% and higher (20%) among never-smoking women with adenocarcinomas (ADCs), but 30% of mutations occurred in current/ex-smoking men. EGFR-M+ tumours were non-mucinous ADCs and 100% thyroid transcription factor (TTF1+). No mutations were detected in poorly differentiated NSCLC-not otherwise specified (NOS). There was a trend for improved overall survival (OS) among EGFR-M+ versus EGFR-M- patients (median OS=78 versus 17 months). In year 1, test failure rate was 19%, and associated with scant cellularity and low DNA concentrations. However 75% of samples with poor cellularity but representative of tumour were informative and mutation prevalence was 9%. In year 2, 755 samples were tested; mutation prevalence was 13% and test failure only 5.4%. Although samples with low DNA concentration (2.2 ng/μL), the mutation rate was 9.2%. CONCLUSION: Routine epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) screening using diagnostic samples is fast and feasible even on samples with poor cellularity and DNA content. Mutations tend to occur in better-differentiated non-mucinous TTF1+ ADCs. Whether these histological criteria may be useful to select patients for EGFR testing merits further investigation.


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by excessive iron absorption resulting in pathologically increased body iron stores. It is typically associated with common HFE gene mutation (p.Cys282Tyr and p.His63Asp). However, in Southern European populations up to one third of HH patients do not carry the risk genotypes. This study aimed to explore the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to analyse a panel of iron metabolism-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, and FTL) in 87 non-classic HH Portuguese patients. A total of 1241 genetic alterations were detected corresponding to 53 different variants, 13 of which were not described in the available public databases. Among them, five were predicted to be potentially pathogenic: three novel mutations in TFR2 [two missense (p.Leu750Pro and p.Ala777Val) and one intronic splicing mutation (c.967-1G>C)], one missense mutation in HFE (p.Tyr230Cys), and one mutation in the 5'-UTR of HAMP gene (c.-25G>A). The results reported here illustrate the usefulness of NGS for targeted iron metabolism-related gene panels, as a likely cost-effective approach for molecular genetics diagnosis of non-classic HH patients. Simultaneously, it has contributed to the knowledge of the pathophysiology of those rare iron metabolism-related disorders.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes have since been classified as types 1 and 2, each with specific phenotypic patterns. MEN1 is usually associated with pituitary, parathyroid and paraneoplastic neuroendocrine tumours. The hallmark of MEN2 is a very high lifetime risk of developing medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) more than 95% in untreated patients. Three clinical subtypesdMEN2A, MEN2B, and familial MTC (FMTC) have been defined based on the risk of pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, and the presence or absence of characteristic physical features). MEN2 occurs as a result of germline activating missense mutations of the RET (REarranged during Transfection) proto-oncogene. MEN2-associated mutations are almost always located in exons 10, 11, or 13 through 16. Strong genotype-phenotype correlations exist with respect to clinical subtype, age at onset, and aggressiveness of MTC in MEN2. These are used to determine the age at which prophylactic thyroidectomy should occur and whether screening for pheochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism is necessary. Specific RET mutations can also impact management in patients presenting with apparently sporadic MTC. Therefore, genetic testing should be performed before surgical intervention in all patients diagnosed with MTC. Recently, Pellegata et al. have reported that germline mutations in CDKN1B can predispose to the development of multiple endocrine tumours in both rats and humans and this new MEN syndrome is named MENX and MEN4, respectively. CDKN1B. A recent report showed that in sporadic MTC, CDKN1B V109G polymorphism correlates with a more favorable disease progression than the wild-type allele and might be considered a new promising prognostic marker. New insights on MEN syndrome pathogenesis and related inherited endocrine disorders are of particular interest for an adequate surgical and therapeutic approach.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologi apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 2008


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by excessive iron absorption resulting in pathologically increased body iron stores. It is typically associated with common HFE gene mutation (p.Cys282Tyr and p.His63Asp). However, in Southern European populations up to one third of HH patients do not carry the risk genotypes. This study aimed to explore the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to analyse a panel of iron metabolism-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, and FTL) in 87 non-classic HH Portuguese patients. A total of 1241 genetic alterations were detected corresponding to 53 different variants, 13 of which were not described in the available public databases. Among them, five were predicted to be potentially pathogenic: three novel mutations in TFR2 [two missense (p.Leu750Pro and p.Ala777Val) and one intronic splicing mutation (c.967-1GNC)], one missense mutation in HFE (p.Tyr230Cys), and one mutation in the 5′-UTR of HAMP gene(c.-25GNA). The results reported here illustrate the usefulness of NGS for targeted iron metabolism-related gene panels, as a likely cost-effective approach for molecular genetics diagnosis of non-classic HH patients. Simultaneously, it has contributed to the knowledge of the pathophysiology of those rare iron metabolism-related disorders.


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Ethylene is an essential plant hormone involved in nearly all stages of plant growth and development. EIN2 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2) is a master positive regulator in the ethylene signaling pathway, consisting of an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain. The EIN2 N-terminal domain localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and shows sequence similarity to Nramp metal ion transporters. The cytosolic C-terminal domain is unique to plants and signals downstream. There have been several major gaps in our knowledge of EIN2 function. It was unknown how the ethylene signal gets relayed from the known upstream component CTR1 (CONSTITUTIVE RESPONSE1) a Ser/Thr kinase at the ER, to EIN2. How the ethylene signal was transduced from EIN2 to the next downstream component transcription factor EIN3 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3) in the nucleus was also unknown. The N-terminal domain of EIN2 shows homology to Nramp metal ion transporters and whether EIN2 can also function as a metal transporter has been a question plaguing the ethylene field for almost two decades. Here, EIN2 was found to interact with the CTR1 protein kinase, leading to the discovery that CTR1 phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of EIN2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using tags at the termini of EIN2, it was deduced that in the presence of ethylene, the EIN2 C-terminal domain is cleaved and translocates into the nucleus, where it could somehow activate downstream ethylene responses. The EIN2 C-terminal domain interacts with nuclear proteins, RTE3 and EER5, which are components of the TREX-2 mRNA export complex, although the role of these interactions remains unclear. The EIN2 N-terminal domain was found to be capable of divalent metal transport when expressed in E. coli and S. cerevisiae leading to the hypothesis that metal transport plays a role in ethylene signaling. This hypothesis was tested using a novel missense allele, ein2 G36E, substituting a highly conserved residue that is required for metal transport in Nramp proteins. This G36E substitution did not disrupt metal ion transport of EIN2, but the ethylene insensitive phenotype of this mutant indicates that the EIN2 N-terminal domain is important for positively regulating the C-terminal domain. The defect of the ein2 G36E mutant does not prevent proper expression or subcellular localization, but might affect protein modifications. The ein2 G36E allele is partially dominant, mostly likely displaying haploinsufficiency. Overexpression of the EIN2 N-terminal domain in the ein2 G36E mutant did not rescue ethylene insensitivity, suggesting the N-terminal domain functions in cis to regulate the C-terminal domain. These findings advance our knowledge of EIN2, which is critical to understanding ethylene signaling.


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Introduction: ABCA3 glycoprotein belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters, which utilize the energy derived from hydrolysis of ATP for the translocation of a wide variety of substrates across the plasma membrane. Mutations in the ABCA3 gene are knowingly causative for fatal surfactant deficiency, particularly respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in term babies. Case Presentation: In this study, Sanger sequencing of the whole ABCA3 gene (NCBI NM_001089) was performed in a neonatal boy with severe RDS. A homozygous mutation has been identified in the patient. Parents were heterozygous for the same missense mutation GGA > AGA at position 202 in exon 6 of the ABCA3 gene (c.604G > A; p.G202R). Furthermore, 70 normal individuals have been analyzed for the mentioned change with negative results. Conclusions: Regarding Human Genome Mutation Database (HGMD) and other literature recherche, the detected change is a novel mutation and has not been reported before. Bioinformatics mutation predicting tools prefer it as pathogenic.


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ATP7A is a P-type ATPase essential for cellular copper (Cu) transport and homeostasis. Loss-of-function ATP7A mutations causing systemic Cu deficiency are associated with severe Menkes disease or its milder allelic variant, occipital horn syndrome. We previously identified two rare ATP7A missense mutations (P1386S and T994I) leading to a non-fatal form of motor neuron disorder, X-linked distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMNX), without overt signs of systemic Cu deficiency. Recent investigations using a tissue specific Atp7a knock out model have demonstrated that Cu plays an essential role in motor neuron maintenance and function, however the underlying pathogenic mechanisms of ATP7A mutations causing axonal degeneration remain unknown. We have generated an Atp7a conditional knock in mouse model of dHMNX expressing Atp7a(T985I), the orthologue of the human ATP7A(T994I) identified in dHMNX patients. Although a degenerative motor phenotype is not observed, the knock in Atp7a(T985I/Y) mice show altered Cu levels within the peripheral and central nervous systems, an increased diameter of the muscle fibres and altered myogenin and myostatin gene expression. Atp7a(T985I/Y) mice have reduced Atp7a protein levels and recapitulate the defective trafficking and altered post-translational regulatory mechanisms observed in the human ATP7A(T994I) patient fibroblasts. Our model provides a unique opportunity to characterise the molecular phenotype of dHMNX and the time course of cellular events leading to the process of axonal degeneration in this disease.


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BACKGROUND: Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy is a risk factor for cardiovascular death, but the genetic factors determining LV size and predisposition to hypertrophy are not well understood. We have previously linked the quantitative trait locus cardiac mass 22 (Cm22) on chromosome 2 with cardiac hypertrophy independent of blood pressure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. From an original cross of spontaneously hypertensive rat with F344 rats, we derived a normotensive polygenic model of spontaneous cardiac hypertrophy, the hypertrophic heart rat (HHR) and its control strain, the normal heart rat (NHR).

METHODS AND RESULTS: To identify the genes and molecular mechanisms underlying spontaneous LV hypertrophy we sequenced the HHR genome with special focus on quantitative trait locus Cm22. For correlative analyses of function, we measured global RNA transcripts in LV of neonatal HHR and NHR and 198 neonatal rats of an HHR × NHR F2 crossbred population. Only one gene within locus Cm22 was differentially expressed in the parental generation: tripartite motif-containing 55 (Trim55), with mRNA downregulation in HHR (P < 0.05) and reduced protein expression. Trim55 mRNA levels were negatively correlated with LV mass in the F2 cross (r = -0.16, P = 0.025). In exon nine of Trim55 in HHR, we found one missense mutation that functionally alters protein structure. This mutation was strongly associated with Trim55 mRNA expression in F2 rats (F = 10.35, P < 0.0001). Similarly, in humans, we found reduced Trim55 expression in hearts of subjects with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.

CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the Trim55 gene, located in Cm22, is a novel candidate gene for polygenic LV hypertrophy independent of blood pressure.