976 resultados para Insect sounds.
Biodiversity is threatened by agriculture as a whole, and particularly also by traditional methods of agriculture. Knowledge-based agriculture, including GM crops, can reduce this threat in the future. The introduction of no-tillage practices, which are beneficial for soil fertility, has been encouraged by the rapid spread of herbicide-tolerant soybeans in the USA. The replacement of pesticides through Bt crops is advantageous for the non-target insect fauna in test-fields. The results of the British Farm Scale experiment are discussed. Biodiversity differences can mainly be referred to as differences in herbicide application management.
Numerous insect herbivores can take up and store plant toxins as self-defense against their own natural enemies. Plant toxin sequestration is tightly linked with tolerance strategies that keep the toxins functional. Specific transporters have been identified that likely allow the herbivore to control the spatiotemporal dynamics of toxin accumulation. Certain herbivores furthermore possess specific enzymes to boost the bioactivity of the sequestered toxins. Ecologists have studied plant toxin sequestration for decades. The recently uncovered molecular mechanisms in combination with transient, non-transgenic systems to manipulate insect gene expression will help to understand the importance of toxin sequestration for food-web dynamics in nature.
The distinctive ecology of root herbivores, the complexity and diversity of root–microbe interactions, and the physical nature of the soil matrix mean that plant responses to root herbivory extrapolate poorly from our understanding of responses to aboveground herbivores. For example, root attack induces different changes in phytohormones to those in damaged leaves, including a lower but more potent burst of jasmonates in several plant species. Root secondary metabolite responses also differ markedly, although patterns between roots and shoots are harder to discern. Root defences must therefore be investigated in their own ecophysiological and evolutionary context, specifically one which incorporates root microbial symbionts and antagonists, if we are to better understand the battle between plants and their hidden herbivores.
Genetic diversity in plant populations has been shown to affect the species diversity of insects. In grasses, infection with fungal endophytes can also have strong effects on insects, potentially modifying the effects of plant genetic diversity. We manipulated the genetic diversity and endophyte infection of a grass in a field experiment. We show that diversity of primary parasitoids (3rd trophic level) and, especially, secondary parasitoids (4th trophic level) increases with grass genetic diversity while there was no effect of endophyte infection. The increase in insect diversity appeared to be due to a complementarity effect rather than a sampling effect. The higher parasitoid diversity could not be explained by a cascading diversity effect because herbivore diversity was not affected and the same herbivore species were present in all treatments. The effects on the higher trophic levels must therefore be due to a direct response to plant traits or mediated by effects on traits at intermediate trophic levels.
Relationships between agents in multitrophic systems are complex and very specific. Insect-transmitted plant viruses are completely dependent on the behaviour and distribution patterns of their vectors. The presence of natural enemies may directly affect aphid behaviour and spread of plant viruses, as the escape response of aphids might cause a potential risk for virus dispersal. The spatio-temporal dynamics of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV), transmitted by Aphis gossypii in a non-persistent and persistent manner, respectively, were evaluated at short and long term in the presence and absence of the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius colemani. SADIE methodology was used to study the distribution patterns of both the virus and its vector, and their degree of association. Results suggested that parasitoids promoted aphid dispersion at short term, which enhanced CMV spread, though consequences of parasitism suggest potential benefits for disease control at long term. Furthermore, A. colemani significantly limited the spread and incidence of the persistent virus CABYV at long term. The impact of aphid parasitoids on the dispersal of plant viruses with different transmission modes is discussed.
Olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), is a key pest in olive orchards, causing serious economic damage. To date, the pest has already developed resistance to the insecticides commonly applied to control it. Thus, in searching for new products for an accurate resistance management programme, targeting the ecdysone receptor (EcR)might provide alternative compounds for use in such programmes. RESULTS: Residual contact and oral exposure in the laboratory of B. oleae adults to the dibenzoylhydrazine-based compounds methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide and RH-5849 showed different results. Methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide did not provoke anynegative effectsontheadults,but RH-5849 killed98-100%of the treated insects15 days after treatment. Theligand-binding domain (LBD) of the EcR of B. oleae (BoEcR-LBD) was sequenced, and a homology protein model was constructed. Owing to a restricted extent of the ligand-binding cavity of the BoEcR-LBD, docking experiments with the three tested insecticides showed a severe steric clash in the case of methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide, while this was not the case with RH-5849. CONCLUSION: IGR molecules similar to the RH-5849 molecule, and different from methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide, might have potential in controlling this pest.
This paper shows the influence of the semantic content of urban sounds in the subjective evaluation of outer spaces. The study is based on the analysis conducted in three neighboring and integrated urban spaces with a different form of social ownership in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. It shows that the type of sound source present at each site influence, by its semantic content, in the user´s identification and permanence in the place. The noise present in a soundscape is able to have a high semantic content, and therefore the sound has a particular meaning for the perceiver. Every particular social group influences the production of their own sounds and how they perceive them. This allows to consider the sound as one of the factors that define the sense of "place" or "no place" of a certain urban space. Evidently the sounds, and their ability to evoke and characterize the environment, cannot be ignored in the construction and recovery of anthropological sites. This urban culture is unique and specific to every society. Thepublic spaces, with their soundscape, are part of the construction of the urban identity of a city. It is shown that for identical general sound levels present in each of the spaces, the level of annoyance or discomfort, in relation to the subjective acoustic quality, is different. This is the result of the influence of semantic content of the sounds present in each urban space. Coinciding with other similar research, the level of discomfort or annoyance decreases as the presence of natural sounds such as water, the wind in the trees or the birds singing increases, even when the objective values of noise level of natural sounds are higher.
The introduction of open-plan offices in the 1960s with the intent of making the workplace more flexible, efficient, and team-oriented resulted in a higher noise floor level, which not only made concentrated work more difficult, but also caused physiological problems, such as increased stress, in addition to a loss of speech privacy. Irrelevant background human speech, in particular, has proven to be a major factor in disrupting concentration and lowering performance. Therefore, reducing the intelligibility of speech and has been a goal of increasing importance in recent years. One method employed to do so is the use of masking noises, which consists in emitting a continuous noise signal over a loudspeaker system that conceals the perturbing speech. Studies have shown that while effective, the maskers employed to date – normally filtered pink noise – are generally poorly accepted by users. The collaborative "Private Workspace" project, within the scope of which this thesis was carried out, attempts to develop a coupled, adaptive noise masking system along with a physical structure to be used for open-plan offices so as to combat these issues. There is evidence to suggest that nature sounds might be more accepted as masker, in part because they can have a visual object that acts as the source for the sound. Direct audio recordings are not recommended for various reasons, and thus the nature sounds must be synthesized. This work done consists of the synthesis of a sound texture to be used as a masker as well as its evaluation. The sound texture is composed of two parts: a wind-like noise synthesized with subtractive synthesis, and a leaf-like noise synthesized through granular synthesis. Different combinations of these two noises produced five variations of the masker, which were evaluated at different levels along with white noise and pink noise using a modified version of an Oldenburger Satztest to test for an affect on speech intelligibility and a questionnaire to asses its subjective acceptance. The goal was to find which of the synthesized noises works best as a speech masker. This thesis first uses a theoretical introduction to establish the basics of sound perception, psychoacoustic masking, and sound texture synthesis. The design of each of the noises, as well as their respective implementations in MATLAB, is explained, followed by the procedures used to evaluate the maskers. The results obtained in the evaluation are analyzed. Lastly, conclusions are drawn and future work is and modifications to the masker are proposed. RESUMEN. La introducción de las oficinas abiertas en los años 60 tenía como objeto flexibilizar el ambiente laboral, hacerlo más eficiente y que estuviera más orientado al trabajo en equipo. Como consecuencia, subió el nivel de ruido de fondo, que no sólo dificulta la concentración, sino que causa problemas fisiológicos, como el aumento del estrés, además de reducir la privacidad. Hay estudios que prueban que las conversaciones de fondo en particular tienen un efecto negativo en el nivel de concentración y disminuyen el rendimiento de los trabajadores. Por lo tanto, reducir la inteligibilidad del habla es uno de los principales objetivos en la actualidad. Un método empleado para hacerlo ha sido el uso de ruido enmascarante, que consiste en reproducir señales continuas de ruido a través de un sistema de altavoces que enmascare el habla. Aunque diversos estudios demuestran que es un método eficaz, los ruidos utilizados hasta la fecha (normalmente ruido rosa filtrado), no son muy bien aceptados por los usuarios. El proyecto colaborativo "Private Workspace", dentro del cual se engloba el trabajo realizado en este Proyecto Fin de Grado, tiene por objeto desarrollar un sistema de ruido enmascarador acoplado y adaptativo, además de una estructura física, para su uso en oficinas abiertas con el fin de combatir los problemas descritos anteriormente. Existen indicios de que los sonidos naturales son mejor aceptados, en parte porque pueden tener una estructura física que simule ser la fuente de los mismos. La utilización de grabaciones directas de estos sonidos no está recomendada por varios motivos, y por lo tanto los sonidos naturales deben ser sintetizados. El presente trabajo consiste en la síntesis de una textura de sonido (en inglés sound texture) para ser usada como ruido enmascarador, además de su evaluación. La textura está compuesta de dos partes: un sonido de viento sintetizado mediante síntesis sustractiva y un sonido de hojas sintetizado mediante síntesis granular. Diferentes combinaciones de estos dos sonidos producen cinco variaciones de ruido enmascarador. Estos cinco ruidos han sido evaluados a diferentes niveles, junto con ruido blanco y ruido rosa, mediante una versión modificada de un Oldenburger Satztest para comprobar cómo afectan a la inteligibilidad del habla, y mediante un cuestionario para una evaluación subjetiva de su aceptación. El objetivo era encontrar qué ruido de los que se han sintetizado funciona mejor como enmascarador del habla. El proyecto consiste en una introducción teórica que establece las bases de la percepción del sonido, el enmascaramiento psicoacústico, y la síntesis de texturas de sonido. Se explica a continuación el diseño de cada uno de los ruidos, así como su implementación en MATLAB. Posteriormente se detallan los procedimientos empleados para evaluarlos. Los resultados obtenidos se analizan y se extraen conclusiones. Por último, se propone un posible trabajo futuro y mejoras al ruido sintetizado.
Actualmente, la gestión de sistemas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) en cultivos hortícolas tiene por objetivo priorizar los métodos de control no químicos en detrimento del consumo de plaguicidas, según recoge la directiva europea 2009/128/CE ‘Uso Sostenible de Plaguicidas’ (OJEC, 2009). El uso de agentes de biocontrol como alternativa a la aplicación de insecticidas es un elemento clave de los sistemas MIP por sus innegables ventajas ambientales que se utiliza ampliamente en nuestro país (Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). En la región de Almería, donde se concentra el 65% de cultivo en invernadero de nuestro país (47.367 ha), MIP es la principal estrategia en pimiento (MAGRAMA, 2014), y comienza a serlo en otros cultivos como tomate o pepino. El cultivo de pepino, con 8.902 ha (MAGRAMA, 2013), tiene un protocolo semejante al pimiento (Robledo et al., 2009), donde la única especie de pulgón importante es Aphis gossypii Glover. Sin embargo, pese al continuo incremento de la superficie de cultivo agrícola bajo sistemas MIP, los daños originados por virosis siguen siendo notables. Algunos de los insectos presentes en los cultivos de hortícolas son importantes vectores de virus, como los pulgones, las moscas blancas o los trips, cuyo control resulta problemático debido a su elevada capacidad para transmitir virus vegetales incluso a una baja densidad de plaga (Holt et al., 2008; Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). Las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos agentes de un ecosistema son complejas y muy específicas. Se ha comprobado que, pese a que los enemigos naturales reducen de manera beneficiosa los niveles de plaga, su incorporación en los sistemas planta-insecto-virus puede desencadenar complicadas interacciones con efectos no deseables (Dicke y van Loon, 2000; Jeger et al., 2011). Así, los agentes de biocontrol también pueden inducir a que los insectos vectores modifiquen su comportamiento como respuesta al ataque y, con ello, el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de las virosis que transmiten (Bailey et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1996; Hodge y Powell, 2008a; Hodge et al., 2011). Además, en ocasiones el control biológico por sí solo no es suficiente para controlar determinadas plagas (Medina et al., 2008). Entre los métodos que se pueden aplicar bajo sistemas MIP están las barreras físicas que limitan la entrada de plagas al interior de los invernaderos o interfieren con su movimiento, como pueden ser las mallas anti-insecto (Álvarez et al., 2014), las mallas fotoselectivas (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub y Berlinger, 2004; Díaz y Fereres, 2007) y las mallas impregnadas en insecticida (Licciardi et al., 2008; Martin et al., 2014). Las mallas fotoselectivas reducen o bloquean casi por completo la transmisión de radiación UV, lo que interfiere con la visión de los insectos y dificulta o impide la localización del cultivo y su establecimiento en el mismo (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub, 2009). Se ha comprobado cómo su uso puede controlar los pulgones y las virosis en cultivo de lechuga (Díaz et al., 2006; Legarrea et al., 2012a), así como la mosca blanca, los trips y los ácaros, y los virus que estos transmiten en otros cultivos (Costa y Robb, 1999; Antignus et al., 2001; Kumar y Poehling, 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007a; Legarrea et al., 2010). Sin embargo, no se conoce perfectamente el modo de acción de estas barreras, puesto que existe un efecto directo sobre la plaga y otro indirecto mediado por la planta, cuya fisiología cambia al desarrollarse en ambientes con falta de radiación UV, y que podría afectar al ciclo biológico de los insectos fitófagos (Vänninen et al., 2010; Johansen et al., 2011). Del mismo modo, es necesario estudiar la compatibilidad de esta estrategia con los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Hasta la fecha, los estudios han evidenciado que los agentes de biocontrol pueden realizar su actividad bajo ambientes pobres en radiación UV (Chyzik et al., 2003; Chiel et al., 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007b; Legarrea et al., 2012c). Otro método basado en barreras físicas son las mallas impregnadas con insecticidas, que se han usado tradicionalmente en la prevención de enfermedades humanas transmitidas por mosquitos (Martin et al., 2006). Su aplicación se ha ensayado en agricultura en ciertos cultivos al aire libre (Martin et al., 2010; Díaz et al., 2004), pero su utilidad en cultivos protegidos para prevenir la entrada de insectos vectores en invernadero todavía no ha sido investigada. Los aditivos se incorporan al tejido durante el proceso de extrusión de la fibra y se liberan lentamente actuando por contacto en el momento en que el insecto aterriza sobre la malla, con lo cual el riesgo medioambiental y para la salud humana es muy limitado. Los plaguicidas que se emplean habitualmente suelen ser piretroides (deltametrina o bifentrín), aunque también se ha ensayado dicofol (Martin et al., 2010) y alfa-cipermetrina (Martin et al., 2014). Un factor que resulta de vital importancia en este tipo de mallas es el tamaño del poro para facilitar una buena ventilación del cultivo, al tiempo que se evita la entrada de insectos de pequeño tamaño como las moscas blancas (Bethke y Paine, 1991; Muñoz et al., 1999). Asimismo, se plantea la necesidad de estudiar la compatibilidad de estas mallas con los enemigos naturales. Es por ello que en esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea la necesidad de evaluar nuevas mallas impregnadas que impidan el paso de insectos de pequeño tamaño al interior de los invernaderos, pero que a su vez mantengan un buen intercambio y circulación de aire a través del poro de la malla. Así, en la presente Tesis Doctoral, se han planteado los siguientes objetivos generales a desarrollar: 1. Estudiar el impacto de la presencia de parasitoides sobre el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de pulgones y las virosis que éstos transmiten. 2. Conocer el efecto directo de ambientes pobres en radiación UV sobre el comportamiento de vuelo de plagas clave de hortícolas y sus enemigos naturales. 3. Evaluar el efecto directo de la radiación UV-A sobre el crecimiento poblacional de pulgones y mosca blanca, y sobre la fisiología de sus plantas hospederas, así como el efecto indirecto de la radiación UV-A en ambas plagas mediado por el crecimiento de dichas planta hospederas. 4. Caracterización de diversas mallas impregnadas en deltametrina y bifentrín con diferentes propiedades y selección de las óptimas para el control de pulgones, mosca blanca y sus virosis asociadas en condiciones de campo. Estudio de su compatibilidad con parasitoides. ABSTRACT Insect vectors of plant viruses are the main agents causing major economic losses in vegetable crops grown under protected environments. This Thesis focuses on the implementation of new alternatives to chemical control of insect vectors under Integrated Pest Management programs. In Spain, biological control is the main pest control strategy used in a large part of greenhouses where horticultural crops are grown. The first study aimed to increase our knowledge on how the presence of natural enemies such as Aphidius colemani Viereck may alter the dispersal of the aphid vector Aphis gossypii Glover (Chapter 4). In addition, it was investigated if the presence of this parasitoid affected the spread of aphid-transmitted viruses Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus) infecting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). SADIE methodology was used to study the distribution patterns of both the virus and its vector, and their degree of association. Results suggested that parasitoids promoted aphid dispersal in the short term, which enhanced CMV spread, though consequences of parasitism suggested potential benefits for disease control in the long term. Furthermore, A. colemani significantly limited the spread and incidence of the persistent virus CABYV in the long term. The flight activity of pests Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), and natural enemies A. colemani and Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Weidemann) under UV-deficient environments was studied under field conditions (Chapter 5). One-chamber tunnels were covered with cladding materials with different UV transmittance properties. Inside each tunnel, insects were released from tubes placed in a platform suspended from the ceiling. Specific targets were located at different distances from the platform. The ability of aphids and whiteflies to reach their targets was diminished under UV-absorbing barriers, suggesting a reduction of vector activity under this type of nets. Fewer aphids reached distant traps under UV-absorbing nets, and significantly more aphids could fly to the end of the tunnels covered with non-UV blocking materials. Unlike aphids, differences in B. tabaci captures were mainly found in the closest targets. The oviposition of lepidopteran T. absoluta was also negatively affected by a UV-absorbing cover. The photoselective barriers were compatible with parasitism and oviposition of biocontrol agents. Apart from the direct response of insects to UV radiation, plant-mediated effects influencing insect performance were investigated (Chapter 6). The impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphid M. persicae and whitefly B. tabaci, and growth and leaf physiology of host plants pepper and eggplant was studied under glasshouse conditions. Plants were grown inside cages covered by transparent and UV-A-opaque plastic films. Plant growth and insect fitness were monitored. Leaves were harvested for chemical analysis. Pepper plants responded directly to UV-A by producing shorter stems whilst UV-A did not affect the leaf area of either species. UV-A-treated peppers had higher content of secondary metabolites, soluble carbohydrates, free amino acids and proteins. Such changes in tissue chemistry indirectly promoted aphid performance. For eggplants, chlorophyll and carotenoid levels decreased with supplemental UVA but phenolics were not affected. Exposure to supplemental UV-A had a detrimental effect on whitefly development, fecundity and fertility presumably not mediated by plant cues, as compounds implied in pest nutrition were unaltered. Lastly, the efficacy of a wide range of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. This strategy aimed to prevent aphids and whiteflies to enter the greenhouse by determining the optimum mesh size (Chapter 7). This new approach is based on slow release deltamethrin- and bifenthrin-treated nets with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. All LLITNs produced high mortality of M. persicae and A. gossypii although their efficacy decreased over time with sun exposure. It was necessary a net with hole size of 0.29 mm2 to exclude B. tabaci under laboratory conditions. The feasibility of two selected nets was studied in the field under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of CMV- and CABYV-infected cucumber plants. Besides, the compatibility of parasitoid A. colemani with bifenthrin-treated nets was studied in parallel field experiments. Both nets effectively blocked the invasion of aphids and reduced the incidence of both viruses, however they failed to exclude whiteflies. We found that our LLITNs were compatible with parasitoid A. colemani. As shown, the role of natural enemies has to be taken into account regarding the dispersal of insect vectors and subsequent spread of plant viruses. The additional benefits of novel physicochemical barriers, such as photoselective and insecticide-impregnated nets, need to be considered in Integrated Pest Management programs of vegetable crops grown under protected environments.
Technological progress in the area of informatics and human interface platforms create a window of opportunities for the neurorehablitation of patients with motor impairments. The CogWatch project (www.cogwatch.eu) aims to create an intelligent assistance system to improve motor planning and execution in patients with apraxia during their daily activities. Due to the brain damage caused by cardiovascular incident these patients suffer from impairments in the ability to use tools, and to sequence actions during daily tasks (such as making breakfast). Based on the common coding theory (Hommel et al., 2001) and mirror neuron primate research (Rizzolatti et al., 2001) we aim to explore use of cues, which incorporate aspects of biological motion from healthy adults performing everyday tasks requiring tool use and ecological sounds linked to the action goal. We hypothesize that patients with apraxia will benefit from supplementary sensory information relevant to the task, which will reinforce the selection of the appropriate motor plan. Findings from this study determine the type of sensory guidance in the CogWatch interface. Rationale for the experimental design is presented and the relevant literature is discussed.
Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITNs) constitute a novel alternative that combines physical and chemical tactics to prevent insect access and the spread of insect-transmitted plant viruses in protected enclosures. This approach is based on a slow-release insecticide-treated net with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. The efficacy of a wide range of LLITNs was tested under laboratory conditions against Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci. Two nets were selected for field tests under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of plants infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus. The efficacy of Aphidius colemani, a parasitoid commonly used for biological control of aphids, was studied in parallel field experiments.
The plant Mentzelia pumila (family Loasaceae) has leaves and stems densely covered with tiny hooked trichomes. The structures entrap and kill insects and therefore are most probably protective. But they are also maladaptive in that they incapacitate a coccinellid beetle (Hippodamia convergens) that preys upon an aphid enemy (Macrosiphum mentzeliae) of the plant. The adaptive benefit provided by the trichomes is evidently offset by a cost.
Activation of pro-phenol oxidase (proPO) in insects and crustaceans is important in defense against wounding and infection. The proPO zymogen is activated by a specific proteolytic cleavage. PO oxidizes phenolic compounds to produce quinones, which may help to kill pathogens and can also be used for synthesis of melanin to seal wounds and encapsulate parasites. We have isolated from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a serine proteinase that activates proPO, and have cloned its cDNA. The isolated proPO activating proteinase (PAP) hydrolyzed artificial substrates but required other protein factors for proPO activation, suggesting that proPO-activating enzyme may exist as a protein complex, one component of which is PAP. PAP (44 kDa) is composed of two disulfide-linked polypeptide chains (31 kDa and 13 kDa). A cDNA for PAP was isolated from a hemocyte library, by using a PCR-generated probe based on the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the 31-kDa catalytic domain. PAP belongs to a family of arthropod serine proteinases containing a carboxyl-terminal proteinase domain and an amino-terminal “clip” domain. The member of this family most similar in sequence to PAP is the product of the easter gene from Drosophila melanogaster. PAP mRNA was present at a low level in larval hemocytes and fat body, but became much more abundant in fat body after insects were injected with Escherichia coli. Sequence data and 3H-diisopropyl fluorphosphate labeling results suggest that the same PAP exists in hemolymph and cuticle.
Many insects feed on blood or tissue from mammalian hosts. One potential strategy for the control of these insects is to vaccinate the host with antigens derived from the insect. The larvae of the fly Lucilia cuprina feed on ovine tissue and tissue fluids causing a cutaneous myiasis associated with considerable host morbidity and mortality. A candidate vaccine antigen, peritrophin 95, was purified from the peritrophic membrane, which lines the gut of these larvae. Serum from sheep vaccinated with peritrophin 95 inhibited growth of first-instar L. cuprina larvae that fed on this serum. Growth inhibition was probably caused by antibody-mediated blockage of the normally semipermeable peritrophic membrane and the subsequent development of an impervious layer of undefined composition on the gut lumen side of the peritrophic membrane that restricted access of nutrients to the larvae. The amino acid sequence of peritrophin 95 was determined by cloning the DNA complementary to its mRNA. The deduced amino acid sequence codes for a secreted protein containing a distinct Cys-rich domain of 317 amino acids followed by a mucin-like domain of 139 amino acids. The Cys-rich domain may be involved in binding chitin. This report describes a novel immunological strategy for the potential control of L. cuprina larvae that may have general application to the control of other insect pests.