979 resultados para Membrana oclusiva


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Liofilização é um método alternativo de preservação de espermatozóide, com vantagens sobre o criopreservado pelo baixo custo de armazenamento, facilidade no transporte pela não necessidade de containers e baixas taxas de contaminação. Esse estudo foi realizado no intuito e testar a eficácia de 5 açúcares na proteção do material cromossômico (DNA) de espermatozoides humanos liofilizados após reidratação. Para isso foram utilizados espermatozoides de indivíduos classificados como normozooespérmicos segundo OMS. Em eppendorfs foram colocados 1ml de sêmen que foram diluídos (1:1) em 1 ml de solução de Glicose, Lactose, Maltose, Manitol e Sorbitol, separadamente, nas concentrações 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.5M e 0.6M. Essas amostras foram analisadas em duas fases a primeira após congelamento observando a porcentagem de células com danos de membrana e outra análise após a liofilização, utilizando o Teste Cometa para detectar as taxas de fragmentação de DNA dos espermatozoides recuperadas após reidratação. O processo de liofilização de espermatozoides não foi capaz de recuperar a motilidade dos mesmos, mas foi capaz de manter 62.30 ± 13.76% de membrana plasmática intacta na presença de 0.6M manitol. As substâncias que melhor preservaram o DNA dessas células foram 0.2 lactose, 0.2M e 0.6M manitol e sorbitol, com apenas 4% de danos ao DNA. Esses resultados sugerem uma boa proteção ao DNA de espermatozoides humanos liofilizados, mas ainda requer testes adicionais para avaliar a fertilização e estudos que garantam a viabilidade da prole


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is a clonal proliferation of mature B lymphocytes characterized by indolent clinical course. Biologically this clonallity is characterized by low expression of surface immunoglobulin (sIg) with restriction to a single immunoglobulin light chain associated with high expression of CD5 antigen and positivity to B cell antigens lymphocytes such as CD19, CD20 and CD23 and negativity to FMC7. The immunological profile and morphological analysis of lymphoid cells are the main means for the differential diagnosis of B-CLL from other chronic lymphoproliferative diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression pattern of a variety of membrane antigens in leukemic cells originating from patients with B-CLL. In this study, peripheral blood samples from 80 patients with B-CLL were analyzed by multiparametric flow cytometry in addition to routine hematologic exams, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb): CD45/CD14, CD3/CD19/CD45, CD4/CD8 / CD3, CD20/CD5/CD3, CD3/CD16-56/CD45, CD2/CD7, FMC7/CD23, CD103/CD22/CD20, HLADR/CD38, CD10/CD19, CD1a, CD11b and also IgM/gD, kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains for the detection of surface immunoglobulin and clonal restriction for immunoglobulin light chain. The Hematological data were obtained from the hematological analyzer and cytomorphological analysis in blood film stained by Leishmann. The study samples consisted of 45 men and 35 women, ages ranging from 55 to 84 years (mean 65 years). Complete white blood count showed count ranging from 10.0 to 42.0 x 109/l. (mean 50.0 x 109/l) and lymphocytes count greater than 5.0 x 109/l in all cases. The neoplastic cells displayed B-CLL phenotype (CD5+/CD19+/CD20+/HLADR+/CD23+) in the vast majority of the cases, associated to failed to stain for T cell markers (CD1a, CD2, CD4, CD3, CD7, CD8), CD103, CD14 and FMC7. Leukemic cells of most patients also expressed low intensity of IgM and IgD with restricted kappa light chain, in most cases (59,7%). This observation highlights the importance of immunophenotyping for correct diagnosis of chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes and the panel of MoAb used was sufficient for diagnostic confirmation of B-CLL


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Gene therapy is based on the transfer of exogenous genetic material into cells or tissues in order to correct, supplement or silencing a particular gene. To achieve this goal, efficient vehicles, viral or non-viral, should be developed. The aim of this work was to produce and evaluate a nanoemulsion system as a possible carrier for no-viral gene therapy able to load a plasmid model (pIRES2-EGFP). The nanoemulsion was produced by the sonication method, after been choose in a pseudo-ternary phase diagram build with 5 % of Captex 355®, 1.2 % of Tween 80®, 0.8 % of Span 80®, 0.16% of stearylamine and water (to 100 %). Measurements of droplet size, polydispersity index (PI), zeta potential, pH and conductivity, were performed to characterize the system. Results showed droplets smaller than 200 nm (PI < 0.2) and zeta potential > 30 mV. The formulation pH was near to 7.0 and conductivity was that expected to oil in water systems (70 to 90 μS/s) A scale up study, the stability of the system and the best sterilization method were also evaluated. We found that the system may be scaled up considering the time of sonication according to the volume produced, filtration was the best sterilization process and nanoemulsions were stable by 180 days at 4 ºC. Once developed, the complexation efficiency of the plasmid (pDNA) by the system was tested by agarose gel electrophoresis retardation assay.. The complexation efficiency increases when stearylamine was incorporated into aqueous phase (from 46 to 115 ng/μL); regarding a contact period (nanoemulsion / pDNA) of at least 2 hours in an ice bath, for complete lipoplex formation. The nanoemulsion showed low toxicity in MRC-5 cells at the usual transfection concentration, 81.49 % of survival was found. So, it can be concluded that a nanoemulsion in which a plasmid model was loaded was achieved. However, further studies concerning transfectation efficiency should be performed to confirm the system as non-viral gene carrier


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Relata-se o caso de um cão, macho, da raça Fila Brasileiro, com nove anos de idade, acometido por neoformação tecidual na membrana nictitante do olho direito, com cerca de quatro meses de evolução. Realizou-se exame oftálmico rotineiro, a partir do qual se notaram hiperemia e edema conjuntivais, secreção ocular serossangüinolenta e neoformação saliente na conjuntiva da membrana nictitante. Realizou-se a exérese cirúrgica da neoformação. À histopatologia, encontraram-se células endoteliais pouco diferenciadas e pleomórficas que originavam intensa neoformação vascular, compatíveis com hemangiossarcoma da membrana nictitante.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina 98% no reparo de lesões lamelares esclerais em cães. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 12 cães, machos e fêmeas, com peso médio de 12kg. Foram realizadas avaliações clínica e morfológica aos 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Após anestesia geral e procedimentos padrões de preparo do campo operatório, foi realizada cantotomia temporal, seguida de incisão conjutival e escleral com área de 0,5x0,5 cm na posição de 1hora, próxima ao limbo. em seguida, um fragmento de mesma dimensão de cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina, previamente hidratado em solução salina, foi aplicado ao defeito escleral criado sendo fixado com pontos simples isolados com vicryl 7-0®. RESULTADOS: A avaliação clínica revelou blefaroespasmo/fotofobia até o sétimo dia de pós-operatório. Foi observado edema conjuntival até o quinto dia, acompanhado de secreção ocular mucóide, que persistiu até o décimo dia de pós-operatório. Não foram observados sinais clínicos de rejeição do enxerto em todos os animais, em todos os períodos avaliados. Os segmentos anterior e posterior do bulbo ocular não apresentaram sinais de inflamação. A análise morfológica revelou exsudação inflamatória aguda nos períodos precoces e intermediários da avaliação e inflamação crônica nos períodos tardios da observação. Houve incorporação do enxerto ao leito receptor. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a cápsula renal de eqüino preservada pode ser mais uma alternativa de membrana biológica para o reparo de lesões esclerais lamelares em cães e no homem.


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As afecções gastrintestinais dos cavalos são agravadas por complicações como a laminite, cuja etiopatogenia está relacionada à degradação da membrana basal do tecido laminar por metaloproteinases (MMPs). A ativação das MMPs pode ocorrer devido à liberação local de citocinas inflamatórias ou enzimas provenientes de leucócitos infiltrados no tecido laminar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações morfológicas do tecido laminar de equinos com síndrome cólica letal e sua provável associação com parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Observou-se intensa destruição da arquitetura laminar, principalmente nos animais com alterações físicas e laboratoriais mais acentuadas, como tempo de preenchimento capilar prolongado (TPC), membranas mucosas congestas, taquicardia, hemoconcentração e redução nas contagens de plaquetas e leucócitos. Os resultados sinalizam o provável momento do desenvolvimento de lesões do tecido laminar em equinos com síndrome cólica, no qual é possível adotar medidas preventivas contra a laminite.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em clima tropical semi-árido, o uso de reguladores vegetais em fruteiras permite o manejo do crescimento vegetativo, tão necessário ao escalonamento da produção e ao aumento da fertilidade das gemas. Estas substâncias influenciam vários fenômenos fisiológicos relacionados com a absorção mineral, como a condutância de membrana e utilização metabólica de íons. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento vegetativo, produção de matéria seca dos ramos, concentração e quantidade acumulada de N, P, K, Ca e Mg nos ramos e nos pecíolos e produção de panículas florais em resposta ao uso de reguladores vegetais, em plantas de videira da cultivar Itália. No experimento foram avaliados três ciclos vegetativos e cinco tratamentos (controle, chlormequat - 1500 mg L-1; daminozide - 3000 mg L-1; uniconazole - 30 mg L-1 e cloreto de mepiquat - 300 mg L-1), aplicados nas plantas em pulverizações aos 35 e 70 dias após a poda. Com o chlormequat e o uniconazole ocorreu efeito cumulativo nas plantas, quando aplicados em ciclos sucessivos da cultura, favorecendo o acúmulo de nutrientes e a diferenciação de gemas férteis em comparação com as plantas controle das videiras 'Itália'. Embora o daminozide tenha inibido significativamente o crescimento das plantas, não resultou em maior acúmulo de nutrientes e emissão de panículas florais nas plantas tratadas.


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This a study on the achievement of alumina membranes by the method of anodizing. From this method got up a layer of aluminum oxide on the anodic metal, who presented the basic properties necessary for the application as a support for the production and acquisition of nanomaterials, such as porosity nano and resistance to high temperature, and other properties, as resistance to corrosion, and chemical, high ranking of the structure and pore size of the pores. The latter, ranging from 10 to 100nm depended on the electrolyte used, which in this study was the H2SO4. To remove all remaining aluminum, it is a bath of dissolution with HCl and CuCl where the residual aluminum has been withdrawn, and the deep pores were opened after chemical treatment with NaOH. After the dissolution, the membranes were calcined at temperatures of 300, 600 and 900° C, and sintered at temperatures of 1200 and 1300º C to win mechanical strength, porosity and observe the desired crystallization. Then went through analyses of composition through X-ray diffraction and morphology of the microstructure through a scanning electron microscope. The method was effective for obtaining alumine membranes applied in the processes of production of materials in nano


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The tanning industries are those which transform animal hide or skin into leather. Due to the complexity of the transformation process, greater quantities of chemicals are being used which results in the generation of effluents with residual solids. The chromium in the residual waters generated by tanning tend to be a serious problem to the environment, therefore the recovery of this metal could result in the reduction of manufacturing costs. This metal is usually found in a trivalent form which can be converted into a hexavalent compound under acidic conditions and in the presence of organic matter. The present study was carried out with the objective to recover chromium through an extraction/re-extraction process using micro emulsions. Micro emulsions are transparent and thermodynamically stable system composed of two immiscible liquids, one forming the continuous phase and the other dispersed into micro bubbles, established by an interfacial membrane formed by surface active and co-surface active molecules. The process of recovering the chromium was carried out in two stages. The first, an extraction process, where the chromium was extracted in the micro emulsion phase and the aqueous phase in excess was separated. In the second stage, a concentrated acid was added to the micro emulsion phase rich in chromium in order to obtain a Winsor II system, where the water that formed in the micro emulsion phase separates into a new micro emulsion phase with a higher concentration of chromium, due to the lowering of the hydrophiles as well as the ionisation of the system. During the experimental procedure, a study was initiated with a synthetic solution of chromium sulphate passing onto the effluent. A Morris extractor was used in the extraction process. Tests were carried out according to the plan and the results were analysed by statistical methods in order to optimise the main parameters that influence the process: the total rate of flow (Q), stirring speed (w) and solvent rate (r). The results, after optimization, demonstrated that the best percentuals in relation to the chromium extraction (99 %) were obtained in the following operational conditions: Q= 2,0 l/h, w= 425 rpm and r= 0,375. The re-extraction was carried out at room temperature (28 °C), 40 °C and 50°C using hydrochloric acid (8 and 10 M) and sulphuric acid (8 M) as re-extracting agents. The results obtained demonstrate that the process was efficient enough in relation to the chromium extraction, reaching to re-extraction percentage higher than 95 %.


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The technology of anaerobic reactors for sanitary wastewater treatment has been extensively developed in Brazil, and today it is practically consolidated. They present several advantages, such as low construction and operating costs, and low sludge production, the anaerobic reactors are an attractive alternative to minimize problematic lack of basic sanitation in urban areas, and also of the rural areas. The anaerobic filters have been widely used in Brazil. It produces an effluent with low concentration of organic matter and solids suspended, besides conserving the nutrients, therefore, it is good for use in irrigation, but the practice must be associated with knowledge of the pathogens presence. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters in removal faecal coliforms and helminth eggs, and to verify if the effluent can be used for agricultural purposes, according to the World Organization of Health (WHO, 1989). The protocol used to enumerate helminths eggs was the modified Bailenger method, (Ayres and Mara, 1996) recommended by WHO for evaluation of raw effluent and treated effluent. The membrane filtration method was utilized to determine the concentrations of faecal coliforms. Three different systems of sewer treatment composed by anaerobic filters were analyzed. The results, in a general analysis, showed that all the researched systems reached a larger removal than 93% to helminth eggs, resulting in an effluent with smaller average than 1 egg/L. One of these systems, Sistema RN, reached a larger removal than 99%, confirming the good performance of the anaerobic filters in removal helminths eggs. Even with low concentrations of eggs in the influent, the filters were capable to remove this parameter efficiently. About faecal coliforms, it was observed for all the researched systems an effluent with 106 CFU/100mL. The high concentrations to faecal coliforms in the effluent just allow reuse for restricted irrigation, in agreement with the guidelines of WHO. Although the researched systems have not removed faecal coliforms efficiently, the results indicated a good efficiency of the anaerobic filters in removal helminth eggs


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)