386 resultados para LIPOPROTEINS


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Two endocytic receptors, the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) and the LDLR-related protein (LRP), are thought to act in concert in the hepatic uptake of partially metabolized dietary lipoproteins, the chylomicron remnants. We have evaluated the role of these two receptors in the hepatic metabolism of chylomicron remnants in normal mice and in LDLR-deficient [LDLR (-/-)] mice. The rate of chylomicron remnant removal by the liver was normal up to 30 min after intravenous injection of chylomicrons into LDLR (-/-) mice and was unaffected by receptor-associated protein (RAP), a potent inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP. In contrast, endocytosis of the remnants by the hepatocytes, measured by their accumulation in the endosomal fraction and by the rate of hydrolysis of component cholesteryl esters, was dramatically reduced in the absence of the LDLR. Coadministration of RAP prevented the continuing hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants in LDL (-/-) mice after 30 min, consistent with blockade of the slow endocytosis by a RAP-sensitive process. Taken together with previous studies, our results are consistent with a model in which the initial hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants is primarily mediated by mechanisms that do not include LDLR or LRP, possibly involving glycosaminoglycan-bound hepatic lipase and apolipoprotein E. After the remnants bind to these alternative sites on the hepatocyte surface, endocytosis is predominantly mediated by the LDLR and also by a slower and less efficient backup process that is RAP sensitive and therefore most likely involves LRP.


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Negli ultimi anni, si sono diffusi nuove strategie per il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari, che possano supportare una terapia medica, o in alcuni casi, sostituirla. Infatti, l’abbandono delle terapie è il più importante problema di salute pubblica del mondo occidentale, soprattutto per le malattie croniche. Ciò è dovuto alla complessità delle terapie farmacologiche e ai numerosi e in alcuni casi gravi effetti collaterali dei farmaci somministrati. Di conseguenza, una riduzione di questi effetti migliorerebbe le condizioni di vita del paziente e quindi diminuirebbe il rischio di abbandono della terapia. Per ottenere ciò, è possibile affiancare al trattamento farmacologico una terapia nutraceutica, consistente nella somministrazione di complessi molecolari o microorganismi, provenienti da piante, latte o cibi funzionali. Lo scopo generale di questo studio è indagare le attività ipolipidemizzanti di un composto nutraceutico e di un ceppo batterio specifico nel modello animale che presenta elevati alti livelli plasmatici di colesterolo. Inoltre, sono stati analizzati gli effetti del trattamento nutraceutico sui meccanismi fisiologici che contrastano la creazione della placca aterosclerotica come l’efflusso di colesterolo dalle “foam cells” presenti nell’ateroma, o la riduzione dell’assorbimento intestinale di colesterolo. La presente tesi è divisa in due parti. Nella prima parte, abbiamo analizzato la capacità dei Bifidobacteria di ridurre i livelli di colesterolo nel medium di crescita. Dall’analisi, si è osservato che vari ceppi del genere Bifidobacteria presentano un’ampia capacità di assimilazione del colesterolo all’interno della cellula batterica, in particolare il Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010. Le analisi di trascrittomica del Bb PRL2010 incubato in presenza di colesterolo, hanno rivelato un significativo aumento dei livelli di trascrizione di geni codificanti trasportatori e riduttasi, responsabili del meccanismo di accumulo all’interno della cellula batterica e della conversione del colesterolo in coprostanolo. L’attività ipolipidemizzante del Bb PRL2010 è stata poi valutata nel modello murino, mostrando la modificazione del microbiota dei topi trattati dopo somministrazione del batterio in questione. Nella seconda parte del progetto di ricerca, abbiamo indagato sugli effetti di un composto coperto da brevetto, chiamato “Ola”, sull’efflusso di colesterolo di criceti trattati con questo composto nutraceutico. L’efflusso di colesterolo è il primo step del meccanismo fisiologico noto come Trasporto Inverso del Colesterolo, che consente l’eliminazione del colesterolo dalle placche aterosclerotiche, attraverso l’interazione fra le HDL, presenti nella circolazione sanguigna, e specifici trasportatori delle foam cells, come ABCA1/G1 e SR-BI. In seguito, le lipoproteine rilasciano il colesterolo alle cellule epatiche, dove è metabolizzato ed escreto attraverso le feci. Per valutare l’effetto dell’Ola sul profilo lipidico dei criceti, sono state condotte analisi in vitro. I risultati mostrano un aumento dell’efflusso di colesterolo in cellule che esprimono il trasportatore ABCA1, comparato con il gruppo controllo. Questi due studi mostrano come l’approccio nutraceutico può essere un importante modo per contrastare l’aterosclerosi. Come mostrato in letteratura, gli effetti dei composti nutraceutici sull’aterosclerosi e su altre malattie croniche, hanno portato a un ampio uso come supporto alle terapie farmacologiche, ed in alcuni casi hanno rimpiazzato la terapia farmacologica stessa.


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INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, sendo muitos dos fatores de risco passíveis de prevenção e controle. Embora as DCV sejam complexas em sua etiologia e desenvolvimento, a concentração elevada de LDL-c e baixa de HDL-c constituem os fatores de risco modificáveis mais monitorados na prática clínica, embora não sejam capazes de explicar todos os eventos cardiovasculares. Portanto, investigar como intervenções farmacológicas e nutricionais podem modular parâmetros oxidativos, físicos e estruturais das lipoproteínas pode fornecer estimativa adicional ao risco cardiovascular. Dentre os diversos nutrientes e compostos bioativos relacionados às DCV, os lipídeos representam os mais investigados e descritos na literatura. Nesse contexto, os ácidos graxos insaturados (ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9) têm sido foco de inúmeros estudos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos em indivíduos adultos com múltiplos fatores de risco e sem evento cardiovascular prévio. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, baseado em intervenção nutricional (3,0 g/dia de ácidos graxos) sob a fórmula de cápsulas contendo: ômega-3 (37 por cento de EPA e 23 por cento de DHA) ou ômega-6 (65 por cento de ácido linoleico) ou ômega-9 (72 por cento de ácido oleico). A amostra foi composta por indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos, apresentando pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco: Dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética, os indivíduos foram distribuídos nos três grupos de intervenção. No momento basal, os indivíduos foram caracterizados quanto aos aspectos demográficos (sexo, idade e etnia) e clínicos (medicamentos, doenças atuais e antecedentes familiares). Nos momentos basal e após 8 semanas de intervenção, amostras de sangue foram coletadas após 12h de jejum. A partir do plasma foram analisados: perfil lipídico (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteínas AI e B, ácidos graxos não esterificados, atividade da PON1, LDL(-) e auto-anticorpos, ácidos graxos, glicose, insulina, tamanho e distribuição percentual da LDL (7 subfrações e fenótipo A e não-A) e HDL (10 subfrações). O efeito do tempo, da intervenção e associações entre os ácidos graxos e aspectos qualitativos das lipoproteínas foram testados (SPSS versão 20.0, p <0,05). RESULTADOS: Uma primeira análise dos resultados baseada em um corte transversal demonstrou, por meio da análise de tendência linear ajustada pelo nível de risco cardiovascular, que o maior tercil plasmático de DHA se associou positivamente com HDL-c, HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Observou-se também que o maior tercil plasmático de ácido linoleico se associou positivamente com HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Esse perfil de associação não foi observado quando foram avaliados os parâmetros dietéticos. Avaliando uma subamostra que incluiu indivíduos tabagistas suplementados com ômega-6 e ômega-3, observou-se que ômega-3 modificou positivamente o perfil lipídico e as subfrações da HDL. Nos modelos de regressão linear ajustados pela idade, sexo e hipertensão, o DHA plasmático apresentou associações negativas com a HDLPEQUENA. Quando se avaliou exclusivamente o efeito do ômega-3 em indivíduos tabagistas e não tabagistas, observou-se que fumantes, do sexo masculino, acima de 60 anos de idade, apresentando baixo percentual plasmático de EPA e DHA (<8 por cento ), com excesso de peso e gordura corporal elevada, apresentam maior probabilidade de ter um perfil de subfrações de HDL mais aterogênicas. Tendo por base os resultados acima, foi comparado o efeito do ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos. O ômega-3 promoveu redução no TG, aumento do percentual de HDLGRANDE e redução de HDLPEQUENA. O papel cardioprotetor do ômega-3 foi reforçado pelo aumento na incorporação de EPA e DHA, no qual indivíduos com EPA e DHA acima de 8 por cento apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter HDLGRANDE e menor de ter HDLPEQUENA. Em adição, observou-se também que o elevado percentual plasmático de ômega-9 se associou com partículas de LDL menos aterogênicas (fenótipo A). CONCLUSÃO: Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, mas não dietéticos, se correlacionam com parâmetros cardiometabólicos. A suplementação com ômega-3, presente no óleo de peixe, promoveu redução no TG e melhoria nos parâmetros qualitativos da HDL (mais HDLGRANDE e menos HDLPEQUENA). Os benefícios do ômega-3 foram particularmente relevantes nos indivíduos tabagistas e naqueles com menor conteúdo basal de EPA e DHA plasmáticos. Observou-se ainda que o ômega-9 plasmático, presente no azeite de oliva, exerceu impacto positivo no tamanho e subfrações da LDL.


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Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm demonstrado os efeitos nocivos dos ácidos graxos trans à saúde. Consequentemente, diversas agências reguladoras de saúde e sociedades responsáveis pela elaboração de diretrizes nutricionais recomendaram a redução do consumo desses ácidos graxos. Deste modo, a indústria de alimentos vem adequando seus produtos a fim de substituir os ácidos graxos trans por gorduras interesterificadas, porém seus efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose não foram ainda totalmente elucidados. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de gorduras interesterificadas contendo principalmente ácido graxo palmítico ou esteárico sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Desta forma, camundongos knockout para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-KO) recém-desmamados foram alimentados por 16 semanas com dietas hiperlipídicas (40% do valor calórico total sob forma de gordura) contendo principalmente ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (POLI), trans (TRANS), palmítico (PALM), palmítico interesterificado (PALM INTER), esteárico (ESTEAR) ou esteárico interesterificado (ESTEAR INTER) para determinação de concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol total e triglicérides; perfil de lipoproteínas; conteúdo de lípides (Oil Red O) e colágeno (Picrosirius Red) e infiltrado de macrófagos (imuno-histoquímica) na área de lesão aterosclerótica; expressão e conteúdo proteico de citocinas na aorta; dosagem das citocinas secretadas por macrófagos de peritônio estimulados ou não com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS); efluxo celular de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2. Os resultados mostraram que os animais que consumiram a gordura interesterificada contendo ácido palmítico (PALM INTER) desenvolveram importante lesão aterosclerótica em comparação aos grupos PALM, ESTEAR, ESTEAR INTER e POLI, resultados confirmados pelo conteúdo de colágeno na lesão. Apesar do processo de interesterificação não ter alterado as concentrações plasmáticas de lípides, conforme verificado entre os grupos PALM vs PALM INTER e ESTEAR vs ESTEAR INTER, o acúmulo de colesterol na partícula de LDL foi similar entre os grupos PALM INTER e TRANS. Além desse efeito sobre o perfil de lipoproteínas, macrófagos do peritônio de camundongos que consumiram PALM INTER secretaram significativamente mais IL-1beta, IL-6 e MCP-1 em comparação aos demais grupos. Esse efeito pró-inflamatório foi confirmado na aorta, onde se observou maior expressão de TNF-alfa e IL-1beta para o grupo PALM INTER em comparação a PALM. Tal insulto inflamatório foi similar ao provocado por TRANS. Esses efeitos deletérios do PALM INTER podem ser parcialmente atribuídos ao acúmulo de colesterol nos macrófagos, promovido pelo prejuízo no efluxo de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2, bem como aumento da expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificada (Olr-1) e diminuição daqueles envolvidos na remoção intracelular de colesterol (Abca1 e Nr1h3) na parede arterial. Como conclusão, as gorduras interesterificadas contendo ácido palmítico favorecem o acúmulo de colesterol nas partículas de LDL e em macrófagos, ativando o processo inflamatório, o que conjuntamente contribuiu para maior desenvolvimento de lesão aterosclerótica


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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the leading cause of chronic liver disease in children, is defined by hepatic fat infiltration >5% of hepatocytes, in the absence of excessive alcohol intake, evidence of viral, autoimmune or drug-induced liver disease. Conditions like rare genetic disorders must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Case Report: Two male brothers, and a non-related girl, all overweight, had liver steatosis. One of the brothers and the girl had elevated transaminases; all three presented with low total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and very low density lipoproteins cholesterol levels, hypotriglyceridemia and low apolipoprotein B. A liver biopsy performed in the brother with citolysis confirmed steatohepatitis and the molecular study of apolipoprotein B gene showed a novel homozygous mutation (c.9353dup p.Asn3118Lysfs17). Patients with cytolysis lost weight, however liver steatosis persists. Conclusion: Fatty liver disease might be a consequence of hypobetalipoproteinemia. Evidence is scarce due to low number of reported cases.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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L'athérosclérose est une maladie inflammatoire chronique caractérisée par l'accumulation de cholestérol dans la paroi artérielle et associée à une réponse immunitaire anormale dans laquelle les macrophages jouent un rôle important. Récemment, il a été démontré que les vaisseaux lymphatiques jouent un rôle primordial dans le transport inverse du cholestérol (Martel et al. JCI 2013). L’objectif global de mon stage de maîtrise a été de mieux caractériser la dysfonction lymphatique associée à l’athérosclérose, en étudiant de plus près l’origine physiologique et temporelle de ce mauvais fonctionnement. Notre approche a été d’étudier, depuis l’initiation de l’athérosclérose jusqu’à la progression d’une lésion athérosclérotique tardive, la physiologie des deux constituants principaux qui forment les vaisseaux lymphatiques : les capillaires et collecteurs lymphatiques. En utilisant comme modèle principal des souris Ldlr-/-; hApoB100+/+, nous avons pu démontrer que la dysfonction lymphatique est présente avant même l’apparition de l’athérosclérose, et que cette dysfonction est principalement associée avec un défaut au niveau des vaisseaux collecteurs, limitant ainsi le transport de la lymphe des tissus périphériques vers le sang. De plus, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’expression du récepteur au LDL par les cellules endothéliales lymphatiques. Nos travaux subséquents démontrent que ce défaut de propulsion de la lymphe pourrait être attribuable à l’absence du récepteur au LDL, et que la dysfonction lymphatique observée précocement dans l’athérosclérose peut être limitée par des injections systémiques de VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) –C. Ces résultats suggèrent que la caractérisation fonctionnelle de la capacité de pompage des vaisseaux collecteurs serait une condition préalable à la compréhension de l'interaction entre la fonction du système lymphatique et la progression de l'athérosclérose. Ultimement, nos travaux nous ont amené à considérer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles dans la prévention et le traitement de l’athérosclérose.


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During the last months, the number of reports on Holstein calves suffering from incurable idiopathic diarrhea dramatically increased. Affected calves showed severe hypocholesterolemia and mostly died within days up to a few months after birth. This new autosomal monogenic recessive inherited fat metabolism disorder, termed cholesterol deficiency (CD), is caused by a loss of function mutation of the bovine gene. The objective of the present study was to investigate specific components of lipid metabolism in 6 homozygous for the mutation (CDS) and 6 normal Holstein calves with different genotypes. Independent of sex, CDS had significantly lower plasma concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), free cholesterol (FC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), triacylglycerides (TAG), and phospholipids (PL) compared with homozygous wild-type calves ( < 0.05). Furthermore, we studied the effect of the genotype on cholesterol metabolism in adult Holstein breeding bulls of Swissgenetics. Among a total of 254 adult males, the homozygous mutant genotype was absent, 36 bulls were heterozygous carriers (CDC), and 218 bulls were homozygous wild-type (CDF). In CDC bulls, plasma concentrations of TC, FC, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TAG, and PL were lower compared with CDF bulls ( < 0.05). The ratios of FC:cholesteryl esters (CE) and FC:TC were higher in CDC bulls compared with CDF bulls, whereas the ratio of CE:TC was lower in CDC bulls compared with CDF bulls ( < 0.01). In conclusion, the CD-associated mutation was shown to affect lipid metabolism in affected Holstein calves and adult breeding bulls. Besides cholesterol, the concentrations of PL, TAG, and lipoproteins also were distinctly reduced in homozygous and heterozygous carriers of the mutation. Beyond malabsorption of dietary lipids, deleterious effects of apolipoprotein B deficiency on hepatic lipid metabolism, steroid biosynthesis, and cell membrane function can be expected, which may result in unspecific symptoms of reduced fertility, growth, and health.


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Recently very potent extracorporeal cholesterol-lowering treatment options have become available for patients with hypercholesterolemia. LDL immunoapheresis treatment selectively removes LDL and lipoprotein(a) from the circulation. Since LDL is the major carrier of lipophilic antioxidants in plasma, the purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of a single LDL apheresis treatment on plasma concentrations of tocopherols (alpha- and gamma-tocopherol) and carotenoids (alpha- and beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, canthaxanthin, lycopene, and retinol). Plasma antioxidant concentrations were determined by HPLC in 7 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia before and after LDL immunoapheresis treatment. Plasma concentrations of both alpha- and gamma-tocopherol and the different carotenoids were significantly reduced by LDL apheresis. However, when standardized for cholesterol to adjust for cholesterol removal, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, retinol, and the more polar carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin increased in response to apheresis treatment, while the more unpolar carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene did not change. These data demonstrate that a single LDL immunoapheresis treatment affects tocopherols and individual carotenoids differently. This may be explained by differences in chemical structure and preferential association with different lipoproteins. These results further imply that tocopherols, lutein, zeaxanthin, and retinol, are associated in part with lipoproteins and other carriers such as retinol-binding protein that are not removed during apheresis treatment. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective-Although physical activity is beneficial to health, people who exercise at high intensities throughout their lifetime may have increased cardiovascular risk. Aerobic exercise increases oxidative stress and may contribute to atherogenesis by augmented oxidation of plasma lipoproteins. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between aerobic power and markers of oxidative stress, including the susceptibility of plasma to oxidation. Methods and results-Aerobic power was measured in 24 healthy men aged 29 9 years (mean +/- SD). Plasma was analysed from subjects of high aerobic power (HAP; VO(2)max, 64.6 +/- 6.1 ml/kg/min) and lower aerobic power (LAP;VO(2)max, 45.1 +/- 6.3 ml/kg/min) for total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and susceptibility to oxidation. Three measures were used to quantify plasma oxidizability: (1) lag time to conjugated diene formation (lag time); (2) change in absorbance at 234 nm and; (3) slope of the oxidation curve during propagation (slope). The HAP subjects had significantly lowerTAC (1.38 +/- 0.04 versus 1.42 +/- 0.06 TEAC units; P < 0.05), significantly higher change in absorbance (1.55 +/- 0.21 versus 1.36 +/- 0.17 arbitrary units; P < 0.05), but no difference in MDA (P = 0.6), compared to LAP subjects. There was a significant inverse association between TAC and slope (r = -0.49; P < 0.05). Lipoprotein profiles and daily intake of nutrients did not differ between the groups. Conclusions-These findings suggest that people with high aerobic power, due to extreme endurance exercise, have plasma with decreased antioxidant capacity and higher susceptibility to oxidation, which may increase their cardiovascular risk.


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Traditional vaccines consisting of whole attenuated micro-organisms. or microbial components administered with adjuvant, have been demonstrated as one of the most cost-effective and successful public health interventions. Their use in large scale immunisation programs has lead to the eradication of smallpox, reduced morbidity and mortality from many once common diseases, and reduced strain on health services. However, problems associated with these vaccines including risk of infection. adverse effects, and the requirement for refrigerated transport and storage have led to the investigation of alternative vaccine technologies. Peptide vaccines, consisting of either whole proteins or individual peptide epitopes, have attracted much interest, as they may be synthesised to high purity and induce highly specific immune responses. However, problems including difficulties stimulating long lasting immunity. and population MHC diversity necessitating multiepitopic vaccines and/or HLA tissue typing of patients complicate their development. Furthermore, toxic adjuvants are necessary to render them immunogenic. and as such non-toxic human-compatible adjuvants need to be developed. Lipidation has been demonstrated as a human compatible adjuvant for peptide vaccines. The lipid-core-peptide (LCP) system. incorporating lipid adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes, exhibits promise as a lipid-based peptide vaccine adjuvant. The studies reviewed herein investigate the use of the LCP system for developing vaccines to protect against group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. The studies demonstrate that LCP-based GAS vaccines are capable of inducing high-titres of antigen specific IgG antibodies. Furthermore. mice immunised with an LCP-based GAS vaccine were protected against challenge with 8830 strain GAS.


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The intestinal spirochaete Brachyspira pilosicoli causes colitis in a wide variety of host species. Little is known about the structure or protein constituents of the B. pilosicoli outer membrane (OM). To identify surface-exposed proteins in this species, membrane vesicles were isolated from B. pilosicoli strain 95-1000 cells by osmotic lysis in dH(2)O followed by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose density gradients. The membrane vesicles were separated into a high-density fraction (HDMV; p = 1.18 g CM-3) and a low-density fraction (LDMV; rho=1.12 g cm(-3)). Both fractions were free of flagella and soluble protein contamination. LDMV contained predominantly OM markers (lipo-oligosaccharide and a 29 kDa B. pilosicoli OM protein) and was used as a source of antigens to produce mAbs. Five B. pilosicoli-specific mAbs reacting with proteins with molecular masses of 23, 24, 35, 61 and 79 kDa were characterized. The 23 kDa protein was only partially soluble in Triton X-114, whereas the 24 and 35 kDa proteins were enriched in the detergent phase, implying that they were integral membrane proteins or lipoproteins. All three proteins were localized to the B. pilosicoli OM by immunogold labelling using specific mAbs. The gene encoding the abundant, surface-exposed 23 kDa protein was identified by screening a B. pilosicoli 95-1000 genome library with the mAb and was expressed in Escherichia coli. Sequence analysis showed that it encoded a unique lipoprotein, designated BmpC. Recombinant BmpC partitioned predominantly in the OM fraction of E. coli strain SOLR. The mAb to BmpC was used to screen a collection of 13 genetically heterogeneous strains of B. pilosicoli isolated from five different host species. Interestingly, only strain 95-1000 was reactive with the mAb, indicating that either the surface-exposed epitope on BmpC is variable between strains or that the protein is restricted in its distribution within B. pilosicoli.


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Cholesterol is a major component of atherosclerotic plaques. Cholesterol accumulation within the arterial intima and atherosclerotic plaques is determined by the difference of cellular cholesterol synthesis and/or influx from apo B-containing lipoproteins and cholesterol efflux. In humans, apo A-I Milano infusion has led to rapid regression of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. We hypothesised that a multifunctional plasma delipidation process (PDP) would lead to rapid regression of experimental atherosclerosis and probably impact on adipose tissue lipids. In hyperlipidemic animals, the plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid were, respectively, 6-, 157-, and 18-fold higher than control animals, which consequently resulted in atherosclerosis. PDP consisted of delipidation of plasma with a mixture of butanol-diisopropyl ether (DIPE). PDP removed considerably more lipid from the hyperlipidemic animals than in normolipidemic animals. PDP treatment of hyperlipidemic animals markedly reduced intensity of lipid staining materials in the arterial wall and led to dramatic reduction of lipid in the adipose tissue. Five PDP treatments increased apolipoprotein A1 concentrations in all animals. Biochemical and hematological parameters were unaffected during PDP treatment. These results show that five PDP treatments led to marked reduction in avian atherosclerosis and removal of lipid from adipose tissue. PDP is a highly effective method for rapid regression of atherosclerosis.


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The consensus from published studies is that plasma lipids are each influenced by genetic factors, and that this contributes to genetic variation in risk of cardiovascular disease. Heritability estimates for lipids and lipoproteins are in the range .48 to .87, when measured once per study participant. However, this ignores the confounding effects of biological variation measurement error and ageing, and a truer assessment of genetic effects on cardiovascular risk may be obtained from analysis of longitudinal twin or family data. We have analyzed information on plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides, from 415 adult twins who provided blood on two to five occasions over 10 to 17 years. Multivariate modeling of genetic and environmental contributions to variation within and across occasions was used to assess the extent to which genetic and environmental factors have long-term effects on plasma lipids. Results indicated that more than one genetic factor influenced HDL and LDL components of cholesterol, and triglycerides over time in all studies. Nonshared environmental factors did not have significant long-term effects except for HDL. We conclude that when heritability of lipid risk factors is estimated on only one occasion, the existence of biological variation and measurement errors leads to underestimation of the importance of genetic factors as a cause of variation in long-term risk within the population. In addition our data suggest that different genes may affect the risk profile at different ages.