661 resultados para Merlin, Buenaventura


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Se expone un nuevo sistema de análisis de las obras de arte que permita a los alumnos, en un futuro, a través de la mirada y la memoria, sin necesidad de conocimientos eruditos, la apreciación de cualquier obra de arte. Esta práctica se realiza con el Esclavo, de Miguel Ángel, y La Buenaventura, de Caravaggio.


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Realiza una encuesta sociológica para obtener una serie de datos que servirán de base para una programación efectiva del trabajo escolar en Bueu, Pontevedra. La encuesta está dirigida a los padres donde se trata de: medir el nivel cultural familiar; conocer la lengua empleada en el medio familiar y laboral, así como la lengua que desearían en que sus hijos realizasen la educación; nivel económico y de bienestar familiar. Y a los niños para conocer las facilidades y comodidades que tiene para estudiar y tiempo disponible para jugar; hábitos, la influencia de la televisión y, finalmente, el nivel de aceptación de la enseñanza por el alumno y sus aspiraciones. Expone las consecuencias deducidas del análisis de los datos y finaliza con la reseña de las conclusiones: necesidad de una educación preescolar generalizada y una metodología adaptada a las características locales. Se incluye el modelo de cada encuesta.


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Se desarrolla una experiencia en la que los escolares del colegio Lourido (Pontevedra) participan en excavaciones arqueológicas con los equipos del Museo provincial. El proyecto tiene una finalidad investigadora y docente que pretende acercar la Arqueología a los centros escolares y, sobre todo, que la escuela haga Arqueología, que los vecinos conozcan estos temas, y que las entidades sociales y culturales colaboren en la experiencia.


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Conocer las diferencias y similitudes, en la formación gerontológica en psicología, en los países de España y Colombia. El trabajo se desarrolla a través de un estudio histórico-comparado. Para ello se parte de un análisis independiente de la historia de la gerontología en cada uno de los países de estudio. Junto a este estudio, se incluye la opinión de los agentes de la comunidad educativa -decanos o directores, docentes y egresados de las asignaturas de gerontología que se imparten en las universidades de España y Colombia. Para ello, se elaboran encuestas semiestructuradas que son validadas por jueces expertos -psicólogos y gerontólogos-. La muestra utilizada para este estudio, queda constituida en el caso de Colombia, por cinco decanos, cuatro docentes y seis egresados, de las universidades de: Universidad Católica de Colombia, Universidad El Bosque, Universidad Nacional, Universidad la Sabana, Universidad de San Buenaventura de Medellín y Universidad Javeriana. En España la muestra la constituyen: once decanos, quince docentes y quince egresados, de las universidades de: Universidad de Salamanca, Autónoma de Madrid, Deusto, Granada, Jaume I, La Laguna, Oviedo, País Vasco, Ramón Llull, SEK y Valencia. El trabajo finaliza con la comparación de los resultados obtenidos en España y Colombia. Colombia, en relación con España, fue la primera en institucionalizar la Psicología (1949) y en incluir los temas sobre envejecimiento y vejez en el plan de estudios tanto en la asignatura troncal de Psicología evolutiva, así como en los seminarios y optativa. Sin embargo, en la actualidad España tiene una amplia y variada oferta con varios niveles en los que se tratan los temas de envejecimiento y vejez, desde cursos de postgrados hasta doctorados, mientras que en Colombia solo se cuenta con un máster y un doctorado.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Los libros de texto, pese a su valor, apenas han sido usados como fuente de informaci??n en la investigaci??n de la Historia de la Educaci??n. Supone ciertas dificultades: su localizaci??n, la complejidad de uso. Probablemente la mayor dificultad sea la elaboraci??n de una t??cnica adecuada para obtener con agilidad todo lo que potencialmente encierra. Los historiadores ingleses trabajan en fijar una gu??a, de f??cil manejo, aplicable a distintos modelos. Son varias las razones por las que se aconseja prestar atenci??n a los libros de texto. Permiten conocer opiniones e ideas de sus autores, profesores y alumnos. Ayudan a conocer los canales de comunicaci??n de las ideas en la sociedad. Permiten ver la simplificaci??n y distorsi??n a que son sometidas las ideas al ser transmitidas y el tiempo transcurrido entre el lanzamiento de una opini??n, su recepci??n y el cambio en la estructura social.


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Here we discuss two consecutive MERLIN observations of the X-ray binary LS I +61° 303 . The first observation shows a double-sided jet extending up to about 200 AU on both sides of a central source. The jet shows a bent S-shaped structure similar to the one displayed by the well-known precessing jet of SS 433 . The precession suggested in the first MERLIN image becomes evident in the second one, showing a one-sided bent jet significantly rotated with respect to the jet of the day before. We conclude that the derived precession of the relativistic (beta=0.6) jet explains puzzling previous VLBI results. Moreover, the fact that the precession is fast could be the explanation of the never understood short term (days) variability of the associated gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 / 3EG J0241+6103


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Recent coordinated observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) from the EISCAT, MERLIN, and STELab, and stereoscopic white-light imaging from the two heliospheric imagers (HIs) onboard the twin STEREO spacecraft are significant to continuously track the propagation and evolution of solar eruptions throughout interplanetary space. In order to obtain a better understanding of the observational signatures in these two remote-sensing techniques, the magnetohydrodynamics of the macro-scale interplanetary disturbance and the radio-wave scattering of the micro-scale electron-density fluctuation are coupled and investigated using a newly constructed multi-scale numerical model. This model is then applied to a case of an interplanetary shock propagation within the ecliptic plane. The shock could be nearly invisible to an HI, once entering the Thomson-scattering sphere of the HI. The asymmetry in the optical images between the western and eastern HIs suggests the shock propagation off the Sun–Earth line. Meanwhile, an IPS signal, strongly dependent on the local electron density, is insensitive to the density cavity far downstream of the shock front. When this cavity (or the shock nose) is cut through by an IPS ray-path, a single speed component at the flank (or the nose) of the shock can be recorded; when an IPS ray-path penetrates the sheath between the shock nose and this cavity, two speed components at the sheath and flank can be detected. Moreover, once a shock front touches an IPS ray-path, the derived position and speed at the irregularity source of this IPS signal, together with an assumption of a radial and constant propagation of the shock, can be used to estimate the later appearance of the shock front in the elongation of the HI field of view. The results of synthetic measurements from forward modelling are helpful in inferring the in-situ properties of coronal mass ejection from real observational data via an inverse approach.


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The 20th World Computer Chess Championship took place in Yokohama, Japan during August 2013. It was narrowly won by JUNIOR from JONNY with HIARCS, PANDIX, SHREDDER and MERLIN occupying the remaining positions. There are references to the detailed chess biographies of the engines and engine-authors in the Chessprogramming Wiki. The games, occasionally annotated, are available here.


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The 3rd World Chess Software Championship took place in Yokohama, Japan during August 2013. It pits chess engines against each other on a common hardware platform - in this instance, the Intel i7 2740 Ivy Bridge with 16GB RAM supporting a potential eight processing threads. It was narrowly won by HIARCS from JUNIOR and PANDIX with JONNY, SHREDDER and MERLIN taking the remaining places. Games, occasionally annotated, are available here.


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The manuscript London, Lambeth Palace 6, contains the Middle English prose Brut, a text which benefited from a great popularity throughout the fifteenth century. It was copied by an English scribe and richly illuminated by the Master of Edward IV and his assistants at Bruges around 1480. This article studies the representation and integration of the reign of Arthur in the historical framework of the Brut or Chronicles of England, including its fictional aspects: Arthur emerges as a historical character but also as a chivalric and mythical figure. The analysis covers the miniatures ranging from the plot leading to the conception of Arthur to the end of his reign (fols. 36-66). The textual and iconographic choices of the prose Bruts are highlighted by comparisons with Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, Wace’s Brut, and later prose rewritings in the Lancelot-Grail romance cycle, especially Merlin and its Vulgate Sequel. They show the continuous interest raised by Arthur in the aristocratic and royal circles of late fifteenth century England and the relationship be¬tween continental and insular historiographical, literary and artistic traditions.


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The ms. Paris, BnF, fr. 344 was produced in Lorraine at the end of the thirteenth century and contains the whole Lancelot-Grail cycle. It presents an abridged version of the end of the Vulgate Sequel to Merlin. The rewriting of the end of the sequel glosses over the romantic episodes of the common version and focuses on the figure of Arthur, a legitimate sovereign and skilful war leader confronted by his barons’ dissidence. From the end of f° 182 to f° 184v°, BnF, fr. 344, narrates the departure of Kings Ban and Bohort for the Continent, the embassy of King Loth and his sons, and the fight against the Saxons of the Christian coalition gathered at Logres for the feast of the Holy Cross. This article shows the ideological implications of the abridgement and the illustration used at the end of the Vulgate Sequel in ms. fr. 344, as it exalts Arthur’s kingship and insists on the rallying, penance and submission of his rebelled vassals.


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This paper evaluates the impact of the crusades on the landscape and environment of northern Latvia between the 13th–16th centuries (medieval Livonia). The crusades replaced tribal societies in the eastern Baltic with a religious state (Ordenstaat) run by the military orders and their allies, accompanied by significant social, cultural and economic developments. These changes have previously received little consideration in palaeoenvironmental studies of past land use in the eastern Baltic region, but are fundamental to understanding the development and expansion of a European Christian identity. Sediment cores from Lake Trikāta, located adjacent to a medieval castle and settlement, were studied using pollen, macrofossils, loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility. Our results show that despite continuous agricultural land use from 500 BC, the local landscape was still densely wooded until the start of the crusades in AD 1198 when a diversified pattern of pasture, meadow and arable land use was established. Colonisation followed the crusades, although in Livonia this occurred on a much smaller scale than in the rest of the Ordenstaat; Trikāta is atypical showing significant impact following the crusades with many other palaeoenvironmental studies only revealing more limited impact from the 14th century and later. Subsequent wars and changes in political control in the post-medieval period had little apparent effect on agricultural land use.