360 resultados para Lunar regolith
While the carnivores are considered regulators and structuring of natural communities are also extremely threatened by human activities. Endangered little-spotted-cat (Leopardus tigrinus) is one of the lesser known species from the Neotropical cats. In this work we investigate the occupancy and the activity pattern of L. tigrinus in Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte testing: 1) how environmental and anthropogenic factors influence their occupation and 2) how biotic and abiotic factors influence their activity pattern. For this we raised occurrence data of species in 10 priority areas for conservation. We built hierarchical models of occupancy based on maximum likelihood to represent biological hypotheses which were ranked using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). According to the results the feline occupancy is more likely away from rural settlements and in areas with a higher proportion of woody vegetation. The opportunistic killing of L. tigrinus and in retaliation for poultry predation close to residential areas can explain this result; as well as more complex vegetation structure can better serve as refuge and ensure more food. Analyzing the records of the species through circular statistics we conclude that the activity pattern is mostly nocturnal, although considerable crepuscular and a small diurnal activity. L. tigrinus activity was directly affected by the availability of small terrestrial mammals, which are essentially nocturnal. In addition, the temperatures recorded in the environment directly and indirectly affect the activity of the little-spotted-cat, as also influence the activity of their potential prey. Generally, the cats were more active when possible prey were active, and this happened at night when lower temperatures are recorded. Moreover, the different lunar phases did not affect the activity pattern. The results improve the understanding of an endangered feline inhabiting the Caatinga biome, and thus can help develop conservation and management strategies, as well as in planning future research in this semi-arid ecosystem.
Besnoitia besnoiti es un protozoo apicomplejo formador de quistes responsable de la besnoitiosis bovina, una enfermedad crónica y debilitante que origina importantes pérdidas económicas en el ganado bovino a nivel mundial. En la actualidad, no existen tratamientos ni vacunas disponibles y, por tanto, las medidas de control se deben basar en la detección de animales infectados para reducir la prevalencia en zonas endémicas y evitar la entrada de la enfermedad en zonas libres a través de la compra de animales infectados. Los principales retos en la investigación sobre este parásito son, por un lado, la mejora de las técnicas serológicas para realizar un diagnóstico preciso y, por otro lado, el empleo de las nuevas pruebas diagnósticas desarrolladas para determinar el impacto de la enfermedad mediante estudios de prevalencia e incidencia. Dada la rápida diseminación de la besnoitiosis bovina en Europa, se han desarrollado numerosas técnicas de diagnóstico serológico. Sin embargo, éstas no han sido validadas en estudios comparativos y, por ello, los datos epidemiológicos descritos por los diferentes laboratorios, no son comparables. Además, no se ha establecido una prueba de referencia, lo cual es de vital importancia para el establecimiento de un protocolo de diagnóstico común entre los países afectados. Por otra parte, se ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar la sensibilidad (Se) de las pruebas para detectar a los animales infectados durante la fase aguda, así como los infectados durante la fase crónica que presentan niveles bajos de anticuerpos, los cuales en diversas ocasiones se encuentran por debajo del punto de corte de las técnicas diagnósticas. Además, también es necesario mejorar su especificidad (Esp), ya que las actuales pruebas ELISA, que se emplean de forma rutinaria en el diagnóstico de la infección, pueden dar lugar a un elevado número de resultados falsos-positivos que pueden repercutir de forma negativa en la eficacia de los planes de control...
Desarrollo de una guía interactiva donde se muestran los ciclos biológicos,imágenes y dibujos de los estadios evolutivos de los principales géneros y especies de parásitos protozoos relevantes en al ámbito veterinario.
Hydrogenous manganese nodules form on the ocean floor by slow authigenic precipitation (1-6 mm/Ma) of the oxyhydroxides of manganese and iron that continuously scavenge trace elements from the marine environment. Consequently, these nodules represent independent marine deposits useful for the study of the chemical signatures of the paleomarine environments. The results presented are a continuation of a study of the Zetes-3D nodule from the Pacific Ocean. It is a large (24x17x10 cm) hydrogenous nodule whose slow growth rate of 1.3 mm/Ma was detremined using 10Be techniques. A positive cerium anomaly is observed throughout the nodule and its Ir content indicates a sharp spike at 54-62 Ma in fair agreement with the K-T event.
A partir de un abordaje retórico-literario, nuestro objetivo es indagar las representaciones discursivas de los elementos supersticiosos en la biografía de Nicias y en la de Dión. Tomaremos como ejemplo el eclipse de luna narrado en Nicias 23 y reiterado en Dión 24, para demostrar que mediante la repetición del ejemplo en dos contextos distintos Plutarco nos invita a reflexionar sobre la superstición de un modo más atractivo que la mera exposición teórica de doctrinas filosóficas.
Justificación: La osteoporosis es causa de fracturas patológicas y pérdida de autonomía y validismo en la mujer post-menopáusica. La identificación de factores de riesgo puede servir en la prevención de la aparición de esta co-morbilidad. Objetivos: Determinar la asociación entre la desmineralización ósea y características demográficas, clínicas y antropométricas selectas de la mujer post-menopásica que puedan asumirse como factores de riesgo. Diseño del estudio: No experimental, transversal, analítico. Serie de estudio: 53 mujeres con edades ≥ 60 años atendidas en el Hospital "San Juan" de Especialidades de Riobamba (Provincia del Chimborazo, República del Ecuador). Material y método: Se determinó la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) en 2 regiones de interés (columna lumbar I fémur) mediante DEXA (DPX-L, Lunar Technologies, EEUU). La desmineralización ósea se estableció ante puntajes "t" < -1,0 desviaciones estándar. La cuantía y calidad de los ingresos de Calcio dietético se estimaron mediante el puntaje pCa que tiene en cuenta la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos tenidos como fuente de calcio y la biodisponibilidad del mineral. Se evaluaron la naturaleza y la fuerza de la asociación entre la desmineralización ósea, por un lado, y los factores presuntivos de riesgo de osteoporosis y el estado del ingreso del calcio dietético, por el otro. Resultados: La desmineralización ósea fue dependiente de la región de interés: Fémur: Osteoporosis: 13,2% + Osteopenia: 50,9%; Columna lumbar: Osteoporosis: 49,1% + Osteopenia: 37,7%. Los mayores ingresos de calcio dietético se concentraron en: Leche y lácteos (pCa = 26,56), Carnes, pescados, mariscos y huevos (pCa = 6,51), Frijoles y otras leguminosas (soja incluida) (pCa = 2,85); y Verduras (pCa = 2,54); respectivamente. El puntaje "t" de DMO se asoció con la edad de la mujer, los antecedentes familiares de fracturas óseas, el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), y la grasa corporal (estimada mediante DEXA). Los ingresos de calcio dietético fueron independientes de los factores presuntivos de riesgo de desmineralización ósea, y del puntaje "t" de DMO en las regiones de interés. Las razones de disparidades para las variables asociadas univariadamente con la DMO fueron como sigue: Edad: OR = 2,09 (p < 0,05); IMC: OR = 0,278 (p = 0,059): y Grasa corporal: OR = 0,553 (p > 0,05); respectivamente. Conclusiones: La desmineralización ósea se asocia significativamente con el envejecimiento femenino, y una mayor presencia de la grasa corporal. Los antecedentes familiares de fracturas óseas pueden servir para identificar a la mujer post-menopáusica con un riesgo incrementado de desmineralización ósea. Se deben emprender investigaciones ulteriores para establecer el papel del ejercicio físico y mejores ingresos de calcio dietético como factores protectores de la pérdida de la DMO.
Bulwer'spetrelsarenocturnalseabirdsthatmostlypreyonmesopelagicfauna.Asaerialforagersand shallowdivers,theirfeedingopportunitiesarelimitedbynear-surfaceavailabilityoftheirprey,whichis highlyvariablebothtemporally(reflectingdiurnalandlunarcycles)andspatially.Herewestudiedhow Bulwer'spetrelscopewiththeseconstraintsbyanalysingtheirat-seadistributionandactivityduringthe incubationperiod.Wetrackedthemovementsof20birdsfromSelvagemGrande(NEAtlantic)duringa completelunarcycle,andrecorded30foragingtripsthatlasted11daysonaverage.Birdswereboth distributedaroundthecolonyandinwatersclosetotheAzoreanarchipelago(mid-Atlantic)located 1700kmaway,andweresignificantlymoreactiveatnight(especiallyjustaftersunsetandbeforesunrise), whenmesopelagicfaunaisalsoclosertotheseasurfaceduetotheirdielverticalmigrations.Bulwer's petrelsspentsignificantlymoretime flyingduringmoonlight,althoughtheeffectofthemoonwasrela- tivelyweak(ca.10–15%differencebetweenmoonlitanddarkperiodsofthenight),andnotobviouswhen birdswereforaginginmid-Atlanticwaters,whichwerealsotargetedmoreoftenduringfull-moon.These resultsrevealkeyadaptationsoftheBulwer'spetreltothehighlydynamicecologyofitsmesopelagicprey.
Available information on the larval release rhythms of brachyurans is biased to temperate estuarine species and outcomes resulting from some sort of artificial manipulation of ovigerous females. In this study we applied field methods to describe the larval release rhythms of an assemblage of tropical rocky shore crabs. Sampling the broods of ovigerous females of Pachygrapsus transversus at two different shores indicated a spatially consistent semilunar pattern, with larval release maxima around the full and new moon. Yet, synchronism between populations varied considerably, with the pattern obtained at the site exposed to a lower wave action far more apparent. Breeding cohorts at one of the sampled shores apparently belonged to actual age groups composing the ovigerous population. The data suggest that these breeding groups release their larvae in alternate syzygy periods, responding to a lunar cycle instead of the semilunar pattern observed for the whole population. For the description of shorter-term rhythms, temporal series at hour intervals were obtained by sampling the plankton and confinement boxes where ovigerous females were held. Unexpectedly, diurnal release activity prevailed over nocturnal hatching. Yet, only grapsids living higher on the shore exhibited strong preferences over the diel cycle, with P. transversus releasing their larvae during the day and Geograpsus lividus during the night. The pea crab Dissodactylus crinitichelis, the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis and a suite of xanthoids undertook considerable releasing activity in both periods. Apart from the commensal pea crab D. crinitichelis, all other taxa revealed tide-related rhythms of larval release, with average estimates of the time of maximum hatching always around the time of high tides; usually during the flooding and slack, rather than the ebbing tide. Data obtained for P. transversus females held in confinement boxes indicated that early larval release is mostly due to nocturnal hatching, while zoeal release in diurnal groups took place at the time of high tide. Since nocturnal high tides at the study area occurred late, sometimes close to dusk, early release would allow more time for offshore transport of larvae when the action of potential predators is reduced.
The goal of this trial was to study the long-term effects of intravenous (IV) metoprolol administration before reperfusion on left ventricular (LV) function and clinical events. Early IV metoprolol during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has been shown to reduce infarct size when used in conjunction with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). The METOCARD-CNIC (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial recruited 270 patients with Killip class ≤II anterior STEMI presenting early after symptom onset (<6 h) and randomized them to pre-reperfusion IV metoprolol or control group. Long-term magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 202 patients (101 per group) 6 months after STEMI. Patients had a minimal 12-month clinical follow-up. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at the 6 months MRI was higher after IV metoprolol (48.7 ± 9.9% vs. 45.0 ± 11.7% in control subjects; adjusted treatment effect 3.49%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.44% to 6.55%; p = 0.025). The occurrence of severely depressed LVEF (≤35%) at 6 months was significantly lower in patients treated with IV metoprolol (11% vs. 27%, p = 0.006). The proportion of patients fulfilling Class I indications for an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (7% vs. 20%, p = 0.012). At a median follow-up of 2 years, occurrence of the pre-specified composite of death, heart failure admission, reinfarction, and malignant arrhythmias was 10.8% in the IV metoprolol group versus 18.3% in the control group, adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 0.55; 95% CI: 0.26 to 1.04; p = 0.065. Heart failure admission was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (HR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.015 to 0.95; p = 0.046). In patients with anterior Killip class ≤II STEMI undergoing pPCI, early IV metoprolol before reperfusion resulted in higher long-term LVEF, reduced incidence of severe LV systolic dysfunction and ICD indications, and fewer heart failure admissions.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. With atherosclerosis as the underlying cause for many CVD events, prevention or reduction of subclinical atherosclerotic plaque burden (SAPB) through a healthier lifestyle may have substantial public health benefits. The objective was to describe the protocol of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program aimed to promote cardiovascular health in participants having a high or a low degree of SAPB compared with standard care. We will conduct a randomized controlled trial including middle-aged bank employees from the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis cohort, stratified by SAPB (high SAPB n = 260, low SAPB n = 590). Within each stratum, participants will be randomized 1:1 to receive a lifestyle program or standard care. The program consists of 3 elements: (a) 12 personalized lifestyle counseling sessions using Motivational Interviewing over a 30-month period, (b) a wrist-worn physical activity tracker, and (c) a sit-stand workstation. Primary outcome measure is a composite score of blood pressure, physical activity, sedentary time, body weight, diet, and smoking (ie, adapted Fuster-BEWAT score) measured at baseline and at 1-, 2-, and 3-year follow-up. The study will provide insights into the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program to promote cardiovascular health compared with standard care in participants with a high or low degree of SAPB.
La terapia de resincronización cardiaca se asocia a mejora de la calidad de vida y reducción de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes con disfunción ventricular grave y QRS ancho. Sobre su papel en la reducción de arritmias ventriculares, hay más discusión. Se comparó la incidencia de arritmias ventriculares en pacientes portadores de desfibrilador automático implantable con función de resincronización cardiaca, según el grado de respuesta ecocardiográfica a la resincronización. Se clasificó a los pacientes en tres subgrupos: superrespondedores, respondedores y no respondedores. Se incluyó a 196 pacientes seguidos durante una mediana de 30,1 [intervalo intercuartílico, 18,0-55,1] meses. Se documentó presencia de arritmias ventriculares en 37 pacientes (18,8%); 3 pacientes (5,9%) del grupo de superrespondedores presentaron arritmias ventriculares, en comparación con 14 (22,2%) del grupo de respondedores y 20 (24,4%) del grupo de no respondedores (p = 0,025). En el análisis multivariable, el implante del dispositivo en prevención secundaria (odds ratio = 4,04; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,52-10,75; p = 0,005), la ausencia de superrespuesta ecocardiográfica (odds ratio = 3,81; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,04-13,93; p = 0,043), un QRS > 160 ms (odds ratio = 2,39; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,00-1,35; p = 0,049) y el tratamiento con amiodarona (odds ratio = 2,47; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,03-5,91; p = 0,041) fueron los únicos predictores independientes de aparición de arritmias ventriculares. Los pacientes superrespondedores a la terapia de resincronización cardiaca presentan una disminución significativa en la incidencia de arritmias ventriculares respecto a los demás pacientes. Pese a ello, los episodios arrítmicos no llegan a desaparecer por completo en este subgrupo.
Early detection of right ventricular (RV) involvement in chronic pulmonary hypertension (PH) is essential due to prognostic implications. T1 mapping by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has emerged as a noninvasive technique for extracellular volume fraction (ECV) quantification. We assessed the association of myocardial native T1 time and equilibrium contrast ECV (Eq-ECV) at the RV insertion points with pulmonary hemodynamics and RV performance in an experimental model of chronic PH. Right heart catheterization followed by immediate CMR was performed on 38 pigs with chronic PH (generated by surgical pulmonary vein banding) and 6 sham-operated controls. Native T1 and Eq-ECV values at the RV insertion points were both significantly higher in banded animals than in controls and showed significant correlation with pulmonary hemodynamics, RV arterial coupling, and RV performance. Eq-ECV values also increased before overt RV systolic dysfunction, offering potential for the early detection of myocardial involvement in chronic PH.
We seek to examine the efficacy and safety of prereperfusion emergency medical services (EMS)–administered intravenous metoprolol in anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing eventual primary angioplasty. This is a prespecified subgroup analysis of the Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction trial population, who all eventually received oral metoprolol within 12 to 24 hours. We studied patients receiving intravenous metoprolol by EMS and compared them with others treated by EMS but not receiving intravenous metoprolol. Outcomes included infarct size and left ventricular ejection fraction on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 1 week, and safety by measuring the incidence of the predefined combined endpoint (composite of death, malignant ventricular arrhythmias, advanced atrioventricular block, cardiogenic shock, or reinfarction) within the first 24 hours. From the total population of the trial (N=270), 147 patients (54%) were recruited during out-of-hospital assistance and transferred to the primary angioplasty center (74 intravenous metoprolol and 73 controls). Infarct size was smaller in patients receiving intravenous metoprolol compared with controls (23.4 [SD 15.0] versus 34.0 [SD 23.7] g; adjusted difference –11.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] –18.6 to –4.3). Left ventricular ejection fraction was higher in the intravenous metoprolol group (48.1% [SD 8.4%] versus 43.1% [SD 10.2%]; adjusted difference 5.0; 95% CI 1.6 to 8.4). Metoprolol administration did not increase the incidence of the prespecified safety combined endpoint: 6.8% versus 17.8% in controls (risk difference –11.1; 95% CI –21.5 to –0.6). Out-of-hospital administration of intravenous metoprolol by EMS within 4.5 hours of symptom onset in our subjects reduced infarct size and improved left ventricular ejection fraction with no excess of adverse events during the first 24 hours.
The surface of the Earth is subjected to vertical deformations caused by geophysical and geological processes which can be monitored by Global Positioning System (GPS) observations. The purpose of this work is to investigate GPS height time series to identify interannual signals affecting the Earth’s surface over the European and Mediterranean area, during the period 2001-2019. Thirty-six homogeneously distributed GPS stations were selected from the online dataset made available by the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) on the basis of the length and quality of the data series. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the technique applied to extract the main patterns of the space and time variability of the GPS Up coordinate. The time series were studied by means of a frequency analysis using a periodogram and the real-valued Morlet wavelet. The periodogram is used to identify the dominant frequencies and the spectral density of the investigated signals; the second one is applied to identify the signals in the time domain and the relevant periodicities. This study has identified, over European and Mediterranean area, the presence of interannual non-linear signals with a period of 2-to-4 years, possibly related to atmospheric and hydrological loading displacements and to climate phenomena, such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). A clear signal with a period of about six years is present in the vertical component of the GPS time series, likely explainable by the gravitational coupling between the Earth’s mantle and the inner core. Moreover, signals with a period in the order of 8-9 years, might be explained by mantle-inner core gravity coupling and the cycle of the lunar perigee, and a signal of 18.6 years, likely associated to lunar nodal cycle, were identified through the wavelet spectrum. However, these last two signals need further confirmation because the present length of the GPS time series is still too short when compared to the periods involved.