966 resultados para High weight molecular polyethylene
We report on properties of high quality ~60 nm thick InAlN layers nearly in-plane lattice-matched to GaN, grown on c-plane GaN-on-sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Excellent crystalline quality and low surface roughness are confirmed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. High annular dark field observations reveal a periodic in-plane indium content variation (8 nm period), whereas optical measurements evidence certain residual absorption below the band-gap. The indium fluctuation is estimated to be +/- 1.2% around the nominal 17% indium content via plasmon energy oscillations assessed by electron energy loss spectroscopy with sub-nanometric spatial resolution.
Deep level defects in n-type unintentionally doped a-plane MgxZn1−xO, grown by molecular beam epitaxy on r-plane sapphire were fully characterized using deep level optical spectroscopy (DLOS) and related methods. Four compositions of MgxZn1−xO were examined with x = 0.31, 0.44, 0.52, and 0.56 together with a control ZnO sample. DLOS measurements revealed the presence of five deep levels in each Mg-containing sample, having energy levels of Ec − 1.4 eV, 2.1 eV, 2.6 V, and Ev + 0.3 eV and 0.6 eV. For all Mg compositions, the activation energies of the first three states were constant with respect to the conduction band edge, whereas the latter two revealed constant activation energies with respect to the valence band edge. In contrast to the ternary materials, only three levels, at Ec − 2.1 eV, Ev + 0.3 eV, and 0.6 eV, were observed for the ZnO control sample in this systematically grown series of samples. Substantially higher concentrations of the deep levels at Ev + 0.3 eV and Ec − 2.1 eV were observed in ZnO compared to the Mg alloyed samples. Moreover, there is a general invariance of trap concentration of the Ev + 0.3 eV and 0.6 eV levels on Mg content, while at least and order of magnitude dependency of the Ec − 1.4 eV and Ec − 2.6 eV levels in Mg alloyed samples.
El trigo blando (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) presenta propiedades viscoélasticas únicas debidas a la presencia en la harina de las prolaminas: gluteninas y gliadinas. Ambos tipos de proteínas forman parte de la red de gluten. Basándose en la movilidad en SDS-PAGE, las gluteninas se clasifican en dos grupos: gluteninas de alto peso molecular (HMW-GS) y gluteninas de bajo peso molecular (LMW-GS). Los genes que codifican para las HMW-GS se encuentran en tres loci del grupo 1 de cromosomas: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 y Glu-D1. Cada locus codifica para uno o dos polipéptidos o subunidades. La variación alélica de las HMW-GS es el principal determinante de de la calidad harino-panadera y ha sido ampliamente estudiado tanto a nivel de proteína como de ADN. El conocimiento de estas proteínas ha contribuido sustancialmente al progreso de los programas de mejora para la calidad del trigo. Comparadas con las HMW-GS, las LMW-GS forman una familia proteica mucho más compleja. La mayoría de los genes LMW se localizan en el grupo 1 de cromosomas en tres loci: Glu-A3, Glu-B3 y Glu-D3 que se encuentran estrechamente ligados a los loci que codifican para gliadinas. El número de copias de estos genes ha sido estimado entre 10-40 en trigo hexaploide, pero el número exacto aún se desconoce debido a la ausencia de un método eficiente para diferenciar los miembros de esta familia multigénica. La nomenclatura de los alelos LMW-GS por electroforesis convencional es complicada, y diferentes autores asignan distintos alelos a la misma variedad lo que dificulta aún más el estudio de esta compleja familia. El uso de marcadores moleculares para la discriminación de genes LMW, aunque es una tarea dificil, puede ser muy útil para los programas de mejora. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido profundizar en la relación entre las gluteninas y la calidad panadera y desarrollar marcadores moleculares que permitan ayudar en la correcta clasificación de HMW-GS y LMW-GS. Se han obtenido dos poblaciones de líneas avanzadas F4:6 a partir de los cruzamientos entre las variedades ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ y ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’, seleccionándose para los análisis de calidad las líneas homogéneas para HMW-GS, LMW-GS y gliadinas. La determinación alélica de HMW-GS se llevó a cabo por SDS-PAGE, y se complementó con análisis moleculares, desarrollándose un nuevo marcador de PCR para diferenciar entre las subunidades Bx7 y Bx7*del locus Glu-B1. Resumen 2 La determinación alélica para LMW-GS se llevó a cabo mediante SDS-PAGE siguiendo distintas nomenclaturas y utilizando variedades testigo para cada alelo. El resultado no fue concluyente para el locus Glu-B3, así que se recurrió a marcadores moleculares. El ADN de los parentales y de los testigos se amplificó usando cebadores diseñados en regiones conservadas de los genes LMW y fue posteriormente analizado mediante electroforesis capilar. Los patrones de amplificación obtenidos fueron comparados entre las distintas muestras y permitieron establecer una relación con los alelos de LMW-GS. Con este método se pudo aclarar la determinación alélica de este locus para los cuatro parentales La calidad de la harina fue testada mediante porcentaje de contenido en proteína, prueba de sedimentación (SDSS) y alveógrafo de Chopin (parámetros P, L, P/L y W). Los valores fueron analizados en relación a la composición en gluteninas. Las líneas del cruzamiento ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ mostraron una clara influencia del locus Glu-A3 en la variación de los valores de SDSS. Las líneas que llevaban el nuevo alelo Glu-A3b’ presentaron valores significativamente mayores que los de las líneas con el alelo Glu-A3f. En las líneas procedentes del cruzamiento ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’, los loci Glu-B1 y Glu-B3 loci mostraron ambos influencia en los parámetros de calidad. Los resultados indicaron que: para los valores de SDSS y P, las líneas con las HMW-GS Bx7OE+By8 fueron significativamente mejores que las líneas con Bx17+By18; y las líneas que llevaban el alelo Glu-B3ac presentaban valores de P significativamente superiores que las líneas con el alelo Glu-B3ad y significativamente menores para los valores de L . El análisis de los valores de calidad en relación a los fragmentos LMW amplificados, reveló un efecto significativo entre dos fragmentos (2-616 y 2-636) con los valores de P. La presencia del fragmento 2-636 estaba asociada a valores de P mayores. Estos fragmentos fueron clonados y secuenciados, confirmándose que correspondían a genes del locus Glu-B3. El estudio de la secuencia reveló que la diferencia entre ambos se hallaba en algunos SNPs y en una deleción de 21 nucleótidos que en la proteína correspondería a un InDel de un heptapéptido en la región repetida de la proteína. En este trabajo, la utilización de líneas que difieren en el locus Glu-B3 ha permitido el análisis de la influencia de este locus (el peor caracterizado hasta la fecha) en la calidad panadera. Además, se ha validado el uso de marcadores moleculares en la determinación alélica de las LMW-GS y su relación con la calidad panadera. Summary 3 Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) flour has unique dough viscoelastic properties conferred by prolamins: glutenins and gliadins. Both types of proteins are cross-linked to form gluten polymers. On the basis of their mobility in SDS-PAGE, glutenins can be classified in two groups: high molecular weight glutenins (HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenins (LMW-GS). Genes encoding HMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes in three loci: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, each one encoding two polypeptides, named subunits. Allelic variation of HMW-GS is the most important determinant for bread making quality, and has been exhaustively studied at protein and DNA level. The knowledge of these proteins has substantially contributed to genetic improvement of bread quality in breeding programs. Compared to HMW-GS, LMW-GS are a much more complex family. Most genes encoded LMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes. Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 loci are closely linked to the gliadin loci. The total gene copy number has been estimated to vary from 10–40 in hexaploid wheat. However, the exact copy number of LMW-GS genes is still unknown, mostly due to lack of efficient methods to distinguish members of this multigene family. Nomenclature of LMW-GS alleles is also unclear, and different authors can assign different alleles to the same variety increasing confusion in the study of this complex family. The use of molecular markers for the discrimination of LMW-GS genes might be very useful in breeding programs, but their wide application is not easy. The objective of this work is to gain insight into the relationship between glutenins and bread quality, and the developing of molecular markers that help in the allele classification of HMW-GS and LMW-GS. Two populations of advanced lines F4:6 were obtained from the cross ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ and ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’. Lines homogeneous for HMW-GS, LMW-GS and gliadins pattern were selected for quality analysis. The allele classification of HMW-GS was performed by SDS-PAGE, and then complemented by PCR analysis. A new PCR marker was developed to undoubtedly differentiate between two similar subunits from Glu-B1 locus, Bx7 and Bx7*. The allele classification of LMW-GS was initially performed by SDS-PAGE following different established nomenclatures and using standard varieties. The results were not completely concluding for Glu-B3 locus, so a molecular marker system was applied. DNA from parental lines and standard varieties was amplified using primers designed in conserved domains of LMW genes and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The pattern of amplification products obtained was compared among samples and related to the protein allele classification. It was possible to establish a correspondence between specific amplification products and almost all LMW alleles analyzed. With this method, the allele classification of the four parental lines was clarified. Flour quality of F4:6 advanced lines were tested by protein content, sedimentation test (SDSS) and alveograph (P, L, P/L and W). The values were analyzed in relation to the lines prolamin composition. In the ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ population, Glu-A3 locus showed an influence in SDSS values. Lines carrying new allele Glu-A3b’, presented a significantly higher SDSS value than lines with Glu-A3f allele. In the ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’ population, the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3 loci also showed an effect in quality parameters, in SDSS, and P and L values. Results indicated that: for SDSS and P, lines with Bx7OE+By8 were significantly better than lines with Bx17+By18; lines carrying Glu-B3ac allele had a significantly higher P values than Glu-B3ad allele values. lines with and lower L The analysis of quality parameters and amplified LMW fragments revealed a significant influence of two peaks (2-616 y 2-636) in P values. The presence of 2-636 peak gave higher P values than 2-616. These fragments had been cloned and sequenced and identified as Glu-B3 genes. The sequence analysis revealed that the molecular difference between them was some SNPs and a small deletion of 21 nucleotides that in the protein would produce an InDel of a heptapeptide in the repetitive region. In this work, the analysis of two crosses with differences in Glu-3 composition has made possible to study the influence of LMG-GS in quality parameters. Specifically, the influence of Glu-B3, the most interesting and less studied loci has been possible. The results have shown that Glu-B3 allele composition influences the alveograph parameter P (tenacity). The existence of different molecular variants of Glu-B3 alleles have been assessed by using a molecular marker method. This work supports the use of molecular approaches in the study of the very complex LMW-GS family, and validates their application in the analysis of advanced recombinant lines for quality studies.
En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la biodiversidad del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Honduras, que es el segundo de los cultivos de granos básicos en importancia. Dicho estudio se ha realizado mediante una caracterización agromorfológica, molecular y ecogeográfica en una selección de 300 accesiones conservadas en el banco de germoplasma ubicado en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano, y que se colectaron en 13 departamentos del país durante el periodo de 1990 a 1994. Estas accesiones fueron colectadas cuatro años antes del acontecimiento del huracán Mitch, el cual a su paso afectó al 96% del área total cultivable en su momento, lo cual nos hace considerar que la biodiversidad de razas locales (landraces) de frijol común existentes in situ fueron severamente afectadas. Los trabajos dirigidos a analizar la biodiversidad de razas locales de frijol común en Honduras son escasos, y este trabajo se constituye como el primero que incluye una amplia muestra a ser estudiada a través de una caracterización en tres aspectos complementarios (agromorfológico, molecular y ecogeográfico). Se evaluaron 32 caracteres agromorfológicos, 12 cuantitativos y 20 cualitativos, en distintas partes de la planta. Se establecieron las correlaciones entre los caracteres agromorfológicos y se elaboró un dendrograma con los mismos, en el que se formaron ocho grupos, en parte relacionados principalmente con los colores y tamaños de la semilla. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se estudiaron los caracteres de más peso en cada uno de los tres primeros componentes. Asimismo, se estudiaron las correlaciones entre caracteres, siendo las más altas la longitud y anchura de la hoja, días a madurez y a cosecha y longitud y peso de semilla. Por otra parte, el mapa de diversidad agromorfológica mostró la existencia de tres zonas con mayor diversidad: en el oeste (en los departamentos de Santa Bárbara, Lempira y Copán), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Francisco Morazán, Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización molecular partimos de 12 marcadores de tipo microsatélite, evaluados en 54 accesiones, que fueron elegidas por constituir grupos que compartían un mismo nombre local. Finalmente, se seleccionaron los cuatro microsatélites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 y PV-AT007) que resultaron ser más polimórficos e informativos para el análisis de las 300 accesiones, con los que se detectaron un total de 119 alelos (21 de ellos únicos o privados de accesión) y 256 patrones alélicos diferentes. Para estudiar la estructura y relaciones genéticas en las 300 accesiones se incluyeron en el análisis tres controles o accesiones de referencia, pertenecientes dos de ellas al acervo genético Andino y una al Mesoamericano. En el dendrograma se obtuvieron 25 grupos de accesiones con idénticas combinaciones de alelos. Al comparar este dendrograma con el de caracteres agromorfológicos se observaron diversos grupos con marcada similitud en ambos. Un total de 118 accesiones resultaron ser homogéneas y homocigóticas, a la vez que representativas del grupo de 300 accesiones, por lo que se analizaron con más detalle. El análisis de la estructura genética definió la formación de dos grupos, supuestamente relacionados con los acervos genéticos Andino (48) y Mesoamericano (61), y un reducido número de accesiones (9) que podrían tener un origen híbrido, debido a la existencia de un cierto grado de introgresión entre ambos acervos. La diferenciación genética entre ambos grupos fue del 13,3%. Asimismo, 66 de los 82 alelos detectados fueron privados de grupo, 30 del supuesto grupo Andino y 36 del Mesoamericano. Con relación al mapa de diversidad molecular, presentó una distribución bastante similar al de la diversidad agromorfológica, detectándose también las zonas de mayor diversidad genética en el oeste (en los departamentos de Lempira y Santa Bárbara), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización ecogeográfica se seleccionaron variables de tipo bioclimático (2), geofísico (2) y edáfico (8), y mediante el método de agrupamiento de partición alrededor de los medoides, la combinación de los grupos con cada uno de los tres tipos de variables definió un total de 32 categorías ecogeográficas en el país, detectándose accesiones en 16 de ellas. La distribución de las accesiones previsiblemente esté relacionada con la existencia de condiciones más favorables al cultivo de frijol. En el mapa de diversidad ecogeográfica, nuevamente, se observaron varias zonas con alta diversidad tanto en el oeste, como en el centro-norte y en el sur del país. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado, se concluyó la existencia de una marcada biodiversidad en el material analizado, desde el punto de vista tanto agromorfológico como molecular. Por lo que resulta de gran importancia plantear la conservación de este patrimonio genético tanto ex situ, en bancos de germoplasma, como on farm, en las propias explotaciones de los agricultores del país, siempre que sea posible. ABSTRACT In the present work we have carried out a study of the biodiversity of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in Honduras, which is the second of the basic grain crops in importance. This study was conducted through agro-morphological, molecular and ecogeographical characterization of a selection of 300 accessions conserved in the genebank located in the ‘Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano’ that were collected in 13 departments of the country during the 1990 to 1994 period. These accessions were collected four years before the occurrence of Mitch hurricane, which affected 96% of the total cultivable area at the time, which makes us to consider that the biodiversity of local landraces of common bean existing in situ were severely affected. The work aimed to analyze the biodiversity of local races of common bean in Honduras are scarce, and this work constitutes the first to include a large sample to be studied through a characterization on three complementary aspects (agromorphological, molecular and ecogeographical). Thirty two agromorphological characters, 12 quantitative and 20 qualitative, in various parts of the plant were evaluated. Correlations between agromorphological characters were established and a dendrogram with them was constructed, in which eight groups were formed, in part mainly related to the colors and sizes of the seeds. By principal component analysis the characters with more weight in each of the first three components were studied. Also, correlations between characters were studied, the highest of them being length and leaf width, days to maturity and harvest, and seed length and weight. Moreover, the map of agromorphological diversity showed the existence of three areas with more diversity: the west (departments of Santa Barbara, Copan and Lempira), the center-north (departments of Francisco Morazán, Yoro and Atlántida) and the south (department of El Paraiso and south of Francisco Morazán). For molecular characterization we started with 12 microsatellite markers, evaluated in 54 accessions, which were chosen because they formed groups that shared the same local name. Finally, four microsatellites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 and PV-AT007) were selected for the analysis of 300 accessions, since they were the most polymorphic and informative. They gave a total of 119 alleles (21 of them unique or private for the accession) and 256 different allelic patterns. To study the structure and genetic relationships in the 300 accessions, three controls or accessions of reference were included in the analysis: two of them belonging to the Andean gene pool and one to the Mesoamerican. In the dendrogram, 25 accession groups with identical allele combinations were obtained. Comparing this dendrogram to the obtained with agromorphological characters, several groups with marked similarity in both were observed. A total of 118 accessions were homozygous and homogeneous, while representing the group of 300 accessions, therefore they were analyzed in more detail. The analysis of the genetic structure defined the formation of two groups, supposedly related to the Andean (48) and the Mesoamerican (61) gene pools, and a small number of accessions (9) which may have a hybrid origin, due to the existence of some degree of introgression between both gene pools. Genetic differentiation between both groups was 13.3%. Also, 66 of the 82 detected alleles were private or unique for the group, 30 of the supposed Andean group and 36 of the Mesoamerican. With relation to the map of molecular diversity, it showed a quite similar distribution to the agromorphological, also detecting the areas of greatest genetic diversity in the west (departments of Lempira and Santa Bárbara), in the center-north (departments Atlántida and Yoro) and in the south (departments of El Paraíso and south of Francisco Morazán). For the ecogeographical characterization, bioclimatic (2), geophysical (2) and edaphic (8) variables were selected, and by the method of clustering partition around the medoids, the combination of the groups to each of the three types of variables defined a total of 32 ecogeographical categories in the country, having accessions in 16 of them. The distribution of accessions is likely related to the existence of more favorable conditions for the cultivation of beans. The map of ecogeographical diversity, again, several areas with high diversity both in the west and in the center-north and in the south of the country were observed. As a result of study, the existence of marked biodiversity in the analyzed material was concluded, both from the agromorphological and from the molecular point of view. Consequently it is very important to propose the conservation of this genetic heritage both ex situ, in genebanks, as on farm, in the holdings of the farmers of the country, whenever possible.
Bread wheat quality constitutes a key trait for the demands of the baking industry as well as the broad consumer preferences. The role of the low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) with regard to bread quality is so far not well understood owing to their genetic complexity and to the use of different nomenclatures and standards for the LMW-GS assignment by different research groups, which has made difficult the undertaking of association studies between genotypes and bread quality. The development of molecular markers to carry out genetic characterization and allele determination is demanding. Nowadays, the most promising LMW gene marker system is based on PCR and high resolution capillary electrophoresis for the simultaneous analysis of the complete multigene family. The molecular analysis of the bread wheat Glu-B3 locus in F2 and F4:6 populations expressed the expected one-locus Mendelian segregation pattern, thus validating the suitability of this marker system for the characterization of LMW-GS genes in segregating populations, allowing for the successful undertaking of studies related to bread-making quality. Moreover, the Glu-B3 allele characterization of standard cultivars with the molecular marker system has revealed its potential as a complementary tool for the allelic determination of this complex multigene family.
Los fieltros son una familia de materiales textiles constituidos por una red desordenada de fibras conectadas por medio de enlaces térmicos, químicos o mecánicos. Presentan menor rigidez y resistencia (al igual que un menor coste de procesado) que sus homólogos tejidos, pero mayor deformabilidad y capacidad de absorción de energía. Los fieltros se emplean en diversas aplicaciones en ingeniería tales como aislamiento térmico, geotextiles, láminas ignífugas, filtración y absorción de agua, impacto balístico, etc. En particular, los fieltros punzonados fabricados con fibras de alta resistencia presentan una excelente resistencia frente a impacto balístico, ofreciendo las mismas prestaciones que los materiales tejidos con un tercio de la densidad areal. Sin embargo, se sabe muy poco acerca de los mecanismos de deformación y fallo a nivel microscópico, ni sobre como influyen en las propiedades mecánicas del material. Esta carencia de conocimiento dificulta la optimización del comportamiento mecánico de estos materiales y también limita el desarrollo de modelos constitutivos basados en mecanismos físicos, que puedan ser útiles en el diseño de componentes estructurales. En esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo un estudio minucioso con el fin de determinar los mecanismos de deformación y las propiedades mecánicas de fieltros punzonados fabricados con fibras de polietileno de ultra alto peso molecular. Los procesos de deformación y disipación de energía se han caracterizado en detalle por medio de una combinación de técnicas experimentales (ensayos mecánicos macroscópicos a velocidades de deformación cuasi-estáticas y dinámicas, impacto balístico, ensayos de extracción de una o múltiples fibras, microscopía óptica, tomografía computarizada de rayos X y difracción de rayos X de gran ángulo) que proporcionan información de los mecanismos dominantes a distintas escalas. Los ensayos mecánicos macroscópicos muestran que el fieltro presenta una resistencia y ductilidad excepcionales. El estado inicial de las fibras es curvado, y la carga se transmite por el fieltro a través de una red aleatoria e isótropa de nudos creada por el proceso de punzonamiento, resultando en la formación de una red activa de fibra. La rotación y el estirado de las fibras activas es seguido por el deslizamiento y extracción de la fibra de los puntos de anclaje mecánico. La mayor parte de la resistencia y la energía disipada es proporcionada por la extracción de las fibras activas de los nudos, y la fractura final tiene lugar como consecuencia del desenredo total de la red en una sección dada donde la deformación macroscópica se localiza. No obstante, aunque la distribución inicial de la orientación de las fibras es isótropa, las propiedades mecánicas resultantes (en términos de rigidez, resistencia y energía absorbida) son muy anisótropas. Los ensayos de extracción de múltiples fibras en diferentes orientaciones muestran que la estructura de los nudos conecta más fibras en la dirección transversal en comparación con la dirección de la máquina. La mejor interconectividad de las fibras a lo largo de la dirección transversal da lugar a una esqueleto activo de fibras más denso, mejorando las propiedades mecánicas. En términos de afinidad, los fieltros deformados a lo largo de la dirección transversal exhiben deformación afín (la deformación macroscópica transfiere directamente a las fibras por el material circundante), mientras que el fieltro deformado a lo largo de la dirección de la máquina presenta deformación no afín, y la mayor parte de la deformación macroscópica no es transmitida a las fibras. A partir de estas observaciones experimentales, se ha desarrollado un modelo constitutivo para fieltros punzonados confinados por enlaces mecánicos. El modelo considera los efectos de la deformación no afín, la conectividad anisótropa inducida durante el punzonamiento, la curvatura y re-orientación de la fibra, así como el desenredo y extracción de la fibra de los nudos. El modelo proporciona la respuesta de un mesodominio del material correspondiente al volumen asociado a un elemento finito, y se divide en dos bloques. El primer bloque representa el comportamiento de la red y establece la relación entre el gradiente de deformación macroscópico y la respuesta microscópica, obtenido a partir de la integración de la respuesta de las fibras en el mesodominio. El segundo bloque describe el comportamiento de la fibra, teniendo en cuenta las características de la deformación de cada familia de fibras en el mesodominio, incluyendo deformación no afín, estiramiento, deslizamiento y extracción. En la medida de lo posible, se ha asignado un significado físico claro a los parámetros del modelo, por lo que se pueden identificar por medio de ensayos independientes. Las simulaciones numéricas basadas en el modelo se adecúan a los resultados experimentales de ensayos cuasi-estáticos y balísticos desde el punto de vista de la respuesta mecánica macroscópica y de los micromecanismos de deformación. Además, suministran información adicional sobre la influencia de las características microstructurales (orientación de la fibra, conectividad de la fibra anisótropa, afinidad, etc) en el comportamiento mecánico de los fieltros punzonados. Nonwoven fabrics are a class of textile material made up of a disordered fiber network linked by either thermal, chemical or mechanical bonds. They present lower stiffness and strength (as well as processing cost) than the woven counterparts but much higher deformability and energy absorption capability and are used in many different engineering applications (including thermal insulation, geotextiles, fireproof layers, filtration and water absorption, ballistic impact, etc). In particular, needle-punched nonwoven fabrics manufactured with high strength fibers present an excellent performance for ballistic protection, providing the same ballistic protection with one third of the areal weight as compared to dry woven fabrics. Nevertheless, very little is known about their deformation and fracture micromechanisms at the microscopic level and how they contribute to the macroscopic mechanical properties. This lack of knowledge hinders the optimization of their mechanical performance and also limits the development of physically-based models of the mechanical behavior that can be used in the design of structural components with these materials. In this thesis, a thorough study was carried out to ascertain the micromechanisms of deformation and the mechanical properties of a needle-punched nonwoven fabric made up by ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fibers. The deformation and energy dissipation processes were characterized in detail by a combination of experimental techniques (macroscopic mechanical tests at quasi-static and high strain rates, ballistic impact, single fiber and multi fiber pull-out tests, optical microscopy, X-ray computed tomography and wide angle X-ray diffraction) that provided information of the dominant mechanisms at different length scales. The macroscopic mechanical tests showed that the nonwoven fabric presented an outstanding strength and energy absorption capacity. It was found that fibers were initially curved and the load was transferred within the fabric through the random and isotropic network of knots created by needlepunching, leading to the formation of an active fiber network. Uncurling and stretching of the active fibers was followed by fiber sliding and pull-out from the entanglement points. Most of the strength and energy dissipation was provided by the extraction of the active fibers from the knots and final fracture occurred by the total disentanglement of the fiber network in a given section at which the macroscopic deformation was localized. However, although the initial fiber orientation distribution was isotropic, the mechanical properties (in terms of stiffness, strength and energy absorption) were highly anisotropic. Pull-out tests of multiple fibers at different orientations showed that structure of the knots connected more fibers in the transverse direction as compared with the machine direction. The better fiber interconnection along the transverse direction led to a denser active fiber skeleton, enhancing the mechanical response. In terms of affinity, fabrics deformed along the transverse direction essentially displayed affine deformation {i.e. the macroscopic strain was directly transferred to the fibers by the surrounding fabric, while fabrics deformed along the machine direction underwent non-affine deformation, and most of the macroscopic strain was not transferred to the fibers. Based on these experimental observations, a constitutive model for the mechanical behavior of the mechanically-entangled nonwoven fiber network was developed. The model accounted for the effects of non-affine deformation, anisotropic connectivity induced by the entanglement points, fiber uncurling and re-orientation as well as fiber disentanglement and pull-out from the knots. The model provided the constitutive response for a mesodomain of the fabric corresponding to the volume associated to a finite element and is divided in two blocks. The first one was the network model which established the relationship between the macroscopic deformation gradient and the microscopic response obtained by integrating the response of the fibers in the mesodomain. The second one was the fiber model, which took into account the deformation features of each set of fibers in the mesodomain, including non-affinity, uncurling, pull-out and disentanglement. As far as possible, a clear physical meaning is given to the model parameters, so they can be identified by means of independent tests. The numerical simulations based on the model were in very good agreement with the experimental results of in-plane and ballistic mechanical response of the fabrics in terms of the macroscopic mechanical response and of the micromechanisms of deformation. In addition, it provided additional information about the influence of the microstructural features (fiber orientation, anisotropic fiber connectivity, affinity) on the mechanical performance of mechanically-entangled nonwoven fabrics.
High endothelial venules (HEV) are specialized postcapillary venules found in lymphoid organs and chronically inflamed tissues that support high levels of lymphocyte extravasation from the blood. One of the major characteristics of HEV endothelial cells (HEVEC) is their capacity to incorporate large amounts of sulfate into sialomucin-type counter-receptors for the lymphocyte homing receptor L-selectin. Here, we show that HEVEC express two functional classes of sulfate transporters defined by their differential sensitivity to the anion-exchanger inhibitor 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS), and we report the molecular characterization of a DIDS-resistant sulfate transporter from human HEVEC, designated SUT-1. SUT-1 belongs to the family of Na+-coupled anion transporters and exhibits 40–50% amino acid identity with the rat renal Na+/sulfate cotransporter, NaSi-1, as well as with the human and rat Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporters, NaDC-1/SDCT1 and NaDC-3/SDCT2. Functional expression studies in cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes showed that SUT-1 mediates high levels of Na+-dependent sulfate transport, which is resistant to DIDS inhibition. The SUT-1 gene mapped to human chromosome 7q33. Northern blotting analysis revealed that SUT-1 exhibits a highly restricted tissue distribution, with abundant expression in placenta. Reverse transcription–PCR analysis indicated that SUT-1 and the diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter (DTD), one of the two known human DIDS-sensitive sulfate transporters, are coexpressed in HEVEC. SUT-1 and DTD could correspond, respectively, to the DIDS-resistant and DIDS-sensitive components of sulfate uptake in HEVEC. Together, these results demonstrate that SUT-1 is a distinct human Na+-coupled sulfate transporter, likely to play a major role in sulfate incorporation in HEV.
Funding: This work was funded by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Lysophosphatidic acid (1-acyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphate, LPA) is a multifunctional lipid mediator found in a variety of organisms that span the phylogenetic tree from humans to plants. Although its physiological function is not clearly understood, LPA is a potent regulator of mammalian cell proliferation; it is one of the major mitogens found in blood serum. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, LPA elicits oscillatory Cl− currents. This current, like other effects of LPA, is consistent with a plasma membrane receptor-mediated activation of G protein-linked signal transduction pathways. Herein we report the identification of a complementary DNA from Xenopus that encodes a functional high-affinity LPA receptor. The predicted structure of this protein of 372 amino acids contains features common to members of the seven transmembrane receptor superfamily with a predicted extracellular amino and intracellular carboxyl terminus. An antisense oligonucleotide derived from the first 5–11 predicted amino acids, selectively inhibited the expression of the endogenous high-affinity LPA receptors in Xenopus oocytes, whereas the same oligonucleotide did not affect the low-affinity LPA receptor. Expression of the full-length cRNA in oocytes led to an increase in maximal Cl− current due to increased expression of the high-affinity LPA receptor, but activation of the low-affinity receptor was, again, unaffected. Oocytes expressing cRNA prepared from this clone showed no response to other lipid mediators including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, sphingosine 1-phosphate, sphingosylphosphorylcholine, and platelet-activating factor, suggesting that the receptor is highly selective for LPA.
Heparin has been used as a clinical anticoagulant for more than 50 years, making it one of the most effective pharmacological agents known. Much of heparin's activity can be traced to its ability to bind antithrombin III (AT-III). Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), derived from heparin by its controlled breakdown, maintains much of the antithrombotic activity of heparin without many of the serious side effects. The clinical significance of LMWH has highlighted the need to understand and develop chemical or enzymatic means to generate it. The primary enzymatic tools used for the production of LMWH are the heparinases from Flavobacterium heparinum, specifically heparinases I and II. Using pentasaccharide and hexasaccharide model compounds, we show that heparinases I and II, but not heparinase III, cleave the AT-III binding site, leaving only a partially intact site. Furthermore, we show herein that glucosamine 3-O sulfation at the reducing end of a glycosidic linkage imparts resistance to heparinase I, II, and III cleavage. Finally, we examine the biological and pharmacological consequences of a heparin oligosaccharide that contains only a partial AT-III binding site. We show that such an oligosaccharide lacks some of the functional attributes of heparin- and heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans containing an intact AT-III site.