816 resultados para MALDI-TOF
Rhizobium freirei PRF 81 is employed in common bean commercial inoculants in Brazil, due to its outstanding efficiency in fixing nitrogen, competitiveness and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Among the environmental conditions faced by rhizobia in soils, acidity is perhaps the encountered most, especially in Brazil. So, we used proteomics based approaches to study the responses of PRF 81 to a low pH condition. R. freirei PRF 81 was grown in TY medium until exponential phase in two treatments: pH 6,8 and pH 4,8. Whole-cell proteins were extracted and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, using IPG-strips with pH range 4-7 and 12% polyacrilamide gels. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Protein spots were detected in the high-resolution digitized gel images and analyzed by Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 software. Relative volumes (%vol) of compared between the two conditions tested and were statistically evaluated (p ≤ 0.05). Even knowing that R. freirei PRF 81 can still grow in more acid conditions, pH 4.8 was chosen because didn´t affect significantly the bacterial growth kinetics, a factor that could compromise the analysis. Using a narrow pH range, the gel profiles displayed a better resolution and reprodutibility than using broader pH range. Spots were mostly concentrated between pH 5-7 and molecular masses between 17-95 kDa. From the six hundred well-defined spots analyzed, one hundred and sixty-three spots presented a significant change in % vol, indicating that the pH led to expressive changes in the proteome of R. freirei PRF 81. Of these, sixty-one were up-regulated and one hundred two was downregulated in pH 4.8 condition. Also, fourteen spots were only identified in the acid condition, while seven spots was exclusively detected in pH 6.8. Ninety-five differentially expressed spots and two exclusively detected in pH 4,8 were selected for Maldi-Tof identification. Together with the genome sequencing and the proteome analysis of heat stress, we will search for molecular determinants of PRF 81 related to capacity to adapt to stressful tropical conditions.
La ruta de asimilación de cianuro en P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 transcurre a través de un nitrilo formado por la reacción química del cianuro con el oxalacetato, siendo este último acumulado como consecuencia de la acción conjunta de una malato:quinona oxidoreductasa (MQO) y la oxidasa terminal resistente a cianuro (CioAB) (Luque-Almagro et al., 2011b). Los nitrilos pueden ser convertidos en amonio por la acción de una nitrilasa o un sistema nitrilo hidratasa/amidasa. Con el objetivo de elucidar la ruta de asimilación de cianuro en P. pseudoalcalígenes CECT5344, se ha analizado el proteoma de este microorganismo en condiciones cianotróficas frente a nitrato como fuente de nitrógeno como control. En este estudio se identificaron proteínas relacionadas con la ruta de asimilación de cianuro en la estirpe CECT5344, que aparecían inducidas por cianuro, como NitB y NitG, cuyos genes se encuentran localizados en la agrupación génica nit1C. Además de NitB y NitG, de función desconocida, la agrupación génica nit1C codifica un regulador transcripcional del tipo Fis dependiente de σ54 (NitA), una nitrilasa (NitC), una proteína que pertenece a la superfamilia S-adenosilmetionina (NitD), un miembro de la superfamilia N-aciltransferasa (NitE), un polipéptido de la familia AIRS/GARS (NitF) y una oxidorreductasa dependiente de NADH (NitH). Un análisis transcripcional mediante RT-PCR determinó que los genes nitBCDEFGH se cotranscriben, mientras que el gen regulador nitA se transcribe de forma divergente. Además, resultados obtenidos por RT-PCR confirman que la expresión de los genes nitBCDEFGH está inducida por cianuro y reprimida por amonio. La relación entre el cianuro y el grupo de genes nit1C queda patente por el fenotipo de los mutantes deficientes nitA, nitB y nitC, incapaces de usar complejos cianuro-metálicos o 2-hidroxinitrilos como única fuente de nitrógeno. Todos estos datos indican que la nitrilasa NitC, junto con la proteína NitB, utilizan de forma específica determinados nitrilos alifáticos como sustrato, entre los que se encuentran el formado durante la asimilación de cianuro (Estepa et al., 2012). Además, entre las proteínas inducidas por cianuro se identificaron una dihidropicolinato sintasa (DapA), una fosfoserina transaminasa (SerC) y una proteína de función desconocida (Orf1), las tres codificadas por genes del operón cio, una cianasa (CynS), la proteína S6 de la subunidad ribosomal 30S (RpsF), una superóxido dismutasa (SodB), la ferritina (Dps), una oxidorreductasa (Fpr) y un factor de elongación P (EF-P). Una vez identificadas, estas proteínas se han analizado funcionalmente y se han localizado en el genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 los genes correspondientes, así como los genes adyacentes. La inducción de estas proteínas en condiciones cianotróficas sugiere que el metabolismo del cianuro incluye, además de la resistencia y asimilación de este tóxico, otros procesos biológicos relacionados con el metabolismo del cianato y de algunos aminoácidos, el estrés oxidativo y la homeostasis de hierro, entre otros. Por otra parte, el conocimiento en profundidad y la interpretación de la secuencia génica de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344, así como el análisis comparativo frente a organismos no cianotrofos ha permitido entender algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la resistencia y asimilación de cianuro, lo que permitiría conducir a la posterior mejora del proceso de biodegradación de cianuro. Además, el estudio del genoma de la estirpe CECT5344 permitirá explorar la capacidad de este organismo para ser utilizado en procesos de biorremediación de residuos cianurados en los que se encuentran metales y otros tóxicos (Luque-Almagro et al., 2013; Wibberg et al., 2014). En este trabajo se muestran y discuten los resultados de la secuenciación del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes, así como el estudio del análisis filogenético y evolutivo de la cepa, estableciéndose de esta manera relaciones con otras especies en base a los genomas secuenciados de las mismas, entre las que destaca P. mendocina ymp relacionada con P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344. El estudio de las características del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 ha sido completado con un análisis comparativo frente a los genomas de otras especies de Pseudomonas, encontrándose así semejanzas y diferencias en cuanto a la distribución génica funcional. Por último, se muestra un análisis del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 en relación con los genes implicados probablemente en los procesos de asimilación de cianuro y residuos cianurados, tales como los codificantes de nitrilasas y aquellos implicados en la resistencia a cianuro como los constituyentes del operón cio que codifican la oxidasa terminal insensible a cianuro. Finalmente, se discute la presencia de genes implicados posiblemente en otros procesos con una alto potencial biotecnológico, tales como la producción de bioplásticos y la biodegradación de diversos contaminantes.
This work reports the structural and enzymatic characterization of a new sPLA2 from the white venom of Crotalus durissus ruruima, nominated PLA2A. The homogeneity of the PLA2A fraction and its molecular mass were initially evaluated by SDS-PAGE and confirmed by MALDI-TOF spectrometry, indicating a molecular mass of 14,299.34 Da. Structural investigation, through circular dichroism spectroscopy, revealed that PLA2A has a high content of alpha helix and beta-turn structures, 45.7% and 35.6% respectively. Its amino acid sequence, determined by Edman degradation and de novo amino acid sequencing, exhibited high identity to PLA2 Cdt F15 from Crotalus durissus terrificus. The enzymatic investigation, conducted using the synthetic substrate 4-nitre-3-(octanoyloxy)benzoic acid, determined its V(max) (7.56 nmoles/min) and K(M) (2.76 mM).Moreover, PLA2A showed an allosteric behavior and its enzymatic activity was dependent on Ca(2+). Intrinsic fluorescence measurements suggested that Ca(2+) induced a significant increase of PLA2A fluorescence, whereas its replacement for Mg(2+), Mn(2+), Sn(2+) and Cd(2+) apparently induced no structural modifications. The optimal pH and temperature for the enzymatic activity of PLA2A were 8.4 and 40 degrees C, respectively, and the minimal concentration of p-BPB and crotapotin that significantly inhibited such activity was 0.75 mM and 0.4 mu M, respectively. In addition, PLA2A showed a significant antibacterial effect that was not strictly dependent on the enzymatic activity of such sPLA2. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A capacidade destes fungos degradarem compostos xenobióticos e recalcitrantes é uma característica biotecnologicamente importante tornando-os potencialmente úteis para processos de biorremediação. Gongronella sp. e Rhizopus sp. foram isolados do solo de vinhas da região do Alentejo, Portugal. Estes isolados mostraram elevada capacidade de degradarem o fungicida acilalanina metalaxil. No presente estudo, para a identificação polifásica de Gongronella sp. e Rhizopus sp., presuntivamente identificado como R. stolonifer, várias linhagens de referência da ordem Mucorales (Absidia, Circinella, Gongronella e Rhizopus) foram incluídas. A abordagem polifásica combinou a análise das macro- e micromorfologias, a análise da sequência inteira da região ITS ribossomal (i.e., ITS1/5.8S rDNA/ITS2) e ainda o uso da espectrometria de massas por Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF).
With its highly fluctuating ion production matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) poses many practical challenges for its application in mass spectrometry. Instrument tuning and quantitative ion abundance measurements using ion signal alone depend on a stable ion beam. Liquid MALDI matrices have been shown to be a promising alternative to the commonly used solid matrices. Their application in areas where a stable ion current is essential has been discussed but only limited data have been provided to demonstrate their practical use and advantages in the formation of stable MALDI ion beams. In this article we present experimental data showing high MALDI ion beam stability over more than two orders of magnitude at high analytical sensitivity (low femtomole amount prepared) for quantitative peptide abundance measurements and instrument tuning in a MALDI Q-TOF mass spectrometer. Samples were deposited on an inexpensive conductive hydrophobic surface and shrunk to droplets <10 nL in size. By using a sample droplet <10 nL it was possible to acquire data from a single irradiated spot for roughly 10,000 shots with little variation in ion signal intensity at a laser repetition rate of 5-20 Hz.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) coupled with time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for the analysis of biological samples, and nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography (nanoHPLC) is a useful separation technique for the analysis of complex proteomics samples. The off-line combination of MALDI and nanoHPLC has been extensively investigated and straightforward techniques have been developed, focussing particularly on automated MALDI sample preparation that yields sensitive and reproducible spectra. Normally conventional solid MALDI matrices such as α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) are used for sample preparation. However, they have limited usefulness in quantitative measurements and automated data acquisition because of the formation of heterogeneous crystals, resulting in highly variable ion yields and desorption/ ionization characteristics. Glycerol-based liquid support matrices (LSM) have been proposed as an alternative to the traditional solid matrices as they provide increased shot-to-shot reproducibility, leading to prolonged and stable ion signals and therefore better results. This chapter focuses on the integration of the liquid LSM MALDI matrices into the LC-MALDI MS/MS approach in identifying complex and large proteomes. The interface between LC and MALDI consists of a robotic spotter, which fractionates the eluent from the LC column into nanoliter volumes, and co-spots simultaneously the liquid matrix with the eluent fractions onto a MALDI target plate via sheath flow. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated through the analysis of trypsin digests of both bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 proteins.
The effects of small changes in flight-path parameters (primary and secondary flight paths, detector angles), and of displacement of the sample along the beam axis away from its ideal position, are examined for an inelastic time-of-flight (TOF) neutron spectrometer, emphasising the deep-inelastic regime. The aim was to develop a rational basis for deciding what measured shifts in the positions of spectral peaks could be regarded as reliable in the light of the uncertainties in the calibrated flight-path parameters. Uncertainty in the length of the primary or secondary flight path has the least effect on the positions of the peaks of H, D and He, which are dominated by the accuracy of the calibration of the detector angles. This aspect of the calibration of a TOF spectrometer therefore demands close attention to achieve reliable outcomes where the position of the peaks is of significant scientific interest and is discussed in detail. The corresponding sensitivities of the position of peak of the Compton profile, J(y), to flight-path parameters and sample position are also examined, focusing on the comparability across experiments of results for H, D and He. We show that positioning the sample to within a few mm of the ideal position is required to ensure good comparability between experiments if data from detectors at high forward angles are to be reliably interpreted.
A UPLC/Q-TOF-MS/MS method for analyzing the constituents in rat plasma after oral administration of Yin Chen Hao Tang (YCHT), a traditional Chinese medical formula, has been established. The UPLC/MS fingerprints of the samples were established first in vitro and in vivo, with 45 compounds in YCHT and 21 compounds in rat plasma after oral administration of YCHT were detected. Of the 45 detected compounds in vitro, 30 were identified, and all of the 21 compounds detected in rat plasma were identified either by comparing the retention time and mass spectrometry data with that of reference compounds or by mass spectrometry analysis and retrieving the reference literatures. Of the identified 21 compounds in rat plasma, 19 were the original form of compounds absorbed from the 45 detected compounds in vitro, 2 were the metabolites of the compounds existed in YCHT. It is concluded that a rapid and validated method has been developed based on UPLC-MS/MS, which shows high sensitivity and resolution that is more suitable for identifying the bioactive constituents in plasma after oral administration of Chinese herbal medicines, and provides helpful chemical information for further pharmacology and active mechanism research on the Chinese medical formula.
The present challenge in drug discovery is to synthesize new compounds efficiently in minimal time. The trend is towards carefully designed and well-characterized compound libraries because fast and effective synthesis methods easily produce thousands of new compounds. The need for rapid and reliable analysis methods is increased at the same time. Quality assessment, including the identification and purity tests, is highly important since false (negative or positive) results, for instance in tests of biological activity or determination of early-ADME parameters in vitro (the pharmacokinetic study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), must be avoided. This thesis summarizes the principles of classical planar chromatographic separation combined with ultraviolet (UV) and mass spectrometric (MS) detection, and introduces powerful, rapid, easy, low-cost, and alternative tools and techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of small drug or drug-like molecules. High performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was introduced and evaluated for fast semi-quantitative assessment of the purity of synthesis target compounds. HPTLC methods were compared with the liquid chromatography (LC) methods. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (AP MALDI MS) were used to identify and confirm the product zones on the plate. AP MALDI MS was rapid, and easy to carry out directly on the plate without scraping. The PLC method was used to isolate target compounds from crude synthesized products and purify them for bioactivity and preliminary ADME tests. Ultra-thin-layer chromatography (UTLC) with AP MALDI MS and desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI MS) was introduced and studied for the first time. Because of the thinner adsorbent layer, the monolithic UTLC plate provided 10 100 times better sensitivity in MALDI analysis than did HPTLC plates. The limits of detection (LODs) down to low picomole range were demonstrated for UTLC AP MALDI and UTLC DESI MS. In a comparison of AP and vacuum MALDI MS detection for UTLC plates, desorption from the irregular surface of the plates with the combination of an external AP MALDI ion source and an ion trap instrument provided clearly less variation in mass accuracy than the vacuum MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) instrument. The performance of the two-dimensional (2D) UTLC separation with AP MALDI MS method was studied for the first time. The influence of the urine matrix on the separation and the repeatability was evaluated with benzodiazepines as model substances in human urine. The applicability of 2D UTLC AP MALDI MS was demonstrated in the detection of metabolites in an authentic urine sample.
The purpose of this study is to describe the development of application of mass spectrometry for the structural analyses of non-coding ribonucleic acids during past decade. Mass spectrometric methods are compared of traditional gel electrophoretic methods, the characteristics of performance of mass spectrometric, analyses are studied and the future trends of mass spectrometry of ribonucleic acids are discussed. Non-coding ribonucleic acids are short polymeric biomolecules which are not translated to proteins, but which may affect the gene expression in all organisms. Regulatory ribonucleic acids act through transient interactions with key molecules in signal transduction pathways. Interactions are mediated through specific secondary and tertiary structures. Posttranscriptional modifications in the structures of molecules may introduce new properties to the organism, such as adaptation to environmental changes or development of resistance to antibiotics. In the scope of this study, the structural studies include i) determination of the sequence of nucleobases in the polymer chain, ii) characterisation and localisation of posttranscriptional modifications in nucleobases and in the backbone structure, iii) identification of ribonucleic acid-binding molecules and iv) probing of higher order structures in the ribonucleic acid molecule. Bacteria, archaea, viruses and HeLa cancer cells have been used as target organisms. Synthesised ribonucleic acids consisting of structural regions of interest have been frequently used. Electrospray ionisation (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI) have been used for ionisation of ribonucleic analytes. Ammonium acetate and 2-propanol are common solvents for ESI. Trihydroxyacetophenone is the optimal MALDI matrix for ionisation of ribonucleic acids and peptides. Ammonium salts are used in ESI buffers and MALDI matrices as additives to remove cation adducts. Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography has been used for desalting and fractionation of analytes either off-line of on-line, coupled with ESI source. Triethylamine and triethylammonium bicarbonate are used as ion pair reagents almost exclusively. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance analyser using ESI coupled with liquid chromatography is the platform of choice for all forms of structural analyses. Time-of-flight (TOF) analyser using MALDI may offer sensitive, easy-to-use and economical solution for simple sequencing of longer oligonucleotides and analyses of analyte mixtures without prior fractionation. Special analysis software is used for computer-aided interpretation of mass spectra. With mass spectrometry, sequences of 20-30 nucleotides of length may be determined unambiguously. Sequencing may be applied to quality control of short synthetic oligomers for analytical purposes. Sequencing in conjunction with other structural studies enables accurate localisation and characterisation of posttranscriptional modifications and identification of nucleobases and amino acids at the sites of interaction. High throughput screening methods for RNA-binding ligands have been developed. Probing of the higher order structures has provided supportive data for computer-generated three dimensional models of viral pseudoknots. In conclusion. mass spectrometric methods are well suited for structural analyses of small species of ribonucleic acids, such as short non-coding ribonucleic acids in the molecular size region of 20-30 nucleotides. Structural information not attainable with other methods of analyses, such as nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, may be obtained with the use of mass spectrometry. Sequencing may be applied to quality control of short synthetic oligomers for analytical purposes. Ligand screening may be used in the search of possible new therapeutic agents. Demanding assay design and challenging interpretation of data requires multidisclipinary knowledge. The implement of mass spectrometry to structural studies of ribonucleic acids is probably most efficiently conducted in specialist groups consisting of researchers from various fields of science.
De novo mass spectrometric sequencing of two Conus peptides, Vi1359 and Vi1361, from the vermivorous cone snail Conus virgo, found off the southern Indian coast, is presented. The peptides, whose masses differ only by 2 Da, possess two disulfide bonds and an amidated C-terminus. Simple chemical modifications and enzymatic cleavage coupled with matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometric analysis aided in establishing the sequences of Vi1359, ZCCITIPECCRI-NH2, and Vi1361, ZCCPTMPECCRI-NH2, Which differ only at residues 4 and 6 (Z = pyroglutamic acid). The presence of the pyroglutamyl residue at the N-terminus was unambiguously identified by chemical hydrolysis of the cyclic amide, followed by esterification. The presence of Ile residues in both the peptides was confirmed from high-energy collision induced dissociation (CID) studies, using the observation Of W-n- and d(n)-ions as a diagnostic. Differential cysteine labeling, in conjunction with MALDI-MS/MS, permitted establishment of disulfide connectivity in both peptides as Cys2-Cys9 and Cys3-Cys10. The cysteine pattern clearly reveals that the peptides belong to the class of T-superfamily conotoxins, in particular the T-1 superfamily.
En el presente estudio, se analizó la distribución lipídica de 3 áreas de hipocampo (CA1, subiculum y giro dentado) en muestras cerebrales de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer y se comparó con muestras de sujetos sin patología neurológica. Las muestras de tejido de cerebro humano postmortem de la región de hipocampo, fueron procesadas mediante la técnica MALDI-IMS.
Timing and amplitude properties of a prototype scintillator TOF counter at an external target facility are studied with a cosmic rays test. The dependence of signal pulse height and time resolution on the coordinate along the scintillator TOF counter is investigated with two different discriminators. A time resolution of 165 ps can be achieved at the center of the counter with a constant fraction discriminator. Time resolution better than 150 ps is obtained at the center with a leading edge discriminator af...