961 resultados para Ions lourds


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The subject of the presented thesis is the accurate measurement of time dilation, aiming at a quantitative test of special relativity. By means of laser spectroscopy, the relativistic Doppler shifts of a clock transition in the metastable triplet spectrum of ^7Li^+ are simultaneously measured with and against the direction of motion of the ions. By employing saturation or optical double resonance spectroscopy, the Doppler broadening as caused by the ions' velocity distribution is eliminated. From these shifts both time dilation as well as the ion velocity can be extracted with high accuracy allowing for a test of the predictions of special relativity. A diode laser and a frequency-doubled titanium sapphire laser were set up for antiparallel and parallel excitation of the ions, respectively. To achieve a robust control of the laser frequencies required for the beam times, a redundant system of frequency standards consisting of a rubidium spectrometer, an iodine spectrometer, and a frequency comb was developed. At the experimental section of the ESR, an automated laser beam guiding system for exact control of polarisation, beam profile, and overlap with the ion beam, as well as a fluorescence detection system were built up. During the first experiments, the production, acceleration and lifetime of the metastable ions at the GSI heavy ion facility were investigated for the first time. The characterisation of the ion beam allowed for the first time to measure its velocity directly via the Doppler effect, which resulted in a new improved calibration of the electron cooler. In the following step the first sub-Doppler spectroscopy signals from an ion beam at 33.8 %c could be recorded. The unprecedented accuracy in such experiments allowed to derive a new upper bound for possible higher-order deviations from special relativity. Moreover future measurements with the experimental setup developed in this thesis have the potential to improve the sensitivity to low-order deviations by at least one order of magnitude compared to previous experiments; and will thus lead to a further contribution to the test of the standard model.


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The collapse of linear polyelectrolyte chains in a poor solvent: When does a collapsing polyelectrolyte collect its counter ions? The collapse of polyions in a poor solvent is a complex system and is an active research subject in the theoretical polyelectrolyte community. The complexity is due to the subtle interplay between hydrophobic effects, electrostatic interactions, entropy elasticity, intrinsic excluded volume as well as specific counter-ion and co-ion properties. Long range Coulomb forces can obscure single molecule properties. The here presented approach is to use just a small amount of screening salt in combination with a very high sample dilution in order to screen intermolecular interaction whereas keeping intramolecular interaction as much as possible (polyelectrolyte concentration cp ≤ 12 mg/L, salt concentration; Cs = 10^-5 mol/L). This is so far not described in literature. During collapse, the polyion is subject to a drastic change in size along with strong reduction of free counterions in solution. Therefore light scattering was utilized to obtain the size of the polyion whereas a conductivity setup was developed to monitor the proceeding of counterion collection by the polyion. Partially quaternized PVP’s below and above the Manning limit were investigated and compared to the collapse of their uncharged precursor. The collapses were induced by an isorefractive solvent/non-solvent mixture consisting of 1-propanol and 2-pentanone, with nearly constant dielectric constant. The solvent quality for the uncharged polyion could be quantified which, for the first time, allowed the experimental investigation of the effect of electrostatic interaction prior and during polyion collapse. Given that the Manning parameter M for QPVP4.3 is as low as lB / c = 0.6 (lB the Bjerrum length and c the mean contour distance between two charges), no counterion binding should occur. However the Walden product reduces with first addition of non solvent and accelerates when the structural collapse sets in. Since the dielectric constant of the solvent remains virtually constant during the chain collapse, the counterion binding is entirely caused by the reduction in the polyion chain dimension. The collapse is shifted to lower wns with higher degrees of quaternization as the samples QPVP20 and QPVP35 show (M = 2.8 respectively 4.9). The combination of light scattering and conductivity measurement revealed for the first time that polyion chains already collect their counter ions well above the theta-dimension when the dimensions start to shrink. Due to only small amounts of screening salt, strong electrostatic interactions bias dynamic as well as static light scattering measurements. An extended Zimm formula was derived to account for this interaction and to obtain the real chain dimensions. The effective degree of dissociation g could be obtained semi quantitatively using this extrapolated static in combination with conductivity measurements. One can conclude the expansion factor a and the effective degree of ionization of the polyion to be mutually dependent. In the good solvent regime g of QPVP4.3, QPVP20 and QPVP35 exhibited a decreasing value in the order 1 > g4.3 > g20 > g35. The low values of g for QPVP20 and QPVP35 are assumed to be responsible for the prior collapse of the higher quaternized samples. Collapse theory predicts dipole-dipole attraction to increase accordingly and even predicts a collapse in the good solvent regime. This could be exactly observed for the QPVP35 sample. The experimental results were compared to a newly developed theory of uniform spherical collapse induced by concomitant counterion binding developed by M. Muthukumar and A. Kundagrami. The theory agrees qualitatively with the location of the phase boundary as well as the trend of an increasing expansion with an increase of the degree of quaternization. However experimental determined g for the samples QPVP4.3, QPVP20 and QPVP35 decreases linearly with the degree of quaternization whereas this theory predicts an almost constant value.


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Bioconjugation of peptides and asymmetric synthesis of gem-difluoromethylene compounds are areas of the modern organic chemistry for which mild and selective methods continue to be developed. This thesis reports new methodologies for these two areas based on the use of stabilized carbenium ions. The reaction that makes the bioconjugation of peptides possible takes place via the direct nucleophilic substitution of alcohols and is driven by the spontaneous formation of stabilized carbenium ions in water. By reacting with the thiol group of cysteine in very mild conditions and with a high selectivity, these carbenium ions allow the site-specific ligation of polypeptides containing cysteine and their covalent derivatization with functionalized probes. The ligation of the indole ring of tryptophan, an emerging target in bioconjugation, is also shown and takes place in the same conditions. The second area investigated is the challenging access to optically active gem-difluoromethylene compounds. We describe a methodology relying on the synthesis of enantioenriched 1,3-benzodithioles intermediates that are shown to be precursors of the corresponding gem-difluoromethylene analogues by oxidative desulfurization-fluorination. This synthesis takes advantage of the highly enantioselective organocatalytic α-alkylation of aldehydes with the benzodithiolylium ion and of the wide possibilities of synthetic transformations offered by the 1,3-benzodithiole group. This approach allows the asymmetric access to complex gem-difluoromethylene compounds through a late-stage fluorination step, thus avoiding the use of fluorinated building blocks.


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Die Elektronen in wasserstoff- und lithium-ähnlichen schweren Ionen sind den extrem starken elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern in der Umgebung des Kerns ausgesetzt. Die Laserspektroskopie der Hyperfeinaufspaltung im Grundzustand des Ions erlaubt daher einen sensitiven Test der Quantenelektrodynamik in starken Feldern insbesondere im magnetischen Sektor. Frühere Messungen an wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen die an einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle (EBIT) und am Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) der GSI Darmstadt durchgeführt wurden, waren in ihrer Genauigkeit durch zu geringe Statistik, einer starken Dopplerverbreiterung und der großen Unsicherheit in der Ionenenergie limitiert. Das ganze Potential des QED-Tests kann nur dann ausgeschöpft werden, wenn es gelingt sowohl wasserstoff- als auch lithium-ähnliche schwere Ionen mit einer um 2-3 Größenordnung gesteigerten Genauigkeit zu spektroskopieren. Um dies zu erreichen, wird gegenwärtig das neue Penningfallensystem SPECTRAP an der GSI aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Es ist speziell für die Laserspektroskopie an gespeicherten hochgeladenen Ionen optimiert und wird in Zukunft von HITRAP mit nierderenergetischen hochgeladenen Ionen versorgt werden.rnrnSPECTRAP ist eine zylindrische Penningfalle mit axialem Zugang für die Injektion von Ionen und die Einkopplung eines Laserstrahls sowie einem radialen optischen Zugang für die Detektion der Fluoreszenz. Um letzteres zu realisieren ist der supraleitende Magnet als Helmholtz-Spulenpaar ausgelegt. Um die gewünschte Genauigkeit bei der Laserspektroskopie zu erreichen, muss ein effizienter und schneller Kühlprozess für die injizierten hochegeladenen Ionen realisiert werden. Dies kann mittels sympathetischer Kühlung in einer lasergekühlten Wolke leichter Ionen realisiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Lasersystem und eine Ionenquelle für die Produktion einer solchen 24Mg+ Ionenwolke aufgebaut und erfolgreich an SPECTRAP in Betrieb genommen. Dazu wurde ein Festkörperlasersystem für die Erzeugung von Licht bei 279.6 nm entworfen und aufgebaut. Es besteht aus einem Faserlaser bei 1118 nm der in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Frequenzverdopplungsstufen frequenzvervierfacht wird. Die Verdopplerstufen sind als aktiv stabilisierte Resonantoren mit nichtlinearen Kristallen ausgelegt. Das Lasersystem liefert unter optimalen Bedingeungen bis zu 15 mW bei der ultravioletten Wellenlänge und erwies sich während der Teststrahlzeiten an SPECTRAP als ausgesprochen zuverlässig. Desweiteren wurde eine Ionequelle für die gepulste Injektion von Mg+ Ionen in die SPECTRAP Falle entwickelt. Diese basiert auf der Elektronenstoßionisation eines thermischen Mg-Atomstrahls und liefert in der gepulsten Extraktion Ionenbündel mit einer kleinen Impuls- und Energieverteilung. Unter Nutzung des Lasersystems konnten damit an SPECTRAP erstmals Ionenwolken mit bis zu 2600 lasergekühlten Mg Ionen erzeugt werden. Der Nachweis erfolgte sowohl mittels Fluoreszenz als auch mit der FFT-ICR Technik. Aus der Analyse des Fluoreszenz-Linienprofils lässt sich sowohl die Sensitivität auf einzelne gespeicherte Ionen als auch eine erreichte Endtemperatur in der Größenordnung von ≈ 100 mK nach wenigen Sekunden Kühlzeit belegen.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Frage untersucht, inwieweit die divergente Synthese von starren dendritischen Gerüsten genutzt werden kann, um die Eigenschaften von Salzen und Ionen zu verändern und gezielt zu steuern. Motiviert wurde diese Fragestellung durch das Ziel, größere und dadurch schwächer koordinierende Anionen als die bereits in der Literatur beschriebenen Anionen zu erzeugen. In der Tat konnten durch das divergente Wachstum starrer Polyphenylen-Dendronen sterisch sehr anspruchsvolle Borat-Anionen von bislang unerreichter Größe im Nanometerbereich erzeugt werden. Durch die Größe ihrer hydrophoben Hülle und die damit einhergehende sterische Abschirmung der zentralen Ladung weisen starr dendronisierte Ionen eine deutlich verminderte Koordination zu Gegenionen auf. Die Koordinationkraft ließ sich sowohl durch eine stärkere Verzweigung der dendritischen Hülle als auch durch die Perfluorierung der Ionenoberfläche weiter herabsetzen. Schließlich konnten durch den Einbau lichtschaltbarer Funktionen in das starre Dendrimergerüst sogar Anionen mit schaltbarer, veränderlicher Größe und Koordinationskraft hergestellt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, wie sich Gegenionen in Salzen dendronisierter Ionen austauschen lassen, und es wurde eine neue Klasse von Aryl-Triazol-Dendrimeren entwickelt.


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Potential energy curves have been computed for [C2H6]2+ ions and the results used to interpret the conspicuous absence of these ions in 2E mass spectra and in charge-stripping experiments. The energies and structures of geometry-optimized ground-state singlet and excited-state triplet [C2H6]2+ ions have been determined along with energies for different decomposition barriers and dissociation asymptotes. Although singlet and triplet [C2H6]2+ ions can exist as stable entities, they possess low energy barriers to decomposition. Vertical Franck-Condon transitions, involving electron impact ionization of ethane as well as charge-stripping collisions of [C2H6]+ ions, produce [C2H6]2+ ions which promptly dissociate since they are formed with energies in excess of various decomposition barriers. Appearance energies computed for doubly-charged ethane fragment ions are in accordance with experimental values.


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Time-of-flight techniques have been used to measure fast neutral CO2 products from double electron transfer reactions of CO22+ ions with 4.0–7.0 keV impact energies. Double electron transfer cross sections have been determined to be in the range of (1.1–12.5) × 10−16 cm2 for reactions of CO22+ ions with CO2, CO, N2, Ar and O2.


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Electron transfer cross sections have been measured for reactions of Ar2+ ions with Ar, N2, O2, CO2, CH4 and C2H6. Time-of-flight techniques have been used to measure both fast neutral Ar0 and fast Ar+ products from single- and double-electron transfer processes involving Ar2+ ions with 4.0 to 7.0 keV impact energies. Incident Ar2+ ions have produced by controlled electron impact ionisation of argon atoms. Reactions have been examined as a function of ionising electron energy and cross sections determined for ground state Ar2+(3P) ions. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined to be in the range of 3*10-16 cm2 for the systems examined. Double-electron transfer cross sections are the same order of magnitude as those measured for the corresponding single-electron transfer reactions. The state distribution of the reactant ion beam has been estimated and electron transfer cross sections obtained for single- and double-electron transfer reactions of metastable Ar2+ions. The magnitudes of electron transfer cross sections in individual systems are similar for both ground and metastable state Ar2+ reactions.


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The GAUSSIAN 2, GAUSSIAN 3, complete basis set-QB3, and complete basis set-APNO methods have been used to calculate ΔH∘ and ΔG∘ values for ionic clusters of hydronium and hydroxide ions complexed with water. Results for the clusters H3O+(H2O)n andOH−(H2O)n, where n=1–4 are reported in this paper, and compared against experimental values contained in the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) database. Agreement with experiment is excellent for the three ab initio methods for formation of these clusters. The high accuracy of these methods makes them reliable for calculating energetics for the formation of ionic clusters containing water. In addition this allows them to serve as a valuable check on the accuracy of experimental data reported in the NIST database, and makes them useful tools for addressing unresolved issues in atmospheric chemistry.


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Cross sections for charge transfer reactions of organic ions containing oxygen have been obtained using time-of-flight techniques. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined for reactions of 2.0 to 3.4 keV ions produced by electron impact ionization of oxygen containing molecules such as methanol, ethanal and ethanol. Experimental cross section magnitudes have been correlated with reaction energy defects computed from ion recombination energies and target ionization energies. Large cross sections are observed for reacting systems with small energy defects.


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Cross-sections have been determined for one- and two-electron transfer channels in the collisions of keV gas-phase doubly charged pyrrole ions with pyrrole molecules. Measured single and double electron transfer total cross-sections approximate 45 Å2 and 15 Å2, respectively. A combination of symmetric resonance charge exchange and multistate curve-crossing models has been invoked to describe these reactions.