871 resultados para Melancholy Psychoanalysis (Freud)
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A presente pesquisa prop��e-se a estudar poss��veis rela����es entre idade, tempo de servi��o como cl��rigo ou cl��riga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes ��ltimos acerca de altru��smo. O tema do altru��smo �� abordado a partir da filosofia, da psican��lise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as cr��ticas e contribui����es que a psican��lise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altru��smo, bem como as poss��veis rela����es com o tema proporcionadas pelas investiga����es de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elabora����o de ju��zos ��ticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil t��m ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a a����es visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao question��rio apresentado, no qual aparecem situa����es hipot��ticas em que o altru��smo �� requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que cl��rigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altru��smo.(AU)
This paper examines the ways in which subject identity obtains in either philosophical or psychoanalytical theory, which subject may be duplicated���and disclosed���in literary narratives via their principles and ideas. ^ The technique has a double approach. First, the thesis examines subject formation in (and by) language, through psychoanalysis as it draws upon abiding mythic resources, phenomenological methods and aims (e.g., the subject as consciousness intending its object), and the existentialist turn. It then brings these ideas and principles to bear upon an analysis of literary works as cultural expressions of these identities. ^ Beginning with scientific and philosophical referents (as opposed to the somewhat ���inclusive��� analysis of, for example, the New Criticism or explication de texte), allows for alternative readings not previously available to either author or reader. ^ Access to extra-literary sources, theories, and ideas enables a ���reading��� of the subject on a par with one existing in the Life-World. ^
Jaques Lacan, the thinker who proposes a return to the fundamentals of psychoanalysis in Freud states that the math would face as a privileged way of transmission of knowledge by the science. Although he was a follower of the mathematization of nature as the foundation of modern science, for him this principle does not imply eliminating the subject that produces it. That would be equivalent to saying that there can not be a language, whatever, even the math, that may "erases" the subject assumption in science. In the text The science and the truth we will try to introduce the idea, not so simple, by the way, the truth as the cause. Citing the framework of the causes in Aristotle, Lacan will speak of a homology between the truth as formal cause, in the case of science, and the truth as material cause, on the side of psychoanalysis. Among its aims with this text, he wants to establish that the unconscious of the subject would be none other than the subject of science. The famous incompleteness theorems of logical-mathematical Kurt G��del enter here as a chapter of this issue. Recognized as true watershed, these theorems have to be remembered as revealing even outside the mathematical environment, and Lacan himself is not indifferent to this. He makes mention of G��del's name and draws some observations apparently modest support for his own theory. Since some technical sophisticated knowledges awaits the reader who intends understand this supposed corroboration that G��del provides to psychoanalysis, introduce the student of Lacan in the use he makes of the incompleteness theorems is the objective of this work. In The science and the truth, which fits us to locate the name of G��del, one must question how seize such an idea without incurring the extrapolation and abuse of mathematical knowledge, almost trivial in this case. Thus, this paper aims to introduce the reader to the reasoning behind the theorems of G��del, acquaint him about the Lacan���s mathematical claims, and indicate how to proceed using this implicit math in the text The science and the truth.
From a clinical case reporting a severe ��� scholarship indiscipline���, this work questioned how the indiscipline can be a symptom . To answer the question, it was analyzed the symptom concept from the Freudian - lacaneana perspective and theirs connections with ��� scholarship indiscipline��� subject . The research used a theoretical and clinical method , to show the connection between the case development and the psychoanalytic publications reviewing questions on the subject . It was undertook a historical analysis of the construction of disciplinary mechanism through the works of Foucault (1987, 1996), Deleuze (1988; 1992) and commentators. This historical analysis showed a dated and unnatural character of this discursive production named ��� scholarship indiscipline���, revealing the indiscipline complaint comes from a social speech that imposes the idea that learn ing depends on the discipline. However , this idea type has a flaw , because always something escapes disciplining . The social answer to the escape is the complaint of indiscipline, which can be taken as a social symptom . Each child should find an answer to this speech and define the symptomatic character , or not , from itself . It was evaluated the symptom and its consequences in the clinic with the child in the Freud and Lacan teachings . The Freud view showed the symptom is the answer to a psychic work , replacing a repressed representation linked to an unbearable sexual dis satisfaction , providing a solution for the child to deal with castration and with the imposed social restrictions . A review of Freud's work undertaken by Lacan emphasizes the psycholog ical work characteristics undertaken by the speaker with its symptom by the link with the social aspect. To analyze, in each case, the position occupied by the patient of a complaint against the indiscipline can open the way to work with it. If the discipl ine is the answer of the subject towards the Other social, from psychoanalysis it is offering a help that allows reframe this response. Elucidating the symptomatic character, or not, from attitudes considered undisciplined, calls for the analysis of unique ness involved in the response of each child, their subjectivity.
Th��se num��ris��e par la Direction des biblioth��ques de l'Universit�� de Montr��al.
Th��se num��ris��e par la Direction des biblioth��ques de l'Universit�� de Montr��al.
Esta tesina trata sobre la moral y el inconsciente a partir del an��lisis del personaje Leonardo Villalba de la novela La Reina de las Nieves, escrita por Carmen Mart��n Gaite. El estudio se hace a partir de las siguientes teor��as: inconsciente de Sigmund Freud; ello, yo y supery�� de Sigmund Freud; inconsciente de Carl Jung. La informaci��n almacenada en el inconsciente de una persona es algo que ��sta no puede contar ya que ella misma no sabe que tiene tal informaci��n. As��, al ser Leonardo narrador-protagonista en gran parte de la obra, se supone que ��ste s��lo puede transmitir la informaci��n de la que ��l mismo es consciente. No obstante, Mart��n Gaite consigue que Leonardo transmita informaci��n que ��l parece desconocer, a trav��s de su inconsciente reflejado en sue��os y reflexiones que explican ideas abstractas. Esto ser�� demostrado en el apartado de an��lisis. La complejidad del personaje hace que la novela no sea una simple narraci��n de hechos, sino que parte importante de ella sean sue��os, la imaginaci��n de Leonardo, preguntas existenciales que ��l mismo se hace, o recuerdos de su infancia o adolescencia que son de una importancia trascendental. La Reina de las Nieves es en gran parte una reflexi��n sobre la moral que, unida al inconsciente, son las bases de la novela.
M��s de cien a��os de literatura en torno al psicoan��lisis parece que no han sido suficientes para ponernos de acuerdo en la naturaleza epistemol��gica del psicoan��lisis y si ��ste puede considerarse una ciencia o no, dado que por sus caracter��sticas y ��mbito de investigaci��n tiene fronteras permeables entre ciencia, filosof��a y hermen��utica. Nos proponemos revisar los conceptos de ciencia, desde el positivismo de Popper hasta la hermen��utica de Dilthey y Ricoeur, as�� como considerar algunas posturas epistemol��gicas que se han sostenido dentro del propio psicoan��lisis. Coincidimos con Modell en que el planteamiento epistemol��gico que hace m��s justicia al psicoan��lisis es el "principio de la complementariedad" (entre ciencia y hermen��utica), propuesto en la f��sica at��mica por Niels Bohr.
A systematic method is presented whereby material from a full course of psychoanalytic treatment is analyzed to assess changes and identify patterns of change. Through an analysis of session notes, changes were assessed using the CHange After Psychotherapy scales (CHAP; Sandell 1987a), which evaluate changes in five rating variables (symptoms, adaptive capacity, insight, basic conflicts, and extratherapeutic factors). Change incidents were identified in nearly every session. Early in the analysis, relatively more change incidents related to insight were found than were found for the other types of change. By contrast, in the third year and part of the fourth year, relatively more change incidents related to basic conflicts and adaptive capacity were found. While changes related to symptoms occurred throughout the course of treatment, such changes were never more frequent than other types of change. A content analysis of the change incidents allowed a determination of when in the treatment the patient's main conflicts (identified clinically) were overcome. A crossing of quantitative data with clinical and qualitative data allowed a better understanding of the patterns of change.
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