866 resultados para Gum Arabic
Concrete used for underwater repair is often proportioned to spread readily into place and self-consolidate, and to develop high resistance to segregation and water dilution. An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of the dosage of antiwashout admixture, water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm), and binder composition on the relative residual strength of highly flowable underwater concrete. Two types of antiwashout admixtures were used: a powdered welan gum at 0.07 and 0.15% by mass of binder, and a liquid-based cellulosic admixture employed at a high dosage of 1 to 1.65 L/100 kg of cementitious materials. The w/cms were set at 0.41 and 0.47 to secure adequate performance of underwater concrete for construction and repair. Four binder compositions were used: a Canadian Type 10 cement; a cement with 10% silica fume replacement; a cement with 50% replacement of granulated blast-furnace slag; and a ternary binder containing 6% silica fume and 20% Class F fly ash. Test results indicate that for a given washout mass loss and slump flow consistency, greater relative residual strength can be secured when the dosage of antiwashout admixture is increased, the w/cm is reduced, and a binary binder with 10% silica fume substitution or the ternary binder are employed. Such mixtures can develop relative residual compressive strengths of 85 and 80%, compared to mixtures cast in air, when the value of washout loss is limited to 4 and 6% for mixtures with slump flow values of 450 and 550 mm, respectively.
The development of artificial neural network (ANN) models to predict the rheological behavior of grouts is described is this paper and the sensitivity of such parameters to the variation in mixture ingredients is also evaluated. The input parameters of the neural network were the mixture ingredients influencing the rheological behavior of grouts, namely the cement content, fly ash, ground-granulated blast-furnace slag, limestone powder, silica fume, water-binder ratio (w/b), high-range water-reducing admixture, and viscosity-modifying agent (welan gum). The six outputs of the ANN models were the mini-slump, the apparent viscosity at low shear, and the yield stress and plastic viscosity values of the Bingham and modified Bingham models, respectively. The model is based on a multi-layer feed-forward neural network. The details of the proposed ANN with its architecture, training, and validation are presented in this paper. A database of 186 mixtures from eight different studies was developed to train and test the ANN model. The effectiveness of the trained ANN model is evaluated by comparing its responses with the experimental data that were used in the training process. The results show that the ANN model can accurately predict the mini-slump, the apparent viscosity at low shear, the yield stress, and the plastic viscosity values of the Bingham and modified Bingham models of the pseudo-plastic grouts used in the training process. The results can also predict these properties of new mixtures within the practical range of the input variables used in the training with an absolute error of 2%, 0.5%, 8%, 4%, 2%, and 1.6%, respectively. The sensitivity of the ANN model showed that the trend data obtained by the models were in good agreement with the actual experimental results, demonstrating the effect of mixture ingredients on fluidity and the rheological parameters with both the Bingham and modified Bingham models.
Sydney playwright Lachlan Philpott’s Bison (2000/2009) is immersed in a sweaty, summery Antipodean scene of bronzed and toned bodies. It is located in the flora and fauna of gum trees and biting ants. Yet, despite this, it could be argued that at its heart it is not a specifically Australian site, but an all-too translatable scene that seems to be played out in gay clubs, bars, chatrooms and saunas around the Western world: men repeating patterns, looking for sex or love; checking out bodies, craving perfection; avoiding, and occasionally seeking, disease. At least, that was my assumption when I decided to direct the play in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 2009. Philpott came to Belfast to workshop the play with the actors and, as a group, we restructured the play and tried to find a way to ‘de-Australianise’ it without necessarily placing it in a new geographical place - Northern Ireland - through linguistic clues in the text. As Philpott put it: ‘Let’s not make this play about Belfast or Sydney or London or anywhere because it is not a fair reflection of these scenes. Maybe we should just identify the generic elements of this world and then make Bison a play that reflects gaytown – because the rituals are all the same in Western society’. The experience of doing the play in Belfast made clear, however, that ideas of a global gay identity/experience –though highly marketed – fail to account for the vastly different situations of embodied gay experience. And the Northern Irish gay experience, while it has imported the usual ‘generic’ tropes of gayness, sits within a specific cultural context in which the farsighted legislation on equality for gays (imposed by either London or the EU) vastly outstrips wider societal thinking. For many in Northern Ireland, erstwhile MP Iris Robinson’s comments about homosexuality being an ‘abomination’ were a reason to support her, rather than to reject her. For me, the comments were the catalyst to doing Bison in Belfast.
Background: In this study, the efficiency of Guar gum as a biopolymer has been compared with two other widely used inorganic coagulants, ferric chloride (FeCl3) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3), for the treatment of effluent collected from the rubber-washing tanks of a rubber concentrate factory. Settling velocity distribution curves were plotted to demonstrate the flocculating effect of FeCl3, AlCl3 and Guar gum. FeCl3 and AlCl3 displayed better turbidity removal than Guar gum at all settling velocities.
Result: FeCl3, AlCl3 and Guar gum removed 92.8%, 88.2% and 88.1% turbidity, respectively, of raw wastewater at a settling velocity of 0.1 cm min-1, respectively. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study conducted on the flocs revealed that Guar gum and FeCl3produced strong intercoiled honeycomb patterned floc structure capable of entrapping suspended particulate matter. Statistical experimental design Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to design all experiments, where the type and dosage of flocculant, pH and mixing speed were taken as control factors and, an optimum operational setting was proposed.
Conclusion: Due to biodegradability issues, the use of Guar gum as a flocculating agent for wastewater treatment in industry is highly recommended.
Recovery of cellulose fibres from paper mill effluent has been studied using common polysaccharides or biopolymers such as Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum as flocculent. Guar gum is commonly used in sizing paper and routinely used in paper making. The results have been compared with the performance of alum, which is a common coagulant and a key ingredient of the paper industry. Guar gum recovered about 3.86 mg/L of fibre and was most effective among the biopolymers. Settling velocity distribution curves demonstrated that Guar gum was able to settle the fibres faster than the other biopolymers; however, alum displayed the highest particle removal rate than all the biopolymers at any of the settling velocities. Alum, Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum removed 97.46%, 94.68%, 92.39% and 92.46% turbidity of raw effluent at a settling velocity of 0.5 cm/min, respectively. The conditions for obtaining the lowest sludge volume index such as pH, dose and mixing speed were optimised for guar gum which was the most effective among the biopolymers. Response surface methodology was used to design all experiments, and an optimum operational setting was proposed. The test results indicate similar performance of alum and Guar gum in terms of floc settling velocities and sludge volume index. Since Guar gum is a plant derived natural substance, it is environmentally benign and offers a green treatment option to the paper mills for pulp recycling.
Impact of prosthodontic rehabilitation on the chewing efficiency of partially dentate older patients
Objectives: This study compared two tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients namely; removable partial dentures (RPDs) and functionally orientated treatment based on the shortened dental arch (SDA) concept. Patients were compared in terms of chewing efficiency after prosthodontic rehabilitation. Methods: Chewing efficiency was assessed electronically by a two-colour gum-mixing test. Specimens were assembled from two different colours of chewing gums with a size of 30 x 18 x 3 mm. After participants chewed for 20 cycles, the gum was retrieved, flattened to a 1-mm-thick wafer, and digitized with a flatbed image scanner. The pixels of unmixed colour in the specimen were counted by means of Adobe Photoshop 2.0R software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA, USA), and the ratio to the pixels of the entire frame was computed. This ratio is called the Unmixed Fraction (UF). The more efficiently the specimen is chewed, the less unmixed colour remains, and the smaller the gum becomes. Consequently, a low unmixed fraction corresponds to good chewing efficiency. Results: 32 patients completed the chewing efficiency test (17 RPDs and 15 SDA). The mean UF recorded for the SDA group was not significantly different to that recorded for the RPD group (p>0.05, unpaired t-test). Conclusion: These results indicate that prosthodontic rehabilitation according to the principles of the SDA is equivalent to RPDs in terms of restoration of chewing ability for partially dentate older patients.
O uso de polímeros naturais no âmbito da preparação de nanocompósitos não tem sido tão amplamente estudado quando comparado com os polímeros sintéticos. Assim, esta tese tem como objectivo estudar metodologias para a preparação de novos materiais nanocompósitos sob a forma de dispersões e filmes utilizando polissacarídeos como matriz. A tese está dividida em cinco capítulos sendo o último capítulo dedicado às conclusões gerais e a sugestões para trabalhos futuros. Inicialmente é apresentada uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais temas colocando esta tese em contexto. Considerações sobre o uso de polímeros naturais e a sua combinação com a utilização de nanopartículas inorgânicas para a fabricação de novos bionanocomposites são descritas e os objectivos e outline da tese são também apresentados. No segundo capítulo, a preparação de partículas de sílica puras ou modificadas bem como a sua caracterização por FTIR, SEM, TEM, TGA, DLS (tamanho e potencial zeta) e medições de ângulo de contacto são discutidas. De modo a melhorar a compatibilidade da sílica com os polissacarídeos, as partículas SiO2 foram modificados com dois compostos do tipo organosilano: 3- metacril-oxipropil-trimetoxissilano (MPS) e 3-aminopropil-trimetoxissilano (APS). As partículas SiO2@MPS foram posteriormente encapsuladas com de poli(metacrilato de glicidilo) utilizando a técnica de polimerização em emulsão. A utilização dos nanocompósitos resultantes na preparação de dispersões de bionanocompósitos não foi bem sucedida e por esse motivo não os estudos não foram prosseguidos. O uso de SiO2@APS na preparação de dispersões bionanocomposite foi eficiente. No terceiro capítulo é apresentada uma revisão sobre dispersões bionanocompósitas e respectiva caracterização destacando aspectos fundamentais sobre reologia e microestrutura. Em seguida, é discutido o estudo sistemático realizado sobre o comportamento reológico de dispersões de SiO2 utilizando três polissacarídeos distintos no que concerne a carga e as características gelificantes: a goma de alfarroba (não iónica), o quitosano (catiónico) e a goma xantana (aniónica) cujas propriedades reológicas são amplamente conhecidas. Os estudos reológicos realizados sob diferentes condições demonstraram que a formação de géis frágeis e/ou bem estruturados depende do tamanho SiO2, da concentração, do pH e da força iónica. Estes estudos foram confirmados por análises microestruturais usando a microscopia electrónica a baixas temperaturas (Cryo-SEM). No quarto capítulo, são apresentados os estudos relativos à preparação e caracterização de filmes bionanocompósitos utilizando quitosano como matriz. Primeiramente é apresentada uma revisão sobre filmes de bionanocompósitos e os aspectos fundamentais das técnicas de caracterização utilizadas. A escolha do plasticizante e da sua concentração são discutidas com base nas propriedades de filmes de quitosano preparados. Em seguida, o efeito da concentração de sílica e dos métodos utilizados para a dispersar na matriz de polissacarídeo, bem como o efeito da modificação da superfície da sílica é avaliado. As características da superfície e as propriedades de barreira, mecânicas e térmicas são discutidas para cada conjunto de filmes preparados antes e após a sua neutralização. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a dispersão das cargas no plasticizante e posterior adição à matriz polissacarídica resultaram apenas em pequenas melhorias já que o problema da agregação de sílica não foi ultrapassado. Por esse motivo foram preparados filmes com SiO2@APS os quais apresentaram propriedades melhores apesar da agregação das partículas não ter sido completamente impedida. Tal pode estar relacionado com o processo de secagem dos filmes. Finalmente, no capítulo 5, são apresentadas as principais conclusões obtidas e algumas sugestões para trabalho futuro.
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar e modificar as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja de forma a otimizar e diversificar a sua aplicação industrial. Para tal, foram propostas e estudadas quatro estratégias: i) extração do isolado de proteínas de soja (IPS) a partir de diferentes matérias-primas, ii) adição de galactomananas (GM) com graus de ramificação e massas moleculares diferentes, iii) hidrólise enzimática controlada das proteínas de soja, iv) processamento por alta pressão hidrostática. O estudo e a interpretação da influência destas estratégias sobre as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja, nomeadamente, na capacidade gelificante e emulsionante, foram realizados recorrendo fundamentalmente a ensaios reológicos dinâmicos a baixas deformação, espectroscopia de infravermelho, electroforeses, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e ensaios de microscopia confocal de varrimento laser. O estudo da extração e caracterização dos isolados de proteínas de soja obtidos a partir de diferentes matérias-primas permitiu concluir que as caraterísticas físico-químicas dos isolados são dependentes da origem da matéria-prima de extração e da severidade dos tratamentos industriais prévios à extração do isolado. Contudo, as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis obtidos por aquecimento controlado não foram significativamente distintas embora tenha sido possível relacionar o grau de agregação com a diminuição da temperatura de gelificação e com o aumento inicial dos módulos viscoelásticos. As alterações sofridas pelos isolados de origem comercial mostraram ser irreversíveis resultando em géis menos rígidos e com maior caráter viscoso. A adição de galactomanana alterou significativamente o mecanismo de gelificação induzido termicamente das proteínas de soja, bem como as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis e a microestrutura dos géis, demonstrando-se a ocorrência de separação de fases, em virtude da incompatibilidade termodinâmica entre os biopolímeros, resultando em géis mais rígidos e no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação. A extensão destas alterações foi dependente da massa molecular, grau de ramificação e da razão IPS/GM. O efeito da hidrólise enzimática por ação da bromelina, nas propriedades gelificantes e emulsionantes das proteínas de soja, mostrou ser dependente do grau de hidrólise (GH). Valores de GH inferiores a 15 % melhoraram as propriedades gelificantes das proteínas de soja. Por outro lado, o aumento do GH teve um efeito negativo nas propriedades emulsionantes, o qual foi atenuado por adição da goma de alfarroba, com efeito positivo na gelificação das proteínas de soja. A concentração crítica limite de compatibilidade entre os hidrolisados de proteína de soja e a goma de alfarroba aumentou com o decréscimo do GH e da massa molecular do polissacacrídeo. O efeito da AP sobre as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos IPS foi influenciado pela origem do isolado e pelas condições de tratamento. O processamento até 100 MPa desencadeou um aumento da atividade emulsionante e considerável melhoria da capacidade gelificante. Contudo, valores de pressão superiores promoveram a desnaturação das proteínas constituintes dos isolados, resultando no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação e numa re-associação das subunidades proteicas, diminuindo a elasticidade dos géis finais. Os resultados sugeriram que as alterações nas proteínas de soja promovidas durante o tratamento por AP constituem um fator limitante para o desdobramento e re-associação durante o aquecimento térmico, necessários para a formação e fortalecimento de gel formado. O processamento por AP influenciou a estrutura secundária e a microestrutura das amostras. A presença de GA teve um papel baroprotetor. Assim, com este trabalho demonstrou-se que com as estratégias seguidas para manipulação das propriedades funcionais de proteínas de soja, nomeadamente através da adição de um polissacarídeo com propriedades estruturais controladas, da adequada combinação da adição de um polissacarídeo neutro com a hidrólise controlada das proteínas ou com tratamento por alta pressão, é possível a criação de novas funcionalidades, com utilidade no desenvolvimento de novas formulações alimentares, permitindo expandir a aplicação destas proteínas vegetais.
All the evidence indicates that distillation and liqueurs preparation began in Monchique mountain because this place was pointed as a possible capital of the oldest population of Algarve and an important Arabic village (Barreto, 1972: 19). It was possible to find lots of vestiges like the alembic produced by Arabic population near the X century (Telo, 1988: 77). Traditionally the Algarvian people produce the Arbutus unedo L., fig, carob, grape distillates. At the same time they produce liqueur-using maceration of parts of plants or fruits in some kinds of distillates. Most of the work about Algarvian distillates started by studying the basic compounds of Arbutus unedo spirits by gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) as well as other physical-chemical properties. In a second phase aged distillates were studied by their phenolic compounds evolution using high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC). Volatile compounds of traditional liqueurs were identified by head space micro extraction solid phase (HE-SPME) and also analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and when possible confirmed with standards. Total phenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteur method. Flavenoids were studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sensorial analysis was also done in every drink studies. The results showed that the arbutus distillate doesn’t present a high level of methanol according to the current legislation. The excesses of acidity or ethyl acetate present normal values when the fermentation is well done (Galego, et al. 1995: 341; Galego, et al. 1995: 685). During the aging process, the colour of spirits tend to become darker, the colour changes occurred more rapidly in the arbutus spirits located in cellars with higher temperatures (Galego, et al. 2001: 432). In the sensory evaluation of samples aged during 12 months into 50 L medium toasting level oak wood barrels, panellists considered that samples of arbutus spirit had too much wood flavour and they were not able to detect the characteristic aroma of arbutus fruit (Galego, et al., 2001: 183). Differences in liqueurs were observed using HS-SPME-GC, HS-SPME-GC-MS or HPLC analysis and this observation was confirmed by a sensorial panel (Galego, et al. 2003: 60).
Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
O objectivo primordial deste trabalho foi efectuar a extracao e o estudo das proteinas da Goma da Alfarroba ou Locust Bean Gum (LBG) com vista a sua clarificacao e purificacao. Para atingir este objectivo em primeiro lugar estudou-se o teor de etanol que se deveria utilizar numa suspensao aquosa de LBG, uma vez que a LBG e um polissacarido que hidrata facilmente com agua e consequentemente origina solucoes altamente viscosas que impossibilitam a realizacao de tecnicas de extracao de proteinas. Para isso estudou-se o comportamento da LBG em suspensoes aquosas com 10% (p/v) de LBG e diferentes concentracoes de etanol, designadamente 10% (v/v), 20% (v/v), 30% (v/v) e 40% (v/v). Com este estudo concluiu-se que seria necessario utilizar uma concentracao de 40% (v/v) de etanol a 96% em cada suspensao de LBG a 10% (p/v) para conseguir evitar a sua hidratacao excessiva. Assim, todas as extracoes neste trabalho foram realizadas de acordo com estas condicoes. Posteriormente com vista a extracao das proteinas da LBG testaram-se diferentes tratamentos, designadamente tratamentos alcalinos, acidos e com detergentes. Segundo a bibliografia consultada para os tratamentos alcalinos, realizaram-se estas extracoes com hidroxido de sodio (NaOH) com concentracoes de 0,025 M, 0,05M, 0,1M e 0,2M. Estes tratamentos foram iniciados com uma concentracao de NaOH a 0,2M, contudo apos analise dos resultados verificou-se que esta originou uma LBG com uma coloracao mais amarela do que a LBG bruta (inicial) apresentava. Sendo a ideia final a clarificacao da goma este nao foi um resultado desejavel e como tal testaram-se concentracoes inferiores de NaOH, acima referidas. No final concluiu-se que todas estas extracoes efetuadas com NaOH originavam uma LBG mais amarela do que a LBG bruta e que assim este nao seria o tratamento mais adequado para o objectivo pretendido. Como tal prosseguiram-se os estudos com um tratamento acido, que atraves de consulta bibliografica se iniciou com acido sulfurico (H2SO4). O tratamento acido iniciou-se com uma concentracao de H2SO4 de 0,1M, testando-se posteriormente tambem uma extracao com H2SO4 com concentracao de 0,05M. No final destas extracoes verificou-se que a LBG obtida em ambas apresentava uma coloracao mais clara do que a LBG bruta, o que representava, numa primeira analise, um bom resultado. Por fim efectuaram-se extracoes solido-liquido com diferentes detergentes, designadamente com Tween 20, Tween 40, Tween 60, Tween 65, Tween 80, Tween 85, Triton X-100, Triton X-114 e SDS todos a uma concentracao de 0,1% (v/v) a excepcao do Tween 65 em que foi utilizada uma concentracao de 0,1% (p/v), porque a temperatura ambiente este detergente e solido. No final destas extracoes concluiu-se que na maioria dos casos a LBG apresentava uma coloracao mais clara do que a LBG bruta. Para quantificar as proteinas extraidas atraves de cada um dos tratamentos acima mencionados utilizaram-se dois metodos, o metodo de Bradford para quantificar as proteinas presentes nos sobrenadantes das extracoes e o metodo de Kjeldahl para quantificar as proteinas ainda presentes na LBG apos as extracoes. Analisando os resultados obtidos por estes metodos concluiu-se que a extracao efetuada com Tween 80, em que se efectuou uma lavagem adicional a LBG durante a filtracao com uma solucao de agua destilada e etanol a 40% (v/v), foi a que apresentou melhores resultados. Assim, foi com esta amostra proteica que se prosseguiram os estudos as proteinas. Para realizar os estudos as proteinas extraidas efectuou-se uma eletroforese em SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) com o intuito de verificar o estado da amostra. Analisando os geles obtidos constatou-se que a amostra se encontrava em boas condicoes. Deste modo realizou-se uma eletroforese bidimensional (2 – D) das proteinas extraidas da LBG. Nesta tecnica, como se desconheciam que tipo de proteinas se encontravam presentes na amostra utilizou-se uma banda de pH para a Focagem Isoelectrica (1a Dimensao) entre 3 e 10 e a separacao por Peso Molecular (2a Dimensao) foi efetuada em SDS-PAGE. Analisando os geles obtidos concluiu-se que a maioria das proteinas presentes nesta amostra apresentam pontos isoelectricos na gama de pH entre 5 e 6 e tem pesos moleculares entre 40 e 60 kDa. Pode-se entao concluir que o objectivo deste trabalho foi apenas parcialmente atingido uma vez que se conseguiu extrair e estudar algumas das caracteristicas das proteinas presentes na LBG, mas nao se alcancou a sua clarificacao.
Tese de doutoramento, Filosofia (Filosofia em Portugal), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015
AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the administration of microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum CRL 1815 with two combinations of microbially derived polysaccharides, xanthan : gellan gum (1%:0·75%) and jamilan : gellan gum (1%:1%), on the rat faecal microbiota. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 10-day feeding study was performed for each polymer combination in groups of 16 rats fed either with placebo capsules, free or encapsulated Lact. plantarum or water. The composition of the faecal microbiota was analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis. Degradation of placebo capsules was detected, with increased levels of polysaccharide-degrading bacteria. Xanthan : gellan gum capsules were shown to reduce the Bifidobacterium population and increase the Clostridium histolyticum group levels, but not jamilan : gellan gum capsules. Only after administration of jamilan : gellan gum-probiotic capsules was detected a significant increase in Lactobacillus-Enterococcus group levels compared to controls (capsules and probiotic) as well as two bands were identified as Lact. plantarum in two profiles of ileum samples. CONCLUSIONS: Exopolysaccharides constitute an interesting approach for colon-targeted delivery of probiotics, where jamilan : gellan gum capsules present better biocompatibility and promising results as a probiotic carrier. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: This study introduces and highlights the importance of biological compatibility in the encapsulating material election, as they can modulate the gut microbiota by themselves, and the use of bacterial exopolysaccharides as a powerful source of new targeted-delivery coating material.
Good Practice in EU Public Service Media and Contemporary Practice in Jordan: A Comparative Analysis
UNESCO Amman Office Foreword: UNESCO Amman office is pleased to publish a comparative analysis between good Public Service Media (PSM) practices in Europe and the contemporary practice in Jordan. The study is part of the Support to Media in Jordan project, funded by the European Union, aiming to increase media freedom, media independence and journalistic professionalism in Jordan. The state owned broadcaster, Jordan Radio and Television (JRTV), has informed, entertained and educated Jordanians for decades. JRTV reaches almost every corner of the Kingdom and has the potential to serve all Jordanians with balanced, impartial and accurate news and programmes relevant to their day-to-day lives.Based on this potential there has been a long standing ambition to transform the JRTV from a state broadcaster to a public service broadcaster; from a TV and radio that predominately serves the state, to a broadcaster that serves the public and is independent from the Government of the day. This ambition is expressed also in the Support to Media in Jordan project, agreed between the Government an the EU, under which UNESCO has been asked to produce two studies: The comparative PSM analysis and a broader media landscape assessment based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDI’s). The Jordanian MDI assessment was carried out by a team of national and international researchers during the first six months of 2015, and builds on the rich flora of recent studies on the Jordanian media landscape, as well as on original research. The study is available in Arabic and English. Professor Naomi Sakr carried out the comparative PSM analysis parallel to the MDI study, and in close cooperation with the MDI research team and UNESCO Amman office.
This study aimed to carry out experimental work to determine, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, the friction factor (fc) with simultaneous heat transfer, at constant wall temperature as boundary condition, in fully developed laminar flow inside a vertical helical coil. The Newtonian fluids studied were aqueous solutions of glycerol, 25%, 36%, 43%, 59% and 78% (w/w). The non-Newtonian fluids were aqueous solutions of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polymer, with concentrations of 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% (w/w) and aqueous solutions of xanthan gum (XG), another polymer, with concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2% (w/w). According to the rheological study done, the polymer solutions had shear-thinning behavior and different values of viscoelasticity. The helical coil used has an internal diameter, curvature ratio, length and pitch, respectively: 0.00483 m, 0.0263, 5.0 m and 11.34 mm. It was concluded that the friction factors, with simultaneous heat transfer, for Newtonian fluids can be calculated using expressions from literature for isothermal flows. The friction factors for CMC and XG solutions are similar to those for Newtonian fluids when the Dean number, based in a generalized Reynolds number, is less than 80. For Dean numbers higher than 80, the friction factors of the CMC solutions are lower those of the XG solutions and of the Newtonian fluids. In this range the friction factors decrease with the increase of the viscometric component of the solution and increase for increasing elastic component. The change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, is in accordance with the study of Ali [4]. There is a change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, which is in according to previous studies. The data also showed that the use of the bulk temperature or of the film temperature to calculate the physical properties of the fluid has a residual effect in the friction factor values.