424 resultados para MicroRNAs (miRNAs)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present study aimed to analyze the expression profile of the microRNAs previously described as associated with childhood ALL, miR-92a, miR-100, miR-125a-5p, miR-128a, miR-181b, miR-196b and let-7e, and their association with biological/prognostic features in 128 consecutive samples of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by quantitative real-time PCR. A significant association was observed between higher expression levels of miR-196b and T-ALL, miR-100 and patients with low white blood cell count at diagnosis and t(12;21) positive ALL. These findings suggest a potential activity of these microRNAs in pediatric ALL biology. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The control of gene expression by miRNAs has been widely investigated in different species and cell types. Following a probabilistic rather than a deterministic regimen, the action of these short nucleotide sequences on specific genes depends on intracellular concentration,which in turn reflects the balance between biosynthesis and degradation. Recent studies have described the involvement of XRN2, an exoribonuclease, in miRNA degradation and PAPD4, an atypical poly(A) polymerase, in miRNA stability. Herein, we examined the expression of XRN2 and PAPD4 in developing and adult rat hippocampi. Combining bioinformatics and real-time PCR,we demonstrated that XRN2 and PAPD4 expression is regulated by the uncorrelated action of transcription factors, resulting in distinct gene expression profiles during development. Analyses of nuclei position and nestin labeling revealed that both proteins progressively accumulated during neuronal differentiation, and that they are weakly expressed in immature neurons and absent in glial and endothelial cells. Despite the differences in subcellular localization, both genes were concurrently identified within identical neuronal subpopulations, including specific inhibitory interneurons. Thus, we cope with a singular circumstance in biology: an almost complete intersected expression of functional-opposed genes, reinforcing that their antagonistically driven actions on miRNAs “make sense” if simultaneously present at the same cells. Considering that the transcriptome in the nervous system is finely tuned to physiological processes, it was remarkable that miRNA stability-related genes were oncurrently identified in neurons that play essential roles in cognitive functions such as memory and learning. In summary, this study reveals a possible new mechanism for the control of miRNA expression.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumours. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative supportive care, radiation and adjuvant systemic therapy, the life expectancy of patients with high grade glioma has remained essentially poor. Furthermore differential diagnosis among astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is very challenging and subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of the research was: 1) to investigate a series of high grade and low grade gliomas at gene and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels to disclose possible genetic portraits of malignancy; 2) to verify the utility of Nogo-A, Olig-2 and synaptophysin in providing a correct histological diagnosis of oligodendroglioma and to investigate a possible complementary role in selecting the best areas suitable for detecting 1p/19q codeletion using FISH analysis; 3) to study the role of microRNA in high grade gliomas. In order to obtain these goals large series of brain tumors were studied with DNA microarrays, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR The results demonstrated that: - Overexpression of IGFBP-2 and CDC20 is highly related to glioblastomas and their immunopositivity can be useful for the identification of glioblastoma in small biopsies. - Nogo-A is the most useful and specific marker in differentiating oigodendrogliomas from other gliomas. Furthermore, using a Nogo-A driven FISH analysis, it is possible to identify a larger number of 1p19q codeletions in gliomas. - microRNAs can be studied in paraffin embedded tissues better than in fresh tissues. A series of six microRNA, significatively deregulated in glioblastomas, may represent a genetic signature with prognostic and predictive value and could constitute candidates for novel anti-cancer therapeutics.
Introduction – Although imatinib (IM) is a recognized gold standard in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) therapy, resistance has emerged in a significant proportion of patients. Aim – The aim of this study was: (1) to investigate the role of genetic variants in genes encoding for IM transporters, as candidate of IM responsiveness and (2) to test the influence of miRNAs on IM response, focusing on efflux transporters. Methods – As a first step, a panel of polymorphisms (SNPs) was genotyped in a subgroup population of 189 patients enrolled in the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Optimization and Selectivity (TOPS) trial. The association with cytogenetic response and molecular response (MR) was assessed for each SNP. As a second step, an in vitro IM-resistant model (K-562 CML cell line) was established. miRNAs profiles were analyzed using Taqman arrays and in silico search was performed for miRNAs deregulated after IM treatment. mRNA and protein expression were quantified using TaqMan realtime PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Results – (1) Among Caucasian patients, ABCB1 rs60023214 significantly correlated with complete MR (P = 0.005). Concerning SNPs combination in IM uptake transporters, the associations with treatment outcomes were statistically significant for both major and complete MR (P = 0.005 and P = 0.01, respectively). (2) ABCB1 protein was not expressed under any conditions of treatment, differently from ABCG2. Two deregulated miRNAs, namely miR-212 and miR-328, were identified to be inversely correlated with ABCG2 (r2= 0.57; p=0.03 and r2=0.47; p=0.06, respectively). Experiments of loss and gain of function confirmed the functional influence of these miRNAs on ABCG2. Conclusion – The multiple candidate gene approach identified single and combination of SNPs that can be proposed as predictor of IM response. The in vitro study suggested that IM resistance could be mediated by miRNA-dependent mechanism. Further studies are needed to validate these preliminary findings.
Oral cavity cancers (OSCC) are among the most malignances worldwide. OSCC tipically affects men in their IV or V dedade of life, and the most relevant risk factors are tobacco and alcohol consumption. OSCCs generally exhibit poor prognosis, and late stage identification correlates with higher mortality rates. Basic prognostic factors, are tumor size and presence of lymph node and/or distance metastases (T classification, N, M). However, tumors with the same TNM grade and similar morphology may have completely different evolution, because of their intrinsic biological characteristics. For these reasons, the identification of new molecular markers with a predictive value, could represent useful tools in OSCC prevention, prognosis and treatment. In the first part of my PhD project I evaluated the loss of heterozygosity as a possible cause of deregulation of well-known tumor suppressors genes. Obtained data put on light the importance of this rearrangement and genes PDCD4, CTNB1, CASP4 and HSP23, in the onset and progression of OSCC. Subsequently, the analysis of the expression profile of miRNAs, led to the identification of some miRNAs that seems to be involved in cancer development and metastatic progression. In both cases, we need further investigations to understand whether these molecules may be used ideal markers in OSCC diagnosis and treatment.
Lo scopo del progetto triennale del dottorato di ricerca è lo studio delle alterazioni genetiche in un gruppo di pazienti affetti da micosi fungoide ed un gruppo di pazienti affetti da sindrome di Sezary. Dalle biopsie cutanee è stato estratto il DNA e analizzato, comparandolo con DNA sano di riferimento, utilizzando la tecnica array-CGH, allo scopo di identificare la presenza di geni potenzialmente implicati nel processo di oncogenesi. Questa analisi è stata eseguita, per ogni paziente, su biopsie effettuate ad una fase iniziale di malattia e ad una fase di progressione della stessa. Sugli stessi pazienti è stata inoltre eseguita un’analisi miRNA. Si ipotizza che il profilo d’espressione dei miRNA possa infatti dare informazioni utili per predire lo stato di malattia, il decorso clinico, la progressione tumorale e la riposta terapeutica. Questo lavoro è stato poi eseguito su biopsie effettuate in pazienti affetti da sindrome di Sezary che, quando non insorge primitivamente come tale, si può considerare una fase evolutiva della micosi fungoide. La valutazione delle alterazioni genetiche, ed in particolare la correlazione esistente tra duplicazione e delezione genetica e sovra/sottoespressione genetica, è stata possibile attraverso l’interpretazione e la comparazione dei dati ottenuti attraverso le tecniche array-CGH e miRNA. Sono stati comparati i risultati ottenuti per valutare quali fossero le alterazioni cromosomiche riscontrate nei diversi stadi di malattia. L’applicazione dell’array-CGH e della metodica di analisi mi-RNA si sono rivelate molto utili per l’identificazione delle diverse aberrazioni cromosomiche presenti nel genoma dei pazienti affetti da micosi fungoide e sindrome di Sezary, per valutare la prognosi del paziente e per cercare di migliorare o trovare nuove linee terapeutiche per il trattamento delle due patologie. Lo studio di questi profili può rappresentare quindi uno strumento di grande importanza nella classificazione e nella diagnosi dei tumori.
Il Parvovirus B19, virus patogeno umano della famiglia Parvoviridae, mostra uno specifico tropismo per i precursori eritroidi e una limitata replicazione in alcune linee cellulari megacarioblastoidi. Allo scopo di sviluppare sistemi utili allo studio delle caratteristiche biologiche del virus, diversi laboratori si sono occupati della costruzione di cloni genomici di B19 dotati di competenza funzionale e capaci di generare virus infettante. Parte del presente lavoro ha riguardato l’analisi funzionale di diversi cloni genomici di B19 e ha permesso di caratterizzare le regioni terminali del virus e di identificare requisiti essenziali per la loro funzionalità. Nel contesto intracellulare, esistono differenti livelli di restrizione in relazione alla capacità della cellula di supportare la replicazione virale, non ancora del tutto caratterizzati. Inoltre si sono accumulate evidenze circa la capacità del B19 di instaurare persistenza in numerosi tessuti. Non sono ancora note le caratteristiche funzionali del genoma virale in questo stato, è possibile che il virus persista in forma silente e meccanismi epigenetici possano regolare tale silenziamento. In questo studio è stato analizzato lo stato di metilazione del genoma di B19 e il suo possibile effetto sul ciclo replicativo virale ed è stata investigata la possibile associazione del DNA virale agli istoni cellulari nel corso di infezione in vitro. I risultati ottenuti confermano la presenza di questi meccanismi epigenetici, potendo ipotizzare che giochino un importante ruolo nella regolazione della funzionalità virale e nell’interazione B19-cellula e siano un elemento critico per l’adattamento del virus nell’ambiente in cui si trova. Inoltre l’ipotesi che anche i microRNA possano assumere un importante significato nell’interazione B19-cellula è stata proposta da diversi lavori e nel presente studio è stata valutata la produzione di queste piccole molecole durante l'infezione in vitro, ricercando microRNA (cellulari e/o virali) con omologia di sequenza per il genoma di B19 e quindi specifici per il virus.
I microRNA sono una classe di piccole molecole di RNA non codificante che controllano la stabilità di numerosi RNA messaggeri, perciò sono considerati come “master regulator” dell’espressione genica. Ogni tumore è caratterizzato da un profilo di espressione alterato dei microRNA. Il miR-101 è un oncosoppressore represso nei tessuti tumorali ed è candidato come biomarcatore del cancro colon-rettale. È regolato da numerosi eventi fisiologici e patologici, come angiogenesi e carcinogenesi. Gli eventi molecolari coinvolti nella regolazione dell’espressione del miR-101 sono scarsamente conosciuti, poiché è trascritto da due loci genici non caratterizzati. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è di caratterizzare i geni del miR-101 ed individuarne i regolatori molecolari coinvolti nella cancerogenesi colon-rettale.
Il Tumore a Cellule Giganti dell’osso (TCG) è una rara neoplasia che rappresenta il 5% dei tumori di natura ossea; sebbene venga considerato un tumore a decorso benigno può manifestare caratteri di aggressività locale dando origine a recidive locali nel 10-25% dei casi, e nel 2-4% dei casi metastatizza a livello polmonare. In questo studio è stata valutata l’espressione dei miRNA mediante miRNA microarray in 10 pazienti affetti da TCG, 5 con metastasi e 5 liberi da malattia; sono stati riscontrati miRNA differenzialmente espressi tra i 2 gruppi di pazienti e la successiva validazione mediante Real Time PCR ha confermato una differenza significativa per il miR-136 (p=0.04). Mediante analisi bioinformatica con il software TargetScan abbiamo identificato RANK e NF1B come target del miR-136 e ne abbiamo studiato l’espressione mediante Real Time PCR su una più ampia casistica di pazienti affetti da TCG, metastatico e non, evidenziando una maggior espressione di NF1B nel gruppo di pazienti metastatici, mentre RANK non ha dimostrato una differenza significativa. L’analisi di Western Blot ha rilevato una maggiore espressione di entrambe le proteine nei pazienti metastatici rispetto ai non metastatici. Successivamente è stato condotto uno studio di immunoistochimica su TMA di 163 campioni di pazienti affetti da TCG a diverso decorso clinico che ha dimostrato una maggiore e significativa espressione di entrambe i target nei pazienti con metastasi rispetto ai non metastatici; le analisi di popolazione mediante Kaplan-Meier hanno confermato la correlazione tra over-espressione di RANK, NF1B e ricaduta con metastasi (p=0.001 e p<0.0005 rispettivamente). Lo studio di immunoistochimica è stato ampliato alle proteine maggiormente coinvolte nell’osteolisi che risultano avere un significato prognostico; tuttavia mediante analisi di ROC, la co-over-espressione di RANK, RANKL e NF1B rappresenta il migliore modello per predire la comparsa di metastasi (AUC=0.782, p<0.0005).
The transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a group of long non-coding RNAs involved in human carcinogenesis. The factors regulating the expression of T-UCRs and their mechanism of action in human cancers are unknown. In this work it was shown that high expression of uc.339 associates with lower survival in 204 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Moreover, it was shown that uc.339 found up-regulated in archival NSCLC samples, acts as a decoy RNA for miR-339-3p, -663-3p and -95-5p. So, Cyclin E2, a direct target of three microRNAs is up-regulated, inducing cancer growth and migration. Evidence of this mechanism was provided from cell lines and primary samples confirming that TP53 directly regulates uc.339. These results support a key role for uc.339 in lung cancer.
Retrovirale Vektoren basierend auf dem murinen Leukämievirus (MLV) gehören zu den zurzeit am häufigsten verwendeten Vektoren in der Gentherapie. MLV besitzt einen natürlichen Tropismus für sich teilende Zellen und ist somit besonders für die Krebs-Gentherapie geeignet.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zuerst der direkte Transport von pri-miRNA durch deren Aufnahme in MLV-Partikel untersucht, aber keine positiven Effekte beobachtet. Dabei blieb unklar, ob keine Verpackung der pri-miRNA erfolgte, oder die pri-miRNA nach Transduktion der Zellen nicht funktionell war.rnReplizierende MLVs sind eine vielversprechende Alternative zu replikationsinkompetenten Vektoren. Sie können das Transgen im gewünschten Gewebe verteilen und durch Integration ins Genom stabil exprimieren. Es wurden verschiedene Ansätze zur Herstellung von onkolytisch wirkenden MLVs untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass der Einsatz des viralen Proteins R (VPR) als toxisches Gen eine Anzucht VPR-kodierender Viren erschwert, da bereits die VPR-exprimierenden Zellen abgetötet werden. Das Ergebnis zeigt den Bedarf weiterer Optimierungen, z.B. durch geeignete Anzuchtzellen oder induzierbare Promotoren zur Transgenexpression.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass Expressionskassetten mit antitumoralen sh/miRNAs als therapeutisches Effektormolekül gegen die Proteinkinase PLK1 und den Transkriptionsfaktor STAT3 erfolgreich durch replizierende MLVs in Zielzellen übertragen werden und die Herabregulation der Genprodukte zu einer deutlichen Wachstumshemmung der Tumorzellen führt. Dabei konnten Expressionskassetten bis zu einer Größe von 1,6kb stabil in die 3´-UTR von Env inseriert werden. Es konnte ein reduziertes Tumorwachstum von HT1080-Zellen in SCID-Mäusen nach intratumoraler Applikation von aMLV, welches für eine miRNA gegen PLK1 kodiert, erreicht werden ohne dass die Viren mutierten (Schaser et al., 2011). Durch eine intravenöse Verabreichung der Viren oder der Applikation von vorinfizierten Tumorzellen in SCID-Mäuse mutierten die miRNA-Expressionskassetten aus ungeklärten Gründen vollständig. Durch die Balance zwischen Virusverbreitung und induziertem Zelltod sind modifizierte MLVs eine perfekte Waffe gegen entartete Zellen.rnrn
Die humane induzierbare NO-Synthase (iNOS) spielt bei zahlreichen Erkrankungen wie Asthma, Krebs und der rheumatoiden Arthritis eine entscheidende Rolle. Durch Fehlregulation der iNOS-Expression kommt es häufig zu massiven Gewebeschädigungen. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig die Mechanismen der Genregulation der iNOS-Expression zu verstehen. Bei Affinitätschromatographie-Analysen wurde das zytosolische PolyA-bindende Protein (PABP) als direkter Interaktionspartner der 3´UTR der humanen iNOS identifiziert. Weitere Bindungsanalysen konnten eine spezifische Bindestelle für PABP in der 5´UTR und zwei Bindestellen im AU-reichen Bereich der 3´UTR der humanen iNOS nachweisen. Eine siRNA-mediierte Herabregulation von PABP mit Hilfe der stabilen Expression spezifischer siRNAs in DLD-1 Zellen (siPABP Zellen) zeigte eine signifikant verringerte Expression der humanen iNOS und damit einhergehend eine verringerte NO-Produktion nach Zytokinstimulation. Promotoranalysen zeigten keine Veränderung der Induzierbarkeit des humanen 16 kb iNOS-Promotors in siPABP Zellen. RNA-Stabilitätsanalysen zeigten einen verstärkten Abbau der iNOS-mRNA in diesen Zellen, so dass davon auszugehen ist, dass die Regulation der humanen iNOS über die mRNA-Stabilität erfolgt. Reportergen-Analysen mit Plasmiden, welche die 5’ und/oder 3’UTR Sequenzen der humanen iNOS mit den identifizierten PABP-Bindestellen oder Mutationen in diesen Bindestellen enthielten, zeigten, dass PABP die iNOS-mRNA über die 5´UTR stabilisiert und anscheinend über die 3´UTR einen destabilisierenden Effekt auf die mRNA ausübt. Ebenfalls scheint PABP über die 3’UTR dieTranslation der iNOS mRNA zu hemmen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass PABP, über seine allgemeinen Funktionen hinaus, eine spezifische Rolle in der Regulation der Expression der humanen iNOS einnimmt.rnDie rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) ist eine chronisch entzündliche Autoimmunerkrankung, welche überwiegend die peripheren Gelenke der Hände und Füße betrifft. Die aktuellen Therapiemöglichkeiten sind immer noch mit einer Vielzahl von Nebenwirkungen behaftet und führen nicht zur vollständigen Remission der Erkrankung, so dass die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente unerlässlich ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden die antiinflammatorischen Substanzen Gallielalacton (Gal) und Oxacyclododecindion (Oxa) im Mausmodell der kollagen-induzierten Arthritis (CIA) getestet. Leider waren beide Substanzen nicht in der Lage die Symptome der CIA zu vermindern, obwohl beide im Modell der LPS-induzierten akuten Entzündung die Expression proinflammatorischer Mediatoren senken konnten. Die Substanz S-Curvularin (SC) hat sich im CIA-Modell bereits bewährt und wurde in dieser Arbeit weiter untersucht. SC war in der Lage die Expression knorpel- und knochendestruktiver Markergene signifikant zu verrindern. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neue microRNAs identifiziert, die in der Pathogenese der CIA eine Dysregulation zeigen. Die Expression dieser microRNAs wurde von SC wieder auf das Normalniveau gebracht, so dass SC eine vielversprechende Substanz in der Therapie chronisch inflammatorische Erkrangungen sein könnte. Die neu identifizierten CIA-relevanten microRNAs könnten als neueRA-Marker oder als Zielstrukturen für neue Medikamente dienen.rn
Nox4 is a member of the NADPH oxidase family, which represents a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the vascular wall. Nox4-mediated ROS production mainly depends on the expression levels of the enzyme. The aim of my study was to investigate the mechanisms of Nox4 transcription regulation by histone deacetylases (HDAC). Treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and HUVEC-derived EA.hy926 cells with the pan-HDAC inhibitor scriptaid led to a marked decrease in Nox4 mRNA expression. A similar down-regulation of Nox4 mRNA expression was observed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of HDAC3. HDAC inhibition in endothelial cells was associated with enhanced histone acetylation, increased chromatin accessibility in the human Nox4 promoter region, with no significant changes in DNA methylation. In addition, the present study provided evidence that c-Jun played an important role in controlling Nox4 transcription. Knockdown of c-Jun with siRNA led to a down-regulation of Nox4 mRNA expression. In response to scriptaid treatment, the binding of c-Jun to the Nox4 promoter region was reduced despite the open chromatin structure. In parallel, the binding of RNA polymerase IIa to the Nox4 promoter was significantly inhibited as well, which may explain the reduction in Nox4 transcription. In conclusion, HDAC inhibition decreases Nox4 transcription in human endothelial cells by preventing the binding of transcription factor(s) and polymerase(s) to the Nox4 promoter, most likely because of a hyperacetylation-mediated steric inhibition. In addition, HDAC inhibition-induced Nox4 downregulation may also involves microRNA-mediated mRNA destabilization, because the effect of the scriptaid could be partially blocked by DICER1 knockdown or by transcription inhibition.
In the CNS, myelinating oligodendrocytes and axons form a functional unit based on intimate cell-cell interactions. In addition to axonal insulation serving to increase the conduction velocity of electrical impulses, oligodendrocytes provide trophic support to neurons essential for the long-term functional integrity of axons. The glial signals maintaining axonal functions are just at the beginning to become uncovered. Yet, their determination is highly relevant for all types of demyelinating diseases, where lack of glial support significantly contributes to pathology. rnThe present PhD thesis uncovers exosomes as a novel signaling entity in the CNS by which cargo can be transferred from oligodendrocytes to neurons. Exosomes are small membranous vesicles of endocytic origin, which are released by almost every cell type and have been implicated in intercellular communication. Oligodendrocytes secrete exosomes containing a distinct set of proteins as well as mRNA and microRNA. Intriguingly, oligodendroglial exosome release is stimulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate indicating that neuronal electrical activity controls glial exosome release. In this study, the role of exosomes in neuron-glia communication and their implications on glial support was examined. Cortical neurons internalized and accumulated oligodendroglial exosomes in the neuronal cell soma in a time-dependent manner. Moreover, uptake occurred likewise at the somatodendritic and axonal compartment of the neurons via dynamin and clathrin dependent endocytosis. Intriguingly, neuronal internalization of exosomes resulted in functional retrieval of exosomal cargo in vitro and in vivo upon stereotactic injection of Cre recombinase bearing exosomes. Functional recovery of Cre recombinase from transferred exosomes was indicated by acquired reporter recombination in the target cell. Electrophysiological analysis showed an increased firing rate in neurons exposed to oligodendroglial exosomes. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed differentially expressed genes after exosome treatment, indicating functional implications on neuronal gene expression and activity. rnTaken together, the results of this PhD thesis represent a proof of principle for exosome transmission from oligodendrocytes to neurons suggesting a new route of horizontal transfer in the CNS.rn