927 resultados para Majaluoma, Markus
Project business companies are moving towards solution offering in order to avoid discontinuity of project business and to gain other advantages. An option to implement solution business could be BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) business model where a company is given the responsibilities to design, finance, build, own, operate and maintain for example production facilities of a client. The contract is made for 10-30 years, the client pays the solution during this period of time and after contract termination the facilities are transferred to the ownership of the client. The purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about BOOT business model for the company in question and its employees and to create a settlement of the advantages, disadvantages and risks of it. Furthermore, one of the main objectives was to create a description of the network needed to run a BOOT project. The objectives were met through a literature study and an explorative case study with appropriate interviews. Based on this study, the company should be able to evaluate the applicability of BOOT business model to their business environment better.
This thesis is concerned with the philosophical grammar of certain psychiatric concepts, which play a central role in delineating the field of psychiatric work. The concepts studied are ‘psychosis’, ‘delusion’, ‘person’, ‘understanding’ and ‘incomprehensibility’. The purpose of this conceptual analysis is to provide a more perspicuous view of the logic of these concepts, how psychiatric work is constituted in relation to them, and what this tells us about the relationships between the conceptual and the empirical in psychiatric concepts. The method used in the thesis is indebted primarily to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of philosophy, where we are urged to look at language uses in relation to practices in order to obtain a clearer overview of practices of interest; this will enable us to resolve the conceptual problems related to these practices. This questioning takes as its starting point the concept of psychosis, a central psychiatric concept during the twentieth century. The conceptual analysis of ‘psychosis’ shows that the concept is logically dependent on the concepts of ‘understanding’ and ‘person’. Following the lead found in this analysis, the logic of person-concepts in psychiatric discourse is analysed by a detailed textual analysis of a psychiatric journal article. The main finding is the ambiguous uses of ‘person’, enabling a specifically psychiatric form of concern in human affairs. The grammar of ‘understanding’ is then tackled from the opposite end, by exploring the logic of the concept of ‘incomprehensibility’. First, by studying the DSM-IV definition of delusion it is shown that its ambiguities boil down to the question of whether psychiatric practice is better accounted for in terms of the grammar of ‘incorrectness’ or ‘incomprehensibility’. Second, the grammar of ‘incomprehensibility’ is further focused on by introducing the distinction between positive and negative conceptions of ‘incomprehensibility’. The main finding is that this distinction has wide-ranging implications for our understanding of psychiatric concepts. Finally, some of the findings gained in these studies are ‘put into practice’ in studying the more practical question of the conceptual and ethical problems associated with the concept of ‘prodromal symptom of schizophrenia’ and the agenda of early detection and intervention in schizophrenia more generally.
Tämä julkaisu ilmestyy Turussa 18.–19.5.2009 järjestettävien valtakunnallisten kielikeskuspäivien yhteydessä. Turun yliopiston kielikeskus viettää samaan aikaan 30-vuotisjuhlaansa. Erään luokittelun mukaan 30–45-vuotias elää varsinaista keski-ikäänsä, kun taas joissakin katsotaan, että 28–35 vuoden ikä on vasta ns.
Nitrophorins represent a unique class of heme proteins that are able to perform the delicate transportation and release of the free-radical gaseous messenger nitric oxide (NO) in a pH-triggered manner. Besides its ability to bind to phospholipid membranes, the N-terminus contains an additional Leu-Pro-Gly stretch, which is a unique sequence trait, and the heme cavity is significantly altered with respect to other nitrophorins. These distinctive features encouraged us to solve the X-ray crystallographic structures of NP7 at low and high pH and bound with different heme ligands (nitric oxide, histamine, imidazole). The overall fold of the lipocalin motif is well preserved in the different X-ray structures and resembles the fold of other nitrophorins. However, a chain-like arrangement in the crystal lattice due to a number of head-to-tail electrostatic stabilizing interactions is found in NP7. Furthermore, the X-ray structures also reveal ligand-dependent changes in the orientation of the heme, as well as in specific interactions between the A-B and G-H loops, which are considered to be relevant for the biological function of nitrophorins. Fast and ultrafast laser triggered ligand rebinding experiments demonstrate the pH-dependent ligand migration within the cavities and the exit route. Finally, the topological distribution of pockets located around the heme as well as from inner cavities present at the rear of the protein provides a distinctive feature in NP7, so that while a loop gated exit mechanism to the solvent has been proposed for most nitrophorins, a more complex mechanism that involves several interconnected gas hosting cavities is proposed for NP7.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tapahtuuko tulosvaroituksen yhteydessä yli- tai alireagointia nousu- ja laskumarkkinoiden aikana. Tutkimus tehdään tapahtumatutkimuksena, jossa tarkoituksena on tutkia osakkeiden epänormaaleja tuottoja tulosvaroituspäivän ympärillä. Tapahtumaikkunan pituus on yhteensä 11 päivää [-5, +5]. Aineisto koostuu Helsingin pörssin OMXH25 indeksin yritysten julkaisemista tulosvaroituksista vuosien 1997–2009 välillä. Tälle aikavälille osuu 200 päivän liukuvalla keskiarvolla mitattuna kaksi nousu- ja kaksi laskumarkkinaa. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu selvää yli- tai alireagointia nousu- tai laskumarkkinoilla. Sen sijaan tietty säännöllisyys reagoinnissa tulosvaroituksiin löydettiin: Nousumarkkinoilla, tulosvaroituspäivän jälkeen näkyy selvä positiivinen tuotto kahden päivän ajalta tulosvaroituksen jälkeen, riippumatta siitä onko kyseessä positiivinen vai negatiivinen tulosvaroitus. Vastaavasti laskumarkkinoilla löydettiin selvä negatiivinen epänormaali tuotto kahden päivän ajalta tulosvaroituksen jälkeen.
Työssä käsitellään kaukolämpöverkon putkijatkosten lämpöhäviöiden vaikutusta DN500 runkolinjan kokonaislämpöhäviöihin.
We analyze the timing of photons observed by the MAGIC telescope during a flare of the active galactic nucleus Mkn 501 for a possible correlation with energy, as suggested by some models of quantum gravity (QG), which predict a vacuum refractive index similar or equal to 1 + (E/M-QGn)(n), n = 1, 2. Parametrizing the delay between gamma-rays of different energies as Delta t = +/-tau E-1 or Delta t = +/-tau E-q(2), we find tau(1) = (0.030 +/- 0.012) s/GeV at the 2.5-sigma level, and tau(q) = (3.71 +/- 2.57) x 10(-6) s/GeV2, respectively. We use these results to establish lower limits M-QG1 > 0.21 X 10(18) GeV and M-QG2 > 0.26 x 10(11) GeV at the 95% C.L. Monte Carlo studies confirm the MAGIC sensitivity to propagation effects at these levels. Thermal plasma effects in the source are negligible, but we cannot exclude the importance of some other source effect.
Artikkelissa arvioidaan teosta IQ and global inequality (Richard Lynn & Tatu Vanhanen, 2006) ja J. P. Roosin teoksesta kirjoittamaa kirja-arviota Sosiologian numerossa 3/2007.