956 resultados para Kinetic enzymatic assays
Assays that measure a patient's immune response play an increasingly important role in the development of immunotherapies. The inherent complexity of these assays and independent protocol development between laboratories result in high data variability and poor reproducibility. Quality control through harmonization--based on integration of laboratory-specific protocols with standard operating procedures and assay performance benchmarks--is one way to overcome these limitations. Harmonization guidelines can be widely implemented to address assay performance variables. This process enables objective interpretation and comparison of data across clinical trial sites and also facilitates the identification of relevant immune biomarkers, guiding the development of new therapies.
Morphogens of the Wnt protein family are the secreted lipoglycoprotein ligands which initiate several pathways heavily involved in the coordination of various developmental stages of organisms in the majority of animal species. Deregulation of these pathways in the adult leads to formation and sustaining of multiple types of cancer. The latter notion is reinforced by the fact that the very discovery of the first Wnt ligand was due to its role as the causative factor of carcinogenic transformation (Nusse and Varmus, 1982). Nowadays our knowledge on Wnt signaling has "moved with the times" and these pathways were identified to be often crucial for tumor formation, its interactions with the microenvironment, and promotion of the metastases (Huang and Du, 2008; Zerlin et al., 2008; Jessen, 2009). Thus the relevance of the pathway as the target for drug development has further increased in the light of modern paradigms of the complex cancer treatments which target also spreading and growth- promoting factors of tumors by specific and highly efficient substances (Pavet et al., 2010). Presently the field of the Wnt-targeting drug research is almost solely dominated by assays based on transcriptional activation induced by the signaling. This approach resulted in development of a number of promising substances (Lee et al., 2011). Despite its effectiveness, the method nevertheless suffers from several drawbacks. Among the major ones is the fact that this approach is prone to identify compounds targeting rather downstream effectors of the pathway, which are indiscriminately used by all the subtypes of the Wnt signaling. Additionally, proteins which are involved in several signaling cascades and not just the Wnt pathway turn out as targets of the new compounds. These issues increase risks of side effects due to off-target interactions and blockade of the pathway in healthy cells. In the present work we put forward a novel biochemical approach for drug development on the Wnt pathway. It targets Frizzleds (Fzs) - a family of 7-transmbembrane proteins which serve as receptors for Wnt ligands. They offer unique properties for the development of highly specific and effective drugs as they control all branches of the Wnt signaling. Recent advances in the understanding of the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins downstream from Fzs (Katanaev et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2005; Jernigan et al., 2010) suggest application of enzymatic properties of these effectors to monitor the receptor-mediated events. We have applied this knowledge in practice and established a specific and efficient method based on utilization of a novel high-throughput format of the GTP-binding assay to follow the activation of Fzs. This type of assay is a robust and well-established technology for the research and screenings on the GPCRs (Harrison and Traynor, 2003). The conventional method of detection involves the radioactively labeled non-hydrolysable GTP analog [35S]GTPyS. Its application in the large-scale screenings is however problematic which promoted development of the novel non-radioactive GTP analog GTP-Eu. The new molecule employs phenomenon of the time-resolved fluorescence to provide sensitivity comparable to the conventional radioactive substance. Initially GTP-Eu was tested only in one of many possible types of GTP-binding assays (Frang et al., 2003). In the present work we expand these limits by demonstrating the general comparability of the novel label with the radioactive method in various types of assays. We provide a biochemical characterization of GTP-Eu interactions with heterotrimeric and small GTPases and a comparative analysis of the behavior of the new label in the assays involving heterotrimeric G protein effectors. These developments in the GTP-binding assay were then applied to monitor G protein activation by the Fz receptors. The data obtained in mammalian cultured cell lines provides for the first time an unambiguous biochemical proof for direct coupling of Fzs with G proteins. The specificity of this interaction has been confirmed by the experiments with the antagonists of Fz and by the pertussis toxin-mediated deactivation. Additionally we have identified the specificity of Wnt3a towards several members of the Fz family and analyzed the properties of human Fz-1 which was found to be the receptor coupled to the Gi/o family of G proteins. Another process playing significant role in the functioning of every GPCR is endocytosis. This phenomenon can also be employed for drug screenings on GPCRs (Bickle, 2010). In the present work we have demonstrated that Drosophila Fz receptors are involved in an unusual for many GPCRs manifestation of the receptor-mediated internalization. Through combination of biochemical approaches and studies on Drosophila as the model organism we have shown that direct interactions of the Fzs and the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein Go with the small GTPase Rab5 regulate internalization of the receptor in early endosomes. We provide data uncovering the decisive role of this self-promoted endocytosis in formation of a proper signaling output in the canonical as well as planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways regulated by Fz. The results of this work thus establish a platform for the high-throughput screening to identify substances active in the cancer-related Wnt pathways. This methodology has been adjusted and applied to provide the important insights in Fz functioning and will be instrumental for further investigations on the Wnt-mediated pathways.
In this study, PCR assays targeting different Leishmania heat-shock protein 70 gene (hsp70) regions, producing fragments ranging in size from 230-390 bp were developed and evaluated to determine their potential as a tool for the specific molecular diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). A total of 70 Leishmania strains were analysed, including seven reference strains (RS) and 63 previously typed strains. Analysis of the RS indicated a specific region of 234 bp in the hsp70 gene as a valid target that was highly sensitive for detection of Leishmania species DNA with capacity of distinguishing all analyzed species, after polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorfism (PCR-RFLP). This PCR assay was compared with other PCR targets used for the molecular diagnosis of leishmaniasis: hsp70 (1400-bp region), internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1 and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd). A good agreement among the methods was observed concerning the Leishmania species identification. Moreover, to evaluate the potential for molecular diagnosis, we compared the PCR targets hsp70-234 bp, ITS1, G6pd and mkDNA using a panel of 99 DNA samples from tissue fragments collected from patients with confirmed CL. Both PCR-hsp70-234 bp and PCR-ITS1 detected Leishmania DNA in more than 70% of the samples. However, using hsp70-234 bp PCR-RFLP, identification of all of the Leishmania species associated with CL in Brazil can be achieved employing a simpler and cheaper electrophoresis protocol.
This chapter attempts to answer the questions, how do the viruses reach the neurons, what are the alterations that they impose on the neuronal machinery, and what are the consequences of these alterations on the function of the infected neurons? The virus used for this research was the pseudorabies. Pseudorabies virus is transported from the eye to the superior cervical ganglion by retrograde axonal flow. In the sympathetic neurons, the virus induces an increased protein synthesis and tyrosine 3-monooxygenase activity, a transsynaptic increased activity of the cholineacetyltransferase and a great rise in the acetylcholine content. The virus also causes an abnormal spontaneous electrophysiological activity, which also seems to be of presynaptic origin, despite the fact that the virus never crossed the synaptic cleft.
RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC En biologie, si une découverte permet de répondre à quelques questions, en général elle en engendre beaucoup d'autres. C'est ce qui s'est produit récemment dans le monde des kallicréines. De la famille des protéases, protéines ayant la faculté de couper plus ou moins spécifiquement d'autres protéines pour exercer un rôle biologique, la famille des kallicréines humaines n'était composée que de 3 membres lors du siècle dernier. Parmi eux, une kallicréine mondialement utilisée pour détecter le cancer de la prostate, le PSA. En 2000, un chercheur de l'hôpital universitaire Mont Sinaï à Toronto, le Professeur Eleftherios Diamandis, a découvert la présence de 12 nouveaux gènes appartenant à cette famille, situés sur le même chromosome que les 3 premières kallicréines. Cette découverte majeure a placé les spécialistes des kallicréines face à une montagne d'interrogations car les fonctions de ces nouvelles protéases étaient totalement inconnues. La kallicréine humaine 14 (hK14) présente un intérêt particulier, car elle se retrouve associée à différents cancers, notamment les carcinomes ovariens et mammaires. Cette association ne répond cependant pas à la fonction de cette protéase. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc de découvrir, dans un premier temps, la spécificité de cette nouvelle kallicréine, c'est-à-dire le type de coupure qu'elle engendre au niveau des protéines qu'elle cible. Utilisant une technologie de pointe qui exploite la propriété des bactériophages à se répliquer dans les bactéries à l'infini, des dizaines de millions de combinaisons protéiques aléatoires ont été présentées à hK14, qui a pu sélectionner celles qui lui étaient favorables pour la coupure. Cette technique qualitative porte le nom de Phage Display Substrate. Une fois la sélection réalisée, il fallait transférer ces séquences coupées ou substrats dans un système permettant de donner une valeur quantitative à l'efficacité de coupure. Pour cela nous avons développé une technologie qui permet d'évaluer cette efficacité en utilisant des protéines fluorescentes de méduse, modifiées génétiquement, dont l'excitation de la première (CFP : cyan fluorescent protein) par la lumière à une certaine longue d'onde permet le transfert d'énergie à la seconde (YFP : yellow fluorescent protein), via un substrat qui les lie. Pour que ce transfert d'énergie se produise, il faut que les deux protéines fluorescentes soient proches, comme c'est le cas lorsqu'elles sont liées par un substrat. La coupure de ce lien provoque un changement de transfert d'énergie qui est quantifiable en utilisant un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie permet donc de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse (coupure) des protéases. Afin de poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre la fonction biologique d'hK14 ainsi que son éventuelle implication dans le cancer, nous avons développé des inhibiteurs spécifiques d'hK14. Les séquences qui on été le plus efficacement coupées par hK14 ont été utilisées pour transformer deux types d'inhibiteurs classiques, qui circulent dans notre sang, en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Selon les résultats obtenus in vitro, ils pourront être évalués in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. RESUME Les protéases sont des enzymes impliquées dans des processus physiologiques mais aussi parfois pathologiques. La famille des kallicréines tissulaires humaines représente le plus grand groupe de protéases humaines, dont plusieurs pourraient participer au développement de certaines maladies. D'autre part, ces protéases sont apparues comme des marqueurs de pathogénicité potentiels, notamment dans les cas de cancers hormono-dépendants. La kallicréine humaine 14 a été récemment découverte et son implication dans quelques maladies, particulièrement dans le cas de tumeurs, semble probable. En effet, son expression génique est augmentée au niveau des tissus cancéreux de la prostate et du sein et son expression protéique s'est révélée plus élevée dans le sérum de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ou des ovaires. Cependant, comme c'est le cas pour la plupart des kallicréines, sa fonction est encore inconnue. Afin de mieux connaître son rôle biologique et/ou pathologique, nous avons décidé de caractériser son activité enzymatique. Nous avons tout d'abord mis au point un système de substrats entièrement biologique permettant d'étudier in vitro l'activité des protéases. Ce système est basé sur le phénomène de FRET, à savoir le transfert d'énergie de résonance fluorescente qui intervient entre deux molécules fluorescentes voisines si le spectre d'émission de la protéine donneuse chevauche le spectre d'excitation de la protéine receveuse. Nous avons fusionné de manière covalente une protéine fluorescente bleue (CFP) et une jaune (YFP) en les liant avec diverses séquences. Par clivage de la séquence de liaison, une perte du transfert d'énergie peut être mesurée par un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie représente un moyen facile de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse des protéases. Les conditions optimales de production de ces substrats CFP-YFP ont été déterminées, de même que les paramètres pouvant éventuellement influencer le FRET. Ce système possède une grande résistance à la protéolyse non spécifique et est applicable à un grand nombre de protéase. Contrairement aux substrats fluorogéniques, il permet d'étudier les acides aminés se trouvant des deux côtés du site de clivage. Ce système étant entièrement biologique, il est le reflet des interactions protéine-protéine et représente un outil biologique facile, bon marché et rapide pour caractériser les protéases. Dans un premier temps, hK14 a été mise en présence d' une banque de haute diversité de pentapeptides aléatoires présentée à la surface de phages afin d'identifier des substrats spécifiques. Ensuite, le système CFP-YFP a été employé pour trier les peptides sélectionnés afin d'identifier les séquences de substrats les plus sensibles et spécifiques pour hK14. Nous avons montré, qu'en plus de sa prévisible activité de type trypsine, hK14 possède aussi une très surprenante activité de type chymotrypsine. Les séquences les plus sensibles ont été choisies pour cribler la banque de donnée Swissprot, permettant ainsi l'identification de 6 substrats protéiques humains potentiels pour hK14. Trois d'entre eux, la laminine α-5, le collagène IV et la matriline-4, qui sont des composants de la matrice extracellulaire, ont démontré une grande susceptibilité à l'hydrolyse par hK14. De plus, la séparation éléctrophorétique a montré que la dégradation de la laminine α-5 et de la matriline-4 par hK14 devait se produire aux sites identifiés par la technologie du phage display. Pour terminer, nous avons transformé, par mutagenèse dirigée, deux serpines (inhibiteurs de protéases de type sérine) connues, AAT et ACT (alpha anti-trypsine et alpha anti-chymotrypsine), qui inhibent un vaste éventail d'enzymes humaines en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Ces inhibiteurs pourront être utilisés d'une part pour poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre l'implication d'hK14 dans des voies physiologiques ou dans le cancer et d'autre part pour les évaluer in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. SUMMARY Proteases consist of enzymes involved in physiological events, but also, in case of dysregulation, in pathogenicity. The human tissue kallikrein family represents the largest human protease cluster and includes several members that either could participate in the course of certain diseases or emerged as potential biological markers, especially in hormone dependent cancers. The human kallikrein 14 has been recently discovered and suggested implications in some disorders, particularly in tumors since its gene expression is up-regulated in prostate and breast cancer tissues and its protein expression increased in the serum of patients with breast and ovarian cancers. However, like most kallikreins, its function remains unknown. To better understand hK14 biological and/or pathological role, we decided to characterize its enzymatic activity. First of all, we developped a biological system suitable for in vitro study of protease activity. This system is based on the so-called FRET phenomenon, that is the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer that occurs between two nearby fluorescent proteins if the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps the excitation spectrum of the acceptor. We fused covalently a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with diverses sequences. Upon cleavage of the linker sequence by protease, the loss of energy transfer can be measured by a spectrofluorometer allowing an easy following of hydrolysis reaction. The optimal conditions to produce in bacterial system these CFP-YFP substrates were determined as well as the parameters that could eventually influence the FRET. This system demonstrated a high degree of resistance to non-specific proteolysis and applicability to various conditions corresponding to a great number of existing proteases. Other avantages are the possibility to study the amino acids located both sides of the cleavage site as well as the interest to work in a full biological system reflecting protein-protein interaction. A phage substrate library with exhaustive diversity was used prior to CFP-substrate-YFP system to isolate specific human kallikrein 14 substrates. After that the CFP-YFP system was used to sort peptides and identify highly sensitive and specific substrate sequences for hK14. We showed that besides its predictable trypsin-like activity, hK14 also possesses a surprising chymotrypsin-like activity. The screening of the Swissprot database was achieved with the most sensitive sequences and allowed the identification of 6 potential human protein substrates for hK14. Three of them, laminin α-5, collagen IV and matrilin-4, which are components of the extracellular matrix were incubated with hK14, by which they were efficiently hydrolyzed. Moreover, electrophoretic separation revealed that degradation of laminin α-5 and matrilin-4 by hK14 generated fragments with identical molecular size than the predicted N-terminal fragments that would result from hK14 specific cleavage, proving the value of phage display substrate to identify potential substrates. Finally, with site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed two well-known serpins (serine protease inhibitors), AAT and ACT (alpha anti-trypsin and alpha anti-chymotrypsin), which inhibit a vast spectrum of human enzymes into highly efficient and specific hK14 inhibitors. These inhibitors will be used to pursue experiments that could help understand hK14 implication in physiological pathways as well as in cancer biology and also to perform their in vivo evalution as potential cancer treatment.
This study evaluated the relative occurrences of BK virus (BKV) and JC virus (JCV) infections in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urine samples were analysed from CKD patients and from 99 patients without CKD as a control. A total of 100 urine samples were analysed from the experimental (CKD patients) group and 99 from the control group. Following DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a 173 bp region of the gene encoding the T antigen of the BKV and JCV. JCV and BKV infections were differentiated based on the enzymatic digestion of the amplified products using BamHI endonuclease. The results indicated that none of the patients in either group was infected with the BKV, whereas 11.1% (11/99) of the control group subjects and 4% (4/100) of the kidney patients were infected with the JCV. High levels of urea in the excreted urine, low urinary cellularity, reduced bladder washout and a delay in analysing the samples may have contributed to the low prevalence of infection. The results indicate that there is a need to increase the sensitivity of assays used to detect viruses in patients with CDK, especially given that polyomavirus infections, especially BKV, can lead to a loss of kidney function following transplantation.
Schistosomiasis diagnosis is based on the detection of eggs in the faeces, which is laborious and lacks sensitivity, especially for patients with a low parasite burden. Immunological assays for specific antibody detection are available, but they usually demonstrate low sensitivity and/or specificity. In this study, two simple immunological assays were evaluated for the detection of soluble Schistosoma mansoni adult worm preparation (SWAP) and egg-specific IgGs. These studies have not yet been evaluated for patients with low parasite burdens. Residents of an endemic area in Brazil donated sera and faecal samples for our study. The patients were initially diagnosed by a rigorous Kato-Katz analysis of 18 thick smears from four different stool samples. The ELISA-SWAP was successful for human diagnosis with 90% sensitivity and specificity, confirming the Kato-Katz diagnosis with nearly perfect agreement, as seen by the Kappa index (0.85). Although the ELISA-soluble S. mansoni egg antigen was 85% sensitive, it exhibited low specificity (80%; Kappa index: 0.75) and was more susceptible to cross-reactivity. We believe that immunological assays should be used in conjunction with Kato-Katz analysis as a supplementary tool for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis for patients with low infection burdens, which are usually hard to detect.
Les melanines són un grup heterogeni de polímers producte de reaccions enzimàtiques en els teixits vegetals que contenen compostos fenòlics o polifenòlics. Estudis recents han descobert algunes propietats benèfiques de les melanines sobre la salut, tals com antioxidants, antiinflamatòries, immunològiques i propietats anti-tumorals. Així, no només la seva eliminació ha de ser examinada, sinó que també podria considerar-se la seva addició a aliments funcionals de nova creació. D’aquesta manera, es requereix conèixer el mecanisme cinètic de la lanogènesi abans de la seva possible utilització industrial. S’ha desenvolupat un model cinètic per explicar la formació de melanina a partir de L-tirosina utilitzant polifenol oxidasa d’Agaricus bisporus i monitoritzant l'absorbància de la solució. Aquesta expressió permet descriure la formació de melanina en funció del temps de reacció i obtenir alguns paràmetres importants que defineixen el producte, com el coeficient d'extinció. L’absorbància comença a créixer després d'un període de latència en què es produeixen productes intermedis incolors. El coeficient d'extinció dels productes resultants no és un valor constant, perquè depèn de les condicions de cada experiment. La tirosinasa tingué un menor efecte catalitzador sobre la L-tirosina (primera reacció que catalitza), que sobre L-DOPA (segona reacció).
Dilatation of the ascending aorta (AAD) is a prevalent aortopathy that occurs frequently associated with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most common human congenital cardiac malformation. The molecular mechanisms leading to AAD associated with BAV are still poorly understood. The search for differentially expressed genes in diseased tissue by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is an invaluable tool to fill this gap. However, studies dedicated to identify reference genes necessary for normalization of mRNA expression in aortic tissue are scarce. In this report, we evaluate the qPCR expression of six candidate reference genes in tissue from the ascending aorta of 52 patients with a variety of clinical and demographic characteristics, normal and dilated aortas, and different morphologies of the aortic valve (normal aorta and normal valve n = 30; dilated aorta and normal valve n = 10; normal aorta and BAV n = 4; dilated aorta and BAV n = 8). The expression stability of the candidate reference genes was determined with three statistical algorithms, GeNorm, NormFinder and Bestkeeper. The expression analyses showed that the most stable genes for the three algorithms employed were CDKN1β, POLR2A and CASC3, independently of the structure of the aorta and the valve morphology. In conclusion, we propose the use of these three genes as reference genes for mRNA expression analysis in human ascending aorta. However, we suggest searching for specific reference genes when conducting qPCR experiments with new cohort of samples.
The applicability of the protein phosphatase inhibition assay (PPIA) to the determination of okadaic acid (OA) and its acyl derivatives in shellfish samples has been investigated, using a recombinant PP2A and a commercial one. Mediterranean mussel, wedge clam, Pacific oyster and flat oyster have been chosen as model species. Shellfish matrix loading limits for the PPIA have been established, according to the shellfish species and the enzyme source. A synergistic inhibitory effect has been observed in the presence of OA and shellfish matrix, which has been overcome by the application of a correction factor (0.48). Finally, Mediterranean mussel samples obtained from Rı´a de Arousa during a DSP closure associated to Dinophysis acuminata, determined as positive by the mouse bioassay, have been analysed with the PPIAs. The OA equivalent contents provided by the PPIAs correlate satisfactorily with those obtained by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS).
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon grown in the presence of 3 ng/ml (5 X 10(-10) M) epidermal growth factor (EGF) until day 12 showed 2- to 3-fold increased activities in the two glial enzymes, glutamine synthetase (GLU-S) and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNPase). This effect was concentration-dependent, with maximal stimulation in cultures treated daily with 3 ng/ml EGF. Addition of EGF during the first 10 culture days was sufficient to produce a maximal stimulation of both GLU-S and CNPase on day 19, whereas treatments starting on day 12 were ineffective. The stimulation of GLU-S preceded that of CNPase. The EGF-induced increase in GLU-S activity was not directly dependent on the presence of insulin, triiodothyronine, or hydrocortisone in the medium, whereas insulin was required for the stimulation of CNPase. A single dose of 5 ng/ml EGF on day 2 caused a slight but significant decrease in DNA synthesis after day 6. The present results indicate that in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon EGF partially inhibits DNA synthesis, and stimulates an early step in glial differentiation.
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
Environmental chemicals with estrogenic activities have been suggested to be associated with deleterious effects in animals and humans. To characterize estrogenic chemicals and their mechanisms of action, we established in vitro and cell culture assays that detect human estrogen receptor [alpha] (hER[alpha])-mediated estrogenicity. First, we assayed chemicals to determine their ability to modulate direct interaction between the hER[alpha] and the steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) and in a competition binding assay to displace 17ss-estradiol (E(2)). Second, we tested the chemicals for estrogen-associated transcriptional activity in the yeast estrogen screen and in the estrogen-responsive MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. The chemicals investigated in this study were o,p'-DDT (racemic mixture and enantiomers), nonylphenol mixture (NPm), and two poorly analyzed compounds in the environment, namely, tris-4-(chlorophenyl)methane (Tris-H) and tris-4-(chlorophenyl)methanol (Tris-OH). In both yeast and MCF-7 cells, we determined estrogenic activity via the estrogen receptor (ER) for o,p'-DDT, NPm, and for the very first time, Tris-H and Tris-OH. However, unlike estrogens, none of these xenobiotics seemed to be able to induce ER/SRC-1 interactions, most likely because the conformation of the activated receptor would not allow direct contacts with this coactivator. However, these compounds were able to inhibit [(3)H]-E(2) binding to hER, which reveals a direct interaction with the receptor. In conclusion, the test compounds are estrogen mimics, but their molecular mechanism of action appears to be different from that of the natural hormone as revealed by the receptor/coactivator interaction analysis.
Résumé : Un nombre croissant de cas de malaria chez les voyageurs et migrants a été rapporté. Bien que l'analyse microscopique des frottis sanguins reste traditionnellement l'outil diagnostic de référence, sa fiabilité dépend considérablement de l'expertise de l'examinateur, pouvant elle-même faire défaut sous nos latitudes. Une PCR multiplex en temps réel a donc été développée en vue d'une standardisation du diagnostic. Un ensemble d'amorces génériques ciblant une région hautement conservée du gène d'ARN ribosomial 18S du genre Plasmodium a tout d'abord été conçu, dont le polymorphisme du produit d'amplification semblait suffisant pour créer quatre sondes spécifiques à l'espèce P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax et P. ovale. Ces sondes utilisées en PCR en temps réel se sont révélées capables de détecter une seule copie de plasmide de P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax et P. ovale spécifiquement. La même sensibilité a été obtenue avec une sonde de screening pouvant détecter les quatre espèces. Quatre-vingt-dix-sept échantillons de sang ont ensuite été testés, dont on a comparé la microscopie et la PCR en temps réel pour 66 (60 patients) d'entre eux. Ces deux méthodes ont montré une concordance globale de 86% pour la détection de plasmodia. Les résultats discordants ont été réévalués grâce à des données cliniques, une deuxième expertise microscopique et moléculaire (laboratoire de Genève et de l'Institut Suisse Tropical de Bâle), ainsi qu'à l'aide du séquençage. Cette nouvelle analyse s'est prononcé en faveur de la méthode moléculaire pour tous les neuf résultats discordants. Sur les 31 résultats positifs par les deux méthodes, la même réévaluation a pu donner raison 8 fois sur 9 à la PCR en temps réel sur le plan de l'identification de l'espèce plasmodiale. Les 31 autres échantillons ont été analysés pour le suivi de sept patients sous traitement antimalarique. Il a été observé une baisse rapide du nombre de parasites mesurée par la PCR en temps réel chez six des sept patients, baisse correspondant à la parasitémie déterminée microscopiquement. Ceci suggère ainsi le rôle potentiel de la PCR en temps réel dans le suivi thérapeutique des patients traités par antipaludéens. Abstract : There have been reports of increasing numbers of cases of malaria among migrants and travelers. Although microscopic examination of blood smears remains the "gold standard" in diagnosis, this method suffers from insufficient sensitivity and requires considerable expertise. To improve diagnosis, a multiplex real-time PCR was developed. One set of generic primers targeting a highly conserved region of the 18S rRNA gene of the genus Plasmodium was designed; the primer set was polymorphic enough internally to design four species-specific probes for P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malarie, and P. ovale. Real-time PCR with species-specific probes detected one plasmid copy of P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale specifically. The same sensitivity was achieved for all species with real-time PCR with the 18S screening probe. Ninety-seven blood samples were investigated. For 66 of them (60 patients), microscopy and real-time PCR results were compared and had a crude agreement of 86% for the detection of plasmodia. Discordant results were reevaluated with clinical, molecular, and sequencing data to resolve them. All nine discordances between 18S screening PCR and microscopy were resolved in favor of the molecular method, as were eight of nine discordances at the species level for the species-specific PCR among the 31 samples positive by both methods. The other 31 blood samples were tested to monitor the antimalaria treatment in seven patients. The number of parasites measured by real-time PCR fell rapidly for six out of seven patients in parallel to parasitemia determined microscopically. This suggests a role of quantitative PCR for the monitoring of patients receiving antimalaria therapy.
Dynamic mixtures of Rh-dye complexes can be used to determine the history of chemical events such as the addition of ATP and ADP by UV-vis spectroscopy.